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Cover Letter 
2913 Winding Grove Drive 
Lithonia GA, 30038 
(678) 709-3323 

May 02, 2019 

Ms. Ronny Reader 

123 Address St  
Anytown, ST 12345 

Dear Ms. Reader, 

Attached to this portfolio you will find my resume, previous work projects, educational 
experiences etc. I am applying for your co-editor position at your company 

As you can see on my resume, I have had experience with almost every aspect in the film 
making field. My academic background is comprehensive in the field of audio video technology. 
I am competent and an efficient learner in the concept of broadcast and technology.  

As well as broadcast, I also have experience in the fine arts. I have had several acting jobs and 
played in the marching band during high school. I graduated highschool with a cumulative grade 
point average of a 3.3 and plan on going to Valdosta University in fall 2019. Thank you for taking 
the time to find interest in my career portfolio. 

Best regards, 

Kayla Purcell 

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