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Perioperative Skin Preparation

Liaison: Anthony T Tokarski BS

Leaders: David Blaha MD (US), Michael A. Mont MD (US), Parag Sancheti MS, DNB, MCh (Inter-
Delegates: Lyssette Cardona MD, MPH, MHA, AAHIVS, FIDSA, Gilberto Lara Cotacio MD, Mark
Froimson MD, Bhaveen Kapadia MD, James Kuderna MD, PhD, Juan Carlos López MD, Wadih
Y Matar MD, MSc, FRCSC, Joseph McCarthy MD, Rhidian Morgan-Jones MB BCh, FRCS,
Michael Patzakis MD, Ran Schwarzkopf MD, Gholam Hossain Shahcheraghi MD, Xifu Shang
MD, Petri Virolainen MD, PhD, Montri D. Wongworawat MD, Adolph Yates Jr, MD

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/jor.22548

ß 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 32:S26–S30, 2014.

Question 1A: Is there a role for preoperative skin total knee arthroplasty patients.3 In neither study
cleansing with an antiseptic? were patients randomized to receive treatment or no
Consensus treatment; however, the authors compared patients
Yes. Preoperative cleansing of the skin with chlorhexi- who completely complied with the protocol to patients
dine gluconate (CHG) should be implemented. In the who did not comply. Patients with partial compliance
presence of a sensitivity to CHG, or when it is were excluded from both studies.
unavailable, it is our consensus that antiseptic soap is
Chlorhexidine and methicillin-resistant organisms
A systematic review of the literature conducted by
Delegate Vote Karki and Cheng reported on a meta-analysis of
Agree: 90%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Con- two before-and-after studies that showed non-rinse
sensus) skin cleansing with CHG washcloths was effective in
reducing the risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococ-
Question 1B: What type and when should cus aureus (MRSA) skin colonization in the setting
preoperative skin cleansing with an antiseptic be of the intensive care unit. However, a meta-analysis
implemented? of four before-and-after studies showed no evidence
that CHG washcloths reduce the risk of MRSA
infection.4 Other studies have shown that CHG
We recommend that whole-body skin cleansing should
cleansing leads to a lower rate of MRSA colonization
start at least the night prior to elective arthroplasty.
in the hospital setting.5,6 One case-control study
It is a consensus that after bathing patients are
evaluating a protocol of a 5-day course of intranasal
advised to sleep in clean garments and bedding
mupirocin and daily CHG cloths (beginning 1 day
without the application of any topical products.
before surgery and continuing the day of surgery and
Delegate Vote postoperative Days 1–3) in a non-general surgery
Agree: 85%, Disagree: 10%, Abstain: 5% (Strong population reported statistically significant decreases
Consensus) in the rate of MRSA SSI in the two years following
implementation of this protocol.7 However, in these
Justification studies CHG washcloths were used as part of a
broader Staphlylococcus aureus decolonization proto-
Preoperative showering or cleansing col. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the
Two meta-analyses of seven randomized control trials impact on SSI of decolonization or CHG wash clothes,
(RCT) performed by the Cochrane group found that independently.
preoperative showering with CHG did not reduce the
rate of surgical site infection (SSI) when compared to Timing of preoperative shower or cleansing
no shower (three RCTs) or placebo (four RCTs).1 Two No studies have focused on the impact of the time or
observational studies using CHG wipes in total joint duration of preoperative cleansing with an antiseptic
arthroplasty patients demonstrated a non-statistically agent. Some studies have implemented protocols of
significant reduction in the incidence of SSI.2,3 John- washing the surgical site once on the night prior to
son et al.2 found in a prospective consecutive series surgery and on the morning of the operation,3,8,9 while
that patients who used CHG wipes 1 day preoperative- other protocols have continued washing through post-
ly and the morning of the operation had a lower operative Day 3.7 One study conducted with a small
incidence of SSI than patients who did not comply sample size of volunteers noted decreased microbial
with this protocol prior to total hip arthroplasty. These colonization with a CHG wash over the course of a
results were reproduced using a similar protocol in 5-day period.10 Currently, the Centers for Disease



