A Call To Accountability

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A Call to Accountability

Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
I. Introduction: We all love the freedoms enumerated and
protected by our Constitution and should be grateful for the
liberties we have as Americans. However, along with our
wonderful rights come important responsibilities. As believers, we
are accountable to God not only for the course of this country,
but for the path we take in our lives. Therefore, we must live in a
manner that not only glorifies the Father and edifies others but
also preserves and protects the sacred values we hold dear.
II. Our liberty in Christ does not give us the right to
indulge in sin.
A. Parents should talk daily to their children about the things of
the Lord (Deut. 6:7).
B. Though our sins have been forgiven, we will still face
consequences for the choices we make (Matt. 25:14-30). This
can be seen vividly through Jesus' parable of the talents. The
Lord gives us gifts, skills, resources, and talents, and we are
responsible to use them in ways that honor Him. If we fail to do
so, we forfeit our rewards in heaven.
III. What is accountability?
Accountability means we are answerable to others, and we
should accept this responsibility as a gift from God. Not only
does it provide a system of checks and balances that protect us
from harm, but it also gives us unique opportunities to share our
lives with others and encourage them.
IV. What biblical examples do we have concerning
A. Adam and Eve—Genesis 3:8-19
B. Samuel and Saul—1 Samuel 13:8-14
C. Nathan and David—2 Samuel 12:1-14
D. Jesus and Peter—Matthew 16:21-23
V. Why is accountability important for our lives?
A. Knowing that someone will ask about our conduct motivates
us to do our best and encourages us to be good stewards of our
time, talents, and resources.
B. When we're answerable to others, we are positioned for
promotion. As those in authority review our work, they realize
our potential.
C. Accountability inspires and protects us and those we're
closest to, which makes our relationships even stronger.
D. We must regularly face the truth about our attitudes and
actions, and examine whether we are staying in the center of
God's will.
E. Being responsible to the Lord and others challenges us to
maintain high standards, godly convictions, a transparent heart,
and a trustworthy character.
VI. Why do people resist accountability?
A. Rebelliousness
B. Slothfulness
C. Fear of loss
D. Untrustworthiness
E. Pride
VII. What happens without accountability?
A. We cannot do our best.
B. Our resources may be wasted.
C. Spiritual growth will be hampered.
D. There will be divisions in our most important relationships.
E. We will miss opportunities, privileges, promotions, and
F. Others may feel free to take advantage of us.
VIII. Conclusion: Accountability is absolutely necessary in every
aspect of our life, starting with relationships in our family and
among fellow believers. However, we must also hold others in
society responsible for what they do, whether they are in the
church, the schools, or the government. These are serious days
for our nation and world, and as believers, we are charged with
defending the faith and proclaiming the gospel of salvation—the
only true path to freedom from sin and death. We know the truth,
so we cannot keep silent about it. Rather, we're accountable to
declare the truth as passionately, effectively, and fearlessly as we

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