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Two Consecutive Accounting Subject in a School Year: The

Perceived Effects to Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and

Management Students of Fidelis Senior High
Princess Niza Ablay1, Annica Maramba2, Pamela Kyrelle Perez3,

Joshua Ramos4
FAITH Fidelis Senior High

Author Contact E-mail:

Abstract 1. Introduction

Conversational analysis was used Background of the Study.

in this study to address and comprehend
the experiences of Grade 12 Senior High School serves as a
Accountancy, Business and Management platform to students to have additional
students regarding the perceived effects knowledge and to be advance on the
of two consecutive Accounting subject in career they chose to pursue. It is 2 year
just one school year. Purposive sampling program wherein students will take
was also used wherein the samples different subject related to the track that
chosen has been based on the required they want. Accountancy, Business and
criteria in the study. In the process of Management is one of the track that is
conducting the interview, the researchers offered under the Senior High School
selected 15 interviewees and asked about curriculum which focuses on students
the experiences they encountered in that plans to enter Business, Accountancy
dealing with Accounting I and II as their and so much more.
subject. The participants are the Grade 12 Accounting is the systematic and
ABM students of Fidelis Senior High. comprehensive recording of financial
The major findings gathered is mainly transactions pertaining to a business.
focused in the positive and negative Accounting also refers to the process of
effects of the said topic and how they summarizing, analyzing and reporting
cope up with it. these transactions to oversight agencies,
Keywords: Consecutive, Perceived regulators and tax collection entities.
Effects and Accounting Accounting are taught to Senior High
School students taking up Accountancy,
Business and Management up to College
students pursuing Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy. It teaches the value of

record keeping and financial Purpose and Objectives of the Study
management. Accounting is one of the
key functions for almost any forms of The role of the researcher is to
businesses. gather information and to have access to
the thoughts and statements of the
Accounting helps in decision respondents. They are to collect the
making, planning, and controlling desired data for the study. Enable for
processes. It is with the help of them to gather the information needed,
Accounting there will be documents they will have to directly ask questions to
which will be factored in carrying out their respondents. This is not an easy task,
these said processes. Again with these for it involves some contents that might
methodical documents, they help in be personal to them. The topic may seem
reduction of theft and frauds. Availability to enable them to answer questions that
of accounting in any business might reveal some of their experiences.
transactions ignites the business to run Therefore, the researchers should
with efficiency, effectiveness and consider and respect the participants and
accuracy manner on all the activities the data collected. The gathered
undertaken. This leads to more information should be honestly stated,
productions since the management will meaning the information from the
make the right decision and proper participant should be the actual content of
planning due to the good flow of the data, not the researchers' opinion and
transactions in a business. it should be free from any bias.

In the curriculum of Fidelis Significance of the Study.

Senior High School particularly in the
Accountancy, Business and Management This study is beneficial not only
(ABM) strand, the Accounting subject is for the Grade 12 ABM students for it will
taught consecutively in the Grade 11 enable them to know the possible
students under the said strand. Other outcome for having two consecutive
schools that offers the ABM strand, Accounting subject. Aside from the
Accounting I is taught on Grade 11 ABM students as beneficiaries, teachers can
students while Accounting II is taught on also benefit from this study. With this,
the Grade 12 ABM students. Offering teachers can be guided to approach their
two consecutive Accounting subject in a students on their specific views about the
school year to Grade 11 ABM students consecutive Accounting subjects in
affects the students, this can give them Grade 11. In this study, the minds of the
positive and negative effects. students will be more open to
possibilities, regarding the enough
efficiency they will have with the
outcome of the absence of Accounting in
their current grade level, considering that
they will soon move to college and

