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Look at this table:

Vitamin Considerable Effects of Further notes
quantities found in deficiency
A milk, butter, fresh reduced resistance to Vitamin A is stored
vegetables disease, poor night- in the liver
vision, bad teeth
B1 yeast; the germ lack of appetite fatigue, Extreme deficiency
(embryo) of rice and nervous and digestive causes the diseases
wheat trouble ‘beri-beri’
B2 yeast, milk, meat, green skin disease, nervous
vegetables trouble
C fresh fruit and green anaemia, poor healing Lack of vitamin C
vegetables of wounds, reduced causes ‘scurvy’.
resistance to disease Vitamin C is
destroyed by
cooking in air
D liver, milk, egg yolk poor growth of bones Vitamin D is made
by sunlight from
body fat
E wheat germ, butter reduced fertility Effects of
deficiency have
been shown only in
K some green vegetables failure of the blood to Vitamin K is
clot normally produced
in the intestine by
A. Say whether these statements are true or false
1) Milk is. poor in vitamins A and B1
2) An adequate supply of vitamin C can be obtained from milk.
3) Fresh fruit contains a considerable amount of vitamin C.
4) An inadequate supply of vitamin D can lead to bone malformation.
5) Green vegetables provide more vitamin C after they have been cooked.
6) If food contains insufficient vitamin A, vision may be affected.
7) It has been shown that a lack of vitamin E reduces human fertility.
8) Eggs, milk and liver provide negligible quantities of vitamin D.
B. Answer these questions with information from the table
1) What are two possible reasons for reduced resistance to infection?
2) What should we eat to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin C?
3) Why is wheat germ a very useful food?
4) Why do people who eat rice without the husks .sometimes get `beri-beri' ?
5) Why is vitamin D deficiency more likely to occur in cold countries?
6) Why is vitamin K deficiency unlikely to occur?

Read the following paragraph and chart with your friends

Food gives us energy. It gives us nutrients to grow and to repair our bodies. It gives us
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. These nutrients are the body's
building blocks. The nutrients must be digested to become a few simple chemicals. This is
what gives us energy. This is also what keeps our body temperature at 98.6 degrees
bread butter
cake bacon
rice milk
pasta cream
potatoes chocolate
poultry fish
meat meat
vegetables eggs
berries milk
fish citrus fruit (oranges, grapefruit)
eggs green vegetables
Vitamin helps found in
Vitamin A vision carrots
Vitamin B us to grow, gives us an appetite wheat germ
Vitamin C strengthen gums, fight colds citrus fruit
Vitamin D build bones and teeth milk
Vitamin K clot blood lettuce

Mineral helps found in

Iron build red blood cells liver
Calcium teeth, bones
Phosphorous teeth, bones milk


Circle the words that best complete the sentences
1. Vitamin A helps our__________________
a) tests b) eyesight c) feet
2. Potatoes are rich in__________________
a) calcium b) proteins c) carbohydrates
3. A (an) __________________a citrus fruit
a) apple b) orange c) pear
4. Liver consists a lot of ________
a) iron b) fat c) carbohydrates
5. Lemons contain a lot of_________________
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C
6. One of the best all-around foods is________________
a) cream b) milk c) candy
7.____________________are fuel for our bodies.
a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) vitamins
8. A lot of Vitamin D is found in_________________
a) fruit b) milk c) liver
9. Carrots have a lot of Vitamin_________________
a) A b) B c) C
10. To build our bones and teeth we need_______________
a) Vitamin D b) lettuce c) fish

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