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Brito 1

Frederick Brito

Leigh Moore

Composition I (ENGL-1301-01)

18 February 2019

The Net Neutrality Repeal

Net Neutrality is a concept that internet providers are restricted from slowing, speeding or

controlling the process in which how fast their internet can run for consumers or what they are

allowed to search on the internet, which is referred to “bandwidth throttling” . It allows the users

to freely use the internet without ISP (Internet Service provider) such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint,

or Xfinity, to charge them an extra fee for using websites like google, youtube, twitter, or any

other websites that are found on the internet. It also protects the competition of other ISPs

blocking each other to favor their own content, websites and videos over competitors. Net

Neutrality was first introduced by the “father of the internet”, Vint Cerf, as a way to protect users

from ISPs back in 1997. However, the American FCC chairman Ajit Pai wants to Repeal Net

Neutrality he feels that internet providers should have the option of adding extra fees for

websites. In order to benefit the ISPs in making more money and to let the government have

some control in it as well.

With Net Neutrality to this day still protecting the internet, the repeal of it will not only

allow ISPs to charge fees for websites, but it will also give the internet service providers the

option to push other websites that are creating good content down into the slow lane if they

aren’t able to pay for the fee that the ISPs can charge website providers. This will also allow the

ISPs to completely censor the internet, if a website comes up that uses unpopular speech that a

ISPs doesn’t agree with, they are able to block it or remove it at freewill. The repeal of Net
Brito 1

Neutrality has been on an ongoing battle for the last four years. On February 19, 2014, The FCC

announced plans to make new rules against Net Neutrality while complying with the court

rulings. In response the public was all against it. In May 2014, many major different internet

companies such as Google, Microsoft, Ebay and Facebook sent letters to the FCC chairman at

the time, Tom Wheeler disagreeing with the order and representing it as a “grave threat to the


A few years later the FCC chairman Tom Wheeler will of stepped down when Trump

first entered office in December 15, 2016. Shortly after, A new chairman will of taken Wheelers

spot in mid 2017, Ajit Pai will conuntine on attempting to attack the Net Neutrality protection for

the internet. He will make his own new rules against it and will move forward for the repeal. He

will appear on many news networks and podcast stating his reasoning towards the repeal for Net

Neutrality. One Article network known as “Wired” making Ajit Pai the villain of the internet

with one of their news articles being named “This is Ajit Pai, Nemesis of Net Neutrality”. The

public began to grow worry and started campaigns to help win the fight against the repeal by

sending letters to congress of america in an attempt to make them pass a law that will stop the

FCC regulations. Big companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint, have came up with the idea

of “Data Caps” which limits a consumers usage of mobile data, which was never a requirement

on internet. A Youtuber named “Boogie2988” States his opinion on this situation by saying that

“It’s no surprise that big tech companies like those wanna remove the net neutrality from the

internet”. Many of internet celebrities all supported each other in helping get the word out to

congress to help avoid the FCC from passing the repeal, plenty of youtube videos, facebook post,

and twitter accounts all begin writing, speaking and announcing the negative feedback publicly,

Stating that the FCC is removing the freedom of the internet. But shortly after even with all the
Brito 1

reports to the congress and the many written news articles with how much people want Net

neutrality it was repealed on January 4, 2018 with vote resulting 3 to 2 from congress. Shortly

after the FCC published the official text for “Restoring internet freedom”

The chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai, believes that allowing ISPs to be able to control the

traffic of what content goes and comes from the internet will help change the online environment

and help in ISPs in making more money that they can use in order to expand and improve

internet quality, This is also included for the websites that will be paid in order to receive the

extra speed times that users will choose the opinion to pay for if they want faster bandwidth. Ajit

Pai says that giving the ISPs the opportunity to make more money from there consumers will

benefit the connection speed for bandwidth.

The repeal of Net Neutrality in the United States will also have an effect on other parts of

the world says the people who want to keep it. On March 27th, 2019 the EU’s copyright market

has successfully passed the “Article 13” Which will banned copyrighted material such as memes

to be removed from EUs internet search engines.

Work Cited

Net Neutrality “Senators who voted to save it”


Net Neutrality “Both sides of the heated debate


Wired “Nemesis of Net neutrality”

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