9.developing Objectives A. A Model For Program Development

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Developing objectives

A. A Model for Program Development

B. Model of Designs in Adult Education Practice

C. Methods
D. Learner Goals

1. The primary focus of the learner (to solve individual, group, or community problems) can be
delineated in terms of particular goals: skills , knowledge or attitude to be learned.
2. TECHNIQUES appropriate for several resource person representatives:

1: to inform

2. give information

3. disseminate knowledge

4. develop understanding
3. TECHNIQUES appropriate as follow us to presentations of one or more recourse persons to involve
the audience:
C. Instructional Techniques to Teach a skill

1. TECHNIQUES appropriate

a. to teach a skill

b. or change a behavior
2. TECHNIQUES appropriate for FOLLOW-UP and practice of skills:

D. Instructional Techniques to Change Attitudes

1. Attitudes are most likely to be changed in a context of free and open discussion, in a climate of trust.
In such a climate assumptions and attitudes can be examined with less threat and defensive behavior.

2. Techniques appropriate to change attitudes, values, opinions, feelings:

3. Virtually every technique listed above requires PROCESS TIME opportunity for learners to evaluate ,
discuss and process the experience.
E. Instructional Techniques to Encounter Creativity

1. Techniques, appropriate to encourage creativity, new ideas, thinking in new paths:

F. Instructional Devices

1. There are many instructional devices ( also called instructional aids or instructional materials)
available today.

2. Below are grouped such devices from the most concrete and experiential, in directly involving the
learner, to the most abstract, relying on verbal symbols (words) alone.

3. Note that audio- visual aids are not more effective than experimental devices.
10: A. Coarse Development (Robert Mager)
G. Detailing the Instructional Unit
B. Instructional Techniques to impart knowledge

1.Techniques appropriate for one resource person presentations:

a) to inform
b) give information
c) disseminate knowledge
d) develop understanding

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