Assignment 3

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Motivation is incitement or inducement to act or move. It is the process of inducing the

employees of an organization to act in a predetermined desired manner so as to achieve
organizational goals. At the core of this concept, lies three important sub-concepts. They are
Motive, Motivation, and Motivator.

Motive refers to the inner state of mind that initiates and controls behavior towards business
goals. They directly correspond to the needs of individuals. Motivation is the process of
stimulating action by understanding the needs of employee and by utilizing their motives.
Motivator is the technique used for motivation such as pay bonus, promotion among others.

The Importance Role of Motivation in an Organization

The process of motivation plays a very important role in any organization, profit or non-profit.
The managerial process of direction is driven primarily by the process of motivation as it
creates within the mind of an employee the desire to work in the direction determined by the
manager. The following aspects may be considered under this head:

• Increases Productivity: Motivation as a process leads to an increase in productivity of

the employee. Motivation meets the needs of the employee and thereby creates the drive
to work at the best of his abilities. A well-employee will be willing to put in more effort
towards the betterment of the organization than another disheartened employee.

• Ensures Organizational Efficiency: Motivation plays an important role in changing

the attitudes of the employees in the organization. Indifferent attitude is extinguished
most efficiently by motivation. The presence of such favorable attitude allows the
organization to thrive and be successful.

• Ensures Loyal Workforce: A well-motivated workforce is a loyal workforce.

Motivated employees have high levels of morale and commitment towards the
organization and its goals and objectives. Motivation thus reduces employee turnover
and reduces the need for constant induction of new employees.

• Ensures a Reactive Workforce: Adapting to changing business environments is an

important feature of any successful business. In order to react to changes easily and to
continue smooth functioning, an organization requires extensive loyalty and
commitment of its employees. This reduces resistance to the changes that the
organization intends to make. This in effect makes the organization efficient in adapting
to changing needs.

• Facilitates Direction: Direction is an important managerial function and forms one of

its core function. Motivation as already mentioned is a vital part of direction. Direction
being a process that involves directing or initiating action according to a plan drawn up
requires the employees to work wholeheartedly with commitment and loyalty. The
process of direction is thus possible only when the employees proceed in the direction
that the manager determines and this requires a motivated workforce.

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The Importance Role of Motivation for an Employees

1. Motivation helps change negative attitude to positive attitude:

Without motivation the employees try to perform minimum activities in the organization. But
the motivation fills in the desire to perform to their maximum level. All the resources of the
organization are of no use unless and until the employees use these resources. The motivated
employees make best use of the resources.

2. Motivation improves performance level of employees:

The motivation improves the efficiency level of employees which means the employees start
performing the job to the best of their ability with minimum wastage of time and resources
because motivated employees always go for best utilization of resources. The motivation
bridges the gap between the ability to work and willingness to work and willingness always
improves efficiency.

3. Helps in Achieving the Organizational Goal:

The motivated employees always try to achieve the organizational goal and contribute their
best efforts for the realization of organizational goal as they know with the achievement of
organizational goal only they can achieve their personal goal. All the employees contribute
their efforts in one direction of accomplishment of goal.

4. Motivation creates Supportive Work Environment:

In motivation the relations between superior and subordinates are always improved. When the
employees get their need satisfied or get the recognition and respect in the organization then
they always offer a supportive hand to superiors. There is more cooperation and co-ordination
in the organization and all the employees work with the team spirit.

5. Motivation helps the managers to introduce changes:

The motivated employees show less resistance in accepting the changes according to changes
in the business environment because they know if the changes are not implemented in the
organization, not only the organization will lose by this but the employees also will find it
difficult to get their needs fulfilled. Motivated employees are always supportive and co-
operative in accepting changes in the organization.

6. Reduction in Employees’ Turnover:

The motivation creates confidence in the employees to get their needs satisfied in the
organization itself. They always select the alternative to remain in the organization and increase
their earning rather than leaving the organization and increasing their earnings. With
motivation the turnovers are less because the satisfied employees never leave the job.

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