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(0999DJA110318002) )0999DJA110318002)
(Academic Session : 2018 - 2019)


TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019
Test Type : UNIT TEST TEST # 02 Test Pattern : JEE-Advanced
TEST DATE : 22 - 07 - 2018
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 210
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY / Ïi;k bu funsZ'kksa dks /;ku ls i<+sa

DO NOT BREAK THE SEALS WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE INVIGILATOR / fujh{kd ds vuqn s'kks a ds fcuk eqg js a u rksM+ s
GENERAL / lkekU; %
1. This sealed booklet is your Question Paper. Do not break the seal till you are told to do so.
;g eksgjcU/k iqfLrdk vkidk iz'ui= gSA bldh eqgj rc rd u rksM+s tc rd bldk funsZ'k u fn;k tk;sA
2. Use the Optical Response sheet (ORS) provided separately for answering the questions.
iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsus ds fy, vyx ls nh x;h vkWfIVdy fjLikal 'khV (vks- vkj- ,l-) (ORS) dk mi;ksx djsaA
3. Blank spaces are provided within this booklet for rough work.
dPps dk;Z ds fy, bl iqfLrdk esa [kkyh LFkku fn;s x;s gSaA
4. Write your name, form number and sign in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet.
bl iqfLrdk ds fiNys i`"B ij fn, x, LFkku esa viuk uke o QkWeZ uEcj fyf[k, ,oa gLrk{kj cukb;sA
5. After breaking the seal of the booklet, verify that the booklet contains 48 pages and that all the
20 questions in each subject and along with the options are legible. If not, contact the invigilator for
replacement of the booklet.
bl iqfLrdk dh eqgj rksM+us ds ckn Ïi;k tk¡p ysa fd blesa 48 i`"B gSa vkSj izR;sd fo"k; ds lHkh 20 iz'u vkSj muds mÙkj fodYi Bhd
ls i<+s tk ldrs gSaA ;fn ugha] rks iz'ui= dks cnyus ds fy, fujh{kd ls lEidZ djsaA
6. You are allowed to take away the Question Paper at the end of the examination.
ijh{kkFkhZ iz'ui= dks ijh{kk dh lekIrh ij ys tk ldrs gSaA
OPTICAL RESPONSE SHEET / vkW fIVdy fjLika l 'khV (vks - vkj-,l-) %
7. The ORS will be collected by the invigilator at the end of the examination.
vks- vkj- ,l- dks ijh{kk ds lekiu ij fujh{kd ds }kjk ,d= dj fy;k tk,xkA
8. Do not tamper with or mutilate the ORS. Do not use the ORS for rough work.
vks- vkj- ,l- esa gsj&Qsj@foÏfr u djsaA vks - vkj-,l- dk dPps dke ds fy, iz ;ks x u djs a A
9. Write your name, form number and sign with pen in the space provided for this purpose on the ORS.
Do not write any of these details anywhere else on the ORS. Darken the appropriate bubble
under each digit of your form number.
viuk uke vkSj QkWeZ uEcj vks-vkj-,l- esa fn, x, [kkuksa esa dye ls fy[ksa vkSj vius gLrk{kj djsaA buesa ls dksbZ Hkh fooj.k
vks - vkj-,l- es a dgha vkSj u fy[ks a A QkWeZ uEcj ds gj vad ds uhps vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
DARKENING THE BUBBLES ON THE ORS / vks- vkj-,l- ij cqy cqy ksa dks dkyk djus dh fof/k %
10. Use a BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the bubbles on the ORS.
vks-vkj-,l- ds cqycqyksa dks dkys ckW y ikW b UV dye ls dkyk djsaA
11. Darken the bubble COMPLETELY. / cqycqys dks iw. k± :i ls dkyk djsaA
12. The correct way of darkening a bubble is as : / cqycqys dks dkyk djus dk mi;qDr rjhdk gS :
13. The ORS is machine-gradable. Ensure that the bubbles are darkened in the correct way.
vks-vkj-,l- e'khu tk¡P; gSA lqfuf'pr djsa dh cqycqys lgh fof/k ls dkys fd, x;sa gSaA
14. Darken the bubbles ONLY IF you are sure of the answer. There is NO WAY to erase or
"un-darken" a darkened bubble.
cqycqys dks rHkh dkyk djsa tc vki mÙkj ds ckjs esa fuf'pr gksA dkys fd, gq, cqycqys dks feVkus vFkok lkQ djus dk dksbZ rjhdk ugha gSA
15. Take g = 10 m/s2 unless otherwise stated. / g = 10 m/s2 iz;qDr djsa] tc rd fd vU; dksbZ eku ugha fn;k x;k gksA
QUESTION PAPER FORMAT AND MARKING SCHEME / iz ' ui= dk iz k :i vkSj va d u ;ks tuk %
16. The question paper has three parts : Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
bl iz'ui= esa rhu Hkkx gSa % HkkSfrd foKku] jlk;u foKku ,oa xf.krA
17. Each part has two sections as detailed in table page 47.
izR;sd Hkkx esa nks [k.M gSa ftudk fooj.k i`"B 47 ij rkfydk esa fn;k x;k gAS
Please see the page 47 of this booklet for rest of the instructions/ Ïi;k 'ks " k funs Z ' kksa ds fy, bl iq f Lrdk ds i` " B 47 dks i<+ sa A
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018


Atomic No. H = 1, B = 5, C = 6, N = 7, O = 8, F = 9, Al = 13, P = 15, S = 16,
Cl = 17, Br = 35, Xe = 54, Ce = 58,
Atomic masses : H = 1, Li = 7, B = 11, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24,
Al = 27, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, Ca=40, Fe = 56, Br = 80, I = 127,
Xe = 131, Ba=137, Ce = 140,

· Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1

· Coulomb's law constant = 9 ×10 9
4 pe0
· Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67259 × 10–11 N–m2 kg–2
· Speed of light in vacuum c = 3 × 108 ms–1
· Stefan–Boltzmann constant s = 5.67 × 10–8 Wm–2–K–4
· Wien's displacement law constant b = 2.89 × 10–3 m–K
· Permeability of vacuum µ0 = 4p × 10–7 NA–2
· Permittivity of vacuum Î0 =
m0 c2
· Planck constant h = 6.63 × 10–34 J–s

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

Note : In case of any correction in the test paper, please mail to within 2 days along with Paper Code
& Your Form No.
(uks V % ;fn bl iz'u i= esa dksbZ Correction gks rks Ïi;k Paper Code ,oa vkids Form No. ,oa iw.kZ Test Details ds lkFk 2 fnu ds vUnj ij mail djsaA)

LTS-2/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
Hkkx-1 : HkkSfrd foKku
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkjS (D) gSaA ftuesa ds o y ,d gh lgh gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. A helicopter is flying due south with constant velocity 80 km/h and a train is running with the
same speed due east. Direction of velocity of the helicopter relative to the train as observed by
the passengers in the train is :-
(A) North-west (B) South-west (C) North-east (D) South-east
,d gsfydkWIVj 80 km/h ds fu;r osx ls nf{k.k dh vksj mM+ jgk gS rFkk ,d Vªus iwoZ dh vksj mlh leku pky ls nkM
S + jgh
gAS Vªus esa cBS s ;k=h }kjk izfs {kr] Vªus ds lkis{k gsfydkWIVj ds osx dh fn'kk gksxh%&
(A) mÙkj&if'pe (B) nf{k.k&if'pe (C) mÙkj&iwoZ (D) nf{k.k&iwoZ
2. A particle is moving on a straight line represented by x-axis. When its velocity (v) and position
coordinate (x) have opposite signs
(A) its speed is decreasing (B) its speed is increasing
(C) it is moving towards the origin (D) neither of the above statements can be true
,d d.k x v{k }kjk fu:fir ljy js[kh; iFk ij xfreku gSA tc mldk osx (v) rFkk fLFkfr funsZ'kkad (x) foijhr fpUg ds
gaS rc
(A) bldh pky ?kV jgh gS (B) bldh pky c<+ jgh gS
(C) ;g ewyfcanq dh vksj xfreku gS (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ Hkh dFku lR; ugha gks ldrk gS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-3/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
3. While sitting on a tree branch 20m above the ground, you drop a chestnut. When the chestnut
has fallen 5m, you throws a second chestnut straight down. What initial speed must you give
the second chestnut if they are both to reach the ground at the same time ? (g=10ms–2)
(A) 5 ms–1 (B) 10 ms–1 (C) 15 ms–1 (D) None of these
tehu ls 20 m Åij ,d isM+ dh 'kk[kk ij cBS dj vki ,d v[kjksV fxjkrs gAS tc v[kjksV 5m uhps fxj pqdk gS] vki
nwljk v[kjksV lh/kk uhps fxjkrs gSA vkidks nwljs v[kjksV dks fdl izkjfEHkd pky ls fxjkuk pkfg, fd os nksuksa tehu ij ,d
gh le; ij igq¡ps \ (g=10ms–2)
(A) 5 ms–1 (B) 10 ms–1 (C) 15 ms–1 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
4. A conductor with rectangular cross section has dimensions (a×2a×4a) as shown in figure.
Resistance across AB is x, across CD is y and across EF is z. Then
vk;rkdkj vuqizLFk dkV okys ,d pkyd dh foek,¡ fp=kuqlkj (a × 2a × 4a) gAS AB, CD rFkk EF ds fljks ij izfrjksèk
Øe'k% x, y rFkk z gS rks

