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LOGICAL REASONING 16) What is the missing letter in this series:

1) What is the missing letter in this series: g g k k o o ?

a a b b ? c 17) What is the missing letter in this series:

2) What is the missing letter in this series: y e u i q m ?

c c d ? e f g g h 18) What is the missing letter in this series:

3) What is the missing letter in this series: v s p w t q ?

a z b ? c x 19) What is the missing letter in this series:

4) What is the missing letter in this series: a b k c d k e ?

f g e h d i c ? 20) What is the missing letter in this series:

5) What is the missing letter in this series: q r k s t i u v ?

r q p r q p ? 21) What is the missing letter in this series:

6) What is the missing letter in this series: c j q x e ? s

b e h k n ? t 22) What is the missing letter in this series:

7) What is the missing letter in this series: y d j w f l u h ?

y e w g u i ? 23) What is the missing letter in this series:

8) What is the missing letter in this series: m o n n o m p ?

x ? p l h 24) What is the missing letter in this series:

9) What is the missing letter in this series: c d c d d d e d e ?

c c d f i ? 25) What is the missing letter in this series:

10) What is the missing letter in this series: a b b d c f d ?

j g d k ? e l 26) What is the missing letter in this series:

11) What is the missing letter in this series: b c e g k ? q s

a b d h ? 27) What is the missing letter in this series:

12) What is the missing letter in this series: m n n o o ? p p p

b g d i ? k h

13) What is the missing letter in this series:

a d i ?

14) What is the missing letter in this series:

g ? d i j d k l d

15) What is the missing letter in this series:

p q q ? s s t u

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Question Answer How to work out the answer

1 3c Letters increment by one every second letter.

2 4e ccd ... Eef ... ggh!

3 5y Ist letter of alphabet, then last, 2nd, 2nd last,

3rd, 3rd last
4 3j 2 interspersed sequences. First decreasing by
one: fedc and second increasing by one: ghi J
5 4r Letters are in triplets decreasing by one.
rqp ... rqp .... Rqp
6 3q Letters go up by three each time. 2nd letter of
alphabet, 5th 8th etc.
7 1s 2 interspersed sequences again. First one
decrementing by 2, second incrementing by 2
8 5t Letters decrement by 4 each time

9 4m The gap between letters increases by one each

time 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
10 1h Letters are in triplets which decrement by 3,
but starting letter of each triplet increments by
one: 10,7,4 ... 11,8,5
11 5p Letters double each time 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 - n

12 4f 2 seqences interspersed, both incrementing by

2 each time

13 1p Sequence of squares according to place in

alphabet: 1, 4, 9, 16 - p
14 4h Take out the d's and you get a simple
alphabetical sequence!
15 1r Letter are in triplets: letter, letter+1, letter+1,
then triplet repeats but incremented by 2.
16 2s Letters are in pairs which increment by 4
places in the alphabet each time.
17 1m The odd letters decrement by 4 each time.

18 3x Each whole triplet increments by one, whilst

the letters in the triplet decrease by 3.
19 1f Take out the k's and you have a simple
alphabetical sequence.
20 5g Each third letter descends by 1

21 2l Each letter increments by 7, the alphabet

wraps round.

22 3n Each third letter increments by 2

23 1l The even letters decement by one each time.

24 3f These are triplets, the first and the last letter

of the triplet increments by 1 each triplet.
25 4h Every second letter increments by 2

26 2m Getting hard now! Prime numbers.

27 5o 1 m, 2 n's, 3 o's, 4 p's.

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