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Profit & Loss Class Room Sheet

1.An article was sold at 9625/- at a loss of 23%. At what price should it be sold for to gain 20% profit.
a. Rs.12500 b. Rs.13000 c. Rs.14000 d. None of these

2. If lemons bought at the rate of 35 for 50/- have to be sold at 40% profit. How many should be sold
for 100/-
a.70 b.50 c.40 d. None of these

3. An article was sold at 690/- at gain of 15%. At what price should it be sold for to loss 20%
a.552/- b.540/- c.600/- d. None of these

4. Selling price of 4 articles = cost price of 3 articles. The percentage profit or loss is
a. 33 1/3% b.30% c.25% d. None of these

5. A man loses Rs.20 by selling some toys at the rate of Rs.3 per piece and gains Rs.30, if he sells
them at Rs.3.25 per piece. The number of piecec sold by him are ?
a. 100 b.120 c.200 d. 300

6. The cost price of two articles each is 35,000/- and one article sold at 12% profit and other article
sold at 12% loss. Then what is overall loss or profit percent.
a. 24% Profit b.24% Loss c.1.44% Loss d. No Pofit & No loss

7. A man sells two sites for each 2,95,550/-. On one he gains 15% and on other he loses 15%. Find his
% loss or gain.
a.2.25% b.2% c.3.5% d.None

8.If goods are purchased at 4500/-. And one third of them are sold at a profit of 10%, at what profit%
should the remaining be sold to obtain a profit of 15%.
a.15% b.5% c.17.5% d.17%

9. A merchant uses dishonest means to make profit by announcing that he sells at cost price, weighs
800gm for every 1000gm. What is his gain percent.
a.25% b.20% c.10% d.15%

10. A milk man professes to sell milk at its cost price only. But still he is making a profit of 25% since
he has mixed some amount of water in the milk. What is the percentage of milk in the mixture.
a. 20% b.75% c.80% d. None of these

11 A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. Had he purchased it at 25% less and sold it for Rs.25 less,
he would have still gained 25%. Find the cost price of the article
a. Rs.60 b. Rs.75c. Rs.80 d. None of these

12. A man bought some number of horses for Rs.72000. Four of them died, and sold the rest at
Rs.1400 per head more than he paid for them. If he made a profit of Rs.8000, on the whole
transaction, find the cost price of each horse.
a. Rs.9000 b. Rs.8000 c. Rs.5000 d. Rs.3600

13. A trader marks up his good by 40% above the cost price, and when he increases his discount%
from 5% to 10% then his profit decreases by 14/-. Find the profit when he offers 20% discount.
A.12 B.24 C.56 D.28
14. Toffees are purchased at the rate of 11 for Rs.10 and sold at 10 for Rs.11. The profit percent is

a. 21% b.11% c.10% d. 1% e. None of these

15. An item sold after giving two successive discounts of 20% & 10% respectively. If the item was sold
for Rs.468.The MP of that item is:
A. 600/- B.500/- C.575/- D.650/-

Profit & Loss Practice sheet

1. By selling an aricle for Rs.100, one gain Rs.10. The gain percent is?

a.9% b.10% c.11% d.11 1/9% e. None of these

2. On selling an article for Rs.240 a trader loses 4%. In order to gain 10% he must sell that article


a.264 b.273.20 c.275 d.280 e. None of these

3. A man loses Rs.20 by selling some toys at the rate of Rs.3 per piece and gains Rs.30, if he sells

them at Rs.3.25 per piece. The number of piecec sold by him are ?

b. 100 b.120 c.200 d. 300 e. None of these

4. A retailer buys a radio for Rs.225. How overhead expenses are Rs.15. he sells the radio for

Rs.300. the profit oercent of the retailer is?

a. 10% b.25% c.50% d.52% e. None of these

5. A sweet seller declares that he sells sweets at the cost price. However, he uses a weight of

450 gms instead of 500 gms. His percentage profit is?

a. 10% b. 11 1/9% c. 12% d. 12 2/9% e. None of these

6. A man sells two commodities at the same price. On one he gains 20% and loses 20% on the

Other he gets?

