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We would like to give our special thanks and our deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness
to our guide, Prof. Bhagvat Zolapara (civil engineering department, Sal College of
Engineering, Ahmedabad). It would not have been possible without the kind support and help
of sir and many individuals and organizations.

We also would like to thank all the faculty members of civil engineering department, Sal
College of engineering, Ahmedabad, for providing all kinds of possible help throughout for
this project work.

This acknowledgement is a humble attempt to thank all those who were directly or indirectly
involved in our project work and were of immense help to us.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our faculties of Sal College of Engineering
for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help us in completion of this project.

Our thanks also go to our colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly
helped us out with their abilities.

With immense pleasure, we present this report on “Application of rice husk and coconut
shell in modern construction”
Road Accidents are a global phenomenon which is occurring all over the world but are very
severe in mixed traffic conditions as prevailing in Indian road conditions. Many lives are lost
and a huge amount of property damage occurs due to accidents.
In 2011 only, 121618 people lost their lives in a road accident in India. From 2001 to 2011,
the decade data shows the fatalities has been increased by 5.8% and the number of persons
injured by 2.5%. As per Manual of Road Accidents in India 2011, 39,000 persons are killed
and 1.3 lakh peoples are injured in road accidents occurred on all State Highways in 2011 on
Indian Roads which consists of 27.4% and 26.1% respectively.
This Project represents about Road Safety Audit on SH-41 Covering Study Stretch between
Mehsana-Unjha. Which is one of the major state highways in the state of Gujarat, Which
having high traffic frequency of heavy vehicle.

Sr. No Description Page No.

1 Introduction

2 Literature review

3 Methodology

4 Study Area characteristics

5 Data Collection Analysis

6 Black Spot Study

7 Road study audit and recommendations

8 Conclusion

9 Remedial Measurement

10 Future Scope



Road network of any country has a notable role to play for countries economy and growth.
Good road networks are required for fast moving in this era of modernization. Transportation
through road networks satisfies the basic needs of people. Nowadays, due to fast life vehicles
are increasing rapidly. Due to the increase in vehicles and constant road width with changing
environment scenario, the accidents are increasing rapidly day by day. There is a great amount
of economic loss occurring due to accidents and also many lives are lost in it. There is a loss
of productivity and costs to the hospital system and emergency services. Loved ones are lost
in accidents which are most personal to a person. Road safety is the main concern to reduce
road accidents. A Road safety measure prevents accidents to a minimum. Road safety can be
increased by providing safety measures such as traffic calming devices; proper geometric
designs of a location; traffic signs, signals, and markings; street lighting; bridges, culverts, over
bridges and underpasses; ditches along the Roadway; parking regulations; removing sight
obstructions in the roadways; etc. Providing a safe driving environment is indeed not only a
responsibility but also the highest priority for all highway projects.
Road safety audit (RSA) is a formal procedure for assessing accident potential and safety
performance in the provision of new road schemes, or for the improvement and maintenance
of existing roads. A road safety audit is an important tool towards a safer and better road
environment. It is an operational tool kit for road safety engineering. Road safety audit reduces
road accidents and increases road safety. Road Safety Audit (RSA) is one of the best-proven
methodologies for ensuring that various safety deficiencies are reviewed at an appropriate stage
in a cost-effective way.
Road safety audit was first developed by England in 1980 as a safety check for new and existing
roads. This RSA system that was used by countries like US, Australia, Malaysia, China, Japan,
and Singapore. Now it is implemented by developing countries such as India, Egypt, South
Africa, Thailand, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
On a National Level, The first RSA guidelines were produced in 2003 by central road research
institute (CRRI) under the ministry of shipping, road transport and highways (MORTH)
sponsored research study. This was revised again in 2009 and was adopted by CRRI in 2010.
India has a road network of over 4,245,429 km (2,680,000 mi) in 2011which is second largest
in the world. At 1.25 km of roads per square kilometre of land, the quantitative density of
India’s road network higher to that of the United States (0.67) and far higher than that of China
(0.42) or Brazil (0.20). However, qualitatively India's roads are a mix of modern highways and
narrow, unpaved roads, and are undergoing drastic improvement. As of 2008, 49 per cent about
2.1 million kilometres of Indian roads were paved. Adjusted for its large population, India has
less than 4 kilometres of roads per 1000 people, including all its paved and unpaved roads. In
terms of quality, all season, 4 or more lane highways, India has less than 0.07 kilometres of
highways per 1000 people, as of 2010. These are some of the lowest road and highway densities
in the world. For context, United States has 21 kilometres of roads per 1000 people, while
France about15 kilometres per 1000 people - predominantly paved and high quality in both
cases. In terms of all season, 4 or more lane highways, developed countries such as United
States and France have a highway density per 1000 people that is over 15 times as India.
Up to 2012, India had completed and started using over 18,300 kilometres of recently built 4
or 6-lane highways connecting many of its major manufacturing, industrial, educational
centres, commercial and cultural centres. The rate of new highway construction across India
has accelerated very rapidly in the past few years. Up to October 2011, the country was adding
an average of 11 kilometres of new highways every day. The expected pace of project
initiations and completion suggests that India would add about 600 kilometres of modern
highway per month, on average, through 2014.

Table 1.1 Road Length of Various Road Networks in India


National Highway 101,011
State Highway 176,166
District Road 561,940
Rural Road 3,935,337
Urban Road 509,730
Project Road 319,109
Total (approx.) 5,603,293
There are five types of road networks in India

India's first Expressway, the Ahmedabad Vadodara Expressway (also known as National
Expressway 1, or the Mahatma Gandhi Expressway) is an expressway connecting the cities of
Ahmedabad and Vadodara in the state of Gujarat, India. Expressways make up approximately
1,208 km (751 mi) of India's road network, as of 2013. These high-speed roads are four-lane
or six-lane, predominantly access controlled. The 165 kilometer Yamuna Expressway, a six-
laned controlled-access opened on 9 August 2012. On 21 November 2016, India's longest
expressway - the 302 km long six-laned Agra Lucknow Expressway was opened.

