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Name : Septian Resky

Class :B
Subject : Seminar Research Design
Date : March 25th, 2019

1st Presenter : Izzul Amal (Untan) on Developing interactive listening learning multimedia
to support when english rings the bell for grade 7 book.

Interactive learning multimedia is a learning medium that presents audio, video,

graphics, text, and animation in form of computer software that can be controlled by the
learners themselves. Listening is very important because students need to pass the national
exam. Nowadays, many schools have language and computer laboratories. Unfortunately,
some schools have not optimally utilized the facilities. The main reason of the problem is the
absence of multimedia software at school. Teachers also have difficulties to find the
appropriate English interactive learning multimedia that suit the students’ needs.
Research Questions

a. What are the needs of the seven grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Kubu Raya in learning
English through interactive multimedia?
b. What is the appropriate interactive listening multimedia for grade seven students at
SMP Negeri 7 Kubu Raya?
Research Objectives

a. To find the learning needs of the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Kubu Raya
in learning listening.
b. To develop appropriate interactive learning multimedia of listening and for the seventh-
grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Kubu Raya.
Research Significance

For students : It makes students interested in learning materials of the book and they can use
this multimedia to make them easier to understand the material of the book.

For the teacher : The teacher can use the multimedia for teaching learning process and change
the atmosphere of teaching process

This research is classified as developmental research because the purpose of the

research is to develop a product. The procedure will follow the ADDIE design the model
proposed by Branch (2009) with some modifications.
The research will be conducted in SMP Negeri 7 Kubu Raya, in the grade VIIA. The
data of this research will be collected in qualitative descriptive form. The researcher will hold
an observation by giving a questionnaire to the seventh-grade students. Then, the multimedia
will be rated by the experts by applying the expert judgement rating scale.

2st Presenter : Genevieve (Malaysia) on Case Study: Lack Of Making Connections Text-to-
World Strategy For Reading Comprehension Among Year 3 Puplis

 Reading comprehension defined as the process of creating meeting from text (Van Dijk
and Kintsch, 1983)
 Affect educational practice especially during examination
 Activate prior knowledge and connect with text-Schems Theory, Barlet (1932)
 Making connections text-to-world was first discovered by Ellin Olive Keene and Susan
Zimmerman in 1997 (Keene and Zimmerman, 2011)
Statements of problem

 Not interested in reading

 Not understand what they read
 Pushed to read by teacher and parents
 Not their own intention
 Not exposed to this strategy
 None people around them about the strategy

 To find out the problem of making connections text-to-world strategy while reading to
develop reading comprehension strategy
 To identify the causes of less exposure on making connections text-to-world strategy
for reading comprehension
 To determine the strategy is suitable for all text/article ready by participants
Research Questions

 What is the problem of making connections text-to-world for reading comprehension

to the participants’ learning?
 Why does the participants have less exposure on making connections text-to-world
strategy for reading comprehension?
 How does making connections text-to-world strategy can be used for all types of
Research Methodology

It is qualitative research. The sampling is Year 3 from school S in Sarikei division and
the instrument is observation, semi-strutured interview, data analysis.
Procedures of the research
Detect the problem, choose research design and method, prepare research instrument,
conduct observation, conduct interview, check the worksheet, transcribe interview, and keep
both worksheet and interview transcript.
Procedures of analysis data

Gather both worksheet and interview transcript, analyze the worksheet, collect field
notes during observation, analyze the interview transcript, and make conclusion.

3st Presenter : Gemi N.L (Untan) on Smartphones as a Cause Students Passivity in Speaking

A smartphone is a mobile phone that can do more than other phones. They work as a
computer but are mobile devices small enough to fit in a user’s hand.
Research Question
1. Why smartphone harm people, the environment, or mentally to frequent smartphone
2. How have students been disadvantaged by the development of smartphone?
Research purposes

This purpose of this study is to find out how and why asmartphone a phenomenon works
in students and also to encover common phenomena that occur around us.
Previous study

1. Barges and jois (2012) stated that “while smartphone help the population to speed up
communications, they can also cause de pendence, anxiety, and a reduction in time free
from their away
2. Chang (2011) stated that “This study identifies that learners reticence can be explained
by a variety of reasons including keeping group harmony, the fear of losing face, the
fear of showing off, the teachers’ intolerance of silence, and the insufficient wait-time.”

 Get familiar with the data

 Revisit research objectives
 Develop and framework
 Identify patterns and connections

4th presenter : Salbiah Binti Kamil (Malaysia) on Research in Education Using ‘Mister Read’
in Improving Reading Comprehension Among Year 3 Pupils
Reading comprehension deficits often occured among children because they have
difficulties in understanding the meaning from the text.

 Lack of vocabulary.
 Lack of reading accuracy.
 Driven by first language (L1).
 Could not understand the meaning of text.
 Unable to develop ideas from text.
Teaching and Learning Reflection

 Unable to understand the text that they have read

 Unable to answer simple WH-Questions
 Having hard times in understanding the meaning of the text
 Simply answering the questions by copying random sentences from the text
Research Focus

 The participants are from year 3 class. Level low proficiency

 The major problem that the researcher has found during the teaching practice is the
participants’ reading comprehension skill
 The text selection focusing on fictional text.
 It is focuss on fictional text such as story in unit 15, “four friends”
 According to tomlinson (2003), young children benefit from opportunities to read a rich
arry of fiction
Initial Data Collection

 The researcher collected data through the worksheets given to the participants
 Based on the marks that they got from the worksheet, most of them were unable to
answer all of the questions correctly
 The researcher found out that the participants did not achieve the content standard 2.2
and 2.3 of year 3 SK English Language Standard Curriculum of the lesson
Research Objectives

 “Mister Read” will help the researcher improve the teaching practice in the reading
 The participants will be able to evolve their reading comprehension skills with usage
of “mister read” in their learning.
Research Questions

 How does “mister read” improve the researcher’s teaching practice in the reading
 How does “mister read” be able to evolve the participants’ reading comprehension
skills in their learning?
Data Collection Method

 Observation
 Semi-structured Interview
 Document Analysis

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