Administration 2018 ST Highlights

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Science &

in the Second Year of the
Trump Administration
“We stand at the birth of a new
millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries
of space, to free the Earth from the
miseries of disease, and to harness the
energies, industries, and technologies of

- President Donald J. Trump

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is charged with advising the President on how his
Administration can effectively support the development and application of science and technology
(S&T) for the benefit of the American people, the creation of new jobs and industries, the security of our
homeland, the well-being of our Nation, and the prosperity of our people. The Trump Administration is
ensuring the future is built in America by American workers for the good of the American people and
true to American values. During the second year of the Trump Administration, OSTP has made great
strides in supporting America’s bright future.

Welcoming a New Director

In January 2019, OSTP welcomed the confirmation of Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier as its new Director. Dr.
Droegemeier brings to OSTP extreme weather expertise that has improved predictions and saved
countless lives. He also has a deep knowledge in science policy from his time on the National Science
Board over multiple administrations and a passion for science education. Dr. Droegemeier was a pro-
fessor and Vice President of Research at the University of Oklahoma, where he taught for more than
three decades.

Developing National Strategies

OSTP has had an eye to the future, developing national strategies on education and emerging technol-
ogy that have positioned America for success for generations to come. We restructured and streamlined
Federal interagency collaboration on Research and Development (R&D) through the National Science
and Technology Council. And we developed a new vision for ocean science and technology and released
national strategies for 5G, advanced manufacturing, quantum information science, and STEM literacy
for jobs of the future.

Hosting Marquee Events

Often, the best ideas come from getting the right people together in a room. OSTP hosted major events
that brought together industry leaders, CEOs, academics, nonprofit leaders, Nobel laureates, and gov-
ernment officials to discuss S&T subjects vital to our Nation’s future. In 2018 we gathered these leaders
at the White House to discuss quantum information science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to chart a
national course for coordinating and advancing research and development for these industries of the

Celebrating First-Time Achievements

This past year, our Nation also celebrated numerous milestones. President Trump signed new legisla-
tion encouraging innovation in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technologies. Scientists at our na-
tional labs discovered a new way to domestically produce at scale medical isotopes to treat late-stage
prostate cancer. America is home again to the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Summit. The
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) includes the strongest digital trade commitments
ever negotiated and presents Congress with an easy bipartisan win. The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency launched a $2 billion AI investment to improve national security. And on June 19, 2018,
the United States issued its 10 millionth patent, a testament to American ingenuity.

Looking back… the second year of the Trump Administration, this document highlights merely a selection of our
Nation’s tremendous S&T achievements.

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Science & Technology Highlights

5G and Rural Connectivity ble promising technologies to move quickly to mar-
ket, with potential benefits ranging from autono-
“The growth in the availability of mobile mous vehicles to real-time emergency management.
wireless broadband connectivity over
Coordinating agency actions to promote rural
the past decade has reshaped the American broadband deployment. In January 2018, the Rural
experience — the way Americans work, Prosperity Task Force Report recommended the de-
learn, shop, run businesses, transport their velopment of an interagency strategy to promote
families and goods across the Nation, farm, the deployment of broadband in rural America. 7 In
conduct financial transactions, consume response, Federal agencies are taking action to in-
entertainment, deliver and receive public crease private sector investment in broadband, in-
safety services, and interact with one an- cluding streamlining Federal permitting, leveraging
other.” 2 –President Trump Federal assets, and maximizing the impact of Fed-
eral funding.
Developing a long-term national spectrum strat-
egy. In October, President Trump signed a Presiden- Streamlining and expediting requests to locate
tial Memorandum directing agencies led by the De- broadband facilities in rural America. In January,
partment of Commerce (DOC) National Telecommu- President Trump directed the General Services Ad-
nications and Information Administration (NTIA) to ministration (GSA) to examine the effectiveness of
develop a national strategy for spectrum policy that the existing Common Form application for locating
accelerates America’s deployment of 5G. This strat- communications facilities on Federal property. GSA
egy will help ensure American leadership in 5G, fuel collected feedback and is working with agencies to
American job growth and economic prosperity, and make improvements. In addition, the Department of
protect our national security through technological Interior (DOI) was tasked with developing a plan to
advancement. 3 increase access to tower facilities to facilitate de-
ployment of commercial broadband. 8 The Admin-
Promoting public and private sector collaboration
istration and key agencies continue to implement
to advance the Nation’s 5G innovation and domi-
the directives from the President and have made sig-
nance. In September, the White House gathered
nificant progress in increasing access.
leaders from industry, government, and academia
to discuss advancing American leadership in 5G. 4
The Federal Communication Commission discussed Advanced Manufacturing
its 5G FAST (Facilitate America’s Superiority in 5G
Technology) plan, which will push more spectrum “Through clear-eyed economic and trade
into the marketplace, update infrastructure policy, policies and advances made possible by
and modernize outdated regulations. 5 cutting-edge research and development,
Driving innovation in wireless technologies and American industry is thriving once
connected communities. In April, the National Sci- again. Today, our country’s manufacturers
ence Foundation (NSF), in collaboration with an in- are more confident than ever before about
dustry consortium of 28 computer networking com- investing in factories and workers right
panies and associations, initiated support for the de- here at home.” 9 –President Trump
velopment and deployment of the first two Plat-
forms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR). 6 Ensuring national security and economic prosper-
These platforms, based in Salt Lake City and New ity through leadership in advanced manufactur-
York City, will enable early-stage research to push ing. In the face of intense global competition, Presi-
forward robust, new wireless devices, techniques, dent Trump unveiled a National Strategic Plan on
protocols, and services. The collaboration will ena- Advanced Manufacturing in October that focuses on
defending the economy, expanding manufacturing
employment, and ensuring a strong manufacturing

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

and defense industrial base and a resilient supply ruary 11, 2019 Executive Order on Maintaining Amer-
chain. 10 ican Leadership in Artificial intelligence. 15 The Ad-
ministration will take a multipronged approach
Advancing manufacturing skills in the workforce.
which includes several important pillars: prioritizing
From providing training for veterans to advancing
research and development investments in AI;
technologies developed in the labs, the Federal net-
strengthening AI infrastructure by making Federal
work of Manufacturing USA institutes convened
data, model, and computing resources more availa-
players across the manufacturing community to ad-
ble to AI R&D experts; improving AI governance by
dress the Nation’s pressing manufacturing technol-
establishing guidance for AI development and use
ogy and competitiveness needs. Through 2018, the
across technologies and industrial sectors; prepar-
institutes engaged more than 1,300 member organi-
ing our workforce with skills needed to adapt and
zations, sponsored more than 270 R&D projects, at-
thrive in the age of AI; and engaging internationally
tracted more than $2 billion in private investment
to promote an environment that supports AI R&D
leveraging $1 billion in Federal funds, and equipped
and opens markets for American AI Industries, while
more than 200,000 people with advanced manufac-
also protecting our AI technology advantage against
turing skills needed to pursue high-paying jobs. 11
foreign adversaries.
Driving advancements to realize the potential of Unlocking the promise of AI for the American peo-
additive manufacturing. The Department of Energy ple. In May, the White House hosted the Artificial In-
(DOE) Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) telligence for American Industry Summit to discuss
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has hosted over the promise of AI and the policies needed to realize
25,000 visitors in pursuit of state-of-the-art additive that promise for the American people and maintain
manufacturing technologies. Through over 130 Co- United States leadership in the age of AI. 16
operative Research and Development Agreements,
MDF collaborates with industry to develop advanced Coordinating R&D leadership on AI. In May, the
additive systems. Over 35 systems, totaling more White House chartered a Select Committee on Artifi-
than $12 million – with $7 million in systems await- cial Intelligence under the National Science and
ing arrival – are in use at the MDF today. 12 In June, Technology Council (NSTC) to plan and coordinate
the National Institute of Standards and Technology R&D efforts across the Federal enterprise to ensure
(NIST) hosted 175 participants from industry and ac- continued United States leadership in AI. 17
ademia at the Additive Manufacturing Benchmarks Updating the National AI R&D Strategic Plan. In
2018 technical symposium to test and improve mod- September, the Select Committee on AI issued a Re-
els used for process control and monitoring of addi- quest for Information (RFI) to solicit input on the
tive manufacturing, a method that can revolutionize 2016 National AI R&D Strategic Plan and to deter-
manufacturing sectors in terms of cost per part and mine ways in which the strategy should be revised or
system performance. 13 improved. The responses to this RFI are informing an
update to the strategic plan to help ensure that the
United States continues to invest in cutting edge AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations. 18
“We’re on the verge of new technological Developing the next wave of AI technologies. In
revolutions that could improve virtually September, the Defense Advanced Research Pro-
every aspect of our lives, create vast new jects Agency (DARPA) launched the $2 billion AI Next
wealth for American workers and families, Campaign to create the next wave of AI technologies
and open up bold, new frontiers in science, that can adapt to changing situations and demon-
medicine, and communication.” 14 strate increased robustness, reliability, security,
performance, and applications. 19
–President Trump
Delivering new AI-enabled capabilities in support
Multipronged approach to accelerating our na-
of our national defense. In June, the Department of
tional leadership in AI. The President is supporting
Defense (DOD) stood up the Joint Artificial Intelli-
American leadership in AI through his landmark Feb-
gence Center in response to the 2018 National De-