Control (CDC) recommends that preoperative shower- more effective than povidone-iodine products dissolved
ing begin at least the night prior to surgery.11 Caution in alcohol or aqueous solutions.20 While we cannot
should be exercised to ensure that patients do not use make a claim about the superiority of CHG over
preoperative CHG wash excessively, as studies suggest iodine-based antiseptics, it is suggested that whichever
no benefit for such practice that may also lead to skin agent is chosen, it be dissolved in alcohol. However,
irritation.12,13 caution should be taken to allow time for adequate
drying of alcohol-based products, as operating room
Whole body cleansing versus localized surgical fires have been reported.11,21
site-specific cleansing
One large RCT showed that whole-body cleansing was Question 3A: What is the proper method of hair
more effective at reducing the rate of SSI than surgical removal?
site-specific washing.14 We recommend that whole
body preoperative skin cleansing be undertaken preop-
Clipping, as opposed to shaving, is the preferred
method for hair removal. We cannot advise for or
against the use of depilatory cream for removal of hair.
Question 2: Which agent, if any, is the optimal agent
for surgical skin preparation? Delegate Vote
Consensus Agree: 92%, Disagree: 3%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-
There is no clear difference between various skin sensus)
preparation agents. There is some evidence that
combinations of antiseptic agents with alcohol may be Question 3B: When should hair removal be
important for skin antisepsis. performed?
Delegate Vote If necessary, hair removal should be performed as
Agree: 89%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 3% (Strong Con- close to the time of the surgical procedure as possible.
Delegate Vote
Justification Agree: 94%, Disagree: 4%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Con-
While CHG is the recommended agent for preventing sensus)
intravenous catheter-related infections,15 the CDC
currently does not recommend one agent over another Justification
for prevention of SSI.11 When compared directly,
results are conflicted as to whether CHG or povidone- Clipping is the best form of hair removal
iodine provides superior skin antisepsis and lowers the Concern over shaving has been raised because abra-
rate of SSI. In a large, multicenter RCT, Darouiche sions formed from the shaving process can become
et al.16 showed that CHG in alcohol showed a signifi- sites of bacterial growth. A recent systematic review of
cant reduction in the rate of SSI when compared to randomized and quasi-RCTs showed that clipping
aqueous povidone-iodine scrub and paint; however, the lowered the rate of SSI when compared to shaving.22
iodine preparation did not use alcohol as a solvent. Many other studies have shown the superiority of
Conversely, in a single-institution, observational, non- clipping over shaving, using postoperative SSI as the
concurrent control study of general surgery patients, primary endpoint.23–25 Some institutions utilize depil-
Swenson et al. found that when alcohol was used atory agents as skin preparation.
(either as a solvent or a scrub following iodine paint),
patients prepped with povidone-iodine had a lower Hair removal should be performed close to the time of
rate of SSI.17 Other studies have shown that there is surgery
no difference in the rate of SSI between patients There is currently no evidence in the literature that
prepped with either CHG or iodophors.18,19 To date, shows the most appropriate setting and time in which
there are no prospective randomized studies compar- to remove hair from the surgical site. One study
ing skin preps in patients undergoing total joint investigated the effects of hair removal the night before
arthroplasty. We therefore have insufficient evidence surgery compared to hair removal on the day of
to recommend a preferred agent for preventing SSI in surgery and found that clipping on the morning of
elective arthroplasty procedures. surgery was associated with a lower SSI rate.26 Anoth-
Alcohol is used as an antiseptic because of its rapid er retrospective review demonstrated that shaving
antimicrobial action.11 One systematic review of five immediately before a surgical procedure was associated
RTCs found that CHG-alcohol formulations were more with a lower SSI rate than shaving 24 h or greater
effective at preventing SSI than aqueous povidone- prior to surgery. However, this study did not include
iodine solutions, and in other studies there was no patients who used clipping to remove hair and was
conclusive evidence that CHG-alcohol solutions were designed to test the effect of shaving versus depilatory



