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MTAP Narrative @ Financial Report

SY 2018 – 2019
I - Rational

Teaching is the noblest profession at all times. Once we take or grasp teaching as profession,
have to accept wholeheartedly without any hesitation. Definitely it’s not your friends, neighbors or
your parents pushed you to take education preferably teaching as your course. Likewise, other didn’t
pass on civil service exam or professional board exam and find difficult to look for a job the reason
they take units of education to teach. Nevertheless it’s their second choice to become professional, but
once you’re part of the system (education), grab, be contented, give your best always, dedicate yourself
and love it to the fullest.
Teaching is not an easy task that you’ll just go to school face to your pupils or students and so
be it. It needs more patience, knowledge and techniques or strategies on how you can catch the
attention of the pupils or students. .Knowledgeable enough to come and stay before the students so
you can give your quality time in teaching. Erudite about the scope of the lesson especially if it is a
major subject.
Mathematics as it ruled our life upon we wake up in the morning as it is the toughest subject in
all learning areas. The reason why pupils/students should have mastery in the four fundamental
operations. Likewise, teacher should be aware on how he/she can give the best to inspire learners. The
reason why the teachers whose specializations is Mathematics come up the Mathematics Teachers
Association of the Philippines (MTAP) to enhance further the knowledge of the pupils and compete
each other in a friendly manner. To test how sharp the memory of the pupil/student when it comes on
numbers. Furthermore, the teacher who is in charge in coaching wherein he/she’s exert more time,
effort in teaching, use variety of teaching strategies to stimulate learners interest in grasping
Mathematics are very much happy to share/impart the knowledge he had every Saturday for six
consecutive weeks.

II – Objectives
The MTAP –DepEd Saturday Program is done for six (6) consecutive weeks except if there is
a natural calamity strike the place.
* The first aims of the program is to:
a. provide learners with the opportunity to explore without the threat of test;
b. review the materials covered last school year to enable learners to do well in Mathematics; and
c. prepare the grade 6 pupils and grade 10 students for entrance examination for grade 7 junior
and grade 11 Senior High School (SHS0 respectively.

*Second objective
- prepare talented learners for the Metro bank - MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge Competition where
participants is on voluntary basis only.


1. Monoblock Chairs

The proceed of MTAP was

used to purchased 30 pieces of

monoblock chairs to be used

during programs and other

occasion in the .school

2. Wifi Router
C. Accountability
Number of Participants per Grade Level
Grade I 28
Grade II 33
Grade III 37
Grade IV 51
Grade V 37
Grade VI 27
Total 213 pupils @ P 200 each = P 42, 600.00
Less teachers stipend = 13,200.00
Balance P 29,400.00
5 % Division Share = 2,130.00
5% Regional Share = 2,130.00
5% School Head = 2,130.00
3% National Share = 1,278.00
3% Coordinator Share = 1,278.00
Other expenses
213 Certificates @ 5 = 1,065.00
6 Janitor @ 75 = 450.00
6 CSU @ 50 = 300.00
6 Snacks @ 20 /session = 720.00
Modules @ .65 ȼ = 1,661.40
6 box of Chalk @ 65 = 390.00
Handouts from Division Office
4 pcs per grade x 6 = 24
24 pcs x 6 = 144
144 pcs @ 65 ȼ = 93.60 = 100.00
Love gift Birthday = 1,000.00 1,100.00
P 14,767.56
Wifi router P1100.00
Transpo Math Talented
15 pupils and 5 coaches 475.00
Ma’am Grace Transpo etc. 225.00
Computational Skills (Xerox)
815@ 65 ȼ 529.75
Monoblocks ( Chair) 10,325.00

MTAP Cash on Hand ======= Php 2,112.81

Prepared by:

Ariel F. Dela Cruz

MTAP Coordinator

Checked by :

Yolanda B. Austria

Submitted to:

Josephine P. Canlas Ed.D

Math EPS

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