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

fense Strategy to enable DOD to accelerate the de- including AI. 24 The awards were issued under the Fu-
livery of new, AI-enabled capabilities and experi- ture of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-
ment with new operating concepts to support mili- HTF) Big Idea, one of 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF in-
tary missions and business functions. 20 vestments. 25 These investments expanded NSF’s
more than $100 million annual investment in funda-
Approving the first ever AI-based device for medi-
mental AI research.
cal diagnostics. In April, the Food and Drug Admin-
istration (FDA), a component of the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS), approved the
first ever AI-based device for medical diagnostics to
Advanced Transportation
detect diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of “UAS [Unmanned Aircraft Systems] pre-
blindness among working-age Americans. 21 This de- sent opportunities to enhance the safety of
vice can be used for early detection of this disease to the American public, increase the efficiency
improve the healthcare screening of people with di-
and productivity of American industry, and
abetes by primary care physicians who are not nor-
create tens of thousands of new American
mally involved in eye care.
jobs.” 26 –President Trump
Piloting use of AI for regulatory compliance. Be-
cause of the variability in contracting practices Safely integrating drones into our national air-
across agencies, regulatory compliance of contracts space. In 2017, President Trump directed the Secre-
is a time consuming and challenging task. In March, tary of Transportation to establish the Unmanned
GSA announced a pilot program to address this chal- Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program, which
lenge through the use of an AI-based tool that auto- the President signed into law with the 2018 Federal
matically determines whether an agency’s contract Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act. 27
solicitation complies with Federal regulations. 22 In May 2018, the Department of Transportation
(DOT) selected 10 state, local, and tribal govern-
Gaining international recognition of the im- ments as participants in the Program. 28 Data gath-
portance of AI. In March, OSTP negotiated the 2018 ered from these pilot projects will form the basis of
G7 Innovation Ministers’ Statement on Artificial In- a new regulatory framework. 29 Safe integration of
telligence, following an AI outcome document from drones into national airspace will have immediate
the 2017 G7 innovation ministerial, which recog- benefits for commerce, photography, emergency
nizes the importance of AI innovation for economic management, public safety, precision agriculture,
growth and supports efforts to promote trust in the and infrastructure inspections. 30
adoption of AI technologies. 23 Outside of United
States borders, the Administration is taking steps to Encouraging integration of safe new transporta-
ensure a fair and level playing field for AI technolo- tion technologies. As part of the 2018 FAA Reauthor-
gies. At the World Trade Organization and in trade ization Act, the Trump Administration is establishing
agreements like the United States-Mexico-Canada new conditions for the recreational use of drones. 31
Agreement, the Administration is protecting United In January 2019, DOT proposed new rules to allow
States intellectual property related to AI by limiting drones to fly at night and over people without waiv-
the ability of foreign governments to require disclo- ers under certain conditions and to further integrate
sure of proprietary computer source code and algo- drones safely into the national airspace system. DOT
rithms to better protect the competitiveness of our also announced the Unmanned Aircraft System Safe
digital suppliers, and promoting access to govern- and Secure Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemak-
ment-generated public data to enhance innovative ing. This proposal identifies major drone safety and
use in commercial applications and services. security issues that may pose a threat to other air-
craft, to people on the ground, or to national secu-
Shaping the human-technology partnership in the rity. It solicited recommendations to reduce these
workplace. In 2018, NSF invested more than $25 risks as drones are integrated into our national air-
million in 26 projects to advance human-technology space. 32
collaboration in the workplace and enhance produc-
tivity, innovation, and learning with technologies,

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Encouraging safe integration of automated vehi- to focus on energy infrastructure security. 40 Among
cles into transport systems. In October, DOT re- other missions, the Office will accelerate research,
leased new guidance for automated vehicles, enti- development, and demonstration of cyber-resilient
tled “Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Au- energy infrastructure to reduce the risk that energy
tomated Vehicles 3.0”. This report encourages the delivery might be disrupted by cyber incidents. 41
safe integration of automated vehicles into the mul-
Establishing an implementation roadmap for Fed-
timodal surface transportation system. 33
eral cybersecurity R&D. In August, the Administra-
Advancing the development of civil supersonic air- tion developed the FY2019 implementation
craft. In October, as part of the 2018 FAA Reauthori- roadmap identifying projects and programs being
zation Act, the Trump Administration is taking a new planned or carried out in fiscal years 2018, 2019, and
look at supersonic air travel. The legislation initiates beyond, to meet the objectives of the 2016 Federal
rulemaking activities on civil supersonic aircraft Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic
noise and supersonic flight-testing. 34 Additionally, Plan. The Administration, through the Networking
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Information Technology Research and Develop-
(NASA) continued research on methods to reduce ment (NITRD) program, also initiated an interagency
sonic booms, completing a pivotal test flight in No- effort to update the Federal strategic plan, to be re-
vember. 35 In December, NASA and an outside part- leased in 2019. A Request for Information was
ner began final design and initial manufacturing of posted in the Federal Register to encourage public
the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) air- input on Federal priorities in cybersecurity R&D. 42
craft that will study how reducing sonic boom could
Increasing awareness and adoption of cybersecu-
lead to acceptance of supersonic flight over land. 36
rity risk-management best practices. In April, NIST
published version 1.1 of the NIST Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Framework, providing additional guidance on au-
thentication and identity, self-assessing cybersecu-
“Collaboration among all United States rity risk, managing cybersecurity within the supply
Government departments and agencies… chain, and addressing vulnerability disclosure. In
ha[s] improved Federal network cyberse- the first six months of its release, V1.1 of the Frame-
work has been downloaded more than 205,000
curity, enhanced coordination with the pri-
times. 43
vate sector to protect critical infrastructure,
strengthened our ability to detect and deter Enhancing the resilience of the Internet and com-
cyber threats, and expanded efforts to build munications ecosystem. In May, DOC and the De-
the world’s best cybersecurity workforce.” 37 partment of Homeland Security (DHS) released a re-
port that offers a guide to government, civil society,
–President Trump
and industry actions that would dramatically reduce
Employing a new National Cyber Strategy to pro- the threat of botnets and similar cyberattacks. The
tect Americans in the digital domain. In September, report, Enhancing the Resilience of the Internet and
President Trump released the first national cyberse- Communications Ecosystem Against Botnets and
curity strategy in 15 years. 38 The National Cyber Other Automated, Distributed Threats, lists comple-
Strategy identifies decisive priority actions to pro- mentary goals and suggested actions that would im-
tect the American people in the digital domain, in- prove the resilience of the Internet ecosystem. 44
cluding fostering and protecting American invention
and innovation, which is critical to maintaining the
United States’ strategic advantage in cyberspace, Digital Economy
and prioritizing national critical infrastructure secu-
rity and resilience research and development. 39 “We will support a vibrant and resilient
digital economy.” 45 –President Trump
Accelerating research, development, and demon-
stration of cyber-resilient energy delivery systems. Preventing international restrictions on digital
In February, DOE established a new Office of Cyber- trade and cross-border data flows. The United
security, Energy Security, and Emergency Response States reached agreement with Mexico and Canada

