Article 502. The Following Are of Public

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Article 502.

The following are of public banks and floodgates shall be considered as

dominion: an integral part of the land of building for
(1) Rivers and their natural beds; which the waters are intended. The owners of
(2) Continuous or intermittent waters of lands, through which or along the boundaries
springs and brooks running in their natural of which the aqueduct passes, cannot claim
beds and the beds themselves; ownership over it, or any right to the use of its
(3) Waters rising continuously or intermittently bed or banks, unless the claim is based on
on lands of public dominion; titles of ownership specifying the right or
(4) Lakes and lagoons formed by Nature on ownership claimed.
public lands, and their beds;
(5) Rain waters running through ravines or ALL WATER belong to the state, however, there
sand beds, which are also of public dominion;
(6) Subterranean waters on public lands; can be PRIVATE WATER or existing water rights
(7) Waters found within the zone of operation only when it was owned prior to the
of public works, even if constructed by a Constitution.
(8) Waters rising continuously or intermittently
on lands belonging to private persons, to the SECTION 2
State, to a province, or to a city or a The Use of Public Waters
municipality from the moment they leave such
lands; Article 504. The use of public waters is
(9) The waste waters of fountains, sewers and acquired:
public establishments. (407)
(1) By administrative concession;
Public waters are for the use of the general
publice hence no one may monopolize its use. (2) By prescription for ten years.

The extent of the rights and obligations of the

ESTEROS are of public dominion, and are, use shall be that established, in the first case,
therefore, non registerable. by the terms of the concession, and, in the
second case, by the manner and form in
which the waters have been used. (409a)
A STREAM located within private land is still
PUBLIC DOMINION even if the Torrens Titlt eof
If acquired by administrative concession- the
the land does not show the existence of said
terms of the concession
If acquired by prescription for ten years- the
manner and form of using the waters.
Article 503. The following are of private
(1) Continuous or intermittent waters rising on In obtaining a concession, the order of
lands of private ownership, while running preference is as follows:
through the same; 1. The FIRST TO APPROPRIATE is given a
(2) Lakes and lagoons, and their beds, formed
by Nature on such lands; better right to ask for a concession
(3) Subterranean waters found on the same; 2. When the claimants appropriated at the
(4) Rain waters falling on said lands, as long same time, preference is given ina
as they remain within the boundaries;
ccordance with the USE INTENDED in
(5) The beds of flowing waters, continuous or
intermittent, formed by rain water, and those this order:
of brooks, crossing lands which are not of a. Domestic use
public dominion. b. Agricultural use
In every drain or aqueduct, the water, bed,
c. Industrial use except as provided by the Mining Law.
d. Fishponds
e. Mining uses Afkarz
NOTE: Property of public dominion may not be Article 510. The ownership which the
proprietor of a piece of land has over the
acquired by prescription, however, this article is
waters rising thereon does not prejudice the
an exception in so far as their use is concerned. rights which the owners of lower estates may
have legally acquired to the use thereof.
Article 505. Every concession for the use of
waters is understood to be without prejudice Basta must not prejudice vested rights as they
to third persons. are protected by the law.
Article 511. Every owner of a piece of land
The terms of concession should jeopardize vest has the right to construct within his property,
rights. This is true, even if the injury is only reservoirs for rain waters, provided he causes
expected and not yet actual. no damage to the public or to third persons

Article 506. The right to make use of public

waters is extinguished by the lapse of the SECTION 4
concession and by non-user for five years Subterranean Waters

Article 512. Only the owner of a piece of land,

NON-USER is total or partial abandonment. or another person with his permission, may
Partial abandonment results in a lawful use only make explorations thereon for subterranean
of that part not yet abandoned. Fortuitous waters, except as provided by the Mining Law.
events excuse non-users.
Explorations for subterranean waters on lands
of public dominion may be made only with the
permission of the administrative authorities.
The Use of Waters of Private Ownership Regarding the public lot, one should request
permission from the proper administrative
Article 507. The owner of a piece of land on authorities.
which a spring or brook rises, be it continuous
or intermittent, may use its waters while they Article 513. Waters artificially brought forth in
run through the same, but after the waters accordance with the Special Law of Waters of
leave the land they shall become public, August 3, 1866, belong to the person who
and their use shall be governed by the Special brought them up. (418)
Law of Waters of August 3, 1866, and by the
Irrigation Law.
Example is a WELL.

Article 508. The private ownership of the No well may be dug within mining property
beds of rain waters does not give a right to unless indemnity is given
make works or constructions which may
change their course to the damage of third
Article 514. When the owner of waters
persons, or whose destruction, by the force of
artificially brought to the surface abandons
floods, may cause such damage.
them to their natural course, they shall
become of public dominion.
Article 509. No one may enter private
property to search waters or make use of
them without permission from the owners,
General Provisions Minerals

Article 515. The owner of a piece of land on Article 519. Mining claims and rights and
which there are defensive works to check other matters concerning minerals and
waters, or on which, due to a change of their mineral lands are governed by special laws.
course, it may be necessary to reconstruct
such works, shall be obliged, at his election, MINERALS are inorganic elements or
either to make the necessary repairs or substances found in nature whether in a
construction himself, or to permit them to be gaseous, liquid, or solidified stage. Excluded
done, without damage to him, by the owners are the soil, ordinary earth, sand, stone and
of the lands which suffer or are clearly gravel.
exposed to suffer injury.
If a person is involved in a mining dispute, he
The cose of the repair will be borned by those must first go to the administrative authorities
who would be benefited. No damage must be before seeking a judicial remedy of any kind.
caused on the owner of a piece of land.
Even if the minerals are on privater lands, still
Alternatives are EXCLUSIVE. it is owned by the State because the
ownership of mines, from their very nature,
Article 516. The provisions of the preceding should not depend upon the ownership of the
article are applicable to the case in which it soil.
may be necessary to clear a piece of land of
matter, whose accumulation or fall may
obstruct the course of the waters, to the
damage or peril of third persons.

Same with Art 515 but this time is the

clearance of a dangerous matter.

Article 517. All the owners who participate in

the benefits arising from the works referred to
in the two preceding articles, shall be obliged
to contribute to the expenses of construction
in proportion to their respective interests.
Those who by their fault may have caused the
damage shall be liable for the expenses.

NOTE the proportionate contribution

Article 518. All matters not expressly

determined by the provisions of this Chapter
shall be governed by the Special Law of
Waters of August 3, 1866, and by the
Irrigation Law.

In case of conflict, the civil code prevails.

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