National Highway
The main highways running through the length and breadth of the country connecting major
ports, state capitals, large industrial and tourist centers, etc. National Highways in India are
designated as NH followed by the highway number. Indian national highways are further
classified based on the width of the carriageway of the highway. As of March 2016, India had
completed and placed in use 101,011 km of national highways.
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is the authority responsible for the
development, maintenance and management of National Highways entrusted to it. The NHAI
is undertaking the developmental activities under the National Highways Development Project
(NHDP) in 5 phases. From 2018, the pending projects under NHDP will be subsumed under
Bharatmala. The NHAI is also responsible for implementing other projects on National
Highways, primarily road connectivity to major ports in India.

State Highway
State Governments have the authority and responsibility to build road networks and state
highways. Most of the state highways are developed by State PWD. The State Highways
provide linkages with the National Highways, district headquarters, important towns, tourist
centers and minor ports and carry the traffic along major centers within the state. As of 31
March 2016, the total length of state highways was 176,166 km. As of 31 March, 2016
Maharashtra has the largest share in the total length of SH roads (22.14%), followed by
Karnataka (11.11%), Gujarat (9.76%), Rajasthan (8.62%) and Tamil Nadu (6.67%).
Independent of the NHDP program, state governments have been implementing a number of
state highway projects since 2000. By 2010, state highway projects worth $1.7 billion had been
completed, and an additional $11.4 billion worth of projects were under implementation.

District Road
These are important roads within a district connecting areas of production with markets and
connecting them with the State Highways & National Highways and are maintained by the Zila
Parishad. District roads are sub-classified into - Major District Roads and Other District Roads.
As per the classification of roads broadly the MDRs are to have a minimum width of 15 meters
with a traffic density of less than 10,000 PCUs but more than 5000 PCUs. It also connects
Taluka headquarters and rural areas to District headquarters within the state. As on 31 March
2016, the total length of district roads was approximately 561,940 km of which 94.93% of the
total length was surfaced.

Village Road
The rural roads in India form a substantial portion of the Indian road network, constituting
70.23 percent of the total roads in India (as of March 2016). As of March 2016, the percentage
of unsurfaced rural roads to the total rural road length (excluding 9 lakh kilometers of JRY)
was 66.15%.
These roads are in poor shape, affecting the rural population's quality of life and Indian farmers'
ability to transfer production to market post-harvest. Over 30 percent of Indian farmers'
harvests spoil post-harvest because of the poor infrastructure. Many rural roads are of poor
quality, potholed, and unable to withstand loads of heavy farm equipment. These roads are also
far from all-season, good quality 2-lane or 4-lane highways, making economic resource flow
slow, and logistical costs between different parts of India one of the highest in the world.


Due to increase in population, urbanization, and increase in registered motor vehicles, accidents
are increasing in India very rapidly. Modernization has increased the number of trips of the
person in India. Indian with 1, 21,618 fatalities per annum (in 2011) accounts for about 10
percent of total world’s road fatalities. The share of National Highways and State Highways in
the total road network is 6 percent but these cater to 70 to 75 percent of total traffic in India.
However, the National Highways, which constitute less than 2 percent of the total road
network, account for 20 percent of total road accidents and 25 percent of total road fatalities
occurring on Indian roads. The road safety situation in India is worsening day by day partly
due to the exponential growth of vehicles in the past 20 years. The death rate per vehicle is 10
to 20 times higher as compared to developed countries such as US, UK, Australia, Japan,
Sweden, Norway and much higher than low-income countries like Brazil, Mexico, and

Table 1.2 Accident Statistics of India from: 2009-2018

Number of Accident Number of Person killed

Year Accident Accident
Total Fatal Killed Injured
Severity Severity
2009 407497 73650 18.1 84674 408711 20.8
2010 406726 73589 18.1 85998 435112 21.1
2011 429910 79357 18.5 92618 464521 21.5
2012 439255 83491 19.0 94968 465282 21.6
2013 460920 93917 20.4 105749 496481 22.9
2014 479216 101161 21.1 114444 513340 23.9
2015 484704 106591 22.0 119860 523193 24.7
2016 486384 110993 22.8 125660 515458 25.8
2017 499628 119558 23.9 134513 527512 26.9
2018 497686 121618 24.4 142485 511394 28.6


Road network is increasing in Gujarat rapidly due to industrialization and modernization.
Gujarat consists total road network of 54771 km of road length was National highway is of 3245
km (13 in nos), State highways of 19761 km(300 in nos), Major District roads of 30019 km and
Village roads of 1746 km. The population of Gujarat has increased from 4.13 crores in 1991 and
5.06 crores in 2001 and 6.95 crores in 2010. With an increase in road length, the number of
registered vehicles has increased in Gujarat from375683 in1981 to 850000 in 2010. Gujarat state
is having vehicle ownership rate of 100.6 motor vehicles per 1000 persons in 2001 as against the
average annual vehicle ownership of 53.5 motor vehicles per 1000 persons in 2001. Accident
Statistics Data shows that from the year 2009-2018, the accident severity is increased from 12.73
in 2009 to 19.69 in 2009. The rate of accident statistics in Gujarat is 72.4 accidents per 1000
vehicles. Over 5200 people die in road accidents in Gujarat every year, while average no of
getting injured was 32800.
Table 1.4 Road Accidents Statistics of Gujarat from Year 2009-2018

Number of Accidents
Year Serious Minor Non- Total
Fatal Severity
Injury Injury Injury Accidents
2009 4589 7569 16747 7174 36029 12.73
2010 4478 6629 15394 6322 32823 13.64
2011 4469 6719 14843 5704 31735 14.08
2012 4335 6694 14455 4020 29504 14.69
2013 4671 6727 14754 4478 30630 15.24
2014 4922 6785 14594 4187 30488 16.14
2015 4861 6875 15935 4827 32498 14.95
2016 5197 6946 15384 5322 32849 15.82
2017 5590 6910 14400 4502 31402 17.80
2018 6112 6836 13983 4103 31034 19.69


The two main strategies in road safety work are
1. Accident Reduction
2. Accident Prevention
In Accident reduction, we use the data of accidents that have occurred on existing roads to
improve the design of roads or to influence the behaviour of road users, so that similar accidents
do not occur again.
Accident Prevention is an application to expertise safe road design- road geometry, as well as
the materials used when we construct new roads or redesign the existing roads, regardless of the
reasons for which an individual project is taken.
Accident Prevention should be motto of every highway authority to keep the road safe free from
accident. A road with no accidents or less number of accidents can be called as a safe road.