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

on the USMCA: a new chapter covering Digital Trade. Advancing seismic research. Data acquired by the
When enacted, this agreement will include the strong- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on the U.S. Atlantic
est digital trade commitments ever negotiated. 46 Margin in August revealed new information about
the distribution of gas hydrates and other geological
Leading negotiations in support of the digital econ- structures stretching from the upper continental
omy. OSTP worked with other countries to prevent slope to deep water areas offshore New Jersey to
regulatory barriers to the digital economy, promote North Carolina. USGS, DOE, and the Bureau of Ocean
the flow of information, and oppose data localiza- Energy Management (BOEM), sponsored a Mid-At-
tion requirements through negotiated language at lantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX) which
international fora such as the G20, the G7, the East acquired marine seismic data that will be used for
Asia Summit, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooper- decades to support broader analyses of the margin’s
ation. hazards, stratigraphy, deep structure, and ecosys-
tems by the USGS, other agencies, and the academic
community. 50
“We cherish our magnificent land and wa-
terways, abundant natural resources, and
Energy Dominance
unique wildlife. As a Nation, it is our duty “America’s future has never been brighter,
to recognize the importance of these life- and American energy is leading the way in
sustaining gifts, and it is our responsibility providing jobs, opportunity, and security
to protect them for our own benefit and for our Nation.” 51 –President Trump
that of generations to come.” 47 –President
Reviving and expanding our nuclear energy sector.
Trump On January 14, 2019, President Trump signed into
Addressing critical gaps in understanding drinking law the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Moderniza-
water contaminants. In October, the Task Force on tion Act. This legislation will accelerate licensing for
Emerging Contaminants released a cross agency advanced nuclear reactors. 52 In September 2018,
plan for addressing contaminants of emerging con- President Trump also signed into law the Nuclear
cern (CECs), research gaps, existing programs and Energy Innovation Capabilities Act, the first stand-
activities related to the gaps, and opportunities for alone nuclear innovation legislation which calls for
strategic partnerships. 48 This new plan addresses DOE to build a Versatile Neutron Source and to es-
critical research gaps related to detecting, assessing tablish a National Reactor Innovation Center so that
exposure, and identifying potential adverse health our innovators can build pre-commercial reactor
effects of emerging contaminants in drinking water. prototypes here in America. 53 These two laws are
critical steps to revive and expand our nuclear en-
Meeting the global need for safe, secure, and af-
ergy sector. DOE, in partnership with private indus-
fordable water. In October, DOE announced the
try, is also making excellent progress in developing
launch of the Water Security Grand Challenge, a
Accident Tolerant Fuels to further enhance nuclear
White House initiated, DOE led framework to ad-
fuel reliability and the economics of nuclear reactor
vance transformational technology and innovation
operations. 54 The successful development of Acci-
to meet the global need for safe, secure, and afford-
dent Tolerant Fuels will enhance the safety and effi-
able water. Using a suite of prizes, competitions,
ciency of our nuclear fleet.
early-stage research and development funding op-
portunities, and critical partnerships, the Water Se- Achieving energy dominance in exports of crude oil
curity Grand Challenge sets ambitious goals for the and natural gas. In 2018, the United States became
United States to reach by 2030. DOE will partner with the world’s top producer of crude oil. 55 In addition,
the Environmental Protection Agency to bring clean United States natural gas exports in the first half of
and safe water to communities across the country. 49 2018 were more than double the 2017 average. The
increase in shale oil and gas production follows
years of investment and research carried out by DOE
and industry joint ventures. 56

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Pursuing game-changing off-grid small mobile nu- through NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network and
clear reactors. DOD, supported by DOE, is evaluat- the NCI Community Oncology Research Program.
ing the development of small mobile nuclear reactor
Galvanizing research to address the world’s lead-
designs that can address electrical power needs in
ing infectious cause of death. In 2018, the United
rapid response scenarios. Small mobile nuclear reac-
States government led the world in funding the
tors can make our domestic infrastructure resilient to
global effort to increase access to tuberculosis diag-
an electrical grid attack by making more energy availa-
nosis, treatment, prevention and care, particularly
ble and by drastically simplifying the complex fuel lo-
in countries with the highest burden of disease. Ac-
gistical lines that currently support existing power gen-
celerating research and innovation, including
erators operating mostly on diesel fuel. 57
through collaborative research efforts and further-
Producing high-assay low-enriched uranium. DOE ing of private sector partnerships, is one of four core
announced that it will fabricate high-assay low-en- pillars of the U.S. Global Tuberculosis Strategy. The
riched uranium (HALEU) fuel from the HALEU cur- United States government successfully mobilized in-
rently stored at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), creased commitments and funding from high-bur-
which is critical for many advanced nuclear technol- den countries and other donors in support of this
ogies. 58 This will support near-term research, devel- goal at the first-ever United Nations High-Level
opment, and demonstration needs for advanced re- Meeting on Tuberculosis in September 2018. 62
actor designs. These technologies allow for smaller
Using space to better understand health. HHS’s Na-
plant sizes, longer core life, and higher burnup of nu-
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for
clear waste. There is currently no commercial source
Advancing Translational Sciences partnered with
of HALEU. In addition, DOE is planning to fund a
the International Space Station U.S. National Labor-
demonstration project of United States enrichment
atory to send tissue chips into space to better under-
technology to provide a strong signal to potential
stand the physiological changes experienced by as-
vendors that there will be a proven domestic capability
tronauts when traveling in space, such as bone loss,
to produce HALEU when the market demands it.
muscle deterioration, and altered immune sys-
tems. 63 The launch will contribute to valuable
Health and Medicine knowledge on aging and may lead to the develop-
ment of novel therapies. Also in 2018, NASA Twins
“We will work every day to ensure all Study investigators presented detailed findings fol-
Americans have access to the quality, af- lowing two years of research evaluating identical
fordable medication they need and they twin astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly. 64 In this first-
of-its-kind national cooperative effort, investigators
deserve.” 59 –President Trump
compared biological samples from the twins to
Improving veterans’ health. DOE and the Depart- study the impacts of extended time in space, follow-
ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) built on the Million Vet- ing Scott Kelly’s historic year living on the Interna-
eran Program (MVP) Computational Health Analytics tional Space Station. The first application of genomics
for Medical Precision to Improve Outcomes Now, a to evaluate potential risks to the human body in space,
partnership launched in 2017 to leverage next-gen- the Twins Study is a stepping stone towards long-dura-
eration AI and supercomputing technologies to im- tion human space exploration missions.
prove health outcomes for veterans. 60 Priority areas
Advancing precision medicine. On May 6, NIH, an
include suicide prevention, opioid abuse, and trau-
HHS component, opened national enrollment for
matic brain injury. Veterans with cancer who receive
the All of Us Research Program, a momentous effort
treatment from the VA will now have easier access to
to advance individualized prevention, treatment,
clinical trials of novel cancer treatments, thanks to
and care for people of all backgrounds. 65 The overall
the VA and HHS’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) In-
aim is to enroll one million or more volunteers and
teragency Group to Accelerate Trials Enrollment, or
account for communities that have been un-
NAVIGATE. 61 Launched in July 2018 at 12 VA facilities
derrepresented in biomedical research to make the
across the country, NAVIGATE will enhance the abil-
program the largest, most diverse resource of its
ity of veterans to participate in trials carried out
kind. The program will enable such research to more

