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Tugas Akhir M4: Andhika Hadiyanto Wibowo.


In a class there are 30 students. They are consisted of:

1. There are 20 male students and 10 students are female.

2. 60% of their social status are children of factory workers, 20% are civil
servants, and 10% are traders, 20% are private employees / BUMN
3. Students' interest is 50% in sports activities, 10% in academic aspects, 20%
in artistic activities, and 20% in skills aspects
4. The ability of students is 40% at the lower limit, 40% at the middle limit, and
20% at the high limit
5. Learning preferences are 40% kinaesthetic, 30% visual, 30% auditory


1. How to manage the class and accommodate learning with the characteristics
above (take 1 sub-theme of learning / 1 subject)
2. How to develop multiple intelligences with the characteristics above (take 1
sub-theme of learning / 1 subject)


1. How to manage classes and accommodate learning based on the data.

We can manage and accomodate the students by using these following ways:
a. General character data
Data on the general characteristics of students are used to devide class
into some cooperative groups. The divison of cooperative groups
consider to student characteristics. Based on data of the general
characteristics of students, it can be divided into 5 (five) groups with each
group consisting of 4 male and 2 female students.
Distribution of students should be spread evenly. Besides the division of
groups that consider aspects of gender, ethnicity, age, culture, social
status, and interests; the selection of media also an important aspect.

The selection of media also considers aspects of interest in order to
attract students' interest, Macromedia Flash learning media are used.

b. Initial capability data

Initial capability data can be used to determine the depth of material, the
sequence of learning material, and determine which material that needs
special attention. Based on the data the initial ability of the students, the
sequence of learning materials is formulated as follows:
1) Reviewing examples of giving opinion
2) Reviewing daily problems related to giving opinion
3) Explaining the use of giving opinion
4) Determining the pattern of giving opinion

c. Data on student learning styles

Student’s learning style data is used to design learning activities and the
creation of learning media that can activate the three children's learning
styles including: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The following are
selected ways to help students utilize their learning preferences. It is
compiled by macromedia flash media.
1) Visual
Special effects are provided in the macromedia flash. The media is
created to attract attention of the students. It is also completed by
some special effects. The special effects are put on the important
part of presentation in order to make it more interesting and students
experienced an enjoyable class.
2) Auditory
Sound also takes important part in presentation, so it must is be
added. In the macromedia flash media that has been made by the
teacher, the sound effects are given in attractive way. That sound
can be played more than once so students can listen to it couple
times to get information that needed.

3) Kinaesthetic
In group evaluation, quizzes are given using the throwing ball
method. This method is carried out in a relay manner that involves
the physical movement of students.

2. How to develop multiple intelligences with the characteristics above.

Based on the general characteristics, initial abilities, and learning styles of
students learning that are applied above, the cooperative learning is the
proper strategy that can be used to develop multiple intelligences of the
students. The material giving opinioin is delivered by using cooperative
learning with the macromedia flash media. Cooperative learning with
macromedia flash media is the development of cooperative learning models.
Learning is carried out by involving students in cooperative groups.
Macromedia Flash media is used during the learning process. The learning
steps of using the cooperative learning consists of 6 phases, namely:
Delivering goals and motivating students to learn asking and giving opinion
Presenting information via LCD using macromedia flash media (Students
watch videos about debate on a certain topic)
Organizing students into cooperative groups consisting of six students (4
male, 2 female).
Guiding groups working and learning (Students try to search some giving
opinion examples through the Internet and discuss them in groups.)
Group evaluation is carried out in a relay manner (Students present the
results of the discussion) followed by quizzes by means of games / namely by
throwing ball method (the one who gets the throwing ball, must say some
opinion expressions)
Giving reflection and reward

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