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Acts 2: 41-42
Andres C. Guevara Jr.
November 25, 2007 SUN p.m.

As we look back to the beginning of the New Testament Church we find that after Peter’s sermon at
Pentecost about 3,000 were added to the disciples, of whom there were about 120.

"They that gladly received his word were baptized." These converts proved the genuine nature of their
repentance and faith first by obedience to the Lord’s command of baptism, and then by steadfast
continuation in four basic areas of the Christian life: 1) doctrine 2) fellowship 3) breaking of bread 4)
• These features might be regarded as the ordinary activities by which church member-ship is
sustained. Steadfast continuation in right doctrine, spiritual fellowship, attending the Lord’s table,
and the prayer meetings should be regarded as normal and binding upon every church member.
• This is not only supported by the example of the early Christians but by the exhortations of the
apostles (Heb. 10: 24, 25) and elsewhere in the New Testament (Acts 20: 16-32; Rev. 2 and 3;
Eph. 4: 1-16).


• The concept of church membership is important and scriptural. The Lord was conferring authority
upon His apostles, indicating that discipline in the church would have to be maintained when He
rendered in Matthew 16:19 the words “the keys of the kingdom”. Keys are used to shut out and to
close in.
• The apostles and their evangelists such as Timothy and Titus used God- given authority to
appoint bishops (or pastors) in the churches. Instructions as to the qualifications of bishops are
provided. Their authority is clearly given—Titus 3; Titus 2. Believers or church members are
exhorted to obey and submit themselves to their Pastor–Hebrews 13:17.
• Now it is obvious that we cannot obey pastors unless they are identified, nor can pastors rule
unless there are specific people for whom they are responsible. People who were added to the
church were identifiable individuals—Acts 2:47.
• The pastors are responsible for those who are clearly joined to the church. On the other hand, all
the members of a church are involved in the calling of a pastor and in the appointment of
• Paul addresses the believers in Philippi. This passage pictures the validity of church membership
where it includes all that are in the local church namely: the Pastor and deacons with the church
members—Philippians 1:1


• Those church members who cut themselves off from involvement and fellowship are spiritually
sick or stunted in their spiritual growth.
• God provide a formula for the believer’s growth.—Ephesians 4:11-12
• Without church membership the believer fails to progress in grace and knowledge. It is through
the local church that the individual members develop in understanding, exercise their gifts, give,
receive, and share spiritual life. There will be a believer’s stunted spiritual growth without church
• Anyone can attend church but attendance is not membership. Anyone can tithes and give for faith
promise missions but membership is more than giving. Not all church members do all what they
should but that is no excuse for not becoming a church member.


How can we maintain our membership to be active?

A. Continue steadfastly in the Apostles’ Doctrine.—Acts 2:42
• Ecumenical movements have attempted to destroy the order—Acts 2: 42. Notice that doctrine is
much important and placed before fellowship. They err in that fellowship is placed before
doctrine. Let all things be done in order. Doctrine is important but not to those who declared that
we should love one another and unite despite of differences in beliefs. We become a Christian by
believing the TRUTH. Many seek to unite a large assortment of denomination; who deny
fundamental doctrines of salvation by grace through faith and reject the supreme authority of Holy
Scriptures. Essential and doctrines such as the wrath and justice of God and the substitutionary
blood-atonement of Christ, the virgin birth of Christ, the inspiration of the Scriptures are omitted.

B. Continue steadfastly in Fellowship—Acts 2:42.

• The word “fellowship” in Greek here means communion, or having things in common.
• You do not have to be a Christian to have fellowship with others. Unbelievers gather and joined
each other whether by association or organization. On the other hand, Christian’s fellowship is an
entirely different kind. It includes sharing spiritual life, we receive the joy imparted by the Holy
Ghost, we worship with praising and edifying activities, we share God exalting testimonies that
strengthen the faith of others.
• Above all, Christian fellowship is a blessing because of the presence of Jesus Christ who said,
"where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them"

C. Continue steadfastly in the Breaking of Bread—Acts 2:42.

• All church members must be present at the Lord’s Supper. Here, attendance is desired. There is
the visible act of communion and union together of the believers.
• The purpose why the disciples are commanded by Christ to celebrate this ordinance is"to show
forth the Lord’s death" –I Corinthians 11: 26. Every time the communion supper is held we are
reminded of His body and blood for our redemption. Church members must remember the Lord’s
vicarious sufferings that bring salvation. Christ suffers for the sins of many once and for all that
we are sanctified.
• Authority for the maintenance of the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper belongs to the sphere of the
local church alone. There can be no adequate substitute for a local church. It is the duty of every
Christian without exception to do all that is humanly possible to contribute to the well-being of the
local church.

D. Continue steadfastly in Prayer Meeting—Acts 2:42

• Every member of the church should attend prayer meeting each week because it is a vital part of
the life of the church. Something happens when churches prays. The church members express
their total dependence upon the Lord to sustain the church through prayer.
• We are not prepared and cannot even begin the spiritual warfare without participation in prayer.—
Ephesians 6:18
• Through prayer we show our love to the brethren and bearing one’s another’s burdens—John
13:34; Galatians 6:2

There is no such thing as a perfect church, for there are no such things as perfect Christians. Joining a
church is not to think in terms of what might receive, but rather of what they might contribute. It is the duty
of every Christian without exception to do all that is humanly possible to contribute to the well-being of the
local church.

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