(A) x = y = z (B) x > y > z (C) y > x > z (D) x > z > y
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-4/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa pkj iz'u gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjksa) ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(gSa)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq , nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS)A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
g_S rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

0999DJA110318002 LTS-5/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
5. Two cars are moving towards east on a straight road in the same direction with equal velocities
of 20 m/s maintaining a constant separation of 150 m between them. A cyclists moving with
velocity 5 m/s towards the west passes both the cars.
(A) He takes 6 s between the two cars.
(B) He takes 8 s between the two cars.
(C) He covers a distance of 30 m in the time interval the two cars pass him.
(D) He covers a distance of 150 m in the time interval the two cars pass him.
nks dkjsa 150 m dh fu;r nwjh cuk;s j[krs gq, 20 m/s ds leku osx ls leku fn'kk esa ,d lh/kh lM+d ij iwoZ dh vksj
xfr'khy gAS if'pe dh vksj 5 m/s osx ls xfr'khy lkbfdy pkyd nksuksa dkjksa dks ikj djrk gAS
(A) og nksuksa dkjksa dks ikj djus esa 6 s le; ysrk gSA
(B) og nksuksa dkjksa dks ikj djus esa 8 s le; ysrk gSA
(C) tc nksuksa dkjsa mls ikj djrh gS] ml le;kUrjky esa og 30 m nwjh r; djrk gAS
(D) tc nksuksa dkjsa mls ikj djrh gS] ml le;kUrjky esa og 150 m nwjh r; djrk gAS
6. A ball is thrown from ground such that it just crosses two poles of equal height kept 80 m apart.
The maximum height attained by the ball is 80 m. When the ball passes the first pole, its velocity
makes 45° with horizontal. The correct alternatives is/are :- (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) Time interval between the two poles is 4 s.
(B) Height of the pole is 60 m.
(C) Range of the ball is 160 m.
(D) Angle of projection is tan–1(2) with horizontal.
,d xsan dks /kjkry ls bl izdkj ls QadS rs gSa fd ;g leku Å¡pkbZ okys nks [kEHkksa dks Nwrh gqbZ ikj dj tkrh gSA [kEHkksa ds eè;
nwjh 80 m gSA xsan }kjk izkIr dh xbZ vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ 80 m gAS tc xsan igys [kEHks dks ikj djrh gS rks bldk osx] {kfS rt
ls 45° dks.k cukrk gAS lgh dFku@dFkuksa dks pqfu;sA (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) nksuksa [kEHkksa ds e/; le;kUrjky 4s gAS (B) [kEHks dh Å¡pkbZ 60 m gAS
(C) xsan dh ijkl 160 m gA S (D) {kfS rt ls iz{ksi.k dks.k tan–1(2) gAS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-6/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
7. A micrometer has a resistance of 10 W and a full scale range of 50 µA. It can be used as a
voltmeter or as a higher range ammeter provided a resistance is added to it. The correct range
and resistances combination (approximately) :-
(A) 50 V range with 10 kW resistance in series
(B) 10 V range with 200 kW resistance in series
(C) 5 mA range with 1W resistance in parallel
(D) 10 mA range with 1 W resistance in parallel
,d ekbØksehVj dk izfrjks/k 10 W rFkk iw.kZ ieS kus dh ijkl 50 µA gAS blesa ,d izfrjks/k dks tksM+dj bls ,d oksYVehVj
;k ,d mPp ijkl okys vehVj ds :i esa iz;qDr fd;k tk ldrk gSA blds fy;s yxHkx lgh ijkl rFkk izfrjks/kksa dk la;kstu
(A) 50 V ijkl rFkk Js.khØe esa 10 kW izfrjks/kA (B) 10 V ijkl rFkk Js.khØe esa 200 kW izfrjks/kA
(C) 5 mA ijkl rFkk lekUrj Øe esa 1W izfrjks/kA (D) 10 mA ijkl rFkk lekUrj Øe esa 1 W izfrjks/kA
8. A car traveling on a long straight highway, at a constant speed of 144 km/h passes a police
motorcycle moving at 72 km/h. Immediately after the car passes the motorcycle, the police officer
accelerates the motorcycle at constant acceleration of 2 m/s2 to overtake the speeding car.
(A) The police officer takes 20 s to overtake the speeding car.
(B) The police motorcycle travels 800 m to overtake the speeding car.
(C) The police motorcycle overtakes the car with a speed of 216 km/h.
(D) Speed of the car relative to the motorcycle 5 second after the car passes by the motorcycle
is 10 m/s.
,d dkj yEcs lh/ks gkbos ij fu;r pky 144 km/h ls pyrh gqbZ iqfyl dh eksVjlkbfdy ds ikl ls xqtjrh gS ftldh
pky 72 km/h gAS blds rqjUr i'pkr~ gh eksVjlkbfdy dkj dk ihNk djus ds fy, fu;r Roj.k 2 m/s2 ls xfr djuk
izkjEHk djrh gS vkjS dkj dks vksojVsd dj ysrh gAS
(A) iqfyl vkWfQlj dks dkj dks vksojVsd djus esa 20 s dk le; yxkA
(B) iqfyl eksVjlkbfdy vksojVsd djus esa 800 m dh nwjh r; djrh gAS
(C) tc iqfyl eksVjlkbfdy dkj dks vksojVsd djrh gS mldh pky 216 km/h gAS
(D) eksVjlkbfdy ds lkis{k dkj dh pky] dkj ds eksVjlkbfdy ds ikl ls xqtjus ds 5 s ckn 10 m/s gAS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-7/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iii) : (Maximum Marks : 06)
[k.M –I(iii) : (vf/kdre vad : 06)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there are TWO questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D) ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gSa
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkjS (D) gSa ftuesa ds o y ,d lgh gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
Paragraph for Questions 9 and 10
iz' u 9 ,oa 10 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
Two cars travelling on a straight road. The car C1 is going at a constant speed of 9 m/s. 40 m
ahead of C1 is car C2 at rest, but starts moving with an acceleration of 1 m/s2.
nks dkjsa ,d lh/kh lM+d ij xfr'khy gAS dkj C1 fu;r pky 9 m/s ls xfr dj jgh gAS C1 ds 40 m vkxs dkj C2
fojkekoLFkk esa gS ijUrq ;g 1 m/s2 ds Roj.k ls xfr izkjEHk djrh gAS
C1 C2
Rest 2
9m/s 1m/s

40 m
9. The graph correctly representing the position of two cars with time w.r.t. initial position of C1.
C1 dh izkjfEHkd fLFkfr ds lkis{k le; ds Qyu ds :i esa nksuksa dkjksa dh fLFkfr dks fuEu esa ls dkSulk xzkQ lgh iznf'kZr
djrk g\
s s s s

