Introduction: Biology Today: Lectures by Edward J. Zalisko

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Chapter 1

Introduction: Biology Today

PowerPoint® Lectures for

Campbell Essential Biology, Fifth Edition, and
Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology,
Fourth Edition
– Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey, and Jane B. Reece
Lectures by Edward J. Zalisko © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
Biology and Society:
Biology All Around Us
• We are living in a golden age of biology.
• Scientists are studying a myriad of questions that
are relevant to our lives.
– How can errors in cell growth lead to cancer?
– How do plants trap solar energy?
– How do living creatures form ecological networks
and how do human activities disrupt them?

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Biology and Society:
Biology All Around Us
– How did the great diversity of life on Earth evolve
from the first microbes and how does such
evolution have an impact on human health?
– How do mutations in genes lead to disease?
– How can DNA—the molecular basis of heredity—
be used in forensic investigations?

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Figure 1.0
The Properties of Life
• Biology is the scientific study of life.
• The study of biology encompasses
– a wide scale of size and
– a huge variety of life, both past and present.

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Figure 1.1a

(a) Order (b) Regulation

(c) Growth and development (d) Energy processing

Figure 1.1b

(f) Reproduction

(e) Response to the environment (g) Evolution

Figure 1.1ba

(a) Order
Figure 1.1bb

(b) Regulation
Figure 1.1bc

(c) Growth and development

Figure 1.1bd

(d) Energy processing

Figure 1.1be

(e) Response to the environment

Figure 1.1bf

(f) Reproduction
Figure 1.1bg

(g) Evolution
Life at Its Many Levels

• Biologists explore life at levels ranging from the

biosphere to the molecules that make up cells.

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Figure 1.2-1

1 Biosphere
2 Ecosystems
3 Communities

4 Populations

5 Organisms
Figure 1.2-2

1 Biosphere
2 Ecosystems
3 Communities

4 Populations

5 Organisms

6 Organ Systems
and Organs

7 Tissues
Figure 1.2-3

1 Biosphere
2 Ecosystems
3 Communities

4 Populations

5 Organisms

6 Organ Systems
and Organs

10 Molecules and Atoms

9 Organelles
7 Tissues Atom

8 Cells
Figure 1.2a

1 Biosphere
Figure 1.2b

2 Ecosystems
3 Communities
Figure 1.2c

4 Populations
5 Organisms
Figure 1.2d

6 Organ Systems and Organs

Figure 1.2e

7 Tissues
Figure 1.2f


8 Cells
9 Organelles
Figure 1.2g


10 Molecules and Atoms


• Each organism interacts continuously with its

– Organisms interact continuously with the living and
nonliving factors in the environment.
– All the living organisms in a specific area, along
with all of the nonliving factors with which they
interact, form an ecosystem.

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• The dynamics of any ecosystem depend on two

main processes:
– recycling of chemical nutrients and
– flow of energy.

• Within ecosystems
– nutrients are recycled but
– energy flows through.

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Figure 1.3

Inflow of heat
of light energy



Producers Decomposers
(plants and other Cycling (in soil)
photosynthetic of
organisms) nutrients
Cells and Their DNA

• The cell is the level at which the properties of life

• Cells are the lowest level of structure that can
perform all activities required for life.
• All organisms are composed of cells.
• Cells are the subunits that make up multicellular
organisms such as humans and trees.

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Cells and Their DNA

• All cells share many characteristics.

– All cells are enclosed by a membrane that
regulates the passage of materials between the
cell and its surroundings.
– Every cell uses DNA as its genetic information.

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Cells and Their DNA

• We can distinguish two major types of cells:

1. The prokaryotic cell is
– simpler and usually smaller and
– characteristic of bacteria.

2. The eukaryotic cell is

– subdivided by internal membranes into different
functional compartments called organelles and
– found in plants and animals.

