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By: Dr. Paul Enenche
1. Understanding what to do to enjoy marriage
2. Understanding what to do to last in marriage
Marriage, as it is in Scripture (the ordinance of marriage) is under a monumental attack
At the end of the day, there are some lies that the devil wants the world to believe; some of them
are lies we want to knock out!
1. All marriages are endured, none can be enjoyed. IT IS A LIE (Eccl. 4:9)
2. Those who lived roughly and carelessly fare better at the end or lose nothing. IT IS ANOTHER
The time will never come where evil is better than good and darkness is better than light
3. Marriage cannot be free of crisis or compound conflict. IT IS ANOTHER LIE
Marriage can be absolutely free of crisis and conflict, if the right things are done
4. Marital love fades away with time. IT IS A LIE (Prov. 4:18; Ps. 84:7; Rom. 1:16-17)
1. Have a clear picture of your desired or desirable marital future (Hab. 2:1-2)
What you see affects what you experience
Assumption only brings frustration
Don’t marry because you are of age to marry; marry on purpose
2. Reject every negative mindset (Num. 18:23; 14:28)
Mindset affects outcome
Reject every negative mindset you have about marriage because your thought affects your life
For every negative picture you have, there are more than a thousand positive pictures
Make your choice and your choice makes you
Use scripture to reset your mind
3. Know who you want to marry (Gen. 29:23-27)
Many people married strangers; if they knew them they wouldn’t have come near them
i. Give it time
ii. Ask God to show you who that person is
4. Seek God’s will and direction (Prov. 19:14; 3:5-6)
A wife that will not give you stress is from the Lord
As a person, God knows your personality and attitudinalities, your emotional complexities,
proclivities and tendencies, your vision and passions, so He packages a person that can
accommodate you and complement you.
5. Lay a strong spiritual foundation (Ps. 11:3; Matt. 7:24-25; Heb. 13:4)
Every solid construction requires a solid foundation
The integrity of the foundation determines the destiny of the construction
Foundation determines destination
The foundation is the foundation of prayer and purity (Heb. 13:4)
Premarital purity is put in place to safeguard the future and ensure the foundation is not
weakened by sin
6. Never feel obligated to continue in relationship if conviction is lost (Ps. 85:8)
Never put sentiments ahead of principles; never put sentiments ahead of substance
With your eyes open, don’t enter the grave
It is never too late to make a U-turn when you realise you have missed the way
7. Never entertain the possibility of divorce (Prov. 23:7a)
What you see determines what you seize
Don’t ever agree to marry who you don’t want to live with for life
Don’t ever marry with a PLAN B in mind
Don’t give the devil thoughts and words to finish your life
1. Be a Christian
Every good Christian will be a committed husband/wife
2. Be your wife’s husband and be your husband’s wife
Be everything to your wife that a husband should be – caregiver, protector, provider etc.
Be everything a woman is meant to be for her husband – in praying for him, reverencing him
3. Forgive easily; excuse mistakes
Forgive easily and excuse the faults of your spouse
Excuse fault even before you hear explanation for the fault
When it pertains to marital relations, don’t judge actions before your understand intentions
4. Never take each other for granted
Never allow overfamiliarity to kill the wine of marriage
Woman – keep yourself in a pursuable mode
5. Remain the best friend of your spouse
Let your spouse be your best friend
6. Be mindful of negative family patterns
So that you can fight it, refuse it and resist it
7. Be mindful of your next generation
The battle you don’t fight you leave for your children to fight
Be successful in your marital relationship so that your children can understand what a pattern
spouse should be
Father, thank You for Your Word to us tonight. We are grateful. To You be all the glory Lord, in
Jesus’ Name.
Lord Jesus, I come before You to surrender my life to You and to reject every ancestral,
generational, family, anti-marital, and witchcraft curse, every force of hell fighting my life and
marital destiny I reject and refuse you. You have no place in my life in Jesus’ Name.
- Whatever has defied anything and has kept you the way you have been, preventing you from
getting settled, tonight, it shall crumble!
- You will never end in a miserable marriage!
- Your children will never end in a miserable marriage
- You will live an enviable marriage!
- Between now and next year, everyone that had a marital embargo on their life, you shall
already be settled maritally
- From this anniversary celebration, role model marriages will be rising out of this encounter
- Everything that has delayed your marital life and destiny, today it is arrested
- Every oil and grace that has helped us these 25years in marriage, and whatever you have seen
in our lives that you desire, I declare, they are released!
- Every spell or inability to get married, I declare it is broken! The right person will locate you in
this season!
- Every troublesome marriage, receive the help of God
- Everyone trusting for the fruit of the womb in marriage, receive your answer!
- Every family with financial challenges, receive your breakthrough!
- Every family with troubled children, receive intervention in Jesus’ Name
- Overnight, supernatural encounter!
- Every mystery around your destiny that has not allowed you to go forward, between now and
Monday, God shall reveal it and destroy it!
- Anti-marital spells are broken!
- Every covenant of hell fighting your life and destiny is arrested!
- Everything that could not resist us or stop us or hinder what God was doing in our lives, will not
be able to hinder or stop you!
For the upcoming Youth & Singles Program on Monday 22nd April 2019:
SINGLES: Come with a list of what you expect in your future spouse and write down the date you
wish to get married.
MARRIED COUPLES: Come with family expectations

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