probably face another hard time of their are desired outcomes that K to 12
life. graduates should possess in order to
proceed to either higher education,
Literature Review employment, entrepreneurship, or
The curriculum for Bachelor of middle-level skills development.
Science in Accountancy Program is Research Problem
designed to support aspiring professional
accountants to develop the appropriate The researchers conduct this
entry-level technical competence, research because as they observed many
professional skills, values, ethics and were struggling because of having two
attitudes to successfully complete their consecutive Accounting subject in a
studies, pass their professional licensure school year in the curriculum of Grade 11
examination and the practical experience Fidelis Senior High School. To help
period. (CHED, 2017) them, this research was conducted to
know the different effects upon the said
Accounting education can be phenomenon.
considered as experience, as practice in
learning to learn. The aim of accounting Research Questions
education is to help students learn to Central Question:
become professional accountants, and as
part of education for business.(Littleton, How does the offering of two
2016). consecutive Accounting subjects
affect the Grade 12 ABM Students of
According to Rounder (2002), Fidelis Senior High School?
Accounting today is used by most people
in the world in one way or another. Sub-Questions:
Accounting is not only used in the
business world but rather it is used by 1. What are the perceived effects of
everyone in all types of situations. offering two consecutive
accounting subjects in a year to
As Higher Education Institutions Grade 12 ABM students?
(HEIs) welcome the graduates of the 2. What are the struggles faced by
Senior High School program, it is of the Grade 12 ABM Students?
paramount importance to align 3. How do the Grade 12 ABM
Functional Skills set by DepEd with the Students handle the struggles
College Readiness Standards stated by upon the offering of two
CHED. consecutive Accounting subjects
in a school year?
The DepEd articulated a set of
21st century skills that should be
embedded in the SHS curriculum across
various subjects and tracks. These skills

Scope and Limitations. Research Design.

Enable to conduct the study, it should This study entails with qualitative
only be limited only to the community of type of research as it gathers information
Fidelis Senior High for it is where the through words and statements. The
curriculum of offering of two consecutive researcher's approach in conducting the
Accounting subject is held in one school study is conversational analysis, which
year only which is in Grade 11. happened as a successful approach to the
Furthermore, the respondents are only analysis of sociolinguistic interactions.
limited to the Grade ABM 12 students of The objective is to grasp the views and
Fidelis Senior High for they already opinions of the Grade 12 ABM students
encountered this kind of experience and regarding the consecutive Accounting
having such circumstances about the subject in just one school year. This study
absence of Accounting subject in their involves the verbal and non-verbal
current school year. conduct which enables the gathering of
information regarding the topic through a
Definition of Terms. talk or socialization.
This research has used some Research Site.
technical terms that are defined in a way
that it will be clearly understood by the The researchers will conduct their
readers. The definitions are given as study at Fidelis Senior High School at
follows: First Asia Institute of Technology and
Humanities located at Tanauan City,
 Consecutive Batangas.
following one after the other in a series : Selection Criteria and Participants.
following each other without interruption
The respondents of this research
 Perceived would only be applicable to the Fidelis
to attain awareness or understanding of Senior High Grade 12 students,
specifically to the Accountancy,
 Entails Business, and Management strand only,
since they are the essential participants
to have (something) as a part, step, or the research needs based on the research
result questions, which made the research
 Grasp included to purposeful sampling. The
researchers are to select only 15
to understand (something that is participants with the certain criteria
complicated or difficult) needed such as:

2. Methodology • The respondents should be a Grade

12 student of Accountancy, Business,

and Management strand of Fidelis 3. Meanings should be formulated from
Senior High. these significant statements.
4. The formulated meanings should be
• They should have experienced sorted into categories, clusters of themes,
taking consecutive Accounting and themes.
subject back in Grade 11. 5. The findings of the study should be
Data Collection. integrated into an exhaustive description
of the phenomenon under study.
The researchers will conduct a 6. The fundamental structure of the
face-to-face interview with the phenomenon should be described.
respondents wherein in this method, they 7. Finally, validation of the findings
will be able to acquire information. should be sought from the research
Thus, the face-to-face interview method participants to compare the researcher's
ensures the quality of the information. descriptive results with their experiences.
The researchers will also use their The qualitative data analysis was
constructed questionnaires aligned from followed by reviewing the recordings,
the statement of the study. Structured then the interviews were transcribed.
questionnaire is composed to attain the Afterwards, reading and rereading of the
desired information from the text or transcript was done. There were
respondents. instances also where recorded audio was
played and replayed. Texts were then
Data Analysis.
organized as it was subjected to data
Thorough description about the reduction. Matira (2016) emphasized that
phenomenon regarding the perceived data reduction naturally occurs and the
effects of Grade 12 students with the researchers already reduced the data by
offering f two consecutive Accounting recording only the most meaningful,
subjects in a school year. the following usable, and relevant.
steps represent Colaizzi process for
phenomenological data analysis cited in Role of Researcher
Speziale and Carpenter (2007):
The role of the researcher is to
1. Each transcript should be read and re-
gather information and to have access to
read in order to obtain a general sense
the thoughts and statements of the
about the whole content.
respondents. They are to collect the
2. For each transcript, significant
desired data for the study. Enable for
statements that pertain to the
them to gather the information needed,
phenomenon under study should be
they will have to directly ask questions to
extracted. These statements must be
their respondents
recorded on a separate sheet noting their
pages and lines numbers. This is not an easy task, for it
involves some contents that might be