a. 1% loss b.4% loss c.1% gain d. 0% gain & loss e. None of these

7. Two-third of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% and the remainder at a loss of 2%. If the

Total profit was Rs.400, the value of the consignment(in rupees) was?

a. 20000 b.15000 c.12000 d.10000 e. None of these

8. A man gains 10% by selling an article for a certain price. If he sells it at double the price, the

Profit made is

a.205 b.60% c. 100% d.120% e. None of these

9.If an article is sold at a gain of 6% instead of a loss at 6%, then the seller gets Rs.6 more. The
Cost price of the article is?

a. 50/- b.94/- c.100/- d.106/- e. None of these

10. Profit after selling an article for Rs.425/- is the same as loss after selling it for Rs.355. The cost

Of the article is?

a. 385/- b.390/- c.395/- d.400/- e. None of these

11. A sold watch to B at a gain of 5% and B sold it to C at a gain of 4%. If C paid Rs. 1092 for it,

The price paid by A is?

a. 993.72 b. 996 c. 1000 d. 995.90 e. None of these

12. A dealer sold a radio at a loss of 2.5%. Had he sold it Rs.100 more, he would have gained

7 ½%. In order to gain 12 ½, he should sell it for?

a. 850/- b. 925/- c. 1080/- d. 1125/- e. None of these

13. A man purchased sugar worth Rs.400. He sold ¾ th at aloss of 10% and the remainder at a

Gain of 10%. On the whole, he gets?

a. A loss of 5% b. a gain of 5 ½% c. a loss of 5 1/19%

d. a loss of 5 5/19% e. None of these

14. 6% more is gained by selling a radio for Rs.1425 than by delling is for Rs.1353. The cost price

Of the radio is ?

a. 1200/- b. 1302/- c. 1339.50/- d. 1444.28/- e. None of these

15. Toffees are purchased at the rate of 11 for Rs.10 and sold at 10 for Rs.11. The profit percent is

a. 21% b.11% c.10% d. 1% e. None of these

16. If the cost price of 15 table be equal to selling price 20 tables, the loss percent is?

a. 20% b. 25% c. 35% d. 37.5% e. None of these

17. By selling a 8 dozens of pencils a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 1 dozen pencils. His

Gain percent is ?

a. 12.5% b. 87.5% c. 14 2/7% d. 13 1/7% e. None of these

18. A tradesman marks his goods at Rs.300 and allows a discount of 25%. If he still gains 12.5%

Then the cost of article is?

a. 16% b. 15.48% c. 16.64% d.36% e. None of these

19. A merchant marks his goods at Rs.300 and allows a discount of 25%. If he still gains 12.5%,

Then the cost of article is?

a. 220/- b. 240/- c. 200/- d. 260/- e. None of these

20. Mohan buys an article with 25% discount on its marked price. He makes a profit of 10%

By selling it at Rs.660. The marked price is?

a. 600/- b. 700/- c. 800/- d.685/- e. None of these

21. A fan listed at Rs.750 with a discount of 20%.What additional discount must be offered to

The customer to bring the net price Rs.540?

a. 11 1/9% b. 10% c. 11% d. 8% e. None of these

22. The marked price of an article is 10% higher than the cost price. A discount of 10% is

Given on the marked price. In this kind od sale, the seller?

a. Bears no loss, no gain b. gains 10% c. loses 1%

d. gains 20% e. None of these

23. Tarun bought a T.V with 20% discount on the labelled price. Had he bought it with 25%

Discount, he would have saved Rs.500. At what price did he buy the T.V?

a. 5000/- b.10000/- c. 12000 d. 16000 e. None of these

24. A discount series of 10%, 20% and 40% is equivalent to a single discount of?

a. 50% b. 56.8% c. 60% d.70.28% e. None of these

25. The difference between a discount of 40% on Rs. 500 and two successive discounts of

36% and 4% on the same amount is?

a. Rs.0 b. Rs.2 c. Rs.1.93 d. Rs.7.20 e. None of these

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