removal.27 The CDC recommends not removing hair Question 5A: How should the surgeon and assistants
preoperatively unless the hair at or around the incision wash their hands?
site will interfere with the operation. If hair removal is Consensus
necessary, it should be performed immediately prior to The surgeon and operating room personnel should
the operation and preferably with electric clippers.11 mechanically wash their hands with an antiseptic agent
Given the overall lack of research specific to the for a minimum of 2 min for the first case. A shorter
environment in which preoperative hair removal period may be appropriate for subsequent cases.
should take place, we recommend that hair removal be
performed in the hospital as close to the time of
Delegate Vote
surgery as possible by either the surgical team or the
Agree: 71%, Disagree: 24%, Abstain: 5% (Strong
trained nursing staff. If practical, we suggest that this
removal take place outside of the operating room.

Question 5B: With what agent should the surgeon

Question 4: What special considerations should be
and assistants wash their hands?
given to a patient with skin lesions?
There is no clear difference among various antiseptic
Elective arthroplasty should NOT be performed in
agents for hand washing.
patients with active ulceration of the skin in the
vicinity of the surgical site. It is our consensus that
incisions should not be placed through active skin Delegate Vote
lesions. For certain lesions, such as those due to Agree: 80%, Disagree: 15%, Abstain: 5% (Strong
eczema and psoriasis, surgery should be delayed Consensus)
in these patients until their lesions have been opti-
mized. Justification
Duration of hand washing
Delegate Vote A review of the literature preformed by Tanner et al.
Agree: 96%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Con- found four RCTs comparing different durations of
sensus) surgical team skin antisepsis.32–35 All of the studies
used colony forming units (CFU) present on the
Justification surgical staff’s hands, not SSI, as the primary end-
point. One study found no difference between a 2- or a
Elective arthroplasty in patients with active skin ulcerations 3-min scrub and a 1 min hand washing with soap and
The orthopaedic literature is deficient in studies water.35 Another group found that a 1 min hand
evaluating SSI in patients with active skin ulcer- washing followed by a 3-min hand rub using alcohol
ations. However, one prospective audit showed that was more effective in reducing CFUs than a 5-min
active ulceration of the skin was a significant risk hand rub.32 Pereira et al.33 found that both a 5- and 3-
factor for wound infection.28 Therefore, we recommend min initial scrub with either CHG or povidone-iodine
that elective arthroplasty should not be carried out in were equally as effective in reducing CFUs.36 Current
patients with active skin ulcerations of the surgical recommendations vary on the duration of hand anti-
field (active ulcerations defined as breaks in the skin sepsis; the CDC recommends 2–5 min,11 while the
barrier, excluding superficial scratches). Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses states
that a 3 to 4-min scrub is as effective as a 5-min
Surgical incisions through eczematous or psoriatic lesions scrub.37 Based on the variability present in the
Likewise, there are no existing studies evaluating the current literature, we recommend that the duration of
risk of SSI when incisions are placed through eczema- surgical hand antisepsis last for a minimum of 2 min.
tous or psoriatic lesions. Some retrospective studies For the first case, we recommend a mechanical
have reported high rates of SSI and periprosthetic washing (either a scrub or soap-and-water washing)
joint infection (PJI) in patients with a diagnosis of for a minimum of 2 min. There is no clear evidence
psoriasis or eczema.29,30 However, the latter studies supporting the utility of a particular hand washing
did not evaluate whether it was the placement of method for subsequent cases. If there is a chance of
incision through the affected skin or the overall contamination, the process for the first case should be
immunosuppressed status of these patients with psori- repeated.
asis or eczema that increased the risk of SSI. Given
reported poor outcomes as well as increased bacterial Optimum agent for hand washing
load on psoriatic skin,31 placing surgical incisions Results are inconclusive regarding the most effective
through eczematous or psoriatic lesions should be agent for surgical hand antisepsis. Only one of 10
avoided if possible. Surgery should be delayed in these RCTs in the systematic review performed by Tanner
patients until these lesions are optimized. et al.34 reported SSI as the primary outcome. One



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