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

precisely prevent and treat a variety of health condi- Driving innovation in bioscience. NIST is developing
tions. the building blocks for bioscience by making high
quality reference data and standardized materials
Providing the best tools to biomedical researchers.
available to enable confidence in gene sequencing
HHS’s NIH launched the STRIDES (Science and Tech-
and drug design through collaborative partnerships
nology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Exper-
such as the Consortium for the Advancement of Ge-
imentation, and Sustainability) Initiative to harness
nome Editing, announced in early 2018. 72 NIST
the power of commercial cloud computing; provide
works with industry experts to develop international
NIH biomedical researchers with access to the most
standards and hosts the Standards Coordinating
advanced, cost-effective computational infrastruc-
Body, focused on accelerating regenerative medi-
ture, tools, and services available; and reduce eco-
cine therapies. 73
nomic and technological barriers to accessing and
computing on large biomedical data sets to acceler- Improving healthcare records interoperability. The
ate biomedical advances. 66 NIH also released its first Office of American Innovation held a series of White
Strategic Plan for Data Science that provides a House Roundtables throughout 2018 to improve the
roadmap for modernizing the NIH-funded biomedi- interoperability of healthcare records. In February,
cal data science ecosystem. 67 the White House convened stakeholders to discuss
various barriers to electronic health record interop-
Reducing underage vaping and smoking. This year,
erability and opportunities to address these barri-
FDA has worked aggressively to address youth use of
ers. In August, the White House hosted the Blue But-
e-cigarettes. In April, FDA launched a Youth Tobacco
ton 2.0 Developer Conference, which brought to-
Prevention Plan, a series of actions to stop youth use
gether developers to learn and share insights on
of tobacco products, especially e-cigarettes. 68 In No-
how to leverage claims data to best serve the Medi-
vember, FDA, a component of HHS, announced a
care population. 74 In December, the White House
new policy to address central problems to the in-
hosted an Executive Forum focused on Electronic
creasing youth use of electronic nicotine delivery
Health Record (EHR) interoperability, bringing to-
systems (ENDS) which includes addressing flavored
gether several noted health IT experts from across
ENDS products and cigars and ENDS products mar-
the Nation to discuss the best role for government,
keted to youth. 69
technical standards and authentication, patient and
Ensuring sufficient supply of valuable medical iso- physician engagement, and possibilities for public-
topes. One of the most breathtaking developments private partnerships. 75
in cancer treatment is recent success in trials that
treat metastasized late-stage prostate cancer with Putting patients first. In March, HHS announced the
the use of the alpha-emitting isotope Actinium-225 Trump Administration’s initiative to put patients at
(Ac-225). The DOE Isotope Program formed a Tri-La- the center of the United States healthcare system. 76
boratory Collaboration of scientists at Brookhaven, This initiative, MyHealthEData, empowers patients
Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories to by giving them control of their healthcare data, and
develop large-scale production capacity of Ac-225 to allowing their data to follow them through their
ensure sufficient supply and help advance the prom- healthcare journey. In support of this new initiative,
ising medical uses of this isotope. 70 In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration announced the launch of Medicare’s Blue Button 2.0
(NNSA) helped ensure a reliable supply of a vital API (Application Programming Interface), a new and
medical isotope, which resulted in approval by FDA secure way for Medicare beneficiaries to access and
of the first domestically produced, non-uranium share their personal health data in a universal,
based molybdenum-99 (Mo-99). Mo-99 is the most standards-based digital format.
widely used radioisotope in medical diagnostic im-
aging. One of NNSA’s partners developed the Radi-
oGenixTM System and neutron capture process to
produce Mo-99 without the use of highly enriched
uranium. Until now, the United States has had to rely
on foreign producers to import 100 percent of its Mo-
99 supply. 71

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

High Performance largest and most powerful supercomputer the

agency has ever supported to serve the Nation's sci-
Computing and Advanced ence and engineering research community. The new
high-performance computing system, to be called
Electronics Frontera, will be located at the University of Texas at
“These new systems represent the next Austin's Texas Advanced Computing Center. 83
generation in supercomputing and will be Advancing science through cloud computing part-
critical tools both for our Nation’s scientists nerships. On November 15, NSF announced a coop-
and for U.S. industry.” 77 –Secretary Perry erative agreement to Internet2, 84 a nonprofit com-
puter networking consortium, for the Exploring
Unveiling the world’s most powerful and smartest Clouds for Acceleration of Science (E-CAS) project. E-
supercomputers. In June, DOE’s Oak Ridge National CAS will investigate the viability of commercial
Laboratory unveiled Summit, the world’s most pow- clouds for leading-edge research and computational
erful and AI-capable scientific supercomputer. Sum- science supporting a range of academic disciplines.
mit will be used to make breakthrough discoveries
in fields as diverse as genomics, extreme weather,
materials science, and physics. 78 In addition, Law- Homeland and National
rence Livermore National Laboratory unveiled Si- Security
erra in October, ranked the second-fastest super-
computer in the world on the latest TOP500 list. Si- “My Administration is focused on
erra will provide high-fidelity simulations in support strengthening our Nation’s defenses
of NNSA’s core mission of ensuring the safety, secu- against the full range of threats to our
rity, and effectiveness of the Nation’s nuclear stock- health and security, including those of a bi-
pile. 79 ological nature.” 85 –President Trump
Advancing the future of advanced domestic elec-
tronic systems. Critical DOD systems and platforms Protecting the homeland from biological threats.
rely on advanced electronics to address national se- The White House published a National Biodefense
curity objectives. To help tackle obstacles facing a Strategy which will address the full range of biologi-
half-century of electronics advancement, DARPA cal threats, including those that are naturally occur-
launched in December the Electronics Resurgence ring, deliberate, and accidental—a first for the
Initiative (ERI) – a five year, upwards of $1.5 billion United States Government. The strategy will ensure
investment in the future of domestic electronic sys- a vibrant and innovative national science and tech-
tems. 80 nology base to support biodefense. 86 Implementa-
tion of the strategy will be led by HHS.
Developing novel materials for advanced compu-
ting systems. DOC, NIST, and its partners in the Re-designating the Defense Innovation Unit. The
Nanoelectronic Computing Research (nCORE) con- Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) was
sortium awarded funding for a new research center made a permanent part of DOD, reflecting the Unit’s
to focus on novel materials for advanced computing permanence. The Unit fosters innovation across the
systems. The multi-university partnership, Center Department and experiments with new ways of de-
for Spintronic Materials in Advanced Information livering capability to the warfighter. 87
Technologies (SMART), will develop innovative Driving the Army’s modernization efforts. In Febru-
memory and processing architectures for future ary 2019, Army Futures Command was launched to
computing paradigms, including neuromorphic drive the service’s modernization efforts – one of the
computing, probabilistic computing, in-memory most significant reorganizations since 1973. 88 Army
computing, and wave-based information pro- Futures Command will focus on development of im-
cessing. 81 proved long-range precision fires, a next-generation
Building the Nation’s most powerful academic combat vehicle, future vertical lift platforms, a mo-
high-performance computing system. On Septem- bile and expeditionary Army network, air and missile
ber 1, NSF made a $60 million award 82 to fund the defense capabilities, and soldier lethality. 89

Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Restructuring to drive innovation and advancing Supporting innovative tools and services for tech-
warfighting capability. In February, DOD finalized a nology transfer. In July, DOE launched the Lab Part-
major restructuring required by the 2017 National nering Service, an online, single streamlined point of
Defense Authorization Act. This restructuring estab- access for industry to connect to experts at the Na-
lished a separate Undersecretary of Defense (USD) tional Laboratories. 94 In September, the Federal La-
for Acquisition and Sustainment (A&S) and an Un- boratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC)
dersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineer- launched FLC Business 3.0, incorporating user feed-
ing (R&E). The USD R&E will drive innovation and ac- back to improve this clearinghouse of Federal Labor-
celerate the advancement of the Nation’s warf- atory information, including a technology locator
ighting capability, while the USD A&S will deliver chat service that provides personalized advice. 95 As
proven technology into the hands of the warfighter part of the President’s Management Agenda, the Ad-
more quickly and affordably. 90 ministration seeks to improve engagement with pri-
vate sector technology development experts and in-
Protecting America’s critical infrastructure. In
vestors to enable even greater return on the Federal
July, DHS established the National Risk Manage-
government’s investment in research and develop-
ment Center (NRMC), an initiative driven by industry
needs to create a cross-cutting risk management ap-
proach between the private sector and government Stimulating commercialization of federally funded
to adequately defend our Nation’s critical infrastruc- R&D. In December, NIST announced steps to mod-
ture. 91 The NRMC will identify, assess, and prioritize ernize the United States system of technology trans-
risks to national functions, integrate cross-sector ac- fer and innovation for the 21st century. 96 Based on
tivities on the development of risk management broad inputs from key public and Federal stakehold-
strategies and approaches to manage risks to na- ers, the Administration will reduce regulatory and
tional functions, and incubate strategic risk man- administrative burdens; increase private sector en-
agement initiatives. It will provide a simple and sin- gagement; support entrepreneurship in R&D; de-
gle point of access to the full range of government velop new tech transfer tools; and improve methods
activities to defend against the cyber threat across of measuring the effectiveness of R&D investments.
Elevating commercialization. In September, DOE
began InnovationXLab Summits. The XLab series is
Lab-to-Market designed to increase engagement of the National
Labs with the private sector on high-impact, poten-
“The drive for excellence, advancement, tially transformative technologies. In November,
and innovation in the United States has DOE announced the appointment of its first Chief
brought forth significant discoveries, de- Commercialization Officer. 97 This year DOE imple-
mented expanded use of Agreements for Commer-
veloped life-saving research, and improved
cializing Technology (ACT) that facilitate the ability
the quality of life for millions of Ameri-
of lab contractors to engage with industry more flex-
cans.” 92 –President Trump ibly on tech transfer projects.

Unleashing American innovation. In April, OSTP Celebrating American innovation. In June, the
and NIST held a symposium with leaders across gov- United States Patent and Trademark Office issued
ernment, industry, and academia to address sys- U.S. patent number 10 million, marking a milestone
temic barriers to reaching the full potential of Amer- in human ingenuity since the first patent was signed
ican innovation. The event launched the Lab-to-Mar- by George Washington in 1790. This was the first pa-
ket Cross Agency Priority goal, part of the Presi- tent to use a newly designed U.S. patent cover, rede-
dent’s Management Agenda. 93 Agencies across the signed for only the second time in 100 years. 98
Executive branch convene through the NSTC Lab-to-
Market subcommittee to enhance the Nation’s tech-
nology transfer efforts.

– 10 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Natural Disaster namis. 105 Additionally, President Trump in Decem-

ber reauthorized the interagency National Earth-
Resilience quake Hazard Reduction Program, led by NIST to
foster interagency coordination to assess and moni-
“Disaster response and recovery is best tor earthquake hazards and risk in the United
achieved when it’s federally supported, States. 106
state-managed, and locally executed.” 99
Leading the world in hurricane prediction. During
–President Trump the 2017-2018 Hurricane Season, NOAA provided
highly accurate and timely forecasts of hurricanes
Preparing for natural disasters. On May 30, OSTP
that impacted the United States, saving countless
hosted a workshop on Whole Community Hurricane
lives and protecting property. 107 The National Hurri-
Information Flows where approximately 100 partici-
cane Center was able to predict the landfall location
pants discussed ideas and opportunities to better
of Hurricane Florence within two miles of the ob-
share data and information in support of local, state,
served landfall with five days lead time. This is a rec-
and Federal situational awareness and response in
ord setting weather forecast, and NOAA is investing
disasters. 100 In August, NIST published an explora-
in its weather prediction to make forecasts like these
tory technical report on research needs for building
more common. Notably, NOAA made great strides in
standards and codes that could ensure the rapid re-
preparing its next generation weather forecasting
covery and continued operation of buildings after
model, known as the Finite Volume on a Cubed-
natural disasters. 101 Throughout 2017-2018, DOE
sphere (FV3) model. This vanguard weather-model-
worked to enhance the capabilities of its Environ-
ing program is the realization of years of atmos-
ment for Analysis of Geo-Located Energy Infor-
pheric modeling research and relies on cutting edge
mation (EAGLE-I) system, capitalizing on the capa-
satellite observations and ocean measurement,
bilities of the DOE National Laboratories. 102 These
which together drive the fastest and most accurate
enhancements are improving situational awareness
forecasting model the Nation has ever deployed.
on the status of energy infrastructure and incorpo-
This new model will help meteorologists prepare
rating predictive modeling, to improve prepared-
more accurate forecasts to save lives and property.
ness and response efforts across State and Federal
partners. Supporting wildfire response with science and
technology. U.S. Forest Service fire scientists, along
Sharing information in disasters. Throughout 2017
with Federal and state partners, applied advanced
and 2018, the Federal Emergency Management
risk analysis tools to enhance firefighter and public
Agency (FEMA) enhanced and utilized Disasters.Ge-
safety and operational effectiveness during the 2018
oplatform.Gov to provide a unified environment for
fire season, notably including quantitative assess-
community partners to publish, share, and access
ments of wildfire risk, firefighter hazards, response
authoritative geospatial data, high-resolution im-
opportunities, and real-time monitoring of aerial
agery, and advanced web-mapping applications
suppression outcomes. 108 The U.S. Forest Service
used during disaster operations. 103
provided real-time, regional smoke maps and fore-
Improving earthquake and tsunami resilience. Re- casts that were used to plan suppression activities
searchers from the National Oceanic and Atmos- and aircraft operations and to inform local govern-
pheric Administration (NOAA) and USGS have com- ments and the public about potential air quality and
pleted the first high-resolution, comprehensive health impacts. 109 Also, NASA’s Disasters program
mapping of one of the world’s fastest moving under- provided fire-related satellite products to help peo-
water tectonic faults in southeastern Alaska. 104 The ple on the ground and to assess wildfire impacts, in-
seafloor mapping data will help communities in cluding estimates of power outages and damaged
coastal Alaska and Canada better understand and structures, as seen from space. 110
prepare for the earthquakes and tsunamis. Also in
Improving our Nation’s preparedness to address
support of this goal, NSF funded an expedition in
near-Earth objects. In July, the Trump Administra-
New Zealand to better understand how shallow
tion released a national plan for reducing the risk of
earthquakes and underwater landslides lead to tsu-
near-Earth object impacts. 111 The plan identifies a
path to increased national preparedness across five

