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Mark Bordelon

Professor Moore


21 February 2019

Today, the 21st of february, I went to the library at the UHCLP campus for the first time.

I spoke to the librarian, Mrs. Anna and she showed me around the library. She was a very nice

lady and was happy to tell me about the library and what it has to offer. She told me about all the

different services and books. She told me that they have some books that are available to

students but are not allowed to be checked out of the library. She also showed me the computers.

The computers are open to all students and they are connected to the printers so if a student ever

needs something printed they can print it out in the library. The library also has a scanner that is

available for students to use for free. Mrs. Anna also told me that she offers one on one help with

students that need assistance with research for paper or for a class.

The library at the school is small but it has everything that a student would need and

more. The library was very quiet and seems like it would be a nice place to study or do any

school work that needs to get done. The other people in the library were not talking and were

focused on what they were doing so it seems like a place with minimal distractions. The library
is also very well lit by the large windows and the lights in the room. On one side of the library

there are open tables for studying and doing school work and the other side is the computers. For

all of these reasons I can see myself coming back to the library, whether I need to study and

concentrate or if i need to use the computers and printers.

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