personal to them. The topic may seem to
enable them to answer questions that
might reveal some of their experiences.
Therefore, the researchers should
consider and respect the participants and
the data collected. The gathered
information should be honestly stated,
meaning the information from the
participant should be the actual content of
the data, not the researchers' opinion and
it should be free from any bias.

Potential Ethical Issues

 Honesty
 Objectivity
 Carefulness
 Openness
 Respect for Intellectual Property
 Social Responsibility
 Legality
 Confidentiality
 Competence
 Integrity

3. Results

This section reports the findings of the study based upon the methodology stated
and applied to gather information. The results gathered were arranged in a logical
sequence without bias or interpretation to arrive at valid themes.

1. What are the perceived effects of offering two consecutive accounting

subjects in a year to Grade 12 ABM students?

Table 1. Development of themes Clusters and emerging themes based on Formulated

Meanings, Sub-question 1
The positive effect is that Consecutive Accounting Offering two consecutive
students don’t easily forget subjects are beneficial to Accounting subjects will be
their previous lessons and students. beneficial for the students
they are able to gather because Accounting I
backgrounds about the next serves as an introduction
topics. for Accounting II. The time
will be used efficiently
since both Accounting
subjects are connected, it
will be easier to understand
the different branches of it.
Its continuity is the positive
effect. It will be easy for
them to cope up because the
previous lesson are still
fresh for them since they
already tackled those
Accounting I served as a
refreshment for them in
learning Accounting II. The
continuation of the two
subjects helped them to
learn their lessons easily.
They were able to discuss
topics that were unfinished
in Accounting I.

The positive effect is that Accounting I served as an
there will be no gap between introduction to Accounting
the two Accounting II.
subjects. If Accounting II
will be put in the Grade 12
subjects, they will likely to
forget their knowledge in
Accounting I.
The positive effects is that
Accounting I will serve as
an introduction to
Accounting II. So it is easy
to understand lessons in
Accounting II.
The positive effect is that
they were able to connect
the two Accounting
The positive effect in their The time was used
case was that their teacher efficiently.
wasn’t able to finish
discussing the modules in
Accounting I so their
teacher used the time they
had for Accounting II to
continue discussing the
modules that was left in
Accounting I.
The positive effect is that Better understand the
they were able to broaden different parts of
their knowledge regarding Accounting.
business related concepts
and helped us understand
the different parts of
Accounting that will be
beneficial for the students.
The positive effect is that There are same components
the minds of the students that will help the students
will be more open because better understand the
the components of the two subject.

Accounting subjects are the
same and it will be easier for
them to absorb the lessons.
The amount of time that the Time was not enough for The negative effects of
students had was only few the amount of lessons. offering two consecutive
because they tackled many Accounting subject in a
lessons. school year are the lack of
time, the adjustment of the
students. Their knowledge
can also fade and some
have different perceptions.
Stress Management is also
a factor but for some, there
are no negative effect.
The information were
overloaded considering that
the time allotted was few.
Not all students are fast
learners so it is going to be a
problem if the modules will
not be explained well.
It was hard for the students Adjustment towards the
specially if they will not subject
understand the lessons in
Accounting I. Accounting II
will be a problem for them.
The adjustment is the
problem, if the students
wasn’t able to adjust to
Accounting I right away, it
will also be hard for them to
take Accounting II.
The knowledge of the Fading of Knowledge
students are slowly fading
since both of the
Accounting subjects were
discussed in the same school

Students might forget the
lesson that they took and
they to study again.
Offering two consecutive Limited Thinking
Accounting subjects would
make the thinking of the
students limited about the
specific topic discusses in
the Accounting subject.
It is up to the students on Stress Management
how they will handle the
stress that they will face.
The students learned Student’s perceptions
different account titles in
just one school year and
considering that they have
different perceptions their
understanding are also
Different teachers have Teaching Strategies
different strategies in
teaching that may lead to
There is no negative effect. No Negative Effect