(A) 45° (B) (C) (D)

t 45° t 45° t 45° t
10. The graph correctly representing the velocity of the two cars with time
le; ds Qyu ds :i esa nksuksa dkjksa ds osxksa dks fuEu esa ls dkuS lk xzkQ lgh iznf'kZr djrk g\
s s s s

(A) 45° (B) (C) (D)

t 45° t 45° t 45° t

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-8/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iv) : (Maximum Marks : 08)
[k.M –I(iv) : (vf/kdre vad : 08)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there will be TWO questions
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gSa
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjksa) ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(gSa)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq , nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gSaA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr gS)A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
g_S rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-9/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
Paragraph for Questions 11 and 12
iz' u
11 ,oa 12 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
A car travelling at constant velocity, passes a stationary motorcycle at a traffic light. As the car
overtakes the motorcycle, the motorcycle accelerates uniformly from rest. The following
displacement-time graph represents the motions of both vehicles from the traffic light onwards.
fu;r osx ls xfr'khy ,d dkj VªfS Qd ykbV ij [kM+h ,d eksVjlkbfdy dks ikj djrh gAS tl S s gh dkj eksVjlkbfdy dks
vksojVsd djrh gS eksVjlkbfdy fojkekoLFkk ls ,dleku :i ls Rofjr gksrh gSA uhps iznf'kZr foLFkkiu&le; vkjs[k blds
ckn VªfS Qd ykbV ls] nksuksa okguksa dh xfr dks n'kkZrk gS %&

375 car

0 5 × 10 15
11. In which of following time interval/s speed of the motorcycle may be less than the speed of the car :-
fuEu esa ls fdl le;kUrjky@le;kUrjkyksa esa eksVjlkbfdy dh pky] dkj dh pky ls de gks ldrh gS %&
(A) 0 to 2 sec (B) 0 to 4 sec (C) 0 to 8 sec (D) 5 to 10 sec
12. Choose the correct statement(s) :-
(A) The time at which motorcycle will cross the car is 8 sec
(B) Acceleration of the motorcycle is 7.5 m/s2
(C) Average velocity of the motorcycle from starting point to the point of overtake is greater than
that of car.
(D) Speed of the motorcycle at the point of overtake is equal to the speed of car.
lgh dFku@dFkuksa dks pqfu;s :-
(A) eksVjlkbfdy 8 sec le; ij dkj dks ikj djrh gAS
(B) eksVjlkbfdy dk Roj.k 7.5 m/s2 gAS
(C) izkjfEHkd fcUnq ls vksojVsd okys fcUnq rd eksVjlkbfdy dk vkl S r osx dkj dh rqyuk esa vf/kd gSA
(D) vksojVsd okys fcUnq ij eksVjlkbfdy dh pky dkj dh pky ds cjkcj gAS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-10/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(v) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(v) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gAS lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d lgh gAS
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
13. Match the v-t graph in List-I with corresponding s-t graphs in List-II. (graphs not to scale)
lwph-I esa fn;s x;s v-t vkjs[k dk lwph-II ds laxr s-t vkjs[k ls feyku dhft;sA (vkjs[k ieS kus ij ugha g)S
List-I/lw p h -I List-II/lw p h -II

(P) (1)

(Q) (2)

(R) (3)

(S) (4)

(A) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 3; S ® 1 (B) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 3
(C) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-11/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
14. Match the readings of the voltmeter and ammeter respectively shown in the figures.
fp= esa iznf'kZr oksYVehVj rFkk vehVj ds ikB~;kad ds lanHkZ esa feyku dhft,A
List-I/lw p h -I List-II/lw p h -II

(P) 7V (1) 0V
4W 12W

(Q) 4W 12W (2) 20A

(R) 4W 12W (3) 0A

(S) A (4) 20 V
4W 12W

(A) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 3
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 2; R ® 4; S ® 1 (D) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-12/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
15. A particle is projected from the point B on an incline plane at an angle of 37° from horizontal as
shown in figure. If initial speed of particle is 20 m/s in horizontal direction then match the
list-I with list-II.
,d d.k dks {kfS rt ls 37° dks.k ij fLFkr urry ij fLFkr fcUnq B ls fp=kuqlkj iz{ksfir fd;k tkrk gSA d.k dh {kSfrt fn'kk
eas izkjfEHkd pky 20 m/s gAS lwph&I rFkk lwph&II dk feyku fdft, %&


List-I / lw p h -I List-II / lwph-II
(P) Time when particle hits the incline plane is t (1) 30
then the value of "5t"
;fn d.k urry ls t le; ij Vdjkrk gS
rks "5t" dk eku gksxkA
(Q) Range of the projectile (in m) is (2) 4
d.k dh ijkl (m esa) gksxh
(R) Horizontal distance AC (in m) is (3) 15
{kfS rt nwjh AC (m esa) gksxh
(S) Magnitude of vertical component of velocity of the (4) 75
particle (in m/s) when it hit the incline plane is nearly
d.k }kjk urry ls Vdjkus ij blds osx ds Å/okZ/kj
?kVd dk ifjek.k (m/s esa) yxHkx gksxkA
(A) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 2
(C) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 2; S ® 1 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 3
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-13/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
16 A river is flowing towards east with constant velocity 3 km/hr. Velocity of boat in still water is
4 km/hr & it's head is kept in the direction perpendicular to the river flow. Rain is falling vertically
with velocity 5 km/hr.
,d unh iwoZ dh vksj 3 km/hr ds fu;r osx ls cg jgh gAS fLFkj ty esa uko dk osx 4 km/hr gS rFkk bldh fn'kk unh izokg
ds yEcor~ fn'kk esa j[kh tkrh gSA ;gk¡ o"kkZ 5 km/hr osx ls Å/okZ/kj fxj jgh gAS

river flow

List-I / lw p h -I List-II / lwph-II
(P) Magnitude of velocity of boat w.r.t. ground (1) 5 2
/kjkry ds lkis{k uko ds osx dk ifjek.k
(Q) Magnitude of velocity of rain respect to boat (2) 34
uko ds lkis{k o"kkZ ds osx dk ifjek.k
(R) Magnitude of velocity of rain in a reference (3) 5
frame attached with the river
unh ls tqM+s funsZ'k ra= esa o"kkZ ds osx dk ifjek.k
(S) Magnitude of velocity of river with respect to boat (4) 4
uko ds lkis{k unh ds osx dk ifjek.k
(A) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 2; R ® 4; S ® 1
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 2 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-14/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–II : Numerical Value Type (Up to second decimal place)
[k.M –II : la[;kRed eku izdkj (n'keyo ds nks LFkku rd )
No question will be asked in section II/ [k.M II es a dks b Z iz ' u ugha gSA
SECTION–III : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –III : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +4 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 0 ls 9 rd (nksuksa 'kkfey) ds chp dk ,d ,dy vadh; iw.kk±d gAS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa] vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh iw.kk±d ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn flQZ lgh mÙkj ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. A man can reach directly across a stream of width 20 m in 4 minutes when there is no current
and in 5 minutes when there is a current. Find the velocity of the current in m/min.
,d vkneh 4 fefuV esa 20m pkMS +h unh ds vuqfn'k lh/ks foijhr fdukjs ij igq¡p ldrk gS tcfd unh esa dksbZ cgko ugha gS
rFkk tc ogk¡ cgko gksrk gS rks mls foijhr fdukjs ij igq¡pus esa 5 fefuV yxrs gaSA /kkjk dk osx m/min esa Kkr dhft,A
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-15/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
2. A grass hopper can jump maximum horizontal distance 0.8 m, while spending negligible time on
the ground. How far horizontally can it go in 3 seconds (in m) (g = 10 m/s2).
,d frypV~Vk vf/kdre 0.8 m dh {kfS rt nwjh dh Nykax yxk ldrk gAS bl nkjS ku og ux.; le; ds fy, /kjkry ij
jgrk gS rks blds }kjk 3 lsd.M esa r; dh tk ldus okyh {kfS rt nwjh ehVj esa Kkr dhft,A (g = 10 m/s2).
3. A body is thrown up with a speed 49 m/s. It travels 5 m in the last second of its upward journey.
If the same body is thrown up with a velocity 98 m/s, how much distance (in m) will it travel in
the last second of its upward journey.
,d fi.M dks 49 m/s dh pky ls Åij dh vksj QaSdk tkrk gAS ;g Åij dh vksj xfr ds nkjS ku vafre lsd.M esa 5 m nwjh
r; djrk gAS ;fn mlh fi.M dks 98 m/s osx ls Åij dh vksj QaSdk tk;s rks Åij dh vksj xfr ds vafre lsd.M esa fdruh
nwjh (ehVj esa) r; djsxk\
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-16/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
4. Figure shows three bulbs connected in series. Their voltage rating shows that they will fuse if
potential drop across them is greater than 100 Volt.Voltage of the cell can be varied. In each
step voltage of the cell increases by 18 Volt. Initially the voltage of the cell is 100 V. If voltage of
the cell is gradually increased and it is found that after Nth step current in the circuit becomes
zero. Find the value of N.
. fp= esa rhu cYc n'kkZ;s x;s gSaA bUgsa Øe esa tksM+k tkrk gSA bu cYcksa ij oksYVrk,a n'kkZbZ xbZ gSaA ;fn bu ij foHko iru
dk eku 100 Volt ls vf/kd dj fn;k tk;s rks ;s ¶;wt gks tk;sxasA lsy dh oksYVrk dks ifjofrZr dj ldrs gaSA izR;sd in
esa lsy dh oksYVrk 18 V c<+k nh tkrh gSA izkjEHk esa lsy dh oksYVrk 100 V gSA ;fn lsy dh oksYVrk /khjs&èkhjs c<+k;h tk;s
rFkk N inksa ds i'pkr~ blesa ifjiFk esa izokfgr /kkjk 'kwU; gks tkrh gS rks N dk eku Kkr dhft,A

