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Unit 2:

Hi, Madre!
I know you have been very curious about how my semester has been going. It has been a pretty
gnarly ride. I had an essay due the week that I has taken to the emergency room for norovirus
and the essay ended up being just as I was expecting… AWFUL. Despite the help I was able to
conjure up from both you and dad, it was hard for me to create a paper on the correlation
between flow and athletes mindsets. It was fun for me to reflect on when I used to play soccer
but it also made my heart twist knowing that I would never be able to experience flow again on
the field due to my ACL. I wish I had sent my essay to you to proofread because I know that you
have more knowledge on flow than most people! Your Virginia Mason slides on flow and
creativity in the workplace helped me A LOT through my presentation!
Even though this essay was a toughie for me, I think that the introduction to the theories was a
great way to get the class warmed up. We created a presentation with an overlook of specified
theories, as you know, mine was Flow and Creativity by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The
presentation in class were mostly all interesting. I definitely connected better with the
information presented when the presenters were more passionate about their subject. That is why
I chose to connect my topic of flow with the mindsets of athletes. I was not familiar with much
of the other subjects because I had no prior knowledge to psychology, but it caught my attention
in such a way that made me want to take another psychology class!
Well, I better get going! I have to meet Grace at the library! I love you so much mom!
Claire (your second born)

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