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Letter of Intent

Clarence Doss
809 Washington Street
Eden, NC 27288
February 22, 2019

Advisory Board
John Motley Morehead High School
134 N Pierce Street
Eden, NC 27288

Dear Advisory Board:

I am currently knowledgeable of my topic to an extent, I am very interested with my topic due

to the use of it in my life. I chose my topic because of how much music affects me in my life, I
would even say music has saved my life at some point. I also chose music because of my
career path, I plan on going into broadway and music is used very often in that field. I would say
I am decently acquainted with my topic, but there is still a lot that I look forward to learning.
Music is such a broad, well researched topic that there is essentially an infinite amount of
studies and facts about it, diving into this information will prove difficult but rewarding.

The thesis for my project is: Music has had a significant positive impact for the average
person’s physical well being, psychological state of mind, and academical life. The focus of my
paper is to show examples and research of how music has affected my peers. Questions I plan
to ask while further developing my project are: In what ways does music develop a person's
mind? Does music impact certain age groups more effectively than others? And, can one’s
physical body be manipulated through the use of music?

The goal of the paper is to provide evidence on the positive and negative impacts that music
has on the average person. I wanted to answer the question of: does music have therapeutic
benefits? Can music enhance one’s physical body? Can music influence a person’s actions?

My product plan is currently making a website, I am unaware if that is what i’m fully going
through with though. The challenge overall with music related topics is most of the time the
product. Making a unique website involving music will prove also prove difficult. I am currently
wanting Mr. Cioffi the chorus teacher from Morehead to be my expert. I love Mr. Cioffi as a
person and respect his knowledge of voice training and music ability as a whole.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing another's creative work without their permission. It’s important to
avoid this so that the person may develop critical thinking skills, and the formulation of original
ideas. By not plagiarising it makes you an ethical person, it's important to be an ethical person
so that we as people develop moral standards.

Steven Doss

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