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-17/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
Hkkx-2 : jlk;u foKku
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaSA ftuesa ds o y ,d gh lgh gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. During melting of an ice slab at 273 K at 1 atm pressure :
(A) Negative work is done on the ice-water system by the atmosphere
(B) Positive work is done by the ice-water system on the atmosphere
(C) The entropy of the ice-water system decreases
(D) The internal energy of the ice-water system increase
273 K rFkk 1 atm nkc ij cQZ dh ,d f'kyk ds fi?kyus ds nkjS ku&
(A) ok;qe.My }kjk cQZ&ty rU= ij ½.kkRed dk;Z fd;k x;k gAS
(B) cQZ&ty rU= }kjk ok;qe.My ij /kukRed dk;Z fd;k x;k gAS
(C) cQZ&ty rU= dh ,sUVªki
s h ?kVrh gAS
(D) cQZ&ty rU= dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ c<rh gSA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-18/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
2. The enthalpy of dissolution of BaCl2(s) and BaCl2 2H2O(s) are –20.6 and 8.8 kJmol–1 respectively.
Calculate enthalpy change for given reaction -
BaCl2(s) + 2H2O ® BaCl2 . 2H2O(s)
BaCl2(s) rFkk BaCl2 2H2O(s) ds fo;kstu dh ,UFkSYih Øe'k% –20.6 rFkk 8.8 kJmol–1 gAS nh xbZ vfHkfØ;k ds fy,
,UFkSYih ifjorZu dh x.kuk dhft,-
BaCl2(s) + 2H2O ® BaCl2 . 2H2O(s)
(A) –29.4 kJ (B) –35.4 kJ (C) –42.4 kJ (D) –15.2 kJ
3. Which of the following order is INCORRECT :-
(A) Al > Ga ® Radius (B) F+ > Cl+ ® Electron affinity
(C) N+ > O+ ® Ionization energy (D) O > Se ® Electron negativity
fuEu esa ls dkSulk Øe xyr gS :-
(A) Al > Ga ® f=T;k (B) F+ > Cl+ ® bysDVªkWu
(C) N+ > O+ ® vk;uu ÅtkZ (D) O > Se ® fo|qr½.krk
4. Which of the following order is INCORRECT.
(A) NaH < KH < RbH < CsH (Basic stregth) (B) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 (Acidic stregth)
(C) Ga < Zn < Hg (I.E order) (D) In < Tl < Ga < B (I.E order)
fuEu esa ls dkuS lk Øe xyr gS
(A) NaH < KH < RbH < CsH ({kkjh; lkeF;Z) (B) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 (vEyh; lkeF;Z)
(C) Ga < Zn < Hg (I.E Øe) (D) In < Tl < Ga < B (I.E Øe)
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-19/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa pkj iz'u gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjksa) ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh g(S gaS)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

LTS-20/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
5. At 300 K, the reactions which have the following values of thermodynamic parameters, occur
300 K ij, vfHkfØ;k,sa fuEu Å"ekxfrdh izkpyksa ds fdu ekuksa ds fy, Lor% gksxhA
(A) DG° = – 400 kJ mol–1
(B) DH° = 200 kJ mol–1 , DS° = – 4 JK–1 mol–1
(C) DH° = – 200 kJ mol–1 , DS° = – 4 JK–1 mol–1
(D) DH° = 200 kJ mol–1 , DS° = 40 JK–1 mol–1
6. Which of following statements is/are correct -
(A) DFGº of H2(g) at 298 K is zero (B) DFGº of D2(g) at 298 K is zero
(C) DFHº of H2O(g) at 298 K is zero (D) Sº of H+(aq.) at 298 K is zero
fuEu esa ls dkuS ls dFku lgh g@S gaS -
(A) 298 K ij H2(g) dk DFGº 'kwU; gksrk gS (B) 298 K ij D2(g) dk DFGº 'kwU; gksrk gS
(C) 298K ij H2O(g) dk DFHº 'kwU; gksrk gS (D) 298 K ij H+(aq.) dk Sº 'kwU; gksrk gS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-21/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
7. Which of the following statements are CORRECT ?
(A) Generally Zeff increases along the period
(B) Process is endothermic when O–(g) is converted to O–2(g)
(C) The smallest anion of the periodic table is F1
(D) Electron affnity of F is more than Cl
fuEu esa ls dkuS ls dFku lgh gSa ?
(A) vkorZ esa] lkekU;r% Zeff esa o`f¼ gksrh gS
(B) tc O– ls O–2 esa ifjofrZr gksrk gS rks izØe m"ek'kks"kh gS
(C) vkorZ dk lcls NksVk ½.kk;u F1 gS
(D) F dh bysDVªkWu cU/kqrk] Cl ls vf/kd gS
8. The outer most electronic configuration of an element 'X' is (n–1)d10 ns0. Then select
the CORRECT statement(s) for element 'X'.
(A) It is a d-block element
(B) It belongs from 5th period
(C) It is not a transition element
(D) It voilates Aufbau principle.
rRo 'X' dk ckáre bysDVªkWfu; foU;kl (n–1)d10 ns0 gS rks rRo 'X' ds fy, lgh dFku pqfu,
(A) ;g d-CykWd dk rRo gS
(B) ;g 5th vkorZ ls lEcU/k j[krk gS
(C) ;g laØe.k rRo ugha gS
(D) blesa vkWQckÅ fu;e dk mYya?ku gksrk gS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-22/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iii) : (Maximum Marks : 06)
[k.M –I(iii) : (vf/kdre vad : 06)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there are TWO questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D) ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gaS
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ds o y ,d lgh gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
Paragraph for Questions 9 and 10
iz' u 9 ,oa 10 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
Suppose a chemical reaction is spontaneous below 400 K and non-spontaneous above 400 K under
standard condition. D H° and D S° of reaction do not vary with temperature and
DH° = –50 kJ.
eku fyft,s ,d vfHkfØ;k ekud ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa 400 K ls de ij Lor% rFkk 400 K ls vf/kd ij Lor% ugha gksrh
gAS vfHkfØ;k ds DH° rFkk DS° rki ds lkFk ifjofrZr ugha gksrs gS rFkk DH° = –50 kJ gSA
9. What is the value of DS° at 400 K. (in J/K mole)
400 K ij DS° dk eku D;k gksxk (J/K mole esa)
(A) –1250 (B) +1250 (C) –125 (D) +125
10. What is the value of DG° at 500 K. (in kJ)
500 K ij DG° dk eku D;k gksxk(kJ esa)
(A) 12500 (B) +12.5 (C) –12.5 (D) –12500
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-23/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iv) : (Maximum Marks : 08)
[k.M –I(iv) : (vf/kdre vad : 08)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there will be TWO questions
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gaS
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjksa) ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh g(S gaS)A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

