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Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 3D Test Model

 3D City Model are very useful to represent all
specific topographies of urban environment due
to the use of up-to-date satellite images for
digital models production
 Due to its high accuracy (1 or 2 or centimeters)
3D City Model characterizes all above-ground
features and city infrastructure with 90%
 Ready to use unexpansive 3D City Model gave
the best way to estimate positioning, number
and power of base stations to make signal more
strong and accurate
 The industrialized process of 3D City Models includes precise quality control and assurance the
high accurateness of Digital Model
 The modern technology of satellite imagery processing and best software environment permits
us to generate diverse digital models that fit various customers’ requirements in scale, layers
and digital data formats

General Description

 This test sample represented 1 sq. km.
 Bounding rectangle of the geographic coordinates,
reference ellipsoid WGS 84, includes

3D Digital sample includes

 DTM - Digital Terrain Model - data contains in the
Height folder;
 Land Use Map - Clutter Model - data contains in the Clutter folder;
 Building Heights Model - data contains in Buildings and Buildings_Multipatch folders;
 Vector Data - data contains in the Vector folder ;
 Text labels - data contains in the Text folder .

Digital Data format

All digital photogrammetric data has been represented in ESRI GRID / SHP format.

 cell size: 2 m

Available language
 English

Cartographic reference
Data are given in geographic coordinates on ellipsoid WGS 84 with the following references:

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 Name: WGS 84
 Big axis: 6378137.0 meters
 Eccentricity: 0.081819191

 Type : UTM 37, Southern Hemisphere
 Azimuth angle : 0.0 degrees
 Longitude 0 : 39.0 degrees
 Latitude 0 : 0.0 degrees
 False Easting : 500000.0 meters
 False Northing : 10 000 000 meters
 Scale factor: 0.9996

Digital Terrain Model

General owerview

Meanings of pixel values

Each image pixel stores the value of terrain elevation.

The value of elevation above sea level:

 Height = 0 meters - 0
 Unknown values - - 9999
 Z values unit - meters

In this Digital Terrain Model the altitudes are varied in the range of 0 to 8 meters.

Values of heights are submitted in the Baltic system of heights.

Parameters of accuracy

 Resolution (cell size) 2 m

 Absolute Planimetric accuracy (x,y) 5 m
 Absolute Altimetric accuracy (z) 2-3 m


 Stereo pairs of WorldView satellite images with

0.5 m resolution.
 Vintage 10/2010

Land Use Map - Clutter Model

General view

Parameters of accuracy
 Resolution (cell size) 2 m
 Absolute Planimetric accuracy (x,y) 5 m

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 WorldView satellite images with 0.5 m resolution.
 Vintage 10/2010

Meanings of pixel values

The value which is stored with each pixel of image corresponds to the code that represents land type
(clutter class). The table of correspondences between codes and clutter class names (18 clutter classes
in all) is presented below.

Building Heights Model

General view

Parameters of accuracy
 Resolution (cell size) 2 m
 Absolute Planimetric accuracy (x,y) 5 m
 Building Heights accuracy (h) 2-3 m

 Stereo pairs of WorldView satellite images with 0.5 m
 Vintage 10/2010

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Vector Data
General view

Parameters of accuracy
 Absolute Planimetric accuracy (x,y) 5 m

 WorldView satellite images with 0.5 m resolution.
 Vintage 10/2010

Vector data classes

There are 4 linear classes:

3D samples are currently available for the following countries

• Azerbaijan • Belarus • Bulgaria • Canada •Costa

Rica• Congo • Estonia • Georgia • Hungary • India • Iran •Italy•Finland• Kazakhstan • Kyrgyzsytan •Le
banon• Malaysia • Moldova • Mongolia • Montenegro•Myanmar• Nicaragua •Poland• Peru •Romania•
Russia • SaudiArabia •Singapore•Slovakia•Somalia• Syria • Tunisia • Turkmenistan • Turkey • Ukraine
•USA• Uzbekistan •Vietnam • Yemen

Galantis Inc.
USA, Mexico: 1565 Scenic Avenue, Suite D, Costa Mesa, CA 92626,
Canada: 100 King Street West, Suite 350, Toronto, ONT, M5X 1C1E

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