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Differences in Programming Languages

1st Shriya Verma 2nd Vaibhav Oberoi

CSE 1 Year CSE 1st Year
CO18347 CO18357

Abstract—This document deals with the model and instructions applications, android applications, desktop applications and
for the various features, commands and differences in the game development.
programming languages i.e. C, C++ and Python.Well basically
everyday we see different changes and new inventions in the II. S IMILARITIES
computer and tech savvy society, so it becomes important to
consider what is going on. .There are different programs for A. Some basic Similarities between C and C++
showing the working as well as syntax of these programming 1. They have the same basic syntax.
languages. Also talking about the ease and trends in the languages 2. Both have the same main() function from which the
we have tried to give the best possible explanation about these
languages and how they are growing in the modern society.
execution of the program starts.
3. Both are high level languages and have mostly similar
I. I NTRODUCTION datatypes,similar operators and keywords.
4. Both support features like looping, recursion and file
A. Introduction to C
C is a programming language developed by AT and T’s 5. Both languages supports the use of pointers for referenc-
Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972.It was designed and written ing.
by Dennis Ritchie.With its evolution, it replaced the familiar
languages of the late seventies like Pl/I,ALGOL, etc. It is B. Similarities between C and Python
reliable, simple and easy to use and understand in comparison 1. Both languages supports looping and file handing.
to the earlier found, low-level and middle-level languages. 2. Both languages have mostly similar operators like arith-
Major parts of popular operating systems like Windows, metic, relational, logical and bitwise operators.
UNIX, Linux are still written in C because even today when 3. Both languages support typecasting and type conversion.
its performance is compared with other languages, nothing
C. Similarities between C++ and Python
beats C language and thus has an upper hand to the other
programming languages. 1. Both are object oriented programming languages.
2. Both languages supports looping and file handing.
B. Introduction to C++ 3. Both languages have mostly similar operators like arith-
C++ is an object oriented programming language. It was metic, relational, logical and bitwise operators.
developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT and T’s Bell Laborato- 4. Both languages support typecasting and type conversion.
ries in Murray Hill,New Jersey, USA, in the early 1980’s. It is 5. Both languages are HLL and general purpose languages.
a combination of two languages Simula67 and C language.In
addition to the structures in C, it brings in hte concept of lasses
and objects It is also called C with classes or the superset of C
language. As it is an object oriented programming language it
supports mainly all the features like encapsulation, abstraction,
polymorphism and inheritance. It also supports the principles
of extensibility, scalability and reusability.

C. Introduction to Python
Python is an interpreted, high level language which is
reknown for its easy use and understandability.It was designed
by Guido von Rossum and developed by Python Software
Foundation and released in 1991. What makes it more popular
is its simple syntax, its one liners, its English like commands
and the intuitive data structure and easy portability that it
has. It is open source, cross platform and known for its
better memory management and large standard library as
compared to other languages. It is used for creating web
III. D IFFERENCES B. Difference between C and Python
A. Difference between C and C++
C Python
C C++ 1. It is a procedure oriented 1. It is an object oriented
and structured programming programming language.
1. It is a procedure oriented 1. It is an object oriented lanuage.
programming language. programming language
2. It is a compiled language. 2. It is an interpreted lan-
2. It follows top-down 2. It follows bottom-up guage.
approach. approach.
3. Portability and extensibil- 3. Portability and extensibil-
3. It is a subset of C++. 3. It is a superset of C. ity is difficult. ity is easy.
4. C files have extension .c 4. C++ files have extension 4. It supports pointers. 4. There is no pointers func-
.cpp tionality available.
5. It does not implement 5. It implement OOPs prin- 5. Files are stored with ex- 5. Files are stored with ex-
OOPs principle. ciple. tension .c. tension .py.
6. It supports only pointers. 6. It supports pointers as 6. It is necessary to declare 6. There is no need to
well pointers. variable type in C. declare variable type in
7. C is function driven 7. It is an object driven Python.
language. language. 7. It has a main function 7. There is no main function
8. Concept of polymor- 8. Concept of Polymor- from which the execution of in python.
phism is not used in C. phism is used in C++. the program starts.
9. There are no data visibil- 9. C++ provides data vis- 8. Its syntax is difficult to 8. Its syntax is easier to
ity modes in C. ibility modes like private, write and understand than write and understand.
protected and public. python.
10. Virual functions, func- 10. It supports virtual func- 9. It is much faster than 9. It is slower as it requires
tion overriding and friend tions, function overriding python in performance. significant CPU time.
functions are not supported. and friend function. 10. Memory management is 10. Manages memory effec-
11. It does not support ex- 11. It supports exception typical as separate standard tively and efficiently.
ception handling. handling. library functions are used
for it.
12. There is no standard 12. It supports templates
template library. and has a large standard 11. It is a free form lan- 11. It is an indentation lan-
template library. guage as statements can be guage as statements should
written anywhere on a line. start from same indent.
13.Maping is difficult. 13. Mapping is easily estab-
lished in C++ using classes 12. It is a static language 12. It is a dynamic language
and objects. due to the long build and as its development process
compile steps. is relatively easy and fast.
14. Data and functions are 14. Data and functions are
separarted in C. bound together by encapsu- 13. It does not support poly- 13. It supports polymor-
lation in C++. morphism. phism .
15. It does not have names- 15. It has namespace 14. Testing and debugging 14. Testing and debugging
pace feature. feature. is difficut in C. is easier in Python.
15. It is mainly used for 15. It is a general purpose
the development of hard- lanuage and used in
ware related applications. machine learning, web
development, desktop
applications and android