LTS-24/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
Paragraph for Questions 11 and 12
iz' u
11 ,oa 12 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
Consider the following elements with their electronegativity value.
Elements A B C D
EN (Pauling scale) 3.10 0.9 2.25 2.86
fuEu rRoksa rFkk muds fo|qr½.krk ekuksa ij fopkj dhft,
rRo A B C D
EN (ikWfyax ekiØe) 3.10 0.9 2.25 2.86
11. The CORRECT statement(s) is/are
(A) AOH is more acidic than DOH
(B) 'AB' molecule is predominantly ionic
(C) BOH is more basic than COH
(D) 'D–OH' bond is more easily dissociated than 'B–OH' bond in water
lgh dFku g@S gaS&
(A) DOH dh rqyuk esa AOH vf/kd vEyh; gS
(B) 'AB' çHkkoh :i ls vk;fud gksrk gS
(C) COH dh rqyuk esa BOH vf/kd {kkjh; gS
(D) ty esa 'B–OH' ca/k dh rqyuk esa 'D-OH' ca/k vf/kd vklkuh ls VwV tkrk gS
12. Select INCORRECT statement(s) :
(A) BOH is more basic than H2O
(B) Oxides of elements C and D are basic in nature
(C) Oxide of element B is acidic in nature
(D) Oxide of element D is more acidic than that of A
xyr dFku pqfu,&
(A) H2O dh rqyuk esa BOH vf/kd {kkjh; gS
(B) C rFkk D rRoksa ds vkDlkbM {kkjh; izÏfr ds gSa
(C) rRo B dk vkWDlkbM vEyh; izÏfr dk gS
(D) A dh rqyuk esa D rRo dk vkWDlkbM vf/kd vEyh; gS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-25/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(v) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(v) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gAS lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d lgh gSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
13. Carefully observe the given diagrams which indicates standard enthalpy of formation of different
states of one mole Mg and 2 mole Cl atom and match the entries in list-I and list-II provided.

List-I List-II
(P) DHf [Mg2+ (aq)] (1) – 1900 kJ/mole

(Q) DHf [Cl– (aq)] (2) + 460 kJ/mole

(R) DHhydration [Mg2+ (g)] (3) – 625 kJ/mole

(S) L.E.MgCl (4) + 2510 kJ/mole

2 (s )

L.E. = Lattice enthalpy

(A) P ® 4; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 3 (B) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 3
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-26/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
fn;s x;s fp= dks /;ku ls nsf[k;s blesa ,d eksy Mg rFkk 2 eksy Cl ijek.kq dh fofHkUu voLFkkvksa ds fuekZ.k dh ekud
,UFkYS ih nh x;h gAS lwph-I rFkk lwph-II esa nh xbZ izfof"V;ksa dks feyk;saA
ÅtkZ vkSj dh voLFkk

lwph-I lwp h-II

(P) DHf [Mg2+ (aq)] (1) – 1900 kJ/mole
(Q) DHf [Cl– (aq)] (2) + 460 kJ/mole
(R) DHhydration [Mg2+ (g)] (3) – 625 kJ/mole

(S) L.E.MgCl (4) + 2510 kJ/mole

2 (s )

L.E. = tkyd ÅtkZ

(A) P ® 4; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 3 (B) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 3
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-27/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
14. Match for ideal monoatomic gas -
vkn'kZ ,dy ijekf.o; xl S ds fy; lqesyu -
List-I / lwp h -I List-II / lw p h -II
(P) Isothermal process (1) U decrease during reversible expansion
lerkih; izØe mRØ; izlkj ds nkjS ku U ?kVrk gS
(Q) Adibatic process (2) U remain same during process
:¼ks"eh; izØe izØe ds nkjS ku U leku jgrk gS
(R) Cyclic process (3) P-V work is zero
pØh; izØe P-V dk;Z 'kwU; gS
(S) Isochoric process (4) DH = 0
levk;rfud izØe DH = 0
(A) P ® 4; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 3 (B) P ® 2; Q ® 4; R ® 3; S ® 1
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 3
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-28/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
15. Match the list :-
lwph lqefs yr dhft;sa
List-I / lw p h -I List-II / lw p h -II
[Change of state] [Number of proc ess involved out of
hydration sublimation and ionisation]
[voLFkk dk ifjorZu ] [ty;ks t u] Å/oZ i kru rFkk vk;uu es a ls lfEefyr
izØe dh la [;k]
(P) Na(s) ® Na (aq.) +
(1) 2
(Q) K(g) ® K+(aq) (2) 3
(R) Cl1(g) ® Cl¯(aq.) (3) 0
(S) I2(g) ® 2I(g) (4) 1
(A) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 4; S ® 3
(C) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 3
16 Match the following :-
fuEu dk feyku dhft, :-
List-I / lwph-I List-II / lwph-II
(P) 3rd transition series (1) IA
3rd laØe.k
(Q) Lanthanides (2) Electrons entered in (n-2) shell
ysUFksukbM (n-2) dks'k esa izofs 'kr bysDVªkWu
(R) Pnictogen (3) Half filled p-subshell
fuDVkstu v¼Z iwfjr p-midks'k
(S) Most reactive metals (4) Au
lokZf/kd fØ;k'khy /kkrq,sa
(A) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 1 (B) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 2
(C) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (D) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 1
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-29/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–II : Numerical Value Type (Up to second decimal place)
[k.M –II : la[;kRed eku izdkj (n'keyo ds nks LFkku rd )
No question will be asked in section II/ [k.M II es a dks b Z iz ' u ugha gSA
SECTION–III : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –III : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +4 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 0 ls 9 rd (nksuksa 'kkfey) ds chp dk ,d ,dy vadh; iw.kk±d gAS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa] vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh iw.kk±d ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn flQZ lgh mÙkj ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. A sample of an ideal gas is expanded from 1m3 to 3m3 in a reversible process for which P = KV2,
with K = 6 bar/m6. What is work done by the gas ?
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit
,d vkn'kZ xSl ds ,d uewus dks ,d mRØ; izØe] ftlds fy, K = 6 bar/m6 ds lkFk P = KV2 gS]
esa 1m3 ls 3m3 rd izlkfjr fd;k x;kA xl
S }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z D;k gksxk?
vius mÙkj ds vadks a dks (n'keyo LFkku dks Nks M+ dj ) rc rd ;ks x dhft , tc rd vkidks bdkbZ va d iz kIr
u gks tk,A
2. Find bond enthalpy of C = O (in kJ/mol) using following informations
DHatomisation [C(s)] = 700 kJ/mol
DHf [CO2(g)] = –400 kJ/mol
BEO=O = 500 kJ/mol
Resonance energy of CO2 = – 150 kJ/mol
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-30/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018

fuEu lwpukvksa dk iz;ksx dj C =O dh ca/k ,UFkYS ih (kJ/mol esa) Kkr dhft,A

DHatomisation [C(s)] = 700 kJ/mol
DHf [CO2(g)] = –400 kJ/mol
BEO=O = 500 kJ/mol
CO2 dh vuqukn ÅtkZ = – 150 kJ/mol

vius mÙkj ds vadksa dks (n'keyo LFkku dks NksM+dj ) rc rd ;ksx dhft , tc rd vkidks bdkbZ vad izkIr
u gks tk,A
3. Find the number of element which are present in liquid state at near room temperature

fuEu esa ls ,sls rRoksa dh la[;k crkbZ;s tks dejs ds ;k blds fudV ds rki ij nzo voLFkk esa jgrs gSa
Ag , Pt , Ba , Ga , Hg , Br , I , S , Cs
4. Find the number of elements which have low ionization energy as compare to ionization energy
of He :-

fuEu esa ls ,sls rRoksa dh la[;k crkbZ;s ftudh vk;uu ÅtkZ] He dh vk;uu ÅtkZ dh rqyuk esa de gS :-
Na , F , Ne , Li , Be , Al , C , Xe
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-31/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
Hkkx-3 :
SECTION–I(i) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(i) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkjS (D) gaSA ftuesa ds o y ,d gh lgh gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. Let ƒ(x) = 2x & g(x) = x2, then number of solution of ƒog = goƒ is equal to -
ekuk ƒ(x) = 2x rFkk g(x) = x2 g]S rks ƒog = goƒ ds gyksa dh la[;k gksxh -
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