To inspect and road safety audit of accident prone locations for a selected stretch from Mehsana
to Unjha (SH-41).
Every road needs proper and accurate designing of various elements consisting of the road
surface otherwise chances of accidents increases because of the improper design. The
government has tried many things to reduce the accident on the road surface but the desired
results are not achieved. Sometimes the accident data provided from the past records are not
correct. Some data are not recorded on the police station. So there is need to do a road safety
audit on the highway. We can know the black spots where accidents occurring are maximum.
Whether the design of road is according to specifications or not can be known. Whether
intersection design is correct or not can be known. By analyzing the accident data from past and
from various traffic parameters, we can provide safety measures for the particular road,
intersection or black spots.
State Highway SH-41 (from Mehsana to Unjha Junction) is major state highway of Gujarat
where there is heavy traffic which needs frequent safety evaluation to avoid accidents. Keeping
this in mind the study location of SH-41 has been selected in order to provide easy and safe
access to people traveling through this stretch.


The central objective is to study the global scenario of accidents and for the particular location,
identify the problem and evolve strategies to minimize it. Objectives for the present studies are
as follows:

• Roadway Inventory Survey

• To do accident analysis and traffic surveys of the study area
• To identify problems where the geometric design elements are not proper
• To find out the high-frequency accident-prone area (black spots) on the stretch from
Mehsana to Unjha and give safety measures of it.
• Design safety measures for the junctions and T intersections based on Road Safety Audit

Road safety is an important concern for socioeconomic concern in India because nearly 121618
fatalities are occurred per annum (in 2011) and 511394 persons are injured per annum (in 2011).
The road safety audit is one of the newest tools for transportation specialists to address safety
deficiencies and erase it to a minimum. RSA is an efficient, cost-effective and proactive
approach to improve road safety. It is proved that it has the potential to save lives. Road Safety
Audit was first originated in the1960’s in the U.K. In the early ’90s, it was introduced in
Australia and New Zealand. It was not until 1996 the road safety audit was introduced in the
USA. Then it was introduced in developed countries like Sweden, Japan, Singapore and
developing countries like India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. For
evaluating road safety audit methods, policies of the United Kingdom, Australia and New
Zealand make for a good background on the standard procedure.
Road safety audit can be defined as a systematic approach of evaluation of existing or new roads
by an independent audit team at the stages of planning, design, construction, operation, and
maintenance to achieve accident-free roads and to enhance overall safety performance.


Usually, the Road Safety Audit on the new project is done during five stages of construction
1. During the Feasibility Study
2. During Preliminary Design
3. During Detailed Design
4. During Construction Stage
5. Completion of Construction
Source: SP-88, I. (2010). Manual on Road Safety Audit. New Delhi: IRC.


(Department Of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,
Bengaluru Visvesvaraya Technological University, India)
The road safety audit is a formal procedure for assessing accident potential and safety
performance in the provision of new road schemes, the improvement, and rehabilitation of
existing road & in the maintenance of roads. The role of the auditor is to provide independent
advice in the form of written recommendations. The designer or client then considers the advice
and formal decision is made by them on whether or not to adopt each of the recommended safety
alterations. The primary role of the audit team is to identify the potential problems of a highway
project by conducting the site inspection & collecting data from various agencies.
The objective of the study is the identification of accident-prone areas on the road from FIR, to
study the effect of roadway geometrics and traffic conditions on the road stretch and
development of the statistical relationship between accident rates and various factors causing
The scope of the study is to reduce accidents on the road network, reducing the severity of
accidents and the need for costly remedial work is reduced.
The road selected for the study is the Bannerghatta road (12 km). The accident analysis is done
from four years of data. V.F.Babkov’s analysis is done by collecting geometric features of the
road. Pedestrian safety analysis also is done. Accident prone locations are identified by all

Identification of Accident Prone Areas on the Road from the various survey.
Development of Statistical Relationship between Accident Rates and various factors causing

The study stretch (SH-87) is analyzed by Babcock's Analysis and found that Accident Rate 1/
Geometric elements (sight Distance, Shoulder Width, etc).
Majority of accidents occurred from 8 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm of the day. Audit Team
This stretch needs geometric improvement, pavement resurfacing etc.
The study stretch has very low pedestrian safety.
Various Reasons are: Driving vehicles on the footpath, People standing on the road near the bus
station, improper footpaths, Trees on the median.
Source: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE), (July-August 2012)
(Devang G Patel, F.S. Umrigar, C.B. Mishra, Amit A Vankar)
Road Accidents are a global phenomenon which is occurring all over the world but are very
severe in mixed traffic conditions as prevailing in Indian road conditions. Many lives are lost
and a huge amount of property damage occurs due to accidents. In 2011 only, 121618 people
lost their lives in a road accident in India. From 2001 to 2011, the decade data shows the fatalities
has been increased by 5.8% and the number of persons injured by 2.5%. As per Manual of Road
Accidents in India 2011, 39,000 persons are killed and 1.3 lakh peoples are injured in road
accidents occurred on all State Highways in 2011 on Indian Roads which consists of 27.4% and
26.1% respectively. This paper represents about Road Safety Audit on SH-83 and SH-188 which
are one of the major state highways in the state of Gujarat which connects NH-8 having high
traffic frequency of heavy vehicles. Analysis of major accident in recent decades has concluded
that driver’s errors are the major concern for the occurrence of a road accident.
Index Terms: Road Accident, Road Safety Audit, Black Spot, Socio-Economic Cost.

