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RESULT who have a history of TB only 5 toddlers

(14.7%). Otherwise, the results of toddlers who

Tabel 1. Frequency Distribution of Nutritional have a history of more diarrhea are 26 toddlers
Status Based on Body Height Index by Age, (76.5%).
child's age, gender, feeding pattern, TB
statistics and diarrhea distribution in stunting
toddlers. Picture 1. Analysis of the corelation between
feeding patterns and the case of stunting
Variable frequency Percent
Height – Feeding Patterns
for- age
Stunting 2 5,9 stunting 83%

Severe 32 94,1 severe stunting 16.70%

Age Insufficient Sufficient
25-36 17 50,0 Picture 2. Analysis of the corelation between
37-48 8 23,5 history of TB with the case of stunting
49-60 9 26,5
History of TB
Boy 17 50,0 stunting 93%
Girl 17 50,0
severe stunting 9.60%
pattern No Yes
sufficient 28 82,4
Insufficient 6 17,6
History of
TB Picture 3. Analysis of the corelation between
Yes 5 14,7 History of diarrhea with the case of stunting
No 29 85,3
History of Diarrhea
History of
Yes 26 76,5 stunting 88%
No 8 23,5
severe stunting 12.50%

Nutritional status based on height index No Yes

according to age of stunting toddlers in
Sukahayu Village was obtained 2 severe
stunting toddlers (5.9%) and 32 stunting
toddlers (94.1%).

The highest frequencies of stunted toddlers in

group age 25-36 months old was 17 toddlers
(50.00%). The frequency of gender was equal
distributed between boy and girl , with 17
toddlers (50.0%). feeding patterns for toddlers,
they tend to be good (82.4%). While toddlers
Tabel. 2 Relationship between Feeding
Patterns, Tuberculosis History and Diarrhea
History with case of Stunting
Variabel Height-for-age

Sangat pendek Pendek

Total P Value

n % n % N %

Feeding pattern
Good 1 3,6 27 96,4 28 100 0,22
Kurang baik 1 16,7 5 83,3 6 100
History of TB
Pernah 0 0,0 5 100 5 100 0,55
Never 2 6,9 27 93,1 29 100
History of
Yes 1 3,8 25 96,2 26 100
No 1 12,5 7 87,5 8 100

Table 2 shows the results of statistical tests

obtained p value = 0.22 (p> 0.05) for feeding
pattern to stunting, so it can be concluded that
there is no significant corelation between
feeding patterns with the case of stunting in
Sukahayu Village. The same results were also
shown in the history of tuberculosis and
diarrhea with the case of stunting. Where the
statistical results obtained p = 0.55 (p> 0.05) in
the history of tuberculosis in stunting, and p =
0.37 (p> 0.05) in the history of diarrhea in
stunting. so it can also be concluded that there
is no corelation between history of tuberculosis
and diarrhea with the case of stunting in
toddlers in Sukahayu Village.

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