æ 3x ö æ 2 + 5x ö æ2ö
2. ƒ(x) = tan -1 ç 2 ÷
+ tan -1 ç –1 –1
÷ & g(x) = tan (4x) + tan ç ÷ , then -
è 1 + 4x ø è 5 - 2x ø è5ø

ì5ü 5
(A) ƒ(x) = g(x) for x Î R - í ý (B) ƒ(x) = g(x) for x >
î2þ 2
(C) ƒ(x) = g(x) for x < (D) ƒ(x) can never be equal to g(x)
æ 3x ö æ 2 + 5x ö æ2ö
ƒ(x) = tan -1 ç 2 ÷
+ tan -1 ç –1 –1
÷ rFkk g(x) = tan (4x) + tan ç ÷ gks] rks -
è 1 + 4x ø è 5 - 2x ø è5ø
ì5ü 5
(A) x Î R - í ý ds fy, ƒ(x) = g(x) gksxk (B) x > ds fy, ƒ(x) = g(x) gksxk
î2þ 2
(C) x < ds fy, ƒ(x) = g(x) gksxk (D) ƒ(x) dHkh Hkh g(x) ds cjkcj ugha gks ldrk gSA
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-32/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
3. If one of the roots of ax2 + ax + a +1 = 0 is less than 1 & the other is more than 1, then the
complete set of values of a is given by -
;fn lehdj.k ax2 + ax + a +1 = 0 dk ,d ewy 1 ls NksVk rFkk nwljk ewy 1 ls cM+k g]S rks a ds ekuksa dk iw.kZ leqPp;
gksxk -
æ 1 ö æ 1ö æ 1 ö æ 1ö
(A) a Î ç - , 0 ÷ (B) ç 0, ÷ (C) ç - , 0 ÷ (D) ç 0, ÷
è 2 ø è 2ø è 3 ø è 3ø
3 a 2 b2 g 2
4. If a,b,g be the roots of the equation x + ax + a = 0 (where a Î R, a ¹ 0) satisfy + + = -8 ,
b g a
then a is -
a 2 b2 g 2
;fn a,b,g lehdj.k x3 + ax + a = 0 (tgk¡ a Î R, a ¹ 0) ds ewy g]S tks + + = -8 dks lUrq"V djrs gS]
b g a
rks a dk eku gksxk -
(A) –8 (B) –2 (C) 2 (D) 8
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-33/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(ii) : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –I(ii) : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [kaM esa pkj iz'u gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjks)a ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(ga)S A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij (mnkgjar% igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

LTS-34/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
5. The values of ‘x’ satisfying the equation sin–1(x2 – 5x + 7) = 2tan–11 is (are)
lehdj.k sin–1(x2 – 5x + 7) = 2tan–11 dks larq"V djus okys ‘x’ dk@ds eku gksxk@gksxas&
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
10 x - 10 - x
6. If ƒ(x) = then -
10 x + 10 - x
(A) Range of ƒ(x) is (–1,1) (B) ƒ(x) is even function
(C) ƒ(x) is odd function (D) domain of ƒ(x) is R
10 x - 10 - x
;fn ƒ(x) = gks] rks -
10 x + 10 - x
(A) ƒ(x) dk ifjlj (–1,1) gksxk (B) ƒ(x) le Qyu gksxk
(C) ƒ(x) fo"ke Qyu gksxk (D) ƒ(x) dk izkUr R gksxk
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-35/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018

æ x ö æ xö 2p
If sin -1 ç ÷÷ + sin çç 1 - ÷÷ + tan ( y ) =
-1 -1
7. , then
è 2 ø è 4ø 3
(A) Maximum value of x2 + y2 is (B) Maximum value of x2 + y2 is 4
(C) Minimum value of x2 + y2 is (D) Minimum value of x2 + y2 is 3
æ xö æ xö 2p
;fn sin -1 çç ÷÷ + sin -1 çç 1 - ÷÷ + tan -1 ( y ) = gks] rks&
è 2 ø è 4ø 3
(A) x2 + y2 dk vf/kdre eku gksxk (B) x2 + y2 dk vf/kdre eku 4 gksxk
(C) x2 + y2 dk U;wure eku gksxk (D) x2 + y2 dk U;wure dk eku 3 gksxk
8. The quadratic equation x2 + ax + b + 1 = 0 has both positive integral roots, then a2 + b2 can be
equal to-
f}?kkr lehdj.k x2 + ax + b + 1 = 0 ds nksuksa ewy /kukRed iw.kk±d gS] rks a2 + b2 dk eku gks ldrk g-S
(A) 50 (B) 37 (C) 61 (D) 20
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-36/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iii) : (Maximum Marks : 06)
[k.M –I(iii) : (vf/kdre vad : 06)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there are TWO questions.
˜ Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D) ONLY ONE of these four options is
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gSa
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa pkj mÙkj fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkjS (D) gaS ftuesa ds o y ,d lgh gSaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh mÙkj fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
Paragraph for Questions 9 and 10
iz' u 9 ,oa 10 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
æ1- x ö
Consider a function ƒ : (–1, 1) ® R, ƒ(x) = ln ç ÷.
è1+ x ø
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions :

æ1- x ö
ekuk ƒ : (–1, 1) ® R, ƒ(x) = ln ç ÷ }kjk ifjHkkf"kr gAS
è1+ x ø
mijksDr tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft , %
9. Domain of g(x) = ƒ(2x) is given by -
g(x) = ƒ(2x) dk izkUr gksxk -
æ 1 1ö
(A) (–1, 1) (B) (0, 1) (C) (–2, 2) (D) ç - , ÷
è 2 2ø
10. Let the solution of ƒ –1(x) = ex be x = ln(tan q) , then q is equal to -

