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Frederick Brito

Leigh Moore

Composition I (ENGL-1301-01)

18 April 2019

Gillette: Best Man Can Get

Gillette Made this film as a public service announcement to show the problems that boys

need to be aware of when it comes to being a man. Gillette states from the title of their YouTube

and description that rather than being a ad, It's more of a message to take action for a nonprofit

organization that is partnered with Gillette. from the film you'll see that Gillette believes that

there are too many boys that aren't trying to be the respectful men that they are suppose to be. It

shows that the adult men also justified this by using a phrase that will forever be told, "Boys will

be Boys". The ad starts off with men looking at themselves in the mirror while a radio in the

background plays the news about bullying, sexual reassessment and toxic masculinity. with the

starting off the question with "Is this the best a man can be?" As one of older Gillette ads play as

the visual. Which is quite a ironic play that Gillette makes that one of their old ads are expressing

the "Be the best man you can be" tone while in this short film they are contradicting themselves

Gillette logo colors is themed around being much more darker colors such black and

blue. The only lighter color is white but is darken shading into it. The color choices they went

with is to make it more appealing to men as darker colors do often appear more manly. The blue

color is important to the role and it more of a representation for a man as blue is often liked by


The Beginning starts off with a group of boys breaking through a projector screen which

turns out that one of the boys is being chased by the other group which then Leads up to a close
up of a text message of "Freak" then a cut to a mother holding his son as he appears to seem to

be in pain, then the group of boys from before break in as begin to destroy the living as they are

running by, still chasing the same young boy while in the background another news story can be

heard discussing the bullying problems . This segments shows the young boys being destructive

and insensitive to the boy calling names like freak, sissy and a loser. The Short films start off this

way to show some of the problems that need to be changed for the future of young people in this

world that will be men of tomorrow. Its starts off this way to show how wrong it is to be this way

with each other and how it affects other people when people are bullied with the mother holding

on to his son. Bullying is a national world wide problem and the short film does a good job in

expressing a way to present that. Gillette also shows that bullying is also cyber with it coming

from online and text messages.

There is a lot of visual things are being showed to still young but much older boys in this short

film. these teens are watching what Gillette narrator states "that has been going on far too long"

of sexual harassment as a normal thing that being broadcast on live TV as humorous. Live TV

can often be a misinterpretation of how to actually be in the real world. It can often give the

wrong message off even though all its trying to do is be a entertaining source they show this off

by having the audience of men in the stands laughing at the live comedy act of the man who in

act of sexual harassment. Along with over exaggerating pool parties.

The "boys will be boys" phrase slowly changes throughout the video as the solution to

the problems with men are notified by other men telling the boys what is different between right

and wrong. The ad wants young boys to learn that bullying & sexism is not a good option &

show what it takes to be a better man.

Work cited

Gillette: The best a man can be Video

“Why the Gillette ad misses so bad”

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