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Good evening dear audience, today as a FAO’s member, I have the honor to talk about an

important topic: Health and fitness.

First of all, what’s FAO? The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of
the United Nations that leads international efforts to eliminate hunger. Our goal is to achieve
food security for all and make sure that people have constant access to enough high-quality food
to lead active, healthy lives.

So now, let’s talk a little about the things that we do. First o f all, it helps to eliminate hunger,
food insecurity and malnutrition. That means that FAO works in partnership with governments
and other development actors at global, regional and national levels to develop supportive
policy and institutional environments. Also, it makes agriculture, forestry and fisheries more
sustainable and productive. This function producing more with less to save natural resources,
improve resilience and increase net incomes means that we need to make a clear shift away
from current policies and practices towards more sustainable approaches. Then, reduce rural
poverty and finally enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems because
Increasing their participation in food and agricultural systems is critical to achieving FAO’s goal
of a world without hunger.

Each person has their owns likes and preferences. Especially when we talk about our daily diets.
What we consume is pretty relevant to have an excellent health. If we have bad eating habits,
we can come down with dangerous illness such as diabetes, cholesterol and obesity. According
some data, worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. We need to concern about it if we
want to get down these figures That’s why FAO has considered this topic to come up with new
recommendations for getting a better life style.

Evidently what we are going to advise are not strict rules that people must follow. But we have
to become aware of the different eating cultures around the world. So, based on a deep
research we concluded:

Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is beneficial. People should consume between 5 or 6 units.
Also, the variety of vegetable color in our salads are recommended by many nutritionists. But
always remember that everything in excess is harmful. I mean light portions in different hours is
the best way to consume them.

Moreover, people should reduce their use of fats. They ought to avoid the delicious but harmful
junk food. Other option is to replaced fats with vegetables oils like olive, peanut oils, among

Also, we need to reduce our sugar and sodium using and add to our diet al least 2 liters of water
per day.

Nevertheless, our health is not only going to depend on our food. If we want to achieve a healthy
living, we must accompany it with an organized life where daily exercise is essential. FAO’s
studies do not pressure you to go to the gym everyday but keep the body active by some walking,
sports, dancing or other activities.

Our organization do not only focus on physical health but also in mental health. We need to
understand it in two levels. As knowledges to avoid getting sick, as well as to be able to
overcome, to be better, to develop the capacities. So, people should get a balance. Yoga and
some other relaxing activities could help to control people’s behavior and clean their mind.
Regarding medicine, if we feel ill, we must go to the doctor and follow the indications that he
presents to us. You should never go to self-medication as it can harm your health and even
generate dependency. At the end, medicine are drugs so we need to be careful.

Do not attribute your health problems with viruses in the environment, processed food,
development or advanced age but generate awareness of what we are ingesting and try improve
your daily routines.

Those were some of FAO’s recommendations I hope you could follow them and improve your
life style.

Rojo: Katherine
Azul: Ariana

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