ekuk ƒ –1(x) = ex dk gy x = ln(tan q) g]S rks q dk eku gksxk -

p p p p
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 6 4 3
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-37/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(iv) : (Maximum Marks : 08)
[k.M –I(iv) : (vf/kdre vad : 08)
˜ This section contains ONE paragraph.
˜ Based on paragraph, there will be TWO questions
˜ Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
˜ For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
˜ Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen,
both of which are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen
and it is a correct option.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
˜ For Example : If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with
second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result
in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options),
without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks.
Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option), without
selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting
any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct
option(s) will result in –2 marks.
˜ bl [k.M esa ,d vuqPNsn gSa
˜ vuqPNsn ij nks iz'u fn, x;sa gaSA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds lgh mÙkj (mÙkjks)a ds fy, pkj fodYi fn, x, gAaS bl pkj fodYiksa esa ls ,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd
fodYi lgh gS(ga)S A
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy,] iz'u dk (ds) mÙkj nsus gsrq lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquAs
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dk ewY;kadu fuEu vadu ;kstuk ds vuqlkj gksxk %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn dsoy (lkjs) lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +3 ;fn pkjksa fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy rhu fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gAS
vkaf'kd vad : +2 ;fn rhu ;k rhu ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gaS ijUrq dsoy nks fodYiksa dks pquk x;k gS vkjS
pqus gq, nksuksa fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
vkaf'kd vad : +1 ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd fodYi lgh gSa ijUrq dsoy ,d fodYi dks pquk x;k gS vkSj
pquk gqvk fodYi lgh fodYi gaSA
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh fodYi dks ugha pquk x;k gS (vFkkZr~ iz'u vuqÙkfjr g)S A
½.k vad : –2 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
˜ mnkgj.k Lo:i % ;fn fdlh iz'u ds fy, dsoy igyk] rhljk ,oa pkFS kk lgh fodYi gaS vkjS nwljk fodYi xyr
gS_ rks ds oy lHkh rhu lgh fodYiks a dk p;u djus ij gh +4 vad feysax saA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus
(bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi) rhu lgh fodYiksa esa ls flQZ nks dks pquus ij ( igyk rFkk pkFS kk fodYi)
+2 vad feysaxsA fcuk dksbZ xyr fodYi pqus (bl mnkgj.k esa nwljk fodYi)] rhu lgh fodYiksa esas ls flQZ ,d
dks pquus ij (igyk ;k rhljk ;k pkFS kk fodYi) +1 vad feysaxAs dksbZ Hkh xyr fodYi pquus ij (bl mnkgj.k esa
nwljk fodYi), –2 vad feysax]s pkgs lgh fodYi (fodYiksa) dks pquk x;k gks ;k u pquk x;k gksA

LTS-38/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
Paragraph for Questions 11 and 12
iz' u 11 ,oa 12 ds fy;s vuq P Ns n
Let ƒ : (–1,1) ® R where ƒ(x) = (tan(2 tan x)) (sin(2 sin–1x)).

On the basis of above information, answer the following questions :

ekuk ƒ : (–1,1) ® R tgk¡ ƒ(x) = (tan(2 tan–1x)) (sin(2 sin–1x)) gAS
mijksDr tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij ] fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft , :
11. ƒ'(0) is equal to -
ƒ'(0) dk eku gksxk&
1 2
(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) (D)
2 3
12. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) ƒ(x) is many one function (B) ƒ(x) is an even function
(C) ƒ(x) is an odd function (D) ƒ(x) is non periodic function
fuEu esa ls dkSulk dFku lR; gksxk\
(A) ƒ(x) cgq,dSdh Qyu gksxkA (B) ƒ(x) le Qyu gksxkA
(C) ƒ(x) fo"ke Qyu gksxkA (D) ƒ(x) vko`ÙkhZ Qyu ugha gAS
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-39/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
SECTION–I(v) : (Maximum Marks : 12)
[k.M –I(v) : (vf/kdre vad : 12)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ Each question has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa lqey
s u lwpha gAS lwfp;ksa ds fy, dksM ds fodYi (A), (B), (C) vkSj (D) gaS ftuesa ls dso y ,d lgh gAS
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +3 ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
13. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I List-II
æ pö
(P) The number of values of x ç 0 £ x £ ÷ which satisfy (1) 12
è 2ø
2 2
the equation 81sin x
+ 81cos x
= 30 is (2) 6
(Q) (log3(x + 1) – 1)2 + (3(y+2) – 27)2 = 0, then x + y is
(R) Minimum value of 4tan2q + 9cot2q is (3) 2
(S) Let x2
+ (sinq)x + cosq = 0 is having the roots
x = a, b and maximum value of (1 – a)(1 – b) is l, (4) 3
then l - 2 + 5 is
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 2 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-40/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018

lwph-I dks lwph-II ls lqefs yr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
lwph-I lwp h-II

(P) x æç 0 £ x £ p ö÷ ds ekuksa dh la[;k] tks lehdj.k (1) 12

è 2ø

2 2
81sin x
+ 81cos x
dks lUrq"V djrk g]S gksxh
= 30 (2) 6
(Q) (log3(x + 1) – 1) + (3(y+2) – 27)2 = 0 g]S rks x + y gksxk

(R) 4tan2q + 9cot2q dk U;wure eku gksxk (3) 2

(S) ekuk x2 + (sinq)x + cosq = 0 ds ewy x = a, b gS rFkk
(1 – a)(1 – b) dk vf/kdre eku l g]S rks l- 2 +5 gksxk (4) 3
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 4; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 2 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2
14. Let ƒ(x) = 3x2 – 7x + 5 and g(x) = 5x2 – 9x + 13.
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I List-II
(P) If graph of g(x) intersect x-axis at N points, (1) 0
then N is

(Q) If minimum value of ƒ(x) is , where p, q are (2) 1
coprime numbers, the value of |q – p| is
(R) Graph of ƒ(x) has vertex at (h, k), (3) 2
then the value of [h+k] is equal to
(where [.] denotes greatest integer function)
(S) If number of integers in the range of y = g(x), x Î [2,3] (4) 4
is 2k + 1, then k is
(A) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-41/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
ekuk ƒ(x) = 3x2 – 7x + 5 rFkk g(x) = 5x2 – 9x + 13.
lwph-I dks lwph-II ls lqefs yr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
lwph-I lwp h-II
(P) ;fn g(x) dk vkjs[k N fcUnqvksa ij x v{k dks izfrPNsn djrk (1) 0
g]S rks N gksxk
(Q) ;fn ƒ(x) dk U;wure eku q
g]S tgk¡ p, q lg vHkkT; la[;k;sa g]S (2) 1

rks|q – p| dk eku gksxk

(R) ƒ(x) ds vkjs[k dk 'kh"kZ (h, k) ij g]S rks [h+k] dk eku gksxk (3) 2
(tgk¡ [.] egÙke iw.kk±d Qyu dks n'kkZrk g)S
(S) ;fn y = g(x), x Î [2,3] ds ifjlj esa iw.kk±d dh la[;k (4) 4
2k + 1 g]S rks k gksxk
(A) P ® 1; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 4 (B) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 1; R ® 3; S ® 4 (D) P ® 3; Q ® 4; R ® 1; S ® 2
15. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I List-II
(P) sin (sin5) is equal to
(1) 2p – 5
(Q) cos–1(cos5) is equal to (2) 4
(R) tan(tan–14) is equal to (3) 5 – 2p
(S) cot–1(cot4) is equal to (4) 4– p

(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 2 (D) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-42/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
lwph-I dks lwph-II ls lqesfyr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
lwph-I lwp h-II
(P) sin–1(sin5) cjkcj gksxk (1) 2p – 5
(Q) cos–1(cos5) cjkcj gksxk (2) 4
(R) tan(tan 4) cjkcj gksxk
(3) 5 – 2p
(S) cot–1(cot4) cjkcj gksxk (4) 4 – p
(A) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 4; S ® 2 (B) P ® 3; Q ® 1; R ® 2; S ® 4
(C) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 2 (D) P ® 1; Q ® 3; R ® 2; S ® 4
16. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I List-II
(P) ƒ : R ® R, ƒ(x) = x|x| is (1) One one and into function

(Q) g : R ® R+ È {0}, g(x) = x is (2) Many one and onto function

(R) h : R ® R, h(x) = x + [x] is (3) Many one and into function
(S) p : R ® R, p(x) = |x – 1| is (4) Odd function
[Note : [×] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.]
(A) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 1 (B) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 1 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-43/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
lwph-I dks lwph-II ls lqesfyr dhft, rFkk lwfp;ksa ds uhps fn, u, dksM dk iz;ksx djds lgh mÙkj pqfu;s %
lwph-I lwp h-II
(P) ƒ : R ® R, ƒ(x) = x|x| gksxk (1) ,dSdh rFkk vUr%{ksih Qyu

(Q) g : R ® R+ È {0}, g(x) = x gksxk (2) cgq,dd

S h rFkk vkPNknd Qyu
(R) h : R ® R, h(x) = x + [x] gksxk (3) cgq,ddS h rFkk vUr%{ksih
(S) p : R ® R, p(x) = |x – 1| gksxk (4) fo"ke Qyu
[uks V : [×], x ds egÙke iw.kk±d Qyu dks n'kkZrk g]S
(A) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 3; S ® 1 (B) P ® 4; Q ® 2; R ® 1; S ® 3
(C) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 4; S ® 1 (D) P ® 2; Q ® 3; R ® 1; S ® 4
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

