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Friday, March 8th Transcript

Hey class, this clip is for the students that have missed class on Friday, March 8th due to the
field trip. So if you joined me in class today then you can click off and have a great weekend!

For those of you who were on the field trip I hope you had a great time! Go ahead and take out
your agenda and a pencil. Throughout the recording press the pause button if you need more
time, when you are ready press play to keep on listening.

The first thing that we did today was write in our agenda … so go ahead and log into D2L and
look in the agenda tab, copy down what you see in your own personal agenda.

In class today we started to look at the standard S8P4.f. We will be using simulations to predict
and describe the relationships between wave properties and energy.

We supplemented this in class by exploring the “Describing Waves” exploration activity on the
Discovery Education website. For your homework, on your personal computer at home, login to
your Discovery Education account, type “Describing Waves” in the search bar, and begin the
activity. Mess around with the amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and wave speed. Record your
observations on a piece of notebook paper. Note any relationships that you see.

Bring your observations with you to class on Monday and turn it into the homework folder so you
can get credit for this activity.

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

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