Analysis of the Road Accident in Mixed Traffic condition.
Accident analysis according to Time, Monthwise, Collision Type, vehicle maneuver, location.
Identify the causes of Accident.
Identify Blackspot on the Study Area.

Accident occurred

• On Straight Road due to:-High Speed, poor Road condition, Geometry

• On T-Intersection and Cross Road due to: Improper Sight Distance.

Most of Accident Occurs due to ‘Driving Vehicle too Fast’ and ‘Improper Attention’.


• Speed breakers should be installed to reduce the Speed at Junction.

• Proper Road Lightning is needed.
• Organize comprehensive program to improve the Road user behavior.
SOURCE:-International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), May 2013
(Author:-Dr. S.S.Jain, P. K. Singh, Dr. M. Parida)

Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a formal procedure for assessing accident potential and safety
performance of new and existing roads. RSA is an efficient, cost-effective and proactive
approach to improve road safety. It is proved that RSA has the potential to save lives. The RSA
was originated in Great Britain and is well developed in countries like UK, USA, Australia,
NewZealand, Denmark, Canada, Malaysia, and Singapore. It is at varying stages of
implementation in developing nations like India, South Africa, Thailand, and Bangladesh. RSA
appears to be an ideal tool for improving road safety in India, as basic and accurate data on
accidents have yet to be collected. The study aims to evaluate Road Safety Audit of a section of
four-lane National Highway (NH)-58 and will focus on evaluating the benefits of the proposed
actions that have emanated from deficiencies identified through the audit process. After
conducting RSA, it is found that trucks are parked on the highway which reduces the effective
width of the carriageway and creating traffic hazards to high-speed moving traffics.
Unauthorized median openings were found which should be immediately closed. Missing road
and median markings to be done and speed signs should match with speed. Access and service
lanes are also deficient which requires immediate improvement. The most Vulnerable Road User
(VRU) i.e. pedestrians and cyclists facilities near habitation are lacking and needs to be
facilitated on priority.

To evaluate geometric elements and safety features on National Highway NH-58.

From data simulation, it is found that Road Markings, Condition of Shoulder, Traffic Volume,
Spot Speed, Median Opening and Carriageway condition were main parameters for causing
Service roads should be provided for the entire length of four-lane roads in order to separate
slow moving traffic from fast-moving traffic.
All undeveloped intersections must be developed with adequate lighting provisions.
Unauthorized median openings were found which should be immediately closed.
Missing road and median markings to be done and speed signs should match with speed.
Trucks are parked on the highway which reduces the effective width of the carriageway and
creating traffic hazards to high-speed moving traffics.
Source: International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, September 2011, USA

It describes the performance and situations that can affect the road safety of the selected type of
project and audit stage.
To identify potential safety problems and cover the solution in the design.

Checklists have been prepared for stage 1 to stage 6, it covers planning, alignment, cross-section,
junction, link roads, traffic signs, road lighting, road markings, roadside hazard etc. The checklist
is as per IRC SP 88, Annex A.

• Stage 1 audit – During the feasibility study

• Stage 2 audit – Completion of preliminary design
• Stage 3 audit – Completion of detailed design
• Stage 4 audit – During the construction stage
• Stage 5 audit – Completion of construction / pre-opening
• Stage 6 audit – On existing Road
Source: IRC SP 88, Ch. 8 and Annex A

The study is divided into two phases for the current project work. The first phase deals with the
Defining of the problem, Scope and Objective selection, Literature Review, Data Collection &
Analysis along with a selection of Study area. The second phase will be carried out in next
semester which involve Road Safety Audit process, Identification of critical parameters, Design
Safety Measures.


Following are different surveys which are carried out during the process of Road Safety Audit.
1. Road Inventory
2. Accident Data
3. Spot Speed
4. Volume count


• Road Inventory
• Accident Data
• Spot Speed
• Volume count

Various field studies are done before providing safety measures to the existing roads. Various
studies include Road Inventory, Classified Volume Count, Speed Surveys and Accident Data
from police stations. Road Safety Audit is usually done for all type of road users traveling on
road. Road Safety Audit on the existing road should be done on regular basis as it improves the
geometric design of road and reduces accident to a minimum. As a road is already built, it is
necessary to inspect the road on a regular basis.
Road Inventory
Road Inventory includes the geometric parameters of road surface, traffic control devices,
lighting system of the stretch, composition of traffic, drainage condition, junction layout, parking
facilities, cross drainage structures and adjoining land use pattern of the stretch. Various features
of highways are visible to man.

Classified Volume Count

Classified Volume Count includes the magnitude traffic volume of various vehicles and its
composition on road. The volume counts include fast-moving vehicles such as cars, jeeps, taxis,
LCV, MCV, HCV, 2- wheelers and slow-moving vehicles such as bicycles, auto-rickshaws. The
available traffic data is analyzed to determine temporal and vehicle wise flow characteristics and
directional distribution of vehicles.

Speed Surveys
Speed is one of the most important traffic parameters and its measurement is necessary to be
evaluated for traffic problems. Speed studies are necessary for identifying the relationship
between speed and the accident because speed is one of the most important cause due to which
road accidents occur. This is conducted to observe the speed characteristics at selected points of
the stretch to determine the prevailing speed on the selected stretch.

Accident Data from Police Stations

Accident data should be collected from the First Information Report (FIR) from the concerned
police stations of the selected stretch. After getting the FIR information, the database is to be
created day-wise, month-wise, year-wise, km-wise distribution of accidents. This would help in
identifying the black spots.