SECTION–II : Numerical Value Type (Up to second decimal place)

[k.M –II : la[;kRed eku izdkj (n'keyo ds nks LFkku rd )
No question will be asked in section II/ [k.M II es a dks b Z iz ' u ugha gSA

LTS-44/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018
SECTION–III : (Maximum Marks : 16)
[k.M –III : (vf/kdre vad : 16)
˜ This section contains FOUR questions.
˜ The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive.
˜ For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS.
˜ For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories :
Full Marks : +4 If only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
˜ bl [k.M esa pkj iz'u gaS
˜ izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 0 ls 9 rd (nksuksa 'kkfey) ds chp dk ,d ,dy vadh; iw.kk±d gAS
˜ izR;sd iz'u esa] vks-vkj-,l- ij lgh iw.kk±d ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk djsaA
˜ izR;sd iz'u ds fy, vad fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d ds vuq l kj fn;s tk,a xs %
iw.kZ vad : +4 ;fn flQZ lgh mÙkj ds vuq:i cqycqys dks dkyk fd;k gAS
'kwU; vad : 0 ;fn fdlh Hkh cqycqys dks dkyk ugha fd;k gAS
½.k vad : –1 vU; lHkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esaA
1. Let y = sin–1(sin 6) – tan–1(tan 8) + cos–1(cos 6) + sec–1(sec 7) + cot–1(cot 5) – cosec–1(cosec 4) simplifies
to ap + b, then (a + b) is equal to
ekuk y = sin–1(sin 6) – tan–1(tan 8) + cos–1(cos 6) + sec–1(sec 7) + cot–1(cot 5) – cosec–1(cosec 4)
= ap + b rc (a + b) dk eku gksxk
ì1 ü x-2
Let ƒ : R - í ý ® R - ì

2. í ý , ƒ(x) = be a function such that x = m is the solution of
î2þ î2þ 2x - 1
ƒ(x) + 2ƒ–1(x) + 2 = ƒ(ƒ(x)), then m is equal to
ekuk ƒ : R - ìí 1 üý ì1 ü
® R - í ý , ƒ(x) = ,d Qyu bl izdkj gS fd x = m, ƒ(x) + 2ƒ–1(x) + 2 = ƒ(ƒ(x))
î2þ î2þ 2x - 1
dk gy gS] rks m dk eku gksxk
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

0999DJA110318002 LTS-45/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018
3. Let ƒ(x) be an even function satisfying ƒ(x) + ƒ(x + 2) = ƒ(x + 1) " x Î R, where ƒ(–13) = 4, then
ƒ(–5) + ƒ(1) is equal to
ekuk ,d le Qyu gS] tks x Î R ds fy,
ƒ(x) ƒ(x) + ƒ(x + 2) = ƒ(x + 1) dks lUrq " V djrk gS] tgk¡
ƒ(–13) = 4 g]S rks ƒ(–5) + ƒ(1) dk eku gksxk
4. If sin2q & cos2q are two roots of equation 5x3 – 10x2 + lx – 1 = 0 then l is equal to
;fn sin2q rFkk cos2q lehdj.k 5x3 – 10x2 + lx – 1 = 0 ds nks ewy gks] rks l dk eku gksxk
Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

LTS-46/48 0999DJA110318002
Leader Test Series/Joint Package Course/22-07-2018

Que. No. Category-wise Marks for Each Question / oxkZuqlkj izR;sd iz'u ds vad Maximum
Section Type of Full Marks Partial Marks Zero Marks Negative Marks of the
Que. iw.kZ vad vkaf'kd vad 'kwU; vad Marks section
[k.M iz'u dk iz'uksa ½.k vad [k.M esa
izdkj dh vf/kdre vad
+3 0 –1
Single If only the bubble If none In all
correct option corresponding to of the other
,dy lgh the correct option bubbles is cases
I(i) fodYi 4 is darkened — darkened vU; lHkh 12
;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
vuq:Ik cqycqys dks cqycqys dks dkyk esa
dkyk fd;k gS ugha fd;k gS
+4 +1 0 –2
One or more If only the bubble(s) For darkening a bubble If none In all
correct corresponding corresponding to each of the other
option(s) to all the correct correct option, provided bubbles is cases
,dy ;k ,d ls option(s) is(are) NO incorrect option darkened vU; lHkh
I(ii) 4 16
vf/kd lgh darkened darkened ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
fodYi ;fn flQZ lkjs lgh fodYi izR;sd lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks esa
(fodYiksa) ds vuq:Ik cqycqys dks dkyk djus ij] dkyk ugha
cqycqys (cqycqyksa) dks ;fn dksbZ xyr fodYi dkyk fd;k gS
dkyk fd;k x;k gS ugha fd;k gS
Paragraph +3 0 –1
Based If only the bubble If none In all
(Single corresponding to of the other
correct the correct option bubbles is cases
I(iii) option) 2 is darkened — darkened vU; lHkh 6
vuqPNsn ij ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
vk/kkfjr vuq:Ik cqycqys dks cqycqys dks esa
(,dy lgh dkyk fd;k gS dkyk ugha
fodYi) fd;k gS
Paragraph +4 +1 0 –2
Based If only the bubble(s) For darkening a bubble If none In all
(One or more corresponding to all corresponding to each of the other
correct the correct option(s) correct option, provided bubbles is cases
option(s)) is(are) darkened NO incorrect option darkened vU; lHkh
I(iv) vuqPNsn ij 2 ;fn flQZ lkjs lgh fodYi darkened ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa 8
vk/kkfjr (fodYiksa) ds vuq:Ik izR;sd lgh fodYi ds vuq:i cqycqys dks esa
(,dy ;k ,d ls cqycqys (cqycqyksa) dks cqycqys dks dkyk djus ij] dkyk ugha
vf/kd lgh dkyk fd;k x;k gS ;fn dksbZ xyr fodYi dkyk fd;k gS
fodYi) ugha fd;k gS
Matching +3 0 –1
Lists Type If only the bubble If none In all
(Single corresponding to of the other
correct option) the correct option bubbles is cases
I(v) lqph lqey
s u 4 is darkened — darkened vU; lHkh 12
izdkj ;fn flQZ lgh fodYi ds ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
(,dy lgh vuq:Ik cqycqys dks cqycqys dks dkyk esa
fodYi) dkyk fd;k gS ugha fd;k gS
+4 0 –1
Single digit If only the bubble If none In all
Integer corresponding of the other
(0-9) to correct answer bubbles is cases
III ,dy vadh; 4 is darkened — darkened vU; lHkh 16
iw.kk±d ;fn flQZ lgh mÙkj ds ;fn fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr;ksa
(0-9) vuq:Ik cqycqys dks cqycqys dks dkyk esa
dkyk fd;k gS ugha fd;k gS

0999DJA110318002 LTS-47/48
Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019/22-07-2018

NAME OF THE CANDIDATE / ijh{kkFkhZ dk uke .............................................................................

FORM NO. / QkW e Z uEcj .............................................
I have read all the instructions I have verified the identity, name and Form
and shall abide by them. number of the candidate, and that question
eSau s lHkh funs Z' kks a dks i<+ fy;k gS vkS j eS mudk paper and ORS codes are the same.
vo'; ikyu d:¡ xk@d:¡ xhA eSa us ijh{kkFkhZ dk ifjp;] uke vkSj QkWeZ uEcj dks iw jh rjg
tk¡p fy;k gS ,oa iz' u i= vkSj vks - vkj- ,l- dks M nksuks a leku gSaA
____________________________ ____________________________
Signature of the Candidate / ijh{kkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj Signature of the invigilator / fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj

Space for Rough Work / dPps dk;Z ds fy, LFkku

Corporate Office : ALLEN CAREER INSTITUTE, “SANKALP”, CP-6, Indra Vihar, Kota (Rajasthan)-324005
LTS-48/48 Your Target is to secure Good Rank in JEE 2019 0999DJA110318002

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