– 11 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

strategic goals: characterizing the threat, advancing Promoting the ocean economy, ocean security, and
our ability to predict consequences and mitigation ocean environment. On June 19, President Trump
outcomes, developing means to prevent asteroid signed Executive Order 13840, establishing an ocean
impacts, working with international partners, and policy to advance the economic, security, and envi-
strengthening and exercising emergency proce- ronmental interests of the United States. 117 The new
dures and protocols. ocean policy establishes an interagency Ocean Pol-
icy Committee to streamline Federal coordination,
Using UAS-mounted technology to study volcanoes
empowers States through Federal engagement with
and improve response. For the first time, Un-
state-led Regional Ocean Partnerships, and focuses
manned Aerial Systems (UAS) technology was used
on growing the ocean economy, prioritizing scien-
to monitor and respond to a United States volcanic
tific research, coordinating resources and data shar-
eruption. 112 During the Kīlauea volcanic eruption in
ing, and engaging with stakeholders. 118
Hawaii, USGS used UAS technology, including newly
developed sensors, to map lava boundaries, identify Ensuring United States leadership in ocean science
new break-out points and overflow sites, detect and technology. The NSTC released a ten-year plan
property and infrastructure damage, map topo- identifying pressing research needs and areas of op-
graphic changes due to collapse events, as well as to portunity within the ocean science and technology
provide information on lava flow velocity and dan- enterprise for the decade 2018-2028. Produced by
gerous airborne gases like SO2. A USGS drone was the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technol-
credited with saving a life directly, and USGS person- ogy (SOST), this interagency plan presents a decadal
nel supported the Hawaii Emergency Operations to vision for an innovative and collaborative ocean sci-
keep the response team apprised of data and devel- ence and technology enterprise that promotes
opments. 113 American security and prosperity while conserving
the marine environment for present and future gen-
Transforming public safety broadband. Through-
erations. 119
out 2018, DOC’s First Responder Network Authority
(FirstNet) made significant progress deploying and Increasing maritime awareness. At the start of the
operating a truly nationwide, interoperable broad- year, DARPA began implementation of its new
band public safety network for our Nation. 114 The Oceans of Things program to enable persistent mar-
FirstNet network supports the mission critical ef- itime situational awareness over large ocean areas
forts of more than 425,000 subscribers across 5,250 by deploying thousands of small, low-cost floats to
public safety agencies. form a distributed sensor network. Each smart float
would contain a suite of commercially available sen-
Modernizing the Nation’s 911 centers. In August,
sors to collect environmental data such as ocean
DOC’s NTIA and DOT’s National Highway Traffic
temperature, sea state, and location, as well as data
Safety Administration (NHTSA) adopted final rules
about commercial vessels, aircraft, and marine
for a grant program that will offer up to $110 million
mammals moving through the area. 120
to help states, territories, tribal organizations, and
the District of Columbia upgrade their 911 call cen- Enhancing ocean data tools. NOAA and BOEM de-
ters to Next Generation (NG911) capabilities. 115 veloped the Ocean Reporting Tool - a web-based ap-
plication that provides geospatial analysis (of bio-
logical, navigational, military, social, economic,
Ocean Science physical, and chemical parameters) for exploring,
permitting, siting, and de-conflicting ocean uses
“The United States is a Nation whose iden- such as fishing, aquaculture, recreation, conserva-
tity, wealth, and security are inextricably tion, energy, and military development. The ocean
linked with the ocean and coastal wa- big data app, realized by IT advances and decades of
ters. From sea to shining sea, Americans environmental data collection, will allow the United
benefit from the ocean’s bounty — from the States to remain competitive as ocean development
industries it supports and the jobs it cre- continues its exponential growth through the 21st
ates.” 116 –President Trump century. 121

– 12 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Supporting marine industry with Big Data. NOAA sembles opioid-related information from the Sur-
developed new computer-generated daily maps geon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health
(EcoCast) that will help fishermen locate the most into one document to better inform the general pub-
productive fishing spots, while warning them where lic, especially family and friends of people with an el-
they face the greatest risk of entangling sea-turtles, evated risk of opioid overdose, opioid misuse,
marine mammals, and other protected species. Eco- and/or opioid use disorder. 126
Cast will improve the economic and environmental
Combating the opioid crisis in rural America. To
sustainability of our Nation's fisheries. This big data
help rural leaders build an effective local response
(digital) tool is augmenting and may eventually re-
to the opioid crisis, the United States Department of
place expensive, depletive, and less accurate analog
Agriculture (USDA) is providing resources to build in-
surveys, while also improving fishing efficiency and
frastructure, facilitate partnerships, and drive inno-
reduction of bycatch. 122
vation in rural communities. 127 The White House Ru-
Revolutionizing fisheries monitoring. NOAA devel- ral Opioid Federal Interagency Working Group is
oped innovative monitoring tools to identify and working alongside the White House Office of Na-
measure fish from digital images. 123 The agency de- tional Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to help address
ployed camera systems to record catches on fishing the opioid crisis by improving coordination of Fed-
boats and remotely monitored compliance with eral response in the Nation’s rural communities. 128
Federal fisheries, assessed fish populations, and col-
Reducing access to and the supply of opioids. In Oc-
lected bycatch information more efficiently by using
tober, President Trump furthered his commitment
machine vision technology. While involving manned
to addressing the opioid crisis and signed H.R. 6, the
aircraft, new technological advances allow this ef-
“Substance Use–Disorder Prevention that Promotes
fort to transition to unmanned aircraft systems com-
Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and
plementing Federal fleets of unmanned surface ve-
Communities Act,” which addresses the opioid crisis
hicles and unmanned underwater vehicles that also
by reducing access to and the supply of opioids and
monitor fishing.
by expanding access to prevention, treatment, and
recovery services. 129 Researchers at NIST developed
Opioid Epidemic Response screening techniques to help protect the people on
the front lines in the battle against opioids, from first
“Defeating this epidemic will require the responders to evidence examiners, from lethal expo-
commitment of every state, local, and Fed- sure to synthetic opioids. 130
eral agency. Failure is not an option. Ad- Ending addiction long-term. At the 2018 National Rx
diction is not our future. We will liberate Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit, NIH (an HHS com-
our country from this crisis. And we will ponent) announced the launch of the HEAL (Helping
raise a drug-free generation of American to End Addiction Long-term) Initiative, an aggres-
children.” 124 –President Trump sive, trans-agency effort to speed scientific solutions
to stem the national opioid public health crisis. 131
Year of historic action to combat the opioid crisis. Toward this effort, NIH has nearly doubled funding
In October, President Trump hosted 21 private-sec- for research on opioid misuse/addiction and pain
tor and nonprofit partners who are stepping up to from approximately $600 million in fiscal year 2016
solve the opioid crisis. Their innovative and ground- to $1.1 billion in fiscal year 2018. NIH’s efforts con-
breaking work is promising for the millions of Amer- tribute to a government-wide push to meet the Pres-
icans who struggle with addiction or support loved ident’s goal of ending the opioid crisis.
ones who do. The Trump Administration has applied
an all-of-Government approach to the epidemic, al- R&D to stem the opioid crisis. The NSTC published a
lowing each agency and department to do their part groundbreaking plan that identifies R&D critical to
to help the cause. 125 To support this initiative, the addressing key gaps in knowledge and tools, and op-
Surgeon General of HHS’s Public Health Service portunities to improve coordination of Federal R&D
Commissioned Corps released his “Spotlight on Opi- essential to combating the opioid crisis. 132 It builds
oids” report released in September; the report as- on the recommendations from the President’s Com-

– 13 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

mission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opi- synthesize a massive array of data that will be used
oid Crisis report, as well as recommendations from to advance military and civil capabilities in the re-
multiple other sources. In November, NIH called for gion and for the Nation as a whole. Building on
public comment on the draft report. OSTP will issue ONR’s Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic
the final updated report in 2019. (SODA) project, 138 data from this interagency mis-
sion will inform how sound travels underwater in the
Arctic, improve forecasting accuracy for extreme
Polar Science weather events in the Arctic and in the continental
United States, and contribute to improved short-
“The Arctic region has strategic and eco- term ice forecasts to help the U.S. Coast Guard and
nomic importance.” 133 –President Trump other authorities define and regulate the trans-Arc-
tic shipping season. 139
Shaping the course of Arctic research. In October,
NSF, NOAA, and the United States Arctic Research Modernizing Antarctica’s research infrastructure.
Commission represented the Administration at the The Administration’s Antarctic Infrastructure Mod-
Arctic Science Ministerial held in Berlin, Germany. 134 ernization for Science (AIMS) project to improve
International partners signed a Joint Statement McMurdo Station is designed to meet anticipated
committing to strengthening, integrating, and sus- science support needs for the next 30 to 50 years. 140
taining Arctic observations, facilitating access to AIMS will enable a range of critical scientific re-
Arctic data, and sharing Arctic research infrastruc- search capabilities such as nuclear test detection,
ture; understanding the regional and global dynam- earthquake monitoring, and real-time weather data
ics of Arctic change; and assessing the vulnerability ingestion for global forecasting. In 2018, the AIMS
and building resilience of Arctic environments and completed important pre-construction activities,
societies. including breaking ground on a new communica-
tions facility and embarking on pre-construction
Navigating the new Arctic. As part of NSF’s 10 “Big advanced design to prepare the project for con-
Ideas” for future investment at the frontiers of sci- struction once approvals are in place. 141
ence and engineering, the agency seeks innovations
in Arctic observational networks and fundamental
convergence research across sciences to accom- Privacy
plish goals such as informing United States national
security and economic development needs and en- “A vibrant economy, fueled by consumer
abling resilient, sustainable Arctic communities. 135 confidence, is at the heart of American
prosperity.” 142–President Trump
Mapping polar regions. In September, NASA
launched a new satellite, the Ice, Cloud and Land El- Protecting individual privacy while fostering inno-
evation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), continuing NASA’s vation. In September, DOC’s NTIA requested com-
measurements of Earth’s frozen reaches with un- ments on a proposed approach to advance con-
precedented accuracy. 136 Revealing previously un- sumer privacy while protecting prosperity and inno-
mapped surface and subsurface features of ice vation. 143 The public submitted feedback on a set of
sheets and glaciers in Antarctica and around the user-centric privacy outcomes that underpin the
world, new data from ICESat-2 will improve fore- protections that should be produced by any Federal
casts and understanding of mechanisms controlling actions on consumer-privacy policy, and a set of
ice sheet changes. 137 high-level goals that should be created to provide
those protections. Through a risk-based flexibility
Pioneering Federal coordination of monitoring in approach, the Administration is taking steps to en-
the Arctic. The Office of Naval Research (ONR), sure that users benefit from dynamic uses of their in-
NOAA, NASA, NSF, DOI, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Navy formation, while still expecting organizations to ap-
are, for the first time, coordinating the deployment propriately minimize risks to users’ privacy.
of aerial, surface, and subsurface autonomous vehi-
cles; manned aircraft; satellites; and sensors on the Managing privacy risks. NIST initiated develop-
seafloor, in the water, and on the ice to gather and ment of a Privacy Framework that it envisions will be
a voluntary tool for organizations to better identify,

