Rangkuman Bio

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Where do you usually find the sign above ?

A. At the airport B. At the bus station C. In an office D. In a school

2. Rendi sends the card to show that she is . . . Arin

A. Happy for B. Proud of C. Fond of D. Disappointed with

To: Tria
Have you finished with my English storybook? If you have, please bring me the book
to the course this afternoon. Sonya wants to borrow it. Thank you
From : Arin

Why does Arin write the message?

A. To ask Tria to return her book this afternoon C. To use the book in the course
B. To ask Tria to give the book to Sonya D. To borrow the book from Tria

4. From the message we know that Arin will . . .

A. Stay at home C. Go to the mall with Tria
B. Go to Sonya’s house D. Have a course with Tria

We would be happy for your coming on
“ Arin Rozanny’s“
Birthday Party
Thursday, February 9, 2012
at 4 in the afternoon

The Rozan’s House

888 Fortune Road
Where will the party be held? RSVP : Fitro Rozan at rozn@yahoo.com
A. in a restaurant C. In a public hall
B. at school D. At the Rozan’s house

6. If you are invited the party, what should you do ?

You should . . .
A. confirm whether you want to come or not C. Call arin and say thank you
B. ignore the invitation D. Come before the time set

All students of grade IX will have a final examination. That’s why, they will have extra
classes after school. All students of grade IX must join it. For the schedule and more information,
please contact your class teacher.
What is the announcement about?
A. The final test C. Lessons for the students of grade IX
B. The schedule of extra classes D. Extra classes for the students of grade IX

8. Why must all students of grade IX join the programme?

A. They will graduate from school C. They will have a mid term test
B. They will have a new teacher D. They will have a final examination

Going To Green Trees Park

Last month, the Wilson went to Green Trees Park. Jim and Sally sat under the trees and talked and read.
The children played ball. Sally decided to take pictures of the children. She focused her camera. Then, she
heard a scream, Sally looked up. A man was stealing a woman’s purse. He was running in her direction. Sally
though fast. She took three pictures of the man, when the police came, she gave them the film. The next day,
one of Sally’s photographs was in the newspaper. under the pictures was the story of robbery. In a few hours,
the police knew the men’s name and address. They went to his houses and arrested him. The man is now in jail.
9. When did the Wilsons go to the Green Trees park?
A. Last Year B. Yesterday C. Last week D. Last month

10. Who sat under the tree when the children played ball?
A. Jim B. Sally C. Jim and sally D. The children

11. The following statements are true according to the text, except ………
A. Jim and Sally sat under the trees and talked and read C. A man was stealing a woman’s purse
B. Jim decided to take picture of the children D. Sally’s photographs was in the newspaper

12. “ He was running in her direction “, the word he refers to ….

A. Jim B. The thief C. Sally D. Children

How to Make Mushroom Soup

Ingridients :
 12 ounces mushrooms * 4 yolks
 /2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
* 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
 11/2 teaspoons salt * 1/4 teaspoon pepper
 2 pints chicken stock
Steps :
1. Prepare the mushrooms and place them in a frying pan with melted butter
2. Cover the pan an cook them for 10 minutes then add the chicken stock
3. Season with the salt, pepper and nutmeg
4. Bring to boil and than simmer for 30 minutes
5. Sieve and blend until smooth with remaining ingridients
6. Return to the pan and heat. Remove the pan from a stove and let it cool
7. Add the beaten yolks and cream, stirring gently. Don’t boil
8. Garnish and the chopped parsley and serve

13. How long do we cook the mushroom?

A. at last 5 minutes C. For more than 10 minutes
B. for 10 minutes D. For 30 minutes

14. How many ingredients do you need ?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

15. What should we do after boiling and simmering the mushrooms?

A. season with the salt, pepper, and nutmeg
B. add the beaten yolks and cream. stirring gently
C. place the mushrooms in a frying pan with melted butter
D. sieve and blend until smooth, with remaining ingredients

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to explain how to make mushroom soup C. to explain how to enjoy delicious mushroom soup
B. to describe delicious mushroom soup D. to inform the materials needed to make mushroom soup

Read the text below and answer number 17 to 21.

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a real princess . He traveled all over the world to
find one, but in vain. He always found faults in every princess he met. So he came home again and was sad.
One evening a terrible storm broke out; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents.
Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.There in front of him a princess
was standing. She was completely drenched and trembling."Well, we'll soon find out who she is," thought the old
queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the
bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on it.
On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said
she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something
hard. It's horrible!" Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the
twenty mattresses. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife,
he knew that he had a real princess.

17. The best title for the text is ….

A. The Kind Old King C. The Prince and the Bride
B. The Wise Queen D. The Princess and the Pea

18. What did the queen do to find out whether she was a real princess?
A. She allowed the princess sleep with her in her room
B. She asked her to sleep on the mattresses with a pea at the bottom.
C. She asked the prince to hide a pea under the twenty mattresses.
D. She asked the king to put a pea under the twenty mattresses.