Theme 1 Theme 2
Offering two consecutive Accounting The negative effects of offering two
subjects will be beneficial for the consecutive Accounting subject in a
students because Accounting I serves as school year are the lack of time, the
an introduction for Accounting II. The adjustment of the students. Their
time will be used efficiently since both knowledge can also fade and some have
Accounting subjects are connected, it different perceptions. Stress
will be easier to understand the different Management is also a factor and the
branches of it. teaching strategies but for some, there
are no negative effect.
Consecutive Accounting subjects year are Time was not enough for the amount of
beneficial to students: lessons:

 The positive effect is that students  The amount of time that the
don’t easily forget their previous students had was only few because
lessons and they are able to gather they tackled many lessons.
backgrounds about the next topics.  The information were overloaded
 Its continuity is the positive effect. considering that the time allotted
It will be easy for them to cope up was few. Not all students are fast
because the previous lesson are learners so it is going to be a
still fresh for them since they problem if the modules will not be
already tackled those lessons. explained well.
 Accounting I served as a
refreshment for them in learning
Accounting II. The continuation of
the two subjects helped them to
learn their lessons easily. They
were able to discuss topics that
were unfinished in Accounting I.
Accounting I served as an introduction to Adjustment towards the subject:
Accounting II:
 It was hard for the students
 The positive effect is that there will specially if they will not
be no gap between the two understand the lessons in
Accounting subjects. If Accounting I. Accounting II will
Accounting II will be put in the be a problem for them.
Grade 12 subjects, they will likely  The adjustment is the problem, if
to forget their knowledge in the students wasn’t able to adjust
Accounting I. to Accounting I right away, it will
 The positive effects is that also be hard for them to take
Accounting I will serve as an Accounting II.
introduction to Accounting II. So it
is easy to understand lessons in
Accounting II.
 The positive effect is that they were
able to connect the two Accounting
The time was used efficiently: Fading of Knowledge:

 The positive effect in their case  The knowledge of the students are
was that their teacher wasn’t able slowly fading since both of the
to finish discussing the modules in Accounting subjects were
Accounting I so their teacher used discussed in the same school year.

the time they had for Accounting  Students might forget the lesson
II to continue discussing the that they took and they to study
modules that was left in again.
Accounting I.
Better understand the different parts of Limited Thinking:
 Offering two consecutive
 The positive effect is that they Accounting subjects would make
were able to broaden their the thinking of the students limited
knowledge regarding business about the specific topic discusses
related concepts and helped us in the Accounting subject.
understand the different parts of
Accounting that will be beneficial
for the students.
There are same components that will help Stress Management:
the students better understand the subject:
 It is up to the students on how they
 The positive effect is that the minds will handle the stress that they will
of the students will be more open face.
because the components of the two
Accounting subjects are the same
and it will be easier for them to
absorb the lessons.
Student’s perceptions:

 The students learned different

account titles in just one school
year and considering that they
have different perceptions their
understanding are also different.
Teaching Strategies:

 Different teachers have different

strategies in teaching that may lead
to confusion.
No Negative Effect:

 There is no negative effect.

2. What are the struggles faced by the Grade 12 ABM Students?

Table 2. Development of themes Clusters and emerging themes based on Formulated

Meanings, Sub-question 2
The time was not enough Time Management Time Management is a
sometimes and it is really factor that contributes to
hard for them to manage their struggles, the position
their time. of the teacher is also an
example. The voice of the
teacher, the preferences of
the students are also factor
that contributes to their
struggles. It may also be
from confusion and stress.
The difficulty of the subject
is also a factor
Students that are not fast
learners, it will be hard for
them to cope up with the
lessons and it will also be
hard for them to manage
their time.
Accounting is not the only
subject that they have and
for the leaders, their
members will rely on their
Teacher in Accounting II is Accounting teacher is not a
not a CPA so it is very hard Certified Public
if they will encounter Accountant (CPA)
unfamiliar terms.
Teachers that have a low Teacher having a low voice
voice, it is hard to listen
Teachers that have a low
voice tends to make