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Figure 1.4

Prokaryotic cell (bacterium) Eukaryotic cell

• Smaller Organelles • Larger
• Simpler structure • More complex
• DNA concentrated in structure
nucleoid region, which is • Nucleus enclosed
not enclosed by membrane by membrane
• Lacks most organelles • Contains many
types of organelles

region Nucleus

Colorized TEM
Figure 1.4a

Prokaryotic cell (bacterium)

• Smaller
• Simpler structure
• DNA concentrated in
nucleoid region, which is
not enclosed by membrane
• Lacks most organelles
Colorized TEM

Figure 1.4b

Eukaryotic cell
Organelles • Larger
• More complex
• Nucleus enclosed
by membrane
• Contains many
types of organelles

Colorized TEM
Cells and Their DNA

• All cells use DNA as the chemical material of

genes, the units of inheritance that transmit
information from parents to offspring.
• The chemical language of DNA
– is common to all organisms and
– consists of just four molecular building blocks with
names that are abbreviated as A, G, C, T.

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Figure 1.5

The four
blocks of

A DNA molecule
Cells and Their DNA

• Genetic engineering has transformed the

pharmaceutical industry and extended millions of

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Figure 1.6
Cells and Their DNA

• The entire “book” of genetic instructions that an

organism inherits is called its genome.
• The nucleus of each human cell packs a genome
that is about 3 billion chemical letters long.

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Life in Its Diverse Forms

• Diversity is a hallmark of life.

– The diversity of known life includes about 1.8
million species that biologists have identified and
– Estimates of the total number of species range
from 10 million to over 100 million.

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Figure 1.7
Grouping Species: The Basic Concept

• Biodiversity can be beautiful but overwhelming.

• Categorizing life into groups helps us deal with this
• Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and
classifies species.
– It formalizes the hierarchical ordering of organisms
into broader and broader groups.

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The Three Domains of Life

• The three domains of life are

– Bacteria,
– Archaea, and
– Eukarya.

• Bacteria and Archaea have prokaryotic cells.

• Eukarya have eukaryotic cells.

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The Three Domains of Life

• Eukarya include
– Kingdom Plantae,
– Kingdom Fungi,
– Kingdom Animalia, and
– Protists (multiple kingdoms).

• Most plants, fungi, and animals are multicellular.

• Protists are generally single-celled.

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The Three Domains of Life

• These three multicellular kingdoms are

distinguished by how they obtain food.
– Plants produce their own sugars and other foods
by photosynthesis.
– Fungi are mostly decomposers, digesting dead
– Animals obtain food by ingesting (eating) and
digesting other organisms.

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Figure 1.8

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Animalia

Protists (multiple kingdoms)

Figure 1.8a

Figure 1.8b


Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Animalia Protists (multiple kingdoms)

Figure 1.8ba

Domain Bacteria
Figure 1.8bb

Domain Archaea
Figure 1.8bc

Kingdom Plantae
Figure 1.8bd

Kingdom Fungi
Figure 1.8be

Kingdom Animalia
Figure 1.8bf

Protists (multiple kingdoms)

Unity in the Diversity of Life

• Underlying the diversity of life is a striking unity,

especially at the lower levels of biological
– For example, all life uses the genetic language
of DNA.

• Biological evolution accounts for this combination

of unity and diversity.

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• The history of life is a saga of a constantly
changing Earth billions of years old.
– Fossils document this history.

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Figure 1.9
• Life evolves.
– Each species is one twig of a branching tree of
life extending back in time through ancestral
species more and more remote.
– Species that are very similar, such as the brown
bear and polar bear, share a more recent
common ancestor.

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Figure 1.10

Giant panda

Spectacled bear
Sloth bear

Sun bear
Common ancestor
of all modern bears
American black bear

Asiatic black bear

Common ancestor of Polar bear

polar bear and brown bear

Brown bear

30 25 20 15 10 5
Millions of years ago
The Darwinian View of Life

• The evolutionary view of life came into focus in

1859 when Charles Darwin published On the
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

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The Darwinian View of Life

• Darwin’s book developed two main points:

1. Species living today descended from a succession
of ancestral species in what Darwin called “descent
with modification,” capturing the duality of life’s
– unity (descent) and
– diversity (modification).

2. Natural selection is the mechanism for descent

with modification.

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Natural Selection

• Darwin was struck by the diversity of animals on

the Galápagos Islands.
• He thought that adaptation to the environment and
the origin of new species were closely related
– As populations separated by a geographic barrier
adapted to local environments, they became
separate species.

