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Establishment Id/ Name Employee Share

[JHJAM00061790000203733/SUDIP DAS] 4,557

Member Id/Name Employer Share

Office Name

Particulars Deposit Withdrawal

Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share
OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2016 0 0 0 0 0
Cont. For 012017 762 233 0 0 529
Cont. For 022017 1,059 324 0 0 735
Cont. For 032017 890 272 0 0 618
Int. Updated upto 31/03/2017 19 6 0 0 0
OB Adjustment- ( AUTO 541 166 0 0 376
IPR(Back Period) (2016-2017)-
Contribution only
OB Adjustment- ( 1 0 0 0 0
Period) (2016-2017)-Int ( Type A )
calculated upto 0
Cont. For 042017 1,423 435 0 0 988
Cont. For 052017 243 74 0 0 169
Cont. For 062017 911 279 0 0 632
Cont. For 072017 911 279 0 0 632
Cont. For 082017 1,032 316 0 0 717
Cont. For 092017 1,214 371 0 0 843
Cont. For 102017 1,457 446 0 0 1,012
Cont. For 112017 1,518 464 0 0 1,054
Cont. For 122017 1,579 483 0 0 1,096
Cont. For 012018 1,336 409 0 0 927
Grand Total 14,896 4,557 0 0 10,328

12-02-2018 14:21:54
--End Of Statement-- Printed On

Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server. This information may not be use for legal

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