students sleepy and lose
Students sometimes are not Personal Preference
really into Accountancy
which makes hard to
understand the subjects.
Lack of knowledge most Confusion
specially when students get
confused between debit and
Students experienced stress Stress
and sometimes they use this
to motivate themselves.
Students that finds it hard to Balancing Equations
balance equations.
Other hard subjects that Hard subjects
affects the behaviour of the
students in focusing on their
Accounting subject.
Setting aside the Not prioritizing the subject There are several reasons
Accounting subject why students continue to
although it is important in face their problems.
college. Unfamiliarity towards the
subject, not prioritizing the
subject, their unfamiliarity
and behaviours are all
factors. The skills and
experiences of the teacher,
time management and the
implementation of the
subject itself will greatly
contribute to the problems.
Students sometimes prefer
to focus more on minor
subjects rather than major
Students are not interested Uninterested towards the
in the subject and they are subject
not yet inclined.

Students doesn’t have the
passion to learn the subject
since it is all about
Students doesn’t have prior Unfamiliarity toward the
knowledge towards the subject
subject and the activities are
unfamiliar to them.
The skills of the teacher and Teacher’s skills and
their management is a experiences
Teachers may lack
experience towards the
The teacher is not a
Certified Public
Teachers might teach
something that is incorrect.
Boring Teachers
The behaviour of the Student’s Behaviour
students because of the
stress that they’re facing
and also their personal lives.
The implementation of the Implementation of the
subject. They should subject
distribute it to retain a fresh
knowledge upon entering
Time Management is a Time Management
factor, students have a lot of
duties to do not just in
school but also at home.
Students are not aware of
their responsibilities and
they are also lacking in time
because there are also a lot
of information

Theme 1 Theme 2
Time Management is a factor that There are several reasons why students
contributes to their struggles, the continue to face their problems.
position of the teacher is also an Unfamiliarity towards the subject, not
example. The voice of the teacher, the prioritizing the subject, their
preferences of the students are also unfamiliarity and behaviours are all
factor that contributes to their struggles. factors. The skills and experiences of the
It may also be from confusion and stress. teacher, time management and the
The difficulty of the subject is also a implementation of the subject itself will
factor greatly contribute to the problems.

Time Management: Not prioritizing the subject:

 The time was not enough  Setting aside the Accounting

sometimes and it is really hard for subject although it is important in
them to manage their time. college.
 Students that are not fast learners,  Students sometimes prefer to focus
it will be hard for them to cope up more on minor subjects rather than
with the lessons and it will also be major subjects.
hard for them to manage their
 Accounting is not the only subject
that they have and for the leaders,
their members will rely on their

Accounting teacher is not a Certified Uninterested towards the subject:

Public Accountant (CPA):
 Students are not interested in the
 Teacher in Accounting II is not a subject and they are not yet
CPA so it is very hard if they will inclined.
encounter unfamiliar terms.  Students doesn’t have the passion
to learn the subject since it is all
about Mathematics.

Teacher having a low voice: Unfamiliarity toward the subject:

 Teachers that have a low voice, it  Students doesn’t have prior

is hard to listen attentively. knowledge towards the subject and

 Teachers that have a low voice  the activities are unfamiliar to
tends to make students sleepy and them.
lose interest.
Personal Preference: Teacher’s skills and experiences:

 Students sometimes are not really  The skills of the teacher and their
into Accountancy which makes management is a factor.
hard to understand the subjects.  Teachers may lack experience
towards the subject.
 The teacher is not a Certified
Public Accountant.
 Teachers might teach something
that is incorrect.
 Boring Teachers
Confusion: Student’s Behaviour:

 Lack of knowledge most specially  The implementation of the subject.

when students get confused They should distribute it to retain a
between debit and credit. fresh knowledge upon entering
Stress: Implementation of the subject:

 Students experienced stress and  The implementation of the subject.

sometimes they use this to motivate They should distribute it to retain a
themselves. fresh knowledge upon entering
Balancing Equations: Time Management:

Students that finds it hard to balance  Time Management is a factor,

equations. students have a lot of duties to do
not just in school but also at home.
 Students are not aware of their
responsibilities and they are also
lacking in time because there are
also a lot of information.
Hard subjects:

 Other hard subjects that affects the

behaviour of the students in

focusing on their Accounting

3.How do the Grade 12 ABM Students handle the struggles upon the offering of
two consecutive Accounting subjects in a school year?