Study area is the major concern of any project work. Study area characteristics are the major
parameter. Location on which the road to design or evaluate or study is a major concern. It
considers geometric locations, socio-economic variables and transportation infrastructure under
study area. Study Stretch starting from Mehsana to Unjha (Length 27.2km). Study Area consists
of Major Towns/Villages such as Unjha, Mehsana and Unava, Bandhu etc. Study Area has High
volume Traffic because of the Trip Generators.
1. Unjha- World Famous for its APMC Market
2. Unava- Dargah
3. Bhandu - LCIT college
4. Moti Dau- Patel MBA College
5. Mehsana - DudhSagar Dairy etc.


The length of the road from Mehsana (RamosanaJunction) to Siddhpur Junction is 39.8 km. Land
use pattern along the study stretch is agriculture. Normally width of a single lane ranges from
3m to 3.79 m throughout the section of road stretch.

Table 4.1 Salient Features of Study Area Corridor

Sr. No Salient Features Total Number
1 Bridge 2
2 Main Canal 2
3 Culvert 13
4 Cross Road 2
5 T Intersection 12
6 Y Intersection 3

The data collected for Classified Volume Count, Roadway inventory and of adjoining land use,
roadway geometric and Pavement characteristics and highway crashes have been analyzed.
Accident data for the period 2009-2012 were obtained from different police stations on the study
area corridor. Two major short comings of the recording system are that the cause of the accident
is not properly reported and the exact location of the accident is not specified. The accident
locations are grouped according to the road section. The accident data have been analyzed in
relation to road length and vehicle-km traveled on the study corridor to provide further insight
into the nature of an accident and its extent.


In any transportation project, traffic surveys are the must. Traffic survey helps to identify various
traffic parameters such as speed, volume, flow, travel time, delays etc. It also helps in designing
the various geometric elements on road surface. Safety measures can be provided to reduce
accident on roads by proper designing of geometric elements on roads through calculations of
various traffic parameters.
Various field studies to be performed to provide safety measures on road surfaces are:

• Accident Data from different police stations

• Classified Volume Count (CVC)
• Spot Speed Study
• Road Inventory Survey


Road inventory surveys are important in accordance with the safety of the road. Road inventory
is done visually. Actual site conditions are known because in road inventory location at which
the accident analysis is to be done can be known and reasons for accidents can be easily
identified. Various types of Road Inventory surveys are:

• Road geometric inventory

• Land use pattern inventory
• Location reference point inventory
• Road environment inventory
• Pavement inventory
• Drainage inventory
Road inventory summary of the study stretch from Mehsana to Siddhpur are determined and
which projects the land use pattern, road geometry and existing travel pattern as shown in
Annexure and existing situation of study area as shown in Annexure.
Road Inventory and Surrounding Land use Pattern. Road inventory surveys are carried out
identify the width of road, number of lanes, median facility, shoulder width, alignment of road,
geometric details and Drainage facilities. The land Use pattern surrounding the study area
corridor is up most agricultural land.
Land use pattern inventory survey is done visually by just visiting the site of which audit is to
be done. It gives the clear idea of land pattern surrounding the site. Location reference point
survey is done through the study stretch by traveling in a car or a bike and noting the locations
at chainage (kms) from the speedometer of the vehicle. Stating point is considered as CH0/00
and km are noted at key reference locations.


Accident data are most important when the road safety audit is a concern. It helps in identifying
the locations where frequency accidents occur maximum i.e. black spots. Accident Data are
recorded from the First Information Report from various police stations under study stretch.
Details such as Accident Location, Vehicles License No, Drivers name, passengers name, No of
fatalities, No of Injuries, pedestrian casualties etc. can be known.
Accident data are collected from various police stations near the study area corridor, the whole
and sole custodians of the record. In the police station register, accident data is recorded as FIR
(First Information Report) as IPC 279, IPC 327/328/304a. In the stretch, Accident data were
collected from 4 police stations namely Mehsana, Unjha, Bhandu(Visnagar Taluka), Siddhpur.


There were approx 430 accidents recorded during the period 2009-2013 on study area stretch.
The collected data are analyzed according to the following groups:

• Yearly variation of accidents

• Road user type and fatalities
• Accidents Classified According to Vehicle Type
• Accidents Classified According to Time
• Accidents Classified According to Month
• Accident Classified According to Collision Type
• Accident Classified According to Accident Spot
• Accidents Classified According to Vehicle Manoeuvre
• Accident Classified as per Driver’s error
• Accident Classified as per its cause
• Accident Classified as per season.

Yearly variations of Accidents (2014-2018)

Table 5.1 Yearly Distribution of Accident data from year 2014 - 2018

Year Fatal Serious Minor Total

2014 23 25 54 102
2015 19 29 43 91
2016 24 21 38 83
2017 17 27 32 76
2018 20 25 31 76
Total 103 127 198 428

Table 5.1 shows that Accident is more during the year 2014-2018. There is a decrease in the rate
of accidents from the year 2014 to 2015. There are total 428 accidents from 2014 to 2018 in
which fatal, serious and minor are 103, 127 and 198 respectively. Accident occurred on road due
to poor road conditions and no traffic signs on the road for alerting the driver. There was no
speed limit restriction sign on the road. Due to resurfacing, improvement in road condition, there
is a decrease in an accident after 2017.

Yearly variations of Accidents



No of Accident




2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fatal Serious Minor

Road user type and fatalities
Table 5.2 Road User type and fatalities

Road user Fatal Serious Minor Total

Pedestrians 25 17 26 68

Cyclists 3 4 7 14

2-Wheeler 18 36 39 93

3-Wheeler 9 21 23 53

4-Wheeler 39 67 92 198

Bus 4 11 9 24

Trucks 30 35 35 100

Road user type and fatalities




Pedestrains Cyclist 2 - Wheeler 3 - Wheeler 4 - Wheeler Bus Trucks

Table 5.2 shows that 36% of total accidents are occurred due to Four-wheeler which is a
personalized mode of transport and is highly vulnerable to accidents. Rash and negligent driving
have proved to be cause of the serious and fatal accidents. Similarly, poor road geometry and
inadequate street lighting also increase the incidents of accidents on roads. Pedestrian fatalities
account for nearly 12% of total road fatalities. Fatalities due to rickshaw, Two-wheeler and
trucks nearly consist of 10%, 17%, and 18% respectively of total road fatalities. Cyclists and
Bus fatalities are relatively low. Motor cycle and Two-wheeler consists of nearly 50% of traffic
on study stretch as the people residing nearby prefer motor cycle for their daily use. Heavy
vehicles pass through this stretch to transport goods as there are various Market Zones nearby
the study area. Pedestrians and motor cyclists are vulnerable road user on the road. As the land
use pattern nearby study stretch is agricultural land, the people working in farms uses motor
cycles and scooters for moving from one place to other.

