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EXERCISE 293 Page 800

1. Determine the second moment of area and radius of gyration for the rectangle shown about

(a) axis AA (b) axis BB, and (c) axis CC.

From Table 76.1, page 797:

(8.0 )( 3.0 )
l b3
(a) Second moment of area about AA, I=
AA = = 72 cm 4
3 3
b 3.0
Radius of gyration about AA, k=
AA = = 1.73 cm
3 3

( 3.0 )(8.0 )
b l3
(b) Second moment of area about BB, I=
BB = = 128 cm 4
12 12
l 8.0
Radius of gyration about BB, =
k BB = = 2.31 cm
12 12

( 3.0 )(8.0 )
b l3
(c) Second moment of area about axis CC, I=
CC = = 512 cm 4
3 3
l 8.0
Radius of gyration about CC, k=
CC = = 4.62 cm
3 3

2. Determine the second moment of area and radius of gyration for the triangle shown about

(a) axis DD (b) axis EE and (c) an axis through the centroid of the triangle parallel to axis DD.

1182 © 2014, John Bird

From Table 76.1, page 797:

(12.0 )( 9.0 )
b h3
(a) Second moment of area about DD, I=
DD = = 729 cm 4
12 12

h 9.0
Radius of gyration about DD, k=
DD = = 3.67 cm
6 6

(12.0 )( 9.0 )
b h3
(b) Second moment of area about EE, =
I EE = = 2187 cm 4
4 4

h 9.0
Radius of gyration about EE, k=
EE = = 6.36 cm
2 2

(12.0 )( 9.0 )
b h3
= =
(c) Second moment of area about axis through centroid, = 243 cm 4
36 36

h 9.0
Radius of gyration about axis through centroid, = = 2.12 cm
18 18

3. For the circle shown, find the second moment of area and radius of gyration about (a) axis FF,

and (b) axis HH.

π ( 4.0 )
π r4
Second moment of area about diameter FF = = = 201 cm 4
4 4

r 4.0
Radius of gyration about diameter FF, k= = = 2.0 cm
2 2

5π r 4 5π ( 4.0 )

Second moment of area about a tangent = = = 1005 cm 4

4 4

5 5
Radius of gyration about tangent, k = r (4.0) = 4.47 cm
2 2

1183 © 2014, John Bird

4. For the semicircle shown, find the second moment of area and radius of gyration about axis JJ.

From Table 76.1, page 797:

π (10.0 )
π r4
Second moment of area about axis JJ, =
I JJ = = 3927 mm 4
8 8
r 10.0
Radius of gyration about JJ, k JJ= = = 5.0 mm
2 2

5. For each of the areas shown, determine the second moment of area and radius of gyration about

axis LL, by using the parallel axis theorem.

bl 3 (3.0)(5.0)3
(a) Second moment of area, I LL =I GG + Ad 2 = + Ad 2 = + (3.0)(5.0)(2.5 + 2.0) 2
12 12
= 31.25 + 303.75 = 335 cm 4

I LL  335 
I LL = Ak LL 2 from which, radius of gyration,
= k LL =   = 4.73 cm
area  15.0 
(b) Second moment of area, I=
LL I GG + Ad 2
bh3 (18)(12)3
GG = = 864 cm 4 where h = 152 − 92 = 12 cm, as shown in the diagram below.
36 36

1184 © 2014, John Bird

Hence, area of triangle, A = (18)(12) = 108 cm 2
 12 
Thus, I LL =I GG + Ad =864 + 108 10 +  =864 + 108(14) 2 = 22032 cm 4 = 22 030 cm 4
 3
correct to 4 significant figures

I LL  22 032 
I LL = Ak LL 2 from which, radius of gyration,
= k LL =   = 14.3 cm
area  108 

π r4 4  π (2.0) 4

(c) Second moment of area, I LL = I GG + Ad =
2 + (π r )  5 +  =
2 + π (2.0) 2 (7) 2
4  2  4
= 12.57 + 615.75 = 628 cm 4

I LL  628 
I LL = Ak LL 2 from which, radius of gyration,
= =  2 
k LL = 7.07 cm
area  π (2.0) 

6. Calculate the radius of gyration of a rectangular door 2.0 m high by 1.5 m wide about a vertical

axis through its hinge.

b 1.5
From Table 76.1, radius of gyration about length of rectangular door,=
k = = 0.866 m
3 3

7. A circular door of a boiler is hinged so that it turns about a tangent. If its diameter is 1.0 m,

determine its second moment of area and radius of gyration about the hinge.

From Table 76.1, page 797:

5π r 4 5π ( 0.5 )

Second moment of area about a tangent = = = 0.245 m 4

4 8

5 5
Radius of gyration about tangent, k = r (0.5) = 0.559 m
2 2

8. A circular cover, centre 0, has a radius of 12.0 cm. A hole of radius 4.0 cm and centre X, where

0X = 6.0 cm, is cut in the cover. Determine the second moment of area and the radius of

gyration of the remainder about a diameter through 0 perpendicular to 0X.

