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Bordelon 1

Mark Bordelon

Professor Moore

Composition 1

31 January 2019

My writing space is in my kitchen on my island counter. This is my favorite spot to read,

write, and do my homework. I enjoy this area the most out of any spot in the house because I can

still be with my family while doing my assignments, instead of being in my room by myself. I

also like doing my homework here because I do not have a desk in my room, so I would have to

sit on my bed to do my work. I sit on a nice, comfortable, cushioned bar stool that is the perfect

height for the island counter. The small chandelier above my writing space produces a warm

glow that helps me to see what I am reading or writing. Most of the time when I sit at my spot, I

listen to music to block out all of the background noise. We are a close, noisy, animal-loving

family, so my area in the kitchen can sometimes get loud. My Mom’s favorite things are candles,

so she always has one burning on the kitchen island, which I find relaxing.

I love my writing space, but there are a few things that I would like to change about it.

Like I said before, my house can get kind of loud at times and that is why I like to listen to

music, but my headphones do not always help. I sometimes I wish I could use a remote control
Bordelon 2

and turn down the volume of my family like I can with the TV. I am kind of a messy person so

my area can become very cluttered and disorganized. That is really more of a personal problem

that I need to work on myself, but it does affect my writing area. The noises and messiness are

not that big of a deal but it can sometimes have a big impact on my work. It can become very

distracting and hard to focus on what I am doing.

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