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I 7 London County Council 7 LONDON BUILDING (CONSTRUCTIONAL) BY-LAWS, 1952 with roopect to the construction and couversion of buildings and cognate matters made in purses y of the London Building! Acts, 1980-1939. , ¢ ANPRNTION 18 DRAWN To THE COUNCIL'S POWER OF MODIETCATION Of WAIVER "UNDER SECIION 9 09 HS LONDON BULLDING ACE (ANNDBANTD AC, Hae PART Cones tee 4.01. ths ynve ay dah Jado uling(Cntutond) By we 18h ahaa 1.02. ‘hoes by-love axe divided into parts as follows: "2 Dion fate Pete oe Port ~ I—General., i tess pons, * HE Ab of nt, ee “TVS ating, exerts, undone ond oie th ei fon erp en Al 7 es Ti Stl Us of, : °) YEE Rin etl Uo of Bond onal "VIE Sa Ue of es Hai "De itbng Coates, : we Zee times earth aod iney i, "Xt Minne rebel 4.0, he ys, exept ln xp dad oh sonkry othe emt ere Pk “agi he lowing Seprsone hve tn Seay meby espe celal es istony : "egg" nse nt te on conah sa itn we in ag of concrete a ne eg oe “ pysoprii provi alton to say BS. ns wuch of th rv fat 4] Be Pina odin sear oti oesets moat ratte at ‘fie? toate wll pa sae : (th nani on co Saat aor he ekg, ona he ne ot alert ys tan sins tion fe (9 fn uy oer nn, totaal oe cthtas aa» ther hrm spt Ba BSP ites Be Sede Seeing “Ite ann» sring el gp wal hte ta e260 Sug pp onthe val sna ans endo ed Bors Enn sts alco coum ; tulong fe act stared fo © frming pete blogs ap ES a PELE lt og : TE sac in at eening'ns goss Wht store ts pase ‘jit tn tea dn mee A he pc of chiney sat mh hit eppned save hs bot : Gi) the level of the topmost lateral sapport 5 a a “chia ames pao han &ombitin fe orm chi) on baat wining “nile "nts cota Spying wh thn pov of baw "ded nt" io gt of nel, ans ly pos ad i: ptament ‘oustrutior oe "clement of constzustion,"enbjet to th provisions of bylaw 9.01 means"! "°% nat + "G'oay Soo ten ated i. Gi) sxy partition or wal which separate posta or divisions of «building wad fr diferet xe se wg BtbOoe oF tananted by diffcentpenons sn PEE ~ “fuples Seaag” uae le oping onbwers th ja (ok eth amt of : it: od Brey bain ”. “at root meeas rot having no inclination or Raving n inclntisn not moto thea 10 degeee with tho borzontal A * “lay sansa dut though whi smoke o other produss of coinbablion or fame fo gy evoking syyarstae ot sve of oven, or vitsted si, pasq on fan intended to pose for the purpoas of reashig Ub open et a “hoght” in elton fo wallor pie mean the erties dimen mois’ foun thd - aso ofthat wallor pier lo th top thereof om, the op bo shaped os» gabe, tlds) Delmeen the bist ofthe gabe end the top there; i $"imposed loi" means load other than dead oad; * é > Dublaed by the Fandon Only Covell _ Tie Coanty Hl, Westainster Sedge, S12 BenaHons), CEng, MNKIE, MRK, » THD. Price 32.64. Postage extra, 9 a) LUO eles wee, BondonBuilaing Acts, 1930-39 BY-LAWS MADE ON 28 MAY 1957 AMENDING THE LONDON BUILDING (CONSTRUCTIONAL) BY-LAWS, 1952 1. These byJaws may be Ged asthe London Building (Constevétlonal) Amending By-Fivs, 1957" 2, In these byLaws the expression “ prineipel by-Jaws ” means the London Building (Constructional) By-laws, 1952, etdo by the London County Council on the 21st day of October 1952, and which came into operation onthe Zet day of January 1953, 3, Part III (miterials of construction) of the principal by-laws shall be amended by the addition ‘hereto.of te following provision . “ Bxteraal and tnteral eladéng—321 (V) Any cladding to a building, whether applied extcnally of internally, shell be of fuch materials, ef such thickness and fixed and supported in sich manner as the district surveyor may approve, having regaed to the particulne chewstencet ofthe cae (@) Where suc cladding is exteral, any metal dowels fixings end euppore ofthe clang shall be of stainless steel or non-ferrous metal (other than aluminium at zine); Provided that other materials for dowels, Sings and supports may be used if the district surveyor fs satisfied that those fixings are adequately‘proteted from corrosion by vt of their posit the work ) For the purposes of this by-lawcladding shall mean a fecing ot srehitectral decoration =~ ditional to the required statutory constuction but nat co banded to that constrtion ae to exext ‘The lavng lav al be vied for baw 6c Prt VE hese eo ee oct pa ye "ron (0) Bue the esha orang aed wy orm xr valor iy opty wt © ipa yw tnt clon or Ceo tl soy enous sik ekro Cnet or Oe Soir nl at eae aes "ded tat hee the emavoen Stn er elm i ptt the wees, tat | 4] ‘encasement shall Be | Feet a is an ee in ils (0 of wer son or ir pte rope wae ie retited hem ti ect occa = : (corre not estan ache a hen oh he ee of te Dg ad se SF sso ie BS FE ght be sh City prog stb Wace epee so a etal eae ot FP itu the co a einen eh ot fant - sch maa be dit ere may arr eh ae, servis tame a al arsspec athe he par Crea in ett evan th sa of he kwh, seo salsa fis | @) Whisesictralsec! may-be adversely affected by moisie from the aéjining cary all tsi este it ant aa 9 ese . Fit ie columma oF beam is @) For the purposes ofthis by-law, any concrete used in the encaserient ofa beam or column shall be wot infetior in quality to that designated Grade If fn by-law 3.02 5. As from the date when these bys come into operation, by-Jaw 6.02 of the principal bylaws, shal be evoked, ‘The seal of the Covell was hereunto afixed on the 20th day of August 1957. LS, ND. “Clerk of the Laidon County Comet ‘Tue County HALL, \ Wiesransten Brine, : SEL August 1937 . . LOWBon couNTY council Eonilon’Building Acts, 1930-39 BY-LAWS MADE ON 28 MAY 1957 AMENDING THE LONDON BUILDING (CONSTRUCTIONAL) BY-LAWS, 1952 1. These by-laws may be cited #s the London iilding (Construstonal) Amending Bysins, 1957 2. tn hese ans th expression rial bays” aan the London Bling (Constactonl) yw 1952, mad by the London County Covnel onto 21st ay of October 952, and which come fn option onthe st dy of Jamar 1388. 3. Put I (teria of constuction) ofthe piel byfave shall be amended by the ation tert te fllving pron " Balms! ond inten eaddg 3.21 (0) Any cladding to tiling whether applied extra or iteraly, shall be of suck mete, of wach tchrst and Rud and ported In Sch manoat asthe det suveyoe may approve, Dain ephd tothe parc Casuatactt tthe (2) Where auch cladding extemal, any meta doves, Gxings and supports ofthe lading shall tw of nls steal of nn-erous maa ter then aluminium of zt); Provided that other materia for dowels, ings ad suppor may be usedifthe ditt surveyor” ds clisied that thace ings ave adequately peteted fom corrosion by vive of tei posivon int the work Hi (2) For the purposes ofthis baw, lading shall mean a ficing of architectural decoration addition to the required sattory contusion but nt so Bonded to tha eosstueion 88 exert - Somncn aion vader load” "4, The following tylavs shall be subsite for bylaw 602 of Pact VI (he steuctral we of tet) Howe peneipal bylaver ' * Prowein-~&(2 (I) Subject othe prvitlons of Par 1X (rexessting codstrucion, where > FF > cotumnn or ten stated wholly o pasty in an extemal wal o: wholly ov patty within veers — Sn. party val, that column or tere shal be apidy encased ide bickwerk, constte or other slotar material at Test co inches i hckiesst Provided that where the enesement of & bsim or ecm ie exposed to the weather, that sxcarmnt shall bo (of tonto Wes than 3 inches in thickness; of GO of brikovorky stone-or similar material, propery setiedIt Me colwom of beam is poeced rom the els ofcaroson by (2) conerte not fs han 1 fche a thehees.on the edges of the Manges and et Tes than 2 ies i thes onthe fe oT henge bat inno case less than T Hoch <= aver any progestng svetheads, bois or splicepates, co thatthe ftal thickness of encasement tothe cohimm or beam not ese than ches ot (©) such mmera as ine ast surveyor my approve as being durable, impervious to mojstre and inal other respects suitable, having regard (othe paral circumstances ofthe ease, and the thickness of the biekwork, stone or sir materia snot es th ‘Finches \: @ Whire strugtural'stee] may-be adversely affected by moisture from the adjoining earth ie dhall be solidly encased wth concrete atleast 4 inches in thickness, = (3) For the purposes ofthis by-law, any concrete sed in the encazerient of a beam or eohuma shall be nat inferior im quality to that designated Grace II im bylaw 307." 5. As from the date when these by-laws care into operation, by:law 6.02 ofthe prcipal by-laws shall be tevoked. 6, These by-law shal be'construed as one with the principal by-laws. The foregoing emending by-ave vere mae by the Coe on tht 8h day of May 1957 and ia pusvance of Secon 8 () ofthe ondon Duling Aa (hater) Ach 198, the Couns on tat Ex selves thatthe Sri dco na opeeton oie et ny of September 1937 : ‘The sea of the Couneil was hercunto affxed 6a the 20th day of August 1957, ‘Tue Commy Hart, Weransree Biioos, SEL ' August 1987 1 “Chr of te Laon Comiy Cowell

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