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Chinese Uyghur Internment, and Three Potential


Nathan Bitners
Political Studies
Mrs. Conners & Ms. Lanni
February 5th, 2019
Bitners 1

Internment Camps in China are inhumane and go against our natural rights. The

Internment and torture of Uyghur Muslims goes against 12 of our 30 natural rights. Victims have

told horror stories of inside these camps, and citizens say they have not seen loved ones for

months, and fear they may have died. China has announced their existence as “‘vocational

schools’ which combat ‘terrorism and religious extremism’” which has been proven to be
falsified information. The torture and slavery in these camps directly breaks natural rights four

and five. Senator Marco Rubio proposed the idea that U.S. corporations should stop selling

China items that can be used for repression, including DNA technologies and video surveillance

The repression of Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, China began in 2014, “after the May 23
bombing of a marketplace in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, in which 39 people died.” The

Chinese “anti-terrorism” campaign escalated when Communist Party Secretary Chen Quanguo
relocated to Xinjiang to take over the operations in 2016. From there, the mass incarceration

grew to extreme proportions, with some rumors circulating about torture and famine inside of the

newly built internment facilities. After being unable to deny the existence of these camps, the

Chinese government announced their existence by saying “people willingly attend special
‘vocational schools’ which combat ‘terrorism and religious extremism’.”

Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps."
Wong, Edward. "U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Over Muslim Detention

"Chinese Anti-terrorism Campaign Moves Swiftly in First Month." The Christian Science
Monitor. June 24, 2014. Accessed January 23, 2019.
"China: Massive Crackdown in Muslim Region." Human Rights Watch. September 10, 2018. Accessed January
28, 2019.
Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps." BBC. October 24, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.
Bitners 2

The Chinese government has been building internment camps in the Xinjiang province of

China since 2015, and locking away Turkic Muslims in these camps. Reports of torture and

death inside these camps are being published daily. “Nobody can move because they watch you

through the video cameras, and after a while a voice came from the speakers telling you that now

you can relax for a few minutes. That voice also tells you off for moving…we were watched,
even in the toilet. In political education camp, we were always under stress.” This imprisonment

does not just stay at these camps, but is also ripping away people's privacy.

The government also deals out home stays, where soldiers routinely come to one’s house,

and often stay overnight to make sure you cannot leave. “Since early 2017, twice a week,

officials came. Some people even stayed for a night. The authorities came in advance and made a

list and assigned new ‘relatives’ to you. … [The officially-assigned “relatives”] talked to my son,

my grandkids, they took pictures, they sat at the table, they asked, ‘Where’s your husband, where

did he go?’ I was really frightened, and I pretended to be busy looking after my grandkids. I was
worried that if I spoke I’d let slip that my husband had gone [abroad]. So, I stayed silent.”

The repression of Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, China began in 2014, “after the May 23

bombing of a marketplace in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, in which 39 people died. 13 people

were executed for ‘organizing, leading and participating in terrorist groups,’ according to the

state run Xinhua news agency. Three more were sentenced to death on the same day by an

Urumqi court for an attack on Tiananmen Square in Beijing in October 2013 in which six people
​ "China: Massive Crackdown in Muslim Region." Human Rights Watch. September 10, 2018. Accessed January
28, 2019.

​ "China: Massive Crackdown in Muslim Region."
Bitners 3

died.” The level of repression increased dramatically after Communist Party Secretary Chen

Quanguo relocated from the Tibet Autonomous Region to assume leadership of Xinjiang in late
2016. After being unable to deny the existence of these camps, the Chinese government

announced their existence by saying “people willingly attend special ‘vocational schools’ which

combat ‘terrorism and religious extremism’.” These camps have continued to be expanded upon,
with one camp doubling in size from March to October 2018.

“In their demand last month, Mr. Rubio and other lawmakers urged officials at the State

and Treasury Departments to impose sanctions on Chinese companies that have profited from

building the camps or the region-wide surveillance system, which includes the collection of

biometric and DNA data. They singled out Hikvision and Dahua Technology for the

surveillance. Mr. Rubio said that the CECC will also ask the United States Commerce

Department to prevent American companies from selling technology to China that could
contribute to the surveillance and tracking.”