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Figure 1.11
Figure 1.11a
Figure 1.11b
Darwin’s Inescapable Conclusion

• Darwin synthesized the theory of natural selection

from two observations that were neither profound
nor original.
– Others had the pieces of the puzzle, but Darwin
could see how they fit together.

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Darwin’s Inescapable Conclusion

• Observation 1: Overproduction and competition

• Observation 2: Individual variation
• Conclusion: Unequal reproductive success
– It is this unequal reproductive success that Darwin
called natural selection.
– The product of natural selection is adaptation.

• Natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.

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Figure 1.12

1 Population with varied inherited traits

2 Elimination of individuals with certain traits

3 Reproduction of survivors

4 Increasing frequency of traits that enhance

survival and reproductive success
Figure 1.12a

1 Population with varied inherited traits

2 Elimination of individuals with certain traits

Figure 1.12b

3 Reproduction of survivors

4 Increasing frequency of traits that enhance

survival and reproductive success
Observing Artificial Selection

• Artificial selection is the selective breeding of

domesticated plants and animals by humans.
• In artificial selection, humans do the selecting
instead of the environment.

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Figure 1.13a

(a) Vegetables descended

from wild mustard
Wild mustard

Cabbage Brussels Kohlrabi Kale from Broccoli from Cauliflower

from sprouts from from stems leaves flowers from flower
end buds side buds and stems clusters
Figure 1.13b

(b) Domesticated dogs

descended from wolves

Gray wolves Domesticated dogs

Figure 1.13ba

Gray wolves
Figure 1.13bb

Domesticated dogs
Observing Natural Selection

• There are many examples of natural selection in

– In Galápagos finches, beak size becomes better
suited to the size and shape of available seeds.
– Antibiotic-resistance in bacteria evolves in
response to the overuse of antibiotics.

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Observing Natural Selection

• Darwin’s publication of The Origin of Species

fueled an explosion in biological research.
– Evolution is one of biology’s best demonstrated,
most comprehensive, and longest-lasting theories.
– Evolution is the unifying theme of biology.

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• The word science is derived from a Latin verb

meaning “to know.”
– Science is a way of knowing, based on inquiry.
– Science developed from our curiosity about
ourselves and the world around us.

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• There are two main scientific approaches:

– Discovery science is mostly about describing nature.
– Hypothesis-driven science is mostly about
explaining nature.

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Discovery Science

• Science seeks natural causes for natural

– This limits the scope of science to the study of
structures and processes that we can observe and
measure directly or indirectly.

• The dependence on observations that people can

confirm demystifies nature and distinguishes
science from belief in the supernatural.

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Discovery Science

• Verifiable observations and measurements are the

data of discovery science.
– In biology, discovery science enables us to
describe life at its many levels, from ecosystems
down to cells and molecules.

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Figure 1.14a
Figure 1.14b
Discovery Science

• Discovery science
– can stimulate us to ask questions and seek
explanations and
– uses a process of inquiry called the scientific
method, consisting of a series of steps that provide
a loose guideline for scientific investigations.

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Hypothesis-Driven Science

• Most modern scientific investigations can be

described as hypothesis-driven science.
– A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a question—
an explanation on trial.
– Although we don’t think of it in those terms, we use
hypotheses in solving everyday problems, like
figuring out why a TV remote fails.

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Hypothesis-Driven Science

• Once a hypothesis is formed, an investigator can

use logic to test it.
– A hypothesis is tested by performing an
experiment to see whether results are as
– This deductive reasoning takes the form of
“If…then” logic.

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Figure 1.15-1

Observation Hypothesis Prediction

The remote The With new
doesn’t batteries batteries, it
work. are dead. will work.
Figure 1.15-2

Observation Hypothesis Prediction

Question Experiment
The remote The With new
What’s Replace
doesn’t batteries batteries, it
wrong? batteries.
work. are dead. will work.

make more
and test.
Figure 1.15-3

does not
Revise. hypothesis.

Observation Hypothesis Prediction

Question Experiment
The remote The With new
What’s Replace
doesn’t batteries batteries, it
wrong? batteries.
work. are dead. will work.

make more
and test.
The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• One way to better understand how the process of
science can be applied to real-world problems is to
examine a case study, an in-depth examination of
an actual investigation.

