Philosophy Paper Edu

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The Philosophy in My Classroom

Belle Winsor

Chandler-Gilbert Community College

Dr. Joni Burris


Education is the backbone of society because a lack of education prevents growth and

progression. Throughout countries, states, cities, and towns each school focuses on different

philosophies and principles that they believe are the most successful. From the authoritarian

essentialism to free learning existentialism there are many different roles for teachers, rules for

classroom behavior, and required classes for graduation. Students learn in each philosophy, but

which one is the best? Personally, I believe that John Dewey’s philosophy, progressivism, is the

most successful for students to be engaged in their learning while still acquiring the knowledge

needed for college and life after school.

Dewey believed that teachers are essential but their role is not to control every detail of

the classroom and the students. Instead, it is to inspire the students to reach their own

conclusions and find their beliefs while remaining in charge of what is happening in the

classroom and the rules regarding safety and general education. Teachers have to find the

balance between dictatorship and being the student's best friend instead of educator. Students are

forced to play an active role in their education by engaging in discussions, completing

assignments, taking extra steps necessary for them to learn material, and choosing what elective

classes interest them and will help them grow. The teachers are there to guide the students in

their education while creating ways to teach to every type of learner. For example, in science the

teachers can use models, assign research papers, or have the students participate in a science fair

because education should include “real-life experiences and a child’s curiosity” (Koch, 2016, p.

43). Similar actions can be taken in other subjects as well.

So far I want to teach kindergarten because the student's brains are sponges that want to

absorb knowledge while still enjoying school. In my kindergarten classroom I will incorporate

progressivism to educate the students in order to continue to grow their love of school. While

teaching math I could teach to the kinesthetic learners by using chips and a ten count grid, the

aural learners will hear me explain, and the visual learners could see me solve problems while

also explaining. During science I can use models as well as create experiments that the students

can do or observe and think of their own predictions. When I learned about how much of the

earth is made up of water my science teacher cut an apple and kept the percent that was water to

help us visual the facts. I believe that type of teaching would be helpful to younger students.

With writing, tracing letters and sounding them out everyday helps the students learn how to read

and write. Progressivism can be tied to each lesson and subject in a way that helps the students

become well rounded members of society.

Social communication and interactions are key to learning and teaching in a

progressivism fashion. My students should have the ability to discuss the rules the classroom and

why they help us have a constructive classroom. When my class makes choices that are

disruptive and break the class rules, I can have a class discussion about why they are not on the

right path. From that discussion the students can think of ways to correct their behavior instead

of me having to raise my voice and force them to be a silent, obedient class. If I ask a question

that warrants different opinions and promotes discussions then students should feel able to add to

the class while feeling safe and supported by myself as well as their peers. Not one person knows

everything, and group sharing can promote success and great ideas.

John Dewey was a magnificent philosopher as well as activist for teacher unionization,

his ideas changed education for the better (Koch, 2016). I believe progressivism is crucial to

enlightening students and ensuring that they are engaged in class and their education. It is not the

teacher’s job to give students the facts, but to guide them and feed their curiosity. Students learn

better when they are interested in the lessons and feel that it will help them in real-life. Without

passion, curiosity and purpose students do not learn at their full potential and come to resent

school. I will not let that happen thanks to John Dewey’s progressivism.


Koch, J. (2016). TEACH. 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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