19. What do we know about the princess? She was ….

A. very honest. C. a princess in disguise.
B. looking for a husband. D. impolite

20. ‘… then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on it, …’ (Paragraph 2). What does the underlined word refer
A. the bedroom C. the pea
B. the bedstead D. the bedding

21. It's horrible!" (Paragraph 3). The underlined expression refers to ….

How to Make a Boat or a Hat
A. willsleepless
need night
: a half page newspaper C. the twenty mattresses
B. her being drenched
What to do : D. the queen’s unfriendliness
 First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.
 Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded.
 Next, fold the corners down to the middle.
 After that, fold the corners down to the middle again
 Then, fold the points down to the middle.
 Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or wear it or as a hat.
22. How many times do we have to fold the paper?
A. 6 C. 5
B. 4 D. 3

23. How many steps should we follow to make a good paper boat or hat mentioned in the text?
A. 7 C. 6
B. 5 D. 4

24. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat.”
the underlined word could be best replaced with the word . . .
A. Design C. Create
B. Perform D. Have

Read the text below and answer number 25 to 27.

A bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial services. it is an institution that
holds a banking license,
The word bank derived from the italian banca. this word derived from German and means bench. Typically, a
bank generates provides from transaction fees on financial services or the interest from a loan. The type of
services offered by a bank depends on the type of banks and the country. however, bank service usually
include lending out money to companies and individuals, issuing checking and saving accounts, cashing checks,
facilitating money transaction such as wire transfer, issuing credit cards, ATM, debit cards, and also storing
valuable things in safe deposit boxes.

25. The main idea of the first paragraph is . . .

A. definition of a bank C. Bank, financial services
B. bank, a financial institution D. Banking license institution

26. What is the word bank derived from?

A. Italy C. Italian
B. German D. Germany

27. “a bank is a financial institution that provides banking . . . “ Which word has the similar meaning to the
underlined word?
A. lends C. Services
B. gives D. Facilitates

Read the text below and answer number 28 to 30.

That Sunday evening I felt very tired after hanging out the whole day with my friends at the mall. As soon as
I arrived home, I hung my jacket in a hanger and got ready to take a rest. suddenly I remembered that I had
to call a friend. I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find my phone. I was getting panicky. I asked everyone in
the house whether they knew where my mobile phone was, but no one knew. well, I lost it I thought. then I had
an idea I asked to my brother to call my mobile phone. to my surprise, I heard it ringing in my jacket. my
mobile phone was there.

28. What is the text about?

A. a tiring day C. A mobile phone in a jacket
B. my friends mobile phone D. My brother’s mobile phone

29. What is the writer’s purpose for writing the text?

A. to amuse the readers C. to inform how to do something
B. to describe a particular person D. to tell others about his/her experience

30. From the text, we know that the writer’s is a/an . . . person
A. careful C. forgetful
B. cautious D. attentive

One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. this is the giraffe we saw at the zoo. it is
male and it is about 6 meters tall.
The giraffe has big brown eyes. they are protected by very thick lashes. the giraffe has brown spots on
the skin. this coloring helps protect the giraffe. it also has 2 short on its head.
Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. one source of water is the leaves on the
trees. The giraffe is tall, it can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree .
The giraffe has 2 methods of self protection. if something frightens an adult giraffe, it can gallop away at
about 50 kilometers per hour or stay to fight with its strong legs.

31. The true fact about the giraffe is that . . .

A. it needs more water than the camel C. it has small brown eyes
B. it eats tree leaves for water D. it is about 7 meters tall

32. The giraffe is about . . . meters tall

A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 6

33. The giraffe has 2 methods of self protection. one of them is . . .

A. A.looking for other giraffes C. hiding in a certain place
B. staying to fight with its strong legs D. staying and doing nothing


Bahagia Hotel, with 100 rooms, is located in the suburban area of Malang

The hotel provides the calm and quite of the suburban area. The ideal location
of the hotel which is about 15 km from AAbdurahman Saleh Airport makes it a
top choice for business traveler.
The hotel has a restaurant which serves many kinds of Indonesian and
International cuisine.
The hotel has an elegant ballroom, meeting rooms for meeting, conference,
exhibition and wedding.

34. What is the reservation,

To make advertisement please
about? call Bahagia Hotel at (024) 7607979.
A. The location of Bahagia Hotel C.How to make reservation.
B. The restaurant of Bahagia Hotel D. Bahagia Hotel

35. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

A. The hotel is located in the town centre C. You can make reservation by the phone.
B. The restaurant serves Indonesian cuisine only D. There is no ballroom in the hotel.

36. “...serves many kinds of Indonesian and International cuisine.”

The underlined word can be best replaced by ........