– 14 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

assess, manage, and communicate about privacy agencies, laboratories, and companies. Summit at-
risks so that individuals can enjoy the benefits of in- tendees participated in breakout sessions focused
novative technologies with greater confidence and on taking a science-first approach to QIS develop-
trust. 144 NIST issued a request for information to so- ment, creating a quantum-smart workforce, and en-
licit information regarding organizational consider- gaging with the innovative ecosystem surrounding
ations for privacy risk management, the structure of QIS. 150
the Privacy Framework, and specific privacy prac-
Developing a national strategic overview for QIS.
tices to be included. 145
In September, the NSTC’s Subcommittee on Quan-
Building trust in privacy practices. Individual trust tum Information Science published a strategic over-
in the privacy and security of personally identifiable view for QIS and established next policy steps for im-
information is a foundation of trust in government plementation. 151 This was followed by a NSF request
and commerce in the 21st Century. In March, the In- for information from the community to inform the
ternational Trade Administration (ITA) within DOC subcommittee as they develop a potential imple-
announced enhancement for procedures conduct- mentation plan. 152
ing periodic compliance reviews under the Privacy
Coordinating and directing quantum research ef-
Shield program. 146 These enhancements are in-
forts. The Administration is actively coordinating
tended to strengthen the administration and super-
and directing millions of dollars for quantum R&D.
vision of the Privacy Shield Framework, increasing
DOE has announced $218 million in funding for the
the confidence of participants in the Framework and
emerging field of QIS, and NSF has awarded $14 mil-
of EU individuals that their data will be protected.
lion to develop the first practical quantum com-
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is holding Pri-
puter. 153 In September, NIST announced the crea-
vacy Shield participating companies accountable
tion of the Quantum Economic Development Con-
for their privacy protection activities.
sortium that will work to expand United States lead-
ership in quantum research and support the grow-
Quantum Information ing industry in this important sector. 154
Breaking the boundaries of quantum measure-
Science ment. Scientists at NIST, as part of the NIST-on-a-
“It’s critical the United States, guided by Chip program, are creating prototypes for small, in-
American values and powered by the expensive, low-power and easily manufactured
quantum-based sensors. One example is a chip-
American workforce, drives quantum in-
scale device for measuring important quantities
novation and discovery on the world
such as length. The device works by using a laser to
stage.” 147 –Michael Kratsios probe atoms to generate infrared light at a precise
Accelerating development of Quantum Infor- wavelength. The prototype device demonstrates
mation Science (QIS). In December, the President that these sensors could be mass-produced like
signed the National Quantum Initiative Act into law. semiconductors, using silicon materials and tradi-
This bipartisan legislation establishes a coordinated tional chip-manufacturing techniques to make ad-
multiagency program to support research and de- vanced measurements available to a much broader
velopment in QIS. 148 In addition, the President suite of applications. 155
signed the National Defense Authorization Act in Au-
gust, which directs DOD to develop a National De-
fense Science and Technology Strategy and to es-
tablish a coordinated R&D program in QIS. 149
Advancing collaboration in quantum. In Septem-
ber, the White House convened 14 Federal agencies,
Nobel Laureates, technical experts, international lu-
minaries, university leaders, American business
leaders, and renowned academics and researchers
who are prioritizing QIS in their own departments,

– 15 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

R&D Fundamentals Releasing the world’s highest resolution Earth sys-

tem model. In April, the first version of the Energy-
“America has long led the world in innova- Exascale-Earth System Model (E3SM) was publicly
tion and technological advancement. released as an open source model for use by the sci-
American ingenuity has launched indus- entific community. 163 Designed to run on DOE’s fast-
est supercomputers, E3SM is currently the world’s
tries, created jobs, and improved quality of
highest resolution Earth system model. A team at
life at home and abroad.” 156 –President
DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory team
Trump used an artificial intelligence neural network run-
Redefining the international system of weights and ning on Summit—and trained on E3SM simulation
measures. NIST worked with partner metrology in- data—to identify extreme weather events. 164
stitutes to move the system of units used world-wide Coordinating Federal science and technology pro-
to be entirely based upon fundamental constants of grams. OSTP has continued strong support for the
nature and quantum-enabled realizations. This new NSTC, with interagency committees, meeting regu-
approach enables improvements in precision meas- larly on topics covering every aspect of the Nation’s
urements that effect everything from pharmaceuti- science and technology enterprise spanning sci-
cals manufacturing to experimental physics, and ence, technology, the environment, and national se-
will create a new opportunity for the development of curity. 165 Experts from across the Federal agencies
new quantum measurement technologies. 157 have worked together and with OSTP to coordinate
Stimulating innovation through public participa- R&D programs, develop and track strategic plans,
tion. In March, the White House hosted an event on and ensure that taxpayer dollars are well spent on
Federal prizes and challenges to drive innovation. 158 the highest R&D priorities. In 2018, NSTC imple-
With over 875 federally sponsored prize competi- mented a new organizational structure, as advised
tions on and over 400 Federal by the Federal science agencies, to more efficiently
crowdsourcing and citizen science projects on Citi- conduct interagency coordination., the Administration is empowering Advancing the state of battery science. DOE-sup-
Americans to use science and technology to solve ported researchers made key advances in battery
the world’s most pressing issues. In FY18, more than science and technology in 2018. For the first time, re-
20 different Federal agencies or departments of- searchers at a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center
fered prize competitions, and more than 16 agencies reversibly inserted and extracted two lithium ions
initiated or continued citizen science and from a multi-electron lithium ion battery cathode,
crowdsourcing projects. For example, NIH hosted a with full recovery upon recharging—a capability that
challenge for wearable alcohol biosensor develop- could greatly increase battery capacity. 166 Scientists
ment, 159 and 250,000 players of the Eyewire game used the Advanced Light Source and the Stanford
drove the discovery of six new types of human brain Synchrotron Radiation Light Source to improve un-
neurons as part of the Federal Brain Research derstanding of lithium transport—a potential path
through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies to safer, longer-lasting, and higher-power batter-
(BRAIN) Initiative. 160 ies. 167
Reducing burdens in research. In May, the NSTC re- Supporting and celebrating key advances in nano-
leased a report on efforts to improve the manage- technology. In December, OSTP’s National Nano-
ment of Federal awards to significantly reduce the technology Coordination Office celebrated the 15-
regulatory burdens associated with federally funded year anniversary of the establishment of nanotech-
research activities while maintaining accountabil- nology as a national initiative by President George
ity. 161 The report addresses substantial and unpro- W. Bush. 168 The Office launched a series of podcasts
ductive administrative burdens which affect our Na- with experts from academia, government, and in-
tion’s scientists, thereby impeding the rate of scien- dustry to highlight key advances in nanotechnology
tific and technological advancement. In November, catalyzed by the National Nanotechnology Initiative
DOE announced two regulatory re-form initiatives and how nanotechnology will enable breakthroughs
designed to reduce administrative barriers and en- and applications of the future. In 2018, the Admin-
hance engagement with DOE's laboratories. 162

