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Portfolio 2018-19

Summative Citizenship Reflection

Reflect on your four years of community service. In a thoughtful paragraph, discuss what you
did, what you learned about yourself, the value of community service, future careers or interests,
collaboration, workplace environments, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, and/or how the experience
of community service has impacted you.
The first way I have helped the community was by volunteering at the Lake Sonoma
Steelhead Festival. I volunteered here two years in a row. I helped the staff and other volunteers
set up chairs, tables, booths and a bunch of other fun activities. I worked an arts and crafts table.
I helped younger kids between the ages 4-13 make all types of different projects.
After I volunteered at the Steelhead Festival, the next place I volunteered at was The
Boys and Girls Club. I volunteered here for two years as well. I spent my time there making
projects for the community. I helped kids, kindergarten to fifth grade, do homework. I answered
the phones and took messages when needed. I signed kids in and out of the club as well.
In between helping out at Lake Sonoma and The Boys and Girls Club, I helped out with
The Cloverdale Ponytail League, scoreboard/lines for volleyball games, snack shack for
volleyball and football games. I spent most of my three years of high school helping out
Margaret Fitzgerald with keeping score for the games. As well as doing lines for the J.V team.
We, as a volleyball team, passed out water for the runners when they were doing the marathon.
As for softball we did some serving at the local crab feeds we have in town.

Have you registered to vote? Why or why not?

Yes, I registered to vote when I got my drivers license.

What are some ways that you plan to be an active citizen of this town, state, and/or country in
your adult life?
Portfolio 2018-19

I plan on continuing on helping the community in any possible way I can. I will make sure to
vote and have an opinion.

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