While this may be a start, there are plenty of companies in China and the surrounding

area that can provide devices for surveillance and tracking. According to, there
are over 100 companies in China alone that provide video surveillance. Sanctions have already

​ "Chinese Anti-terrorism Campaign Moves Swiftly in First Month." The Christian Science
Monitor. June 24, 2014. Accessed January 23, 2019.
​"China: Massive Crackdown in Muslim Region." Human Rights Watch. September 10, 2018. Accessed January
28, 2019.
​Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps." BBC. October 24, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.​.

​Wong, Edward. "U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Over Muslim Detention
Camps." The New York Times. September 10, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.
​ "EUROPAGES - B2B Search." Biodegradable Packaging | Companies. Accessed January 28, 2019. surveillance.html.
Bitners 4

been placed on these companies, with the hardest hits going to Hikvision and DahuaTech. “The

United States Senate passed the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act on August 1st, 2018,

under which the United States government will be banned from buying Chinese-made
surveillance equipment from several Chinese firms.”

The Chinese government has denied claims that they are imprisoning Uyghur Muslims

and try to suggest that these are anti-terrorism camps. "’The local Chinese government is taking

these preventative counter-terrorism and de-extremization measures to protect more people from

being devoured by terrorism and extremism,’ Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua
Chunying said in December, 2018”

This information has been proven false, as many refugees and escapees tell horrible

stories of not being fed and being tortured in these camps. “Nobody can move because they

watch you through the video cameras, and after a while a voice came from the speakers telling

you that now you can relax for a few minutes. That voice also tells you off for moving…we were
watched, even in the toilet. In political education camp, we were always under stress.” There

are also many satellite images of these camps being rapidly expanded on, with analysis of these

​ "China's Top Two Surveillance Camera Makers Take Beating from US Ban." South China Morning Post.
September 24, 2018.
Accessed January 28, 2019.
​Rogin, Josh. "Ethnic Cleansing Makes a Comeback - in China." The Washington Post. August
02, 2018. Accessed January 14, 2019.
​"China: Massive Crackdown in Muslim Region." Human Rights Watch. September 10, 2018. Accessed January
28, 2019.
Bitners 5

buildings showing them as detention centers. “It appears as a place designed to pack as many
people into as small an area as possible” Raphael Sperry

Another solution that has been proposed by The Concerned Scholars features a similar

proposal to Marco Rubio’s suggestion. The Concerned Scholars published a seven-step process

to stop the illegal internment of Uyghur Muslims in China. Their first proposed step is to “call on

states and institutions to issue formal statements demanding that Xi Jinping and Chen Quanguo

immediately abolish the ‘transformation through education’ detention system and release all

Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other detainees.” The next step would be to “call on states and

institutions to demand and impose economic sanctions on Chinese authorities and technology

companies in- and outside of China, which are benefiting from this process. Such sanctions

should go beyond lower-level officials and target Chen Quanguo, under whose leadership in the

region this system of mass incarceration has been instituted. Likewise, they should include

high-profile technology companies, whose concessions to the Chinese government on internet

surveillance have implicated them in the repression presently taking place in the XUAR.”

These two steps would put huge amounts of both political and economic pressure on China, as

well as pressure China major allied countries, including Russia and North Korea.

The third step of this plan would be to “call on states and institutions to introduce

legislation joining Germany and Sweden in granting expedited asylum to Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and

other Turkic Muslim minorities from China and a blanket refusal to deport Uyghurs and other

​ Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps." BBC. October 24, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.

"Statement by Concerned Scholars on China’s Mass Detention of Turkic Minorities." Concernedscholars.home
(blog), November 26, 2018. Accessed January 29, 2019.
Bitners 6

Turkic Muslims to China.” This could potentially lead to a mass exodus of Muslims from

China, which could lead to economic and political problems in the Chinese government. Step

four of the plan is to “call on Beijing to cease its extra-territorial campaign of harassment against

members of the Uyghur diaspora community around the globe and urge relevant states and

institutions where those communities reside to make the protection of Uyghurs a matter of
priority in their diplomatic relations with Beijing.” This step would allow the countries where

Turkic Muslims to reside to join the movement against these camps, as well as stop Turkic

repression in those countries.