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The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• Dietary fat comes in different forms.
• Trans fats are a non-natural form produced through
manufacturing processes called hydrogenation.
• Trans fats
– add texture,
– increase shelf life, and
– are inexpensive to prepare.

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The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• A study of 120,000 female nurses found that a diet
with high levels of trans fats nearly doubled the risk
of heart disease.

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The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• A hypothesis-driven study published in 2004
– started with the observation that human body fat
retains traces of consumed dietary fat,
– asked the question, Would the adipose tissue of
heart attack patients be different from a similar
group of healthy patients?, and
– formed the hypothesis that healthy patients’ body
fat would contain less trans fats than the body fat
in heart attack victims.

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The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• The researchers set up an experiment to
determine the amounts of fat in the adipose tissue
of 79 patients who had experienced a heart attack.
• They compared these patients to the data for 167
patients who had not experienced a heart attack.
• This is an example of a controlled experiment, in
which the control and experimental groups differ
only in one variable—the occurrence of a heart

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The Process of Science:
Are Trans Fats Bad for You?
• The results showed significantly higher levels of
trans fats in the bodies of the heart attack patients.
• You would do well to read nutrition labels and
avoid trans fats as much as possible in your own

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Figure 1.16

(g trans fat per 100 g total fat)

Trans fats in adipose tissue




Heart attack Control
patients group
Theories in Science

• What is a scientific theory, and how is it different

from a hypothesis?
– A scientific theory is much broader in scope than a
– Theories only become widely accepted in science if
they are supported by an accumulation of extensive
and varied evidence.

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Theories in Science

• Scientific theories are not the only way of “knowing

• Science, religion, and art are very different ways of
trying to make sense of nature.

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The Culture of Science

• Scientists build on what has been learned from

earlier research.
– They pay close attention to contemporary
scientists working on the same problem.

• Cooperation and competition characterize the

scientific culture.
– Scientists check the conclusions of others by
attempting to repeat experiments.
– Scientists are generally skeptics.

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Figure 1.17
The Culture of Science

• Science has two key features that distinguish it

from other forms of inquiry. Science
– depends on observations and measurements that
others can verify and
– requires that ideas (hypotheses) are testable by
experiments that others can repeat.

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Science, Technology, and Society

• Science and technology are interdependent.

– New technologies advance science.
– Scientific discoveries lead to new technologies.
– For example, the discovery of the structure of
DNA about 60 years ago led to a variety of DNA

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Figure 1.18
Science, Technology, and Society

– Technology has improved our standard of living

in many ways, but it is a double-edged sword.
– Technology that keeps people healthier has
enabled the human population to double to
7 billion in just the past 40 years.
– The environmental consequences of this
population growth may be devastating.

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Evolution Connection:
Evolution in Our Everyday Lives
• Antibiotics are drugs that help cure bacterial
• When an antibiotic is taken, most bacteria are
typically killed.
• Those bacteria most naturally resistant to the drug
can still survive.
• Those few resistant bacteria can soon multiply and
become the norm and not the exception.

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Evolution Connection:
Evolution in Our Everyday Lives
• The evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a
huge problem in public health.
• Antibiotics are being used more selectively.
• Many farmers are reducing the use of antibiotics in
animal feed.

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Evolution Connection:
Evolution in Our Everyday Lives
• It is important to note that the adaptation of
bacteria to an environment containing an antibiotic
does not mean that the drug created the antibiotic
resistance. Instead, the environment screened the
heritable variations that already existed among the
existing bacteria.

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Figure 1.19

Colorized SEM
Figure 1.19a
Figure 1.19b

Colorized SEM
Figure 1.UN01

Growth and

Regulation Energy processing

Response to
the environment Reproduction Evolution
Figure 1.UN02


Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Plantae Fungi Animalia Protists

(all other
Three kingdoms eukaryotes)
Domain Domain
Bacteria Archaea Domain Eukarya
Figure 1.UN03

Overproduction Conclusion
and competition
Unequal reproductive success
(natural selection)
Individual variation
Figure 1.UN04

Revise and repeat

Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction Experiment

Figure 1.UN05


complete maze (min) 20

Average time to


No reward
Food reward

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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