C. Difference between C++ and Python


C++ Python
1. It is a compiler dependent 1. It is an interpreter depen-
language. dent language.
2. It is necessary to declare 2. There is no need to
variable type in C++. declare variable type in
3. Variables scope is limited 3. Variables are accesible
within the loops in C++. even outside the loops in
4. It is a static language 4. It is a dynamic language
due to the long build and as its development process Fig. 1. Trends-IEEE Spectrum
compile steps. is relatively easy and fast.
5. It is a free form language 5. It is an indentation lan-
as statements can be written guage as statements should
anywhere on a line. start from same indent.
6. Memory management is 6. Manages memory effec-
typical as separate standard tively and efficiently.
library functions are used
for it.
7. Files are stored with ex- 7. Files are stored with ex-
tension .cpp. tension .py.
8. It is difficult in contrast 8. It is easier to write and
to Python due to complex understand.
9. It does not support 9. It supports garbage col-
garbage collection. lection
10. It is much faster than 10. It is slower as it requires
python in performance. significant CPU time.
11. Portability, extensibility 11. Python is easily
and readibility are difficult portable, extendable and
than python readable.
12. It has a main function 12. There is no main func-
from which the execution of tion in python.
the program starts.
13. It is not a cross-platform 13. It is a cross-platform
language. language.
14. Testing and debugging 14. Testing and debugging
is difficut in C++. is easier in Python.
15. It is mainly used for 15. It is a general purpose
the development of hard- lanuage and used in
ware related applications machine learning, web
and game development. development, desktop
applications and android
A. Ease of Use And Beneficiaries 1. Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar,Edition 16th, BPB
C:- As far as speed and performance are considered, C 2. Object Oriented Programming By
language has an upperhand over any of the above mentioned E.Balaguruswamy,Edition7th,McGraw Hill Education,2017.
languages. In today’s world, it is the most widely used and 3.
popular system Programming Language. 4.
C++:- Having a syntax not much complicated than C
language, is also benificial when it comes to features like
abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation.
Simplicity, Portability, Reliability, Readability and what not
comes to the mind when Python is referred to. It is one of
the easiest and simplest programming language used by not
only beginners for simple tasks but also by developers for
web development, desktop applications, android applications,
game development,etc due to which it has also become the
fastest growing programming language because of its vast
applications in the field of computer science.

B. Authors and Affiliations

-Shriya Verma
-Vaibhav Oberoi
- Chandigarh College Of Engineering And Technology

C. Headings,Figures and Tables

Programming Languages (C,C++,PYTHON)

D. Acknowledgement
This research was supported by CSE Dept. of Chandigarh
College of Engineering And Tecnology.
We thank Mr. Sarabjeet Singh, Assistant Professor,Chandigarh
College of Engineering And Technology for assistance with
letting us know the technique and methodology used in
various programming languages and for comments that greatly
improved the manuscript.
We would also like to show our gratitude to Mr.Sudhakar
Kumar,Assistant Professor,Chandigarh College of Engineering
And Technology for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us
during the course of this research, We thank our classmates and
seniors from [CSE Dept.] who provided insight and expertise
that greatly assisted the research, although they may not agree
with all of the interpretations/conclusions of this paper and
we than reviewers for their so-called insights. We are also
immensely grateful to them for their comments on an earlier
version of the manuscript, although any errors are our own and
should not tarnish the reputations of these esteemed persons.

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