The fifth step of this plan is to “call on the thirteen UN member states that expressed

grave concern about the existence of this system of mass incarceration at the recent UN

Universal Periodic Review of China’s human rights record to spearhead a movement for UN

action aimed at investigating this mass internment system and closing the camps. Additionally,

we call on those states that have yet remained silent on this issue, including Muslim-majority

states and those in Central Asia whose own citizens or citizens’ relatives have been interned, to
join in this action.” This would pit the UN and many member countries against China, putting

the international community against China until these camps are no more.

The sixth and seventh steps are to “call upon countries presently engaged in negotiations

regarding projects that are part of the Belt and Road Initiative, particularly those that are linking

to the XUAR as a hub for trade and commerce, to make their involvement in these projects

contingent on the closing of the mass internment camps and the ceasing of other means of mass


​ "Statement by Concerned Scholars on China’s Mass Detention of Turkic Minorities." Concernedscholars.home
(blog), November 26, 2018. Accessed January 29, 2019.
Bitners 7

repression to which the Turkic minorities in this region are currently subjected.” and to “call

upon academic institutions around the world with formal partnerships with state-run Chinese

academic institutions to express their concern about the present situation in the XUAR with their

colleagues and to consider suspending their partnerships until the camps have been closed and all
detainees are released.” These steps will stop the countries and organizations from assisting in

the suppression of the Turkic Muslims.

This solution is the best out of the three solutions proposed, as it is very detailed in the

steps of the process to end this illegal internment of Turkic Muslims. One flaw of this plan is that

it takes a large amount of cooperation with other countries, and requires an agreement with many

countries to not deport a major population back to China. However, if this agreement is achieved,

this is the greatest and most detailed plan to stop these camps.

The Solution from the Concerned Scholars is the best solution because of how in depth it

is, and that only some steps can happen and it could result in the problem coming to an end. For

example, if the first step were too happen, it would put immense social pressure on China, and

they could fold under the pressure. The problem with this plan is that this plan would require

many countries to cooperate, including most of the western world.

The repression of Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, China began in 2014, and has continued
for nearly 5 years into 2019. The Internment and torture of Uyghur Muslims goes against 12 of

our 30 natural rights. Victims have told horror stories of inside these camps, and citizens say they


​"Chinese Anti-terrorism Campaign Moves Swiftly in First Month." The Christian Science
Monitor. June 24, 2014. Accessed January 23, 2019.
Bitners 8

have not seen loved ones for months, and fear they may have died. China has announced their

existence as “‘vocational schools’ which combat ‘terrorism and religious extremism’” which has
been proven falsified information. The torture and slavery in these camps directly breaks

natural rights 4 and 5.

​Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps." BBC. October 24, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.
Bitners 9


"2018 Annual Report." Regulations on the Registration and Management of Social

Organizations (CECC Full Translation) | Congressional-Executive Commission on China.
October 10, 2018. Accessed January 23, 2019.​.

"Statement by Concerned Scholars on China’s Mass Detention of Turkic Minorities."

Concernedscholars.home (blog), November 26, 2018. Accessed January 29, 2019.

"Universal Declaration of Human Rights." United Nations. Accessed January 30, 2019.​.

Buckley, Chris. "China Breaks Silence on Muslim Detention Camps, Calling Them 'Humane'."
The New York Times. October 16, 2018. Accessed January 23, 2019.

Buckley, Chris, and Austin Ramzy. "China's Detention Camps for Muslims Turn to Forced
Labor." The New York Times. December 16, 2018. Accessed January 14, 2019.

Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Subcommittee On East Asia, The Pacific, And International Cybersecurity Policy, 1-7 (2018)
(testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby).

Ford, Peter. "Chinese Anti-terrorism Campaign Moves Swiftly in First Month." The Christian
Science Monitor. June 24, 2014. Accessed January 23, 2019.

Patranobis, Sutirtho. "China Distorting Facts about Xinjiang Camps, Says Exiled
Uyghur Group." Https:// October 17, 2018. Accessed January 22,
Bitners 10

Rogin, Josh. "Ethnic Cleansing Makes a Comeback - in China." The Washington Post. August
02, 2018. Accessed January 14, 2019.

Sudworth, John. "China's Hidden Camps." BBC. October 24, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.​.

Wong, Edward. "U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Over Muslim Detention
Camps." The New York Times. September 10, 2018. Accessed January 22, 2019.

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