A. cruise B. food C. drink D. souvenirs

The text is for number 37 - 40

January 3rd, 2012

Jl. Hamid Rusdi 15
Jawa Timur

Dear Arina,

How are you ? We are fine and we always hope you fine, too.

Arina, when I first moved in the fifth year of Khadijah Elementary School, Malang, I felt very clumsy. But,
because of my friends, we are chummy.
At the Indonesian Independent commemoration, my friends give me an opportunity to perform on the
stage. I tried to perform my ability to read poem well. Wow, all of my friends were amazed and clapped
their hands. Since then, all of my friends honor me.

I think that’s enough for now. Don’t forget to reply my letter. thank you.

Yours sincerely,


37. When did Rahman write the letter ?

A. On January 3 rd, 2012 C. Today
B. On December 31 th, 2011 D. After having a semester test

38. Where does the writer study now ?
A. In the fifth year C. At Khadijah Elementary School
B. in another school D. In Malang

39. Why did all of Rahman’s friends honor him ? Because ...
A. Rahman showed all of his ability in front of them C. He was the cleverest boy of all friends in his class
B. Rahman had a good talent to read poem D. He performed on the stage well

40. How did Rahman’s feeling ?

A. Sad B. Boring C. Proud D. Moody

The text is for number 41 – 43

Orchids are a group of over 20,000 species of flower that grow on every continent except Antarctica.
Some species are found throughout the tropics. Orchids have a big central petal called the lip or labellum. it is
often shaped like a cup, trumpet or bag.
(Adapted from: 1000 facts on Plants)

41. What does the text tell you about ?

A. Antarctica B. Species C. Orchids D. Tropics

42. “ It is often shaped like a cup, trumpet or bag. “

The underlined word refer to...
A. Labellum B. A cup C. group D. Species

43. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text ?

A. Orchids can grow in Europe C. The central petal of orchids called labellum
B. Orchids can grow in Antarctica D. The labellum is often shaped like a cup, trumpet or bag.

The text is for number 44 – 45

Since there is always room for improvement
We thought we could add something new in our menu.
We are proud to announce that our restaurant provide something special.
You won’t find it another place
Big size of beef burgers now available!
The prize is very reasonable for such kind of big, big beef burger
Enjoy it, and don’t hesitate to express you’re your feeling about this new burger
44. What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. to announce a new restaurant.
B. to introduce a new menu of the restaurant.
C. to tell the readers how big the new burger is.
D. to inform the readers the new improvement of the restaurant.

45. Based on the next above we know that…..

A. the restaurant is new C. the costumers can have the burger for free
B. the prize of big burger is cheap D. the specially of the new burger is in its taste

Arrange the jumble words into a good order.
46. reach – keep – of – out – children – of - the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 2 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 3 – 5 C. 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 7
B. 2 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 3 – 1 D. 6 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 7

47. you – could – operate – to – photocopier – show – this – me – how - ?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 1 – 2 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 5 C. 2 – 1 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 5
B. 1 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 8 D. 2 – 8 – 6 – 1 – 9 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 5

Re arrange these sentences into a good paragrph

1. It’s raining heavily
2. But don’t worry I can stand for it
3 Wish me luck with my study
4. I’ll do my best here for you
5. I wish I had you both next to me in such a cold and lonely night like now.
6. I promise to make both of you proud of me.

48. The right arrangement of the sentence above to complete the post card is ....
A. 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 C. 4 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 3
B. 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 D. 4 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 3

49. The best arrangement of the following sentence is...

1. We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day.
2. We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc.
3. We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and sock.
4. So, don't jog only on Sundays.
5. Jogging does not need a lot of money
6. If we want to make our body fit.

A. 6-1-2-4-5-3 C. 5 - 3 - 2 - 6 - 1 – 4
B. 5-2-6-1-3–4 D. 6 - 1 - 5 - 3 - 2 – 4

50. Arrange the following sentences into a good order of procedure !

1. Second, pay what we buy
2. After that, take some paper napkin and a straw
3. These are the ways on how to eat at a fast food restaurant
4. Third, take the food and drink after the clerk put them on a tray
5. First, come and stand in line in front of the counter
6. Finally, eat and enjoy your lunch at the table provided
7. Then, order the food and drink based on the menu

A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 6
B. 3 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6
C. 3 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 6
D. 3 – 5 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 6



1. D 26. C
2. B 27. C
3. A 28. C
4. D 29. D
5. D 30. C
6. A 31. B
7. D 32. D
8. D 33. D
9. D 34. D
10. C 35. C
11. B 36. B
12. B 37. A
13. C 38. B
14. C 39. B
15. D 40. C
16. A 41. C
17. D 42. A
18. B 43. B
19. A 44. D
20. C 45. D
21. A 46. A
22. C 47. C
23. C 48. B
24. C 49. C
25. A 50. B


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