– 16 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

istration invested approximately $1.4 billion of Fed- cial leadership, and providing United States Govern-
eral R&D in nanotechnology, advancing knowledge ment-supported basic space situational awareness
and providing new capabilities to a wide range of ex- data and basic space traffic management services to
isting and emerging technologies. 169 the public. At the signing of SPD-3 and the third
meeting of the National Space Council, President
Trump directed DOD to begin the process necessary
Space Exploration to establish a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of
the armed forces. 176
“As history has shown, there is no limit to
the imagination and determination of the Launching spacecraft of historical magnitude. In
American people, and we will continue this August, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe, the
first spacecraft that will fly into the solar corona (the
proud tradition of innovation in space ex-
solar atmosphere) and the closest a human-made
ploration.” 170 –President Trump
object has ever been to the Sun. 177 The mission’s
First mission to explore the deep interior of Mars. findings will help researchers improve their fore-
NASA’s InSight Mars Lander landed on Mars to con- casts of space weather events, which have the po-
duct an in-depth study of Mars’ interior structure for tential to damage satellites and harm astronauts on
the first time ever. The mission will help answer key orbit and in deep space, disrupt radio communica-
questions about the early formation of rocky planets tions, and overwhelm power grids. It will study the
in our inner solar system. 171 structure and dynamics of the Sun’s coronal plasma
and magnetic field, explore the supersonic solar
Streamlining regulations on commercial use of
wind, and discover what accelerates solar energetic
space. On March 23, President Trump unveiled a Na-
tional Space Strategy that prioritizes American inter-
ests, ensuring a plan that will make America strong Increasing readiness for space weather events. In
and competitive. 172 This new strategy drives a June, the Trump Administration released the NSTC
whole-of-government approach to United States Space Weather Operations, Research, and Mitiga-
leadership in space, in close partnership with the tion (SWORM) Subcommittee initial benchmarks for
private sector and our allies. On March 24, President five phenomena associated with space weather
Trump signed Space Policy Directive-2, which aims events: induced geo-electric fields, ionizing radia-
to reduce the regulatory burden on space compa- tion, ionospheric disturbances, solar radio bursts,
nies in the United States. 173 The policy calls for regu- and upper atmospheric expansion. 178 Benchmarks
lations that promote economic growth and protect for space weather will enhance awareness of threats
public safety; a review of launch and re-entry licens- among critical infrastructure owners and operators
ing to remove unnecessary regulations; a review of in the private sector, and will serve as an input for
commercial remote sensing policy; a reorganization academic and private sector innovation toward
of DOC to expand and elevate the Office of Space building a space weather- and electromagnetic
Commerce; a report on improving global competi- pulse-ready Nation.
tiveness in radio frequency spectrum; and a review
Demonstrating a power system that could enable
of export licensing regulations.
long-duration crewed missions to the Moon and
Protecting the Nation’s vital assets in the con- destinations beyond. NASA and DOE’s NNSA suc-
gested orbital environment. On June 18, President cessfully demonstrated a new nuclear reactor power
Trump signed Space Policy Directive-3 directing the system that could enable long-duration crewed mis-
United States to lead the management of traffic and sions on the surface of the Moon, Mars, and destina-
mitigate the effects of debris in space. 174 The policy tions beyond. The Kilopower Reactor is a small,
aims to establish roles and responsibilities for space lightweight fission power system capable of provid-
traffic management and space situational aware- ing up to 10 kilowatts of electric power – enough to
ness. 175 Goals for this policy include advancing sci- run several average households – continuously for at
ence and technology in these areas, reducing the least 10 years. 179
growing threat of orbital debris on space activities,
encouraging and facilitating United States commer-

– 17 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

Fostering partnerships at the International Space American Worker. The Council will develop recom-
Station. In FY 2018, NASA saw new research facilities mendations for a national strategy for empowering
and Earth observation instruments come online, American workers, foster close coordination among
new capabilities piloted and an increasingly diverse the Federal Government and other stakeholders,
portfolio of commercial, fundamental science, and and work with agencies to foster consistency in pol-
technology demonstration investigations con- icy implementation. 184
ducted. NASA and the ISS National Lab combined to
Releasing a Federal Strategic Plan to strengthen
sponsor 226 U.S. research investigations, an in-
education in science, technology, engineering, and
crease of 27% from the previous fiscal year. The ISS
math (STEM). In December, the NSTC Committee on
National Lab selected 50 new projects and programs
STEM Education released the Federal 5-Year STEM
across diverse R&D areas, making FY18 the strongest
Education Strategic Plan, which outlines the goals
year to date for portfolio growth. ISS National Lab
for American STEM education. The Administration’s
new research partners in FY 2018 included large and
goals include building a strong foundation of STEM
small companies, nonprofits, academia, and other
literacy, increasing diversity in STEM careers, and
government agencies, with many projects individu-
preparing the STEM workforce of the future. 185
ally or sponsor-funded. Third-party funding for
spaceflight R&D continued to rise, allowing us to lev- Holding a first-of-its-kind state-Federal STEM edu-
erage ISS National Lab resources for maximum user cation summit. The Trump Administration con-
success—which this year ranged from patents to vened stakeholders to help inform the development
first-ever technical demonstrations in orbit. 180 of the Federal 5-year STEM Education Strategic Plan.
OSTP joined NSF and 16 other Federal agencies for a
summit that brought together STEM education
STEM Education and stakeholders from all 50 States, five territories, and
seven tribes. 186
Scaling diversity, inclusion, and equity across the
“We will continue efforts to provide our Federal government. NSF INCLUDES is one of the 10
students with access to high-quality edu- NSF Big Ideas and focuses on making a lasting im-
cation in science, technology, engineering, pact in diversifying the STEM workforce of the future
and mathematics so that they are better through partnerships and collaboration at scale. 187
equipped to innovate and compete in to- This year, NSF has committed $44 million towards
day’s economy.” 181 –President Trump this initiative and going forward will expand partner-
ships with NASA, NOAA, NIH, and USGS to help them
Helping students gain the skills they need to suc- establish their own INCLUDES programs. 188 An out-
ceed. President Trump and Congress reauthorized side partner has also committed $1 million to NSF
the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education INCLUDES to support women returning to the STEM
Act, which provides more than $1 billion for States workforce. 189
each year to fund vocational and career-focused ed-
ucation programs, benefitting more than 11 million Fulfilling and surpassing the Administration’s
students. 182 promise to invest in STEM. In 2018, the Department
of Education surpassed President Trump’s directive
Establishing the President’s National Council for to invest $200 million in high-quality education in
the American Worker. Recognizing the irreplaceable science, technology, engineering, math, and com-
value of the American worker, this Administration puter science. 190 In total, the Department obligated
acted to protect our greatest strength to address $279 million in STEM discretionary grant funds in Fis-
workforce changes caused by automation. 183 Presi- cal Year 2018.
dent Trump issued an Executive Order in July estab-
lishing the President’s National Council for the

– 18 –
Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

The second year of the Trump Administration was a tremendous year for our Nation’s science and tech-
nology enterprise. These highlights are a select few from the many achievements made within the Fed-
eral Government and those enabled by the support it provides to the broader science and technology
enterprise. Federal scientists and policymakers, collaborating with partners in industry, academia, and
foundations, are continuously spearheading the advancement of science and technology and inform-
ing national policy to address our world’s greatest challenges and provide benefits to the American
people. Under the leadership of OSTP Director Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, OSTP will continue supporting
American scientists and technologists and working with the interagency and other collaborators to en-
sure that the United States maintains and accelerates global leadership in scientific and technological

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Science & Technology Highlights — Year Two

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