Bio CH 4

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Chapter – 4

The Flower
Progress Check – 1
Q1. True or False.
(i) Flowers can be complete or incomplete.
Ans. True
(ii) A flower typically has 6 floral whorls.
Ans. False
(iii) Bracts are usually green, but sometimes large and colourful.
Ans. True
(iv) Nasturtium has nectarines.
Ans. True
(v) Stamens and Carpels are the male and female parts.
Ans. False
(vi) The prefix “gamo-“ is used whenever any of the floral whorls are
Ans. True
(vii) Stigma may be simple or divided into 2 or more lobes.
Ans. True
(viii) Papaya is a monoecious plant.
Ans. False
A. Multiple Choice Questions.
Q1. Bougainvillea flower is an example of
Ans. (d) large colourful bracts.
Q2. A flower is said to be complete when :
Ans. (d) It has all the whorls.
Q3. The parts of the flower that gives rise to the fruit is :
Ans. c) Ovary.
Q4. The parts of the flower that gives rise to the fruit is :
Ans. c) Ovule.
Q5. The essential whorls of the flower are :
Ans. (d) Androecium and Gynoecium.

B. Very Short Answer Type.

Q1. Match the following :
(a) Polyadelphous – (iv) Bombax.
(b) Pollen grains – (v) Pollen Sacs.
c) Free petals – (i) Polypetalous.
(d) Non essential – (ii) Calyx, Corolla.
(e) Sweet fragrant fluid - (iii) Nectar.

C. Short Answer Type

Q1. Explain the following terms :
(a) Incomplete flower :
Ans. The flowers which do not have all the four whorls, Calyx, Corolla,
Androecium and Gynoecium is known as an Incomplete flower.
(b) Staminate Flower :
Ans. A unisexual flower which contains only stamens is known as a
Staminate flower.
c) Pistillate flower :
Ans. A unisexual flower which contains only pistil is known as a Pistillate
(d) Bisexual Flower :
Ans. A flower which contains both stamens and carpels is called a bisexual
flower or hermaphrodite.
Q2. Differentiate between the following :
(a) Flower and Inflorescence.
Flower :-
(i) It is the reproductive part of plant.
Inflorescence :-
(i) It is the mode of arrangement of flowers on the plant.
(b) Petals and Petaloid Sepals.
Petals :-
(i) It is a whorl in the flower of a plant.
Petaloid Sepal :-
(i) When the petals and sepals are undifferentiated, they are known as
Petaloid Sepals.
Q3. Where are the following structures/ parts located and what are their
functions ?
(a) Placenta.
Ans. Placenta is located inside the Ovary. They attach the ovules to the walls
of the ovary.
(b) Thalamus.
Ans. Thalamus is present at the base of the flower. They provide support to
the flower whorls.
c) Anther.
Ans. Anther is present on the top of the Stamens. The Pollen sacs present
inside them store the pollen grains.
(d) Stigma.
Ans. Stigma is present on the top of the Stigma. They act as the landing place
for the pollen grains.

D. Long Answer Type.

Q1. Name the different types of Androecium found in the flowers.
Ans. Androecium is the male reproductive part of the plant. There are three
types of Androecium :-
(i) Monadelphous
(ii) Diadelphous.
(iii) Polyadelphous.
Q2. Name the types of Androecium found in flowers.
(a) China Rose.
Ans. Monoadelphous.
(b) Bombax.
Ans. Polyadelphous.
c) Pea.
Ans. Diadelphous.

E. Structured/ Application/ Skill Type.

Q1. There is a flower in which you use the following terms : Standard,
wings and keel.
(a) Name the flower.
Ans. Sweet Pea.
(b) What parts of the flower do the names given above refer to ?
Ans. The above given terms are specifically used for the petals of the sweet
Q2. The figure given alongside represents generalized arrangement of
the different parts of a bisexual flower. Name the parts numbered 1 – 10.
Ans. 1 – Anther.
2 – Filament.
3 – Ovule.
4 – Placenta.
5 – Stigma.
6 – Style.
7- Ovary.
8 – Petals.
9 – Sepals.
10 – Receptacle.
Q3. Given below are two figures (A & B) of a certain part of flower.
Study the figures carefully and answer the following questions :
(a) Which major organ of a flower does the figure A represent ? What is
the collective term for this organ ?
Ans. The figure A represents the Anther and Filament of a flower. These are
collectively known as Androecium.
(b) Are