Accident Classified By Vehicle Type

Table 5.3 shows that two-wheelers, cars and three-wheelers are responsible for 62% of total
accidents. Light good vehicles and heavy good vehicles are responsible for 22% of total road
accidents. Bus and Tractors are least responsible for road accidents. Two wheelers, cars and
three-wheelers consist of nearly 65% of traffic on the study area corridor.

Table 5.3: Accident Classified By Vehicle Type

Vehicle Type Fatal Serious Minor Total

Cycle 11 7 13 31
Bike / Scooter 27 13 39 79
Three-Wheeler 9 19 49 77
Car / jeep / van 29 43 37 109
Light Goods Vehicle 3 12 11 26
Heavy Goods Vehicle 15 21 31 67
Bus 2 3 7 12
Tractor 7 9 11 27
Total 103 127 198 428

Accident Classified By Vehicle Type

No of Accident


Vehical Type

Fatal Serious Minor

Accidents Classified According to Time

Table 5.4 shows that 67% of accidents occurred during day time between 8:00 am to 6:00pm
and 33% of accidents have occurred between 6:00 pm to 8:00 am. Accidents are more during
day time compared to night time. During day time visibility is more and numbers of trips are
also more. Drivers have a tendency to take more risk during visibility hours. Also, it is seen that
persons going for working place (morning 8:00 to 9:00, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon) and leaving
working(17:00 pm to 20:00 pm hours) place shows the rise in accidents.

Time Fatal Serious Minor

0:00 – 1:00 5 0 1
1:00 – 2:00 6 2 2
2:00 – 3:00 7 5 7
3:00 – 4:00 9 3 4
4:00 – 5:00 3 6 2
5:00 – 6:00 2 7 6
6:00 – 7:00 4 2 10
7:00 – 8:00 2 5 8
8:00 – 9:00 5 7 11
9:00 – 10:00 3 9 9
10:00 – 11:00 12 7 13
11:00 – 12:00 2 8 10
12:00 – 13:00 3 8 11
13:00 – 14:00 5 6 8
14:00 – 15:00 6 6 11
15:00 – 16:00 4 4 15
16:00 – 17:00 2 6 12
17:00 – 18:00 6 7 11
18:00 – 19:00 4 9 13
19:00 – 20:00 1 8 12
20:00 – 21:00 3 4 13
21:00 – 22:00 4 5 4
22:00 – 23:00 2 2 4
23:00 – 24:00 3 1 1
Month-wise Accidents Classifications:
Table 5.5 shows that the number of accidents has occurred during the month of May consisting
of 15% of total road accidents which are the summer season and driver’s do move at excessive
speeds and are also inattentive.

Month Fatal Serious Minor

January 13 11 14
February 6 14 18
March 8 13 21
April 12 7 20
May 8 12 18
June 7 10 15
July 6 12 18
August 8 11 16
September 10 10 10
October 0 10 14
November 12 10 20
December 13 7 14
Total 103 127 198

Mounthly Basis No of Accidents


No of Accident




Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

5.6 Spot Speed study

Spot speed Study is used to determine the speed of the vehicle at a spot of the road section. It is
done in Road Safety Audit when the black spots are determined. It is useful in comparing design
speed with the actual speed of the vehicle. Spot speeds are needed to control traffic operations
and regulations. The enable safe speed limit on the road so that accidents can be reduced. Various
Methods for performing spot speed studies are:

• Moving car method

• Radar speedometer;
• Photographic method
• Direct timing procedure
• Endoscope
• Pressure contact tube
• Manual Method

Manual Method for Spot Speed Studies

Manual method for spot speed studies has been used successfully to determine the speed of the
vehicles accurately in any type of traffic conditions. First of all the location where spot speed is
to be done is selected and 50m stretch is marked at the location. In the Manual method, the
various types of vehicles are considered and are to be analysed. The stopwatch is started as a
particular type of vehicle touches the starting point of stretch and stopped when it reaches
another end. Afterwards, time is noted. This is done to find the speed of all types of vehicles.
Generally, it is done 50 m away where there is a junction.
Spot Speed Study was carried out at high accident prone locations on study stretch namely
Bhandu Junction, Bhrahmanvada Junction, Khali crossroad dated 4th April 2013 to 8th April
2013 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Spot Speed Studies were carried out 100 m away from the
location as all the locations are junctions. The survey was carried out for 50 m near a location
by the manual method. Speed was evaluated by keeping distance 50 m constant and considering
the time taken by vehicle to pass through that distance of 50 m. From Various Spot Speed Data,
a graph between Speed (kmph) on X-axis and Cumulative Frequency (%) on Y-axis was plotted
for individual traffic of vehicles for each of above mention locations as shown in Fig 4.15 to Fig
4.20. It can be clearly shown from the graph that the speed of the car is highest among all the
vehicles passing through at all the above locations. It speed exceeds up to 80 KMPH. At few
locations, the 98th percentile speed comes out to be more than 60 kmph which is the speed
maximum recommended for rural roads. This demands the corrective measures for Road Safety

Road Classification: State Highway (SH-41)

Direction: Mehsana to Unjha
Reference Distance: 30m from Bhandu bus stop
Time Category of vehicle (2W)