Second moment of area about diameter, i.e. axis CC in the diagram below

1185 © 2014, John Bird

π r4 π r4
I CC = − I DD = − [ I GG + Ad 2 ]
4 4

π (12) 4  π (4.0) 4 
= − + π (4.0) 2 (6.0) 2  = 16 286 – [201 + 1810] = 14 275 = 14 280 cm 4 ,
4  4 
correct to 4 significant figures

I CC = AkCC 2 from which, radius of gyration,

I CC  14 275  14 275
kCC =  =  = 5.96 cm
area  π (12.0) − π (4.0) 
2 2 128π

1186 © 2014, John Bird

EXERCISE 294 Page 802

1. For the sections shown, find the second moment of area and the radius of gyration about axis


(a) (b)

(a) For rectangle A in the diagram below,

bl 3 (18.0)(3.0)3
second moment of area about C A = = 40.5 m 4
12 12

Hence, I XX A = 40.5 + Ad 2 = 40.5 + (3.0)(18.0)(12.0 + 1.5) 2 = 40.5 + 9841.5 = 9882 mm 4

bl 3 (4.0)(12.0)3
For rectangle B, second moment of area about C B = = 576 m 4
12 12
Hence, I XX B =
576 + (4.0)(12.0)(6.0) 2 =
576 + 1728 = 2304 mm 4

Thus, total second moment of area about XX, I XX T = 9882 + 2304 = 12 186 = 12 190 mm 4 ,
correct to 4 significant figures

I XX T 12186
Radius of gyration about XX,=
k XX = = 10.9 mm
area 54 + 48

(b) Rectangle A (see diagram below):

bl 3 (6.0)(2.0)3
Second moment of area about C A = = 4 cm 4
12 12
I XX A =
4 + (2.0)(6.0)(6.0) 2 =
4 + 432 = 436 cm 4

1187 © 2014, John Bird

Rectangle B:
bl 3 (2.5)(3.0)3
Second moment of area about C B = = 5.625cm 4
12 12
I XX B 5.625 + (2.5)(3.0)(3.5) 2 = 97.5 cm 4
Rectangle C:
bl 3 (6.0)(2.0)3
Second moment of area about CC = = 4 cm 4
12 12
I XX C = 4 + (6.0)(2.0)(1.0) 2 = 16 cm 4
Hence, total second moment of area about axis XX, I XX I = 436 + 97.5 + 16 = 549.5 cm 4

I XX I 549.5
Radius of gyration about XX,=
k XX = = 4.18 cm
area 12 + 7.5 + 12

2. Determine the second moments of areas about the given axes for the shapes shown below.

(In Figure (b), the circular area is removed.)

(a) Shape A is divided into two rectangles, X and Y as shown below

1188 © 2014, John Bird

For rectangle X in the diagram ,
bl 3 (3.0)(16.0 − 4.0)3
second moment of area about C=
X = = 432 cm 4
12 12

Hence, I AAX =432 + Ad 2 =432 + (12.0)(3.0)(4.0 + 8.0) 2 =432 + 3600 = 4032 cm 4

bl 3 (9.0)(4.0)3
For rectangle Y, second moment of area about CY = = 48cm 4
12 12
Hence, I AAY =
48 + (4.0)(9.0)(2.0) 2 =
48 + 144 = 192 cm 4

Thus, total second moment of area about AA, =

I AAT 4032 + 192 = 4424 cm 4 ,
(b) For diagram B,
l b3 (9.0 + 15.0)(10.0)3
second moment of area of rectangle about BB = = 8000 cm 4
3 3

π ( 3.5 )
π r4
+ (π × 3.52 )(10.0 − 4.5 )
and second moment of area of circle about BB = + Ad
= 2
4 4
= 117.86 + 1164.16 = 1282 cm 4

Since the circular area is removed, second moment of area about BB,

I BBT = 8000 – 1282 = 6718 cm 4

b l 3 (10.0)(24.0)3
Second moment of area of rectangle about BB = = 46 080 cm 4
3 3

π ( 3.5 )
π r4
+ (π × 3.52 )(15.0 )
and second moment of area of circle about BB = + Ad
= 2
4 4
= 117.86 + 8659.01 = 8777 cm 4

Since the circular area is removed, second moment of area about BB,

I CCT = 46 080 – 8777 = 37 300 cm 4

1189 © 2014, John Bird

3. Find the second moment of area and radius of gyration about the axis XX for the beam section

shown below.

Second moment of area about axis XX,

I XX = I XX A + I XX B + I XX C

 ( 6.0 )(1.0 )3   ( 2.0 )( 8.0 )3   (10.0 )( 2.0 )3 

=  + (6.0)(10.5)  + 
2 + (16)(6.0)  + 
2 + (20)(1.0) 2 
 12   12   12 

= 662 + 661.33 + 26.66 = 1350 cm 4

I XX 1350
Radius of gyration about XX,=
k XX = = 5.67 cm
area 6 + 16 + 20

1190 © 2014, John Bird

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