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There are following steps are involved in analysis of knuckle
pin as shown below:
 Geometric modeling
 Material Specification
 Define Section of KNUCKLE PIN
 Assembly (Dependent or Independent Part)
 Create Step (Size increment)
 Meshing of KNUCKLE PIN
 Load ( Boundary Conditions ,shear load )
 Create Job
 Result
 Comparison of result
 Discussion of result
 Conclusion and Future Scope
1.Geometric Modeling:
Numerical simulation needs 3D geometry of modal under consideration. The
3D model of KNUCKLE PIN is given below which make in Abqus/CAE 2017.

Modal under study is knuckle pin as shown in fig. 1. Dimensions of pin is

shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Shows The Dimension of Knuckle Pin.

Part Dimension
Pin Diameter 30mm
Pin Head Diameter 45mm
Length of Pin 98mm
2. Material Specification :
In present study, results are calculated for the pin of material Teflon for the
loads and the obtained results are then compared with 30C8 and Gray Cast Iron
Grade 20 materials. Properties of 30C8 Gray Cast Iron Grade 20 and Teflon
material are shown in Table 2 Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3: Properties of Teflon Material [4]

Young’s Modulus 5.e+008

Poisson’s Ratio 0.46
Ultimate Tensile 2.07e+007
Compressive Yield 1.5e+007

Table 2: Properties of 30C8 Material [2]

Young’s Modulus 2×105 MPa

Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Yield Strength 200 MPa

Putting these properties of material one by one in abaqus Material Command.

The diagram which is capture from abaqus when put the properties of material
in abaqus which are given below:

FOR 30C8:
3. Define Section of KNUCKLE PIN:
Define section of material for all three material 30C8 and Teflon. The from
which define or create section of material is solid and homogeneous is given
below :

4. Assembly (Dependent or Independent Part):

After defining the section of material then select the assembly of material
which is Dependent mesh on part .The diagram of select assembly is given
below for all two material 30C8 and Teflon.
5. Create Step (Size increment):
After selecting the assembly then select create step from abaqus in which
select the General in which set the name of set is (set 1) and set the procedure
Type is Static ,General.The diagram of this procedure for all two material
30C8 and Teflon is given below :
And then select size increment which is given below:

5. Meshing of KNUCKLE PIN:

After step procedure then select the Mesh Command in which given the
number of nodes greater the number of nodes then result will be better for all
two material 30C8 and Teflon as shown below:

6: Load ( Boundary Conditions,shear load):

a. Boundary Conditions:
After Meshing the knuckle pin the select the load command from abaqus in
which 1st of all selecting the boundary conditions which is
Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre and then continue ,Then select the portion of
knuckle pin for Boundary Condtions for all two material and Teflon which is
shown below:
Then apply load of 50kn in knuckle pin which is known as shear load .At this
load we can see that the failures of pin for all of two materials 30C8 and
Teflon as shown below:
6. Create Job:
After Shear Loading then Create job and then submitted for result for all of
two materials 30C8 and Teflon as shown below:
I will take the result for all two material 30C8 and Teflon for 50KN load and
comparing result of these three material . Simulation has provided the result for
von mises stress and displacement as shown below:

Load 50KN:

Vonmises Stress For 50 KN

Vonmises Stress For 50 KN under deformation

Tresca stresses For 50KN

Tresca stresses For 50KN under deformation

Third Invariant For 50KN

Third Invariant For 50KN under deformation

S23 Stresses For 50KN

S23 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

S13 Stresses For 50KN

S13 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

S12 Stresses For 50KN

S12 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

Load 50KN:

Vonmises Stress For 50 KN

Vonmises Stress For 50 KN under deformation

Tresca stresses For 50KN

Tresca stresses For 50KN under deformation

Third Invariant For 50KN

Third Invariant For 50KN under deformation

S23 Stresses For 50KN

S23 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

S13 Stresses For 50KN

S13 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

S12 Stresses For 50KN

S12 Stresses For 50KN under deformation

8.Comparison Of Result:
Comparison of Results for Vonmises Stress

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load Vonmises Vonmises

1 50KN 236MPa 218MPa

Comparison of Results for Tresca Stress

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load Tresca Tresca

1 50KN 273MPa 252MPa

Comparison of Results for Third Ivariant

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load Third Ivariant Third


1 50KN 177 167

Comparison of Results for S23 Stress

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load S23 S23

1 50KN 45MPa 39MPa

Comparison of Results for S13 Stress

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load S13 S13

1 50KN 48.48MPa 48.45MPa

Comparison of Results for S12 Stress

30C8 Material Teflon

S.No. Load S12 S12

1 50KN 126MPa 116MPa

9.Dicussion Of The Result:
1.Magnitude of vonmises stress ,Tresca,S23,S13,S12and Third
Invariant is maximum at middle section of the pin.
2.Magnitude of vonmises stress is less in Teflon as compared to
30C8 material.
3.Magnitude of Tresca stress is less in Teflon as compared to 30C8
4.Magnitude of Third Invariant stress is less in Teflon as compared
to 30C8 material.
5.Magnitude of S23 stress is less in Teflon as compared to 30C8
6.Magnitude of S13 stress is less in Teflon as compared to 30C8
7.Magnitude of S12 stress is less in Teflon as compared to 30C8

10.Conclusion and Future Scope:

As the magnitude of vonmises stress ,Tresca,S23,S13,S12and Third
Invariant is far less in Teflon as compared to 30C8. This shows life of
knuckle pin of Teflon would be more as compared to 30C8.So, in
future Teflon can be used as an alternative to presently used 30C8.

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