Spot Speed Speed

TO From Time (t) (m/s) (kmph)
V=D/t Vx3.6

9:00 am 1 0 2.89 10.38 37.37

2 0 2.87 10.48 37.63

3 0 3.36 8.93 32.14

4 0 2.19 13.70 49.32

5 0 2.69 11.15 40.15

6 0 2.91 10.31 37.11

7 0 2.24 13.39 48.21

8 0 2.01 14.93 53.73

9 0 2.54 11.81 42.52

10 0 3.21 9.35 33.64

11 0 3.11 9.65 34.73

12 0 2.58 11.63 41.86

13 0 2.48 12.10 43.55

14 0 2.93 10.24 36.86

15 0 2.21 13.57 48.87

16 0 2.89 10.38 37.37

17 0 2.54 11.81 42.52

18 0 2.87 10.45 37.63

10:15 am 19 0 2.52 11.90 42.86

Spot Speed Study Analysis
Reference distance –
Direction Mehsana To Category of vehicle -
Sidhpur 2W
Sr. Speed Mean No Of Cumulative
No Group Speed Vehicles %
f*v or
(v) or 100 f/v f(v- ū)2
sample in (fi*ui)
(ui) (f) or (fi) *f/ percentile
(m/h) Σf
1 20-25 22.5 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 25-30 27.5 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 30-35 32.5 3 15.79 15.79 0.09 97.5 3168.75

4 35-40 37.5 6 31.58 47.37 0.16 225 8437.50

5 40-45 42.5 6 31.58 78.95 0.14 255 10837.50

6 45-50 47.5 3 15.79 94.74 85th 0.06 142.5 6768.75

7 50-55 52.5 1 5.26 100 0.02 52.5 2756.25

8 55-60 57.5 0 0 100

9 60-65 62.5 0 0 100 0 0 0

19 772.5 31969

Average speed = 40.7 kmph

Cumulative Frequency of Mix Traffic near Brahmanvada crossroad

At Brahmanvada
Speed Group Mid Speed Cumulative
No of Vehicles Frequency %
(kmph) (kmph) Frequency %
5.00-9.99 7.495 30 8.9 8.9

10.00-14.99 12.495 17 5.04 13.94

15.00-19.99 17.495 28 8.3 22.24

20.00-24.99 22.495 20 5.93 28.17

25.00-29.99 27.495 44 13.05 41.22

30.00-34.99 32.495 25 7.41 48.63

35.00-39.99 37.495 11 3.26 51.89

40.00-44.99 42.495 37 11 62.89

45.00-49.99 47.495 64 19 81.89

50.00-54.99 52.495 22 6.52 88.41

55.00-59.99 57.495 12 3.56 91.97

60.00-64.99 62.495 11 3.26 95.23

65.00-69.99 67.495 8 2.37 97.6

70.00-74.99 72.495 7 2.07 99.67

75.00-79.99 77.495 1 0.33 100


Series 1 Column1 Column2

Cumulative Frequency of Mix Traffic near Khali Junction

At Khali Junction
Speed Group Mid-Speed Cumulative
No of Vehicle Frequency %
(kmph) (kmph) Frequency %
5.00-9.99 7.495 25 8.62 8.62
10.00-14.99 12.495 28 9.65 18.62
15.00-19.99 17.495 24 8.27 26.54
20.00-24.99 22.495 24 8.27 34.81
25.00-29.99 27.495 47 16.2 51.01
30.00-34.99 32.495 13 4.55 55.56
35.00-39.99 37.495 9 3.1 58.66
40.00-44.99 42.495 32 11.03 69.69
45.00-49.99 47.495 9 10.07 80.39
50.00-54.99 52.495 32 3.1 83.49
55.00-54.99 57.495 31 2.06 85.55
60.00-64.99 62.495 9 3.1 88.658
65.00-69.99 67.495 6 2.75 91.4
70.00-74.99 72.495 9 3.1 94.5
75.00-79.99 77.495 8 2.75 97.25
80.00-84.99 82.495 5 1.72 98.97
85.00-89.99 87.495 3 1.03 100


speed limit (kmph)

Series 1

Identification of black-spots
Major 4 junctions and some t-sections are having black spots. In that Bhandu Junction,
Brahmanvada Junction, Unjha Junction.

Type Date Place Reaason Year

Bike & loaded

FATAL 1/2/2014 Unjha highway 1
19/8/2014 Unjha highway Truck & cycle 1
28/11/2014 Unjha highway Truck & jeep 1 3

Rickshaw & pulser

Serious 28/5/2014 Unjha highway 1
Minor 7/3/2014 Unava pump 4W & bike 1
18/4/2014 Unja bus stand Bike & pedestrian 1
5-may APMC,UNAVA Trailer & 4W 4
Over turned
15/8/2014 Arman hotel 1
29/9/2014 circle Camel cart & 4w 7
18/11/2014 4W &2W 1
Fatal 6-may Railway crossing Truck & cycle 1 1
13-may Circle Truck & pedestrian 1
1-aug Footpath 4W & pedestrain 1
Tractor &
1-dec Circle 1
2-dec Patan road Truck & pedestrian 1
Serious 18-nov Unjha APMC 4W & tenker 5

Minor 27-oct Unjha Highway Bus & truck 5

6-nov R pump 3w with Divider 1
11-nov Bike & car 1
18-nov Arman hotel Car & truck 1

Fatal 21-jan Near bus stand Tavera & ST bus 3 1

13-jul 4w & pedestrain 1 2016
16-sep Bike & pedestrian 1

Fatal 3-may Pruthavi hotel 4w & pedestrian 1

Minor 31-mar Raval p.p Dumper &4W 1

2-apr Prit hotel Travtor & 4W 1
15-apr 4W & rickshaw 1
11-may Truck & Bike 1
10-jun Bharat nagar 4W due To bump 1
3-jun Circle Bus & pedestrian 1
Rickshaw &
5-aug 2
17-oct 4w 1