Table 3. Development of themes Clusters and emerging themes based on Formulated

Meanings, Sub-question 3


Reading different Accounting Help yourself to improve in the There are a lot of ways to cope
books to gain more knowledge subject up with difficulties like
specially for aspiring Certified helping yourself to improve,
Public Accountants. providing an extra effort and
have a proper time
management. Be
understanding and also seek
advices from older people.
Positivity and hard work, if
they didn’t understand the
lessons, study those lessons
and met the requirements.
Stick on the lessons that you
don’t understand, find a way to
understand it because it is a
student’s responsibility
Have time for self-study, study Provide extra effort for the
the lessons that you don’t subject.
understand and have an
Study with the whole class
during vacant hours.
Ask for help from classmates.

Know the part of a lesson that

needs improvement, like in

balancing, don’t stop until you
balanced it.
Adjust to your teachers, if the
teacher didn’t gave enough
information, browse books or
got to the library to have a
personal review.
Provide enough time for every Time Management
subject, minor and major
subjects are all important.
Know the part of a lesson that Know the things that you need
needs improvement, like in to improve on.
balancing, don’t stop until you
balanced it.
Understand the stand of your Be understanding
classmate if it is correct. If
there are incorrect answers
seek for your teacher’s advice.
Seek advice from older Seek advices
students that already finished
that subjects.
For their dream. Goal Motivations vary from one
person to another, some use
their goal as an inspiration,
some is for their education or
for their own improvement.
Some also wants to remain as
an honor student. Providing
extra efforts, self satisfaction
and graduation are some
factors that can inspire
To be an Accountant someday.

This is for their future.

To finish their studies. Educational Purposes

“Because I was once like that For Improvement
then I don’t like to be like it
“My inspirations are those
struggles that I’ve encounter
during my Grade 11 days.”
Being one of the honor Being an honor student
“I always feel inspired when I Inspirations
see that the students are
performing well in the class.”
One motivation is to graduate. Graduation

Theme 1 Theme 2
There are a lot of ways to cope up with Motivations vary from one person to another,
difficulties like helping yourself to some use their goal as an inspiration, some is for
improve, providing an extra effort and their education or for their own improvement.
have a proper time management. Be Some also wants to remain as an honor student.
understanding and also seek advices from Providing extra efforts, self satisfaction and
older people. graduation are some factors that can inspire
Help yourself to improve in the subject: Goal:

 Reading different Accounting books  For their dream.

to gain more knowledge specially for  To be an Accountant someday.
aspiring Certified Public  This is for their future.
 Positivity and hard work, if they
didn’t understand the lessons, study
those lessons and met the
 Stick on the lessons that you don’t
understand, find a way to understand

it because it is a student’s
Provide extra effort for the subject.: Educational Purposes:

 Have time for self study, study the  To finish their studies.
lessons that you don’t understand and
have an assessment.
 Study with the whole class during
vacant hours.
 Ask for help from classmates.
 Know the part of a lesson that needs
improvement, like in balancing, don’t
stop until you balanced it.
 Adjust to your teachers, if the teacher
didn’t gave enough information,
browse books or got to the library to
have a personal review.
Time Management: For Improvement:

 Provide enough time for every 

“Because I was once like that then I don’t
subject, minor and major subjects are like to be like it again.”
all important.  “My inspirations are those struggles that
I’ve encounter during my Grade 11 days.”
Know the things that you need to improve Being an honor student:
 Being one of the honor student.
 Know the part of a lesson that needs
improvement, like in balancing, don’t
stop until you balanced it.
Be understanding: Inspirations:

 Understand the stand of your  “I always feel inspired when I see that the
classmate if it is correct. If there are students are performing well in the class.”
incorrect answers seek for your
teacher’s advice.

Seek advices: Graduation:

 Seek advice from older students that  One motivation is to graduate.
already finished that subjects.

a topic will also make the students be

more forgetful and they will have limited
4. Discussions thinking capability. Students will also
According to Warren Buffett, face different stress and their personal
“You have to understand accounting and preference will also be a huge factor. And
you have to understand the nuances of most importantly are their teachers, the
accounting. It’s the language of business way teachers teach their students will
and it’s an imperfect language, but unless definitely reflect on their student but for
you are willing to put in the effort to learn some people there are no negative effects.
accounting – how to read and interpret Grade 12 ABM Students of
financial statements - you really Fidelis Senior High faces a lot of
shouldn’t select stocks yourself.” Grade struggles that ca directly affect them.
12 ABM Students of Fidelis Senior High Time Management if the most evident
are in favor of having two consecutive problem that every student is facing,, we
Accounting in a school year because they can’t focus only on a single subject.
are able to have a continuous learning Another factor is that sometimes, teachers
towards the subject. Accounting also are not that professional on the subjects
served as an introduction for Accounting that they are teaching that will result to
II. Since Accounting I and Accounting II having problems while teaching it.
have the same components, it will be Teachers that also have a low voice can
easier for students to learn if it will be in be a problem to the students. Students
the same school year. The time allotted also have their own preferences that are
for the subjects will also be used not aligned with their classmates or even
efficiently and effectively. However, the teachers. Students are not perfect that’s
negative effects are still there. According why sometime they tend to get confused
to Stephen R. Covey, “Time Manage is regarding lessons that are hard to
really misnomer – the challenge is not to understand. It will also be a problem for
manage time, nut to manage ourselves.” students if they will not prioritize their
The root of the problem of the Grade 12 subjects. Students that are unfamiliar with
ABM Students of Fidelis Senior High is their subject are more likely to continue
time management and also self facing their struggles. The skills of the
management. If they are going to face teachers and their experience are also a
problems like their difficulty in adjusting factor. The implementation of the subject,
to their subjects it will really be hard for it if is not aligned with the students, it will
them to face subjects and lessons in be hard for them to cope up. Another
Accounting. Too much information about major factor is time management, if

students doesn’t know how to manage business. It is a subject taught in Senior
their time well, they will continue to face High School taking up Accountancy,
their problems. Business and Management up to College
for those that are pursuing Bachelor of
According to Robert Fulghum, Science in Accountancy. Fidelis Senior
“One of life's best coping mechanism is High School offers two consecutive
to know the difference between an Accounting subject in one year so it may
inconvenience and a problem.” Grade 12 present different effects to Grade 12 AB
ABM Students of Fidelis Senior High students whether it is positive or negative.
School faces a lot of problems but they The positive effects can be with the
always have their coping mechanisms knowledge and background they can have
towards those problems. The problems is in Accounting due to the continuous
the subject, inconvenience id the students discussion they have. Meanwhile, on the
behavior. Even if the subject is hard, if the negative side their readiness for college
students are going to make an extra effort might be affected in a way that they still
they will definitely conquer the problem. have to study the terms or account titles
Time Management is one of the best all over again enable to refresh their
solutions and also self improvement. Be minds. Furthermore, there are some
understanding, there will always be pros struggles that most of the students
and cons regarding the Accounting encounters which serves as a hindrance to
subject so always open your mind from their motivation. Those are the cause of
different possible outcomes. Seek advices some factors like the problems they are
from people who are more advanced than having with their teachers, stress and so
you. According to Benjamin Franklin, on. After all, the students of Grade 12
“Energy and persistence conquer all ABM still managed to cope up with those
things,” Goals. Self improvement and self struggles and there's still something that
satisfaction are some ways to inspire inspired them to keep on going.
yourself to be better. The reason why we
study is to get and educational References
background and to improve ourselves.
Even though we are facing a lot of Buffet, W. (n.d.). Principles of
problems always focus on the positive Accounts. Retrieved from
side of life. If you have a positive attitude
and constantly strive to give your best g/4-notable-quotes-on-the-value-of-
effort, eventually you will overcome your accounting-knowledge-from-the-worlds-
immediate problems and find you are richest-and-influential-people/
ready for greater challenges. (Riley, P.) Covey, S. (n.d.). Time
Management. Retrieved from
Accounting is the systematic and
comprehensive recording and analyzing 251370744/
of financial transactions pertaining to a Fulghum, R. (n.d.). Coping

Mechanisms. Retrieved from
Franklin, B. (n.d.). Problems
Encountered by BS Accountancy
Students. Retrieved from
Riley, P. (n.d.). Quotes about
Positivity. Retrieved from


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