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Saeed Alfalasi

Professor’s Name

Benefits of Free Public Transportation

Answer the following questions about your persuasive speech:

1) Provide an example, of at least one interesting language choice designed to leave a
lasting impression, that you plan to incorporate in your speech.
I will incorporate “how we can radically change the Infrastructure we build around the
world and move humanity to a more sustainable future.”
2) Provide an analogy to exemplify one of your main points or the overarching idea
of your speech.
“Public Transportation should be as free as Oxygen in air.”
3) What presentation aid are you planning to use during your speech?
I am not using any kind of presentation aids. I am presenting it orally.
4) When in the speech will the presentation aid have its maximum effect?
I am not using any kind of presentation aids.
5) What do you plan to wear the day of your speech?
I will wear A t-shirt and pant.
6) Practice saying your speech 3 times out loud. On average, how long was it?
It takes 2 mins and 30 seconds.
7) What words or phrases do you plan to emphasize with a punch of vocal variety?
The following quotation.
A developed country isn’t a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich also use
public transportation free of cost
8) Where do you plan to place dramatic pauses in your speech?
Mainly at following three points.
 While attention getting
 After asking a question.
 Before bang ending.
9) What organizational pattern works best for your speech topic and main points?
the problem-solution pattern that describes a problem and then offers possible solutions
to the problem.
10) What do you plan to do to enhance your ethos and logos appeals?
I will do following things to enhance ethos and logos appeals.
 Introduce myself.
 A strong opening.
 By linking myself with audience by sharing similar experiences.
 Will present fact and figures to enhance logos.
 Provide more logical reason.
11) What do you plan to do to enhance your pathos appeal?
I will enhance pathos appeal by following opening.
Think of a day when someone close to your heart suffer from asthma due to air
Pollution and needs immediate medical assistance. Your ambulance stuck in traffic jam.
But who is there solve the situation? Two hours passed, you reached the hospital, But
Alas! It’s already too late. This is a common scenario. Everyday many people’s life is
falling under danger just because of traffic jam.

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