Fatal 21-mar circle 4w & pedestrian 1

18-jun Tuck – Tractor 1 2

Serious 8-jul Ganesh Steel 4W & bike 1

Chapter 6


From the accident analysis, it can be concluded that during day time the accidents are occurring
more in number compared to night hours. This may be attributed due to poor road geometry and
environment, lack of traffic sense and enforcement measures. Policies during rush hours need to
be there. There should be new licensing system incorporating the points allotted for the penalties
to driver’s for violation and the limit of points should be there after which the license should be
cancelled and the driver should again appeared for driver testing for new license. This will reduce
the accidents on black spots considerably. Based on accident analysis we can conclude that:

• Maximum numbers of accidents especially fatal accidents are found to occur on vehicles
moving straight.
• Majority of accidents are occurred at junctions.
• 93% of Accidents are caused due to Driver’s error which is found to be main cause of
• Head-on, Rear end, Side swipe and hitting Pedestrians’ collisions are found to be
maximum due to high speed and inattention.
• Pedestrians are most vulnerable victim due to in sufficient pedestrian facilities and poor
knowledge about traffic rules.
• 71% accidents are occurred during day time. Maximum Accidents are recorded during
peak hours between 10:00 am to 12:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
• Maximum Number of Causalities are occurred to 2- Wheelers, 3- Wheelers and Cars.
• Driver’s with age limit between 20-30 and 30-40 are involved in maximum number of
accidents on study corridor.
• V/C ratio is between 0.22 to 0.25 on study stretch indicates that the traffic on study stretch
is of Level of service B which indicates chances of accidents are medium on study
• From spot speed study, we can conclude that speed of cars are maximum i.e. nearly 80
• Most of accidents are caused during summer season indicating driver driving very
inattentive during the clear weather.
6.2 Remedial measures
The problem of accident is more active due to mix traffic and complex flow for full realization
of the problems and the factors contributing to road accidents the effective systematic studies
was carried out to reduce the appearance of accidents the statistical analysis of accidents at road
stretches has been carried out to arrive at suitable measures to effectively decrease the accident
rates. Based on the accident analysis, road geometry, environment etc the following measures
are recommended:

1. Bhrahmanvada Junction

• The analysis indicates and physical verification at the site shows that max number of
accident are taken place at Bhrahmanvada which is uncontrolled intersection having 24
number of conflict points out of which 16 crossing conflict point are the measure. The
merging and diverging conflicts are minor measuring 4 each in this case. This calls for
reduction in conflict point considerably the optimum recommendation is the provision
of traffic rotary so that vehicles are force to move in clockwise direction before the weave
out of traffic flow. The crossing of vehicles is avoided by allowing vehicles to merge in
to the streams in clockwise direction around the rotary and then to diverse out to desire
road. The total accident as per police department is 35 in number. By provision of rotary
the crossing conflict is eliminated and converted in to a weaving maneuver or a merging
operation from the right and the diverging operation to the left.
• Proper sign signals marking which is do not evident at the junction needs to be providing
• Efficient lighting system is to be provided from night visibility point of view and also
for reducing glare at the night time. The encroachment with all 4 sides is affecting the
visibility distance along the major roads.
• At the crossing the pedestrian conflicts are also noted at the sight of the crossing the
school is also running but the provisions of foot path and guard rail for the school children
nor is the public provided. This calls the provision 1.5 mt minimum width of foot path at
the junction also the provision of guard rail at the junction as per IRC 103: 1988 could
be provided. The zebra crossing must always the provided and should be accomplished
by stop lines as per IRC 103:1988. The driver’s attentions needs to be focused on the
road for which their speed needs to be reduced by provision of speed barriers (IRC
41:1997). Proper geometry at the intersection needs to be done with the provision of

2. at Straight Roads:
Due to the high speed of vehicles and inattention of drivers maximum accidents have been
occurred on the straight road. To prevent these accidents speed barriers should be provided at
regular intervals to reduce the speed of the vehicles. Speed limit sign should be installed at
regular intervals to warn the drivers about the speed limits. The lane width should be uniform
throughout the study area corridor. It is kept 3.75 m per lane to accommodate heavy vehicles.
The paved shoulder of 1.5 m should be provided.
Various other Remedial Measures are to be taken at Black Spots:

• At Bramanvada Junction, there is need of island at the junction with proper signs and
signals. Speed breaker should be provided to reduce speed on the junctions.
• Most of the Junction, Installation of road signs is also necessary.
• On Study Area Corridor, large Number of accidents are taking place, the so traffic control
and enforcement measure are essentially required.
• A number of places where the sight distance not clearly visible that particular places
traffic signs and speed restriction sign board are required. Installation of uniform, clearly
visible and effective traffic signs (carrying the message in addition to symbol) and their
proper maintenance at the intersection, petrol pump, over bridges, junctions.
• Adequate facilities for pedestrians for safe crossing of highways so Zebra crossing sign
and marking are provided at villages and intersections.
• Adequate street lighting and channelization on major intersections and stretches with
population settlement along the highway.
• Drivers training is the most important requirement for safe driving.
• The police patrolling at night time is required because most of the drivers are having
drugs of any other alcoholic’s drink that may cause accidents.

Classified volume count can be carried out at various T-Intersections and Cross Roads on the
study area corridor. Spot speed studies can be done at T-sections and Cross Roads after the road
safety audit has been done. Safety Audit on the study area corridor at other uncontrolled
junctions other than black spots to prevent the accidents at those locations. RSA should be
carried out at all State Highway’s and MDR’s needs to be identified of any aspects in a highway
design that gives rise road safety concern and to suggest amendments in the design that would
enhance safety. The recommendations to improve road signs, road markings, highway lighting,
delineators and intersection design. Road safety Audits provides a socioeconomic balance
between road safety, accessibility, environment and economy at large.



Traffic Engineering & Safety Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
• National Road Safety Profile of India, Central Bureau of Health Intelligence.
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2. M.K. Agarwal, “Urban Transportation in India”. Indian National Academy of
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