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Tommy Robinson doused in milkshake for

second time in two days

Rightwing activist hit as he campaigned for European elections in Warrington and Bury

Nazia Parveen North of England correspondent


Thu 2 May 2019 22.18 BST Last modified on Thu 2 May 2019 22.38 BST



The drink was thrown at Tommy Robinson’s head while he was campaigning to be elected as an
independent MEP for the north-west of England. Photograph: Mirrorpix

Rightwing activist Tommy Robinson had a milkshake thrown over him for the second time in
two days as he continued on his campaign trail for the European elections on Thursday.

The English Defence League founder – who is running as an independent to become an MEP
for the north-west of England – was hit with the drink during a walkabout in Warrington,
Footage posted on social media showed Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-
Lennon, arguing with Danyal Mahmud before the drink was thrown at his head. Robinson
then appeared to respond by throwing several punches at Mahmud, 23, before they were


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One man, filming the incident, is heard shouting at Robinson “that’s what you get for being a

Speaking to Asian Image, Mahmud said he had been left shaken by the incident. He added: “I
was in Warrington for a meeting and afterwards was on my way home. I had to pass this
group of people.

“He [Robinson] just kept talking to me. I kept moving location. I was the only Asian guy
there. I said to him I do not wish to speak to you on or off camera. I just got annoyed with
him. A milkshake ‘slipped’ out of my hand.

“I had no intention of doing anything or reacting in any way. But he kept talking. I feel a bit
shaken up and shocked to be honest.”

Following the incident a crowd of people who had gathered to protest against Robinson’s
campaign were heard cheering. Police have now launched an investigation as it is understood
Robinson has made an allegation of assault. Robinson was later filmed sitting in a police car
as protesters stood nearby with placards.

A Cheshire police spokesman said: “We are aware of an allegation of assault made following
an incident in Bridge Street in Warrington. We are looking into the circumstances.”
Robinson has also claimed he was “punched and slapped” by two other people in separate
incidents in Warrington. “I was politically targeted,” he added in a video. “I so want to win
this. No amount of punches, milkshakes, attacks or anything is going to stop me.”

The incident came a day after a separate video showed Robinson attacked with a milkshake
on the campaign trail in Bury, Greater Manchester, on Wednesday.

In a video posted to his followers on his Telegram channel the 36-year-old said: “Had a
strawberry milkshake thrown over me by some I dunno, I’d say some Muslim supporter of
course.” Footage showed Robinson’s supporters chasing the man who threw the milkshake
down the road.

Meanwhile, another viral video posted on Tuesday showed a woman in Salford accusing the
prospective MEP of “just spouting a load of shite” about grooming gangs to get publicity.


Nahella Ashraf

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Robinson’s appearance in Warrington had already raised concerns. Before his rally,
Warrington South MP Faisal Rashid, who was the town’s first Muslim mayor, said: “I feel it
is important that I put on the record that hatred and racism has absolutely no place in our
town. Warrington is an inclusive and united town. I have lived in Warrington for over 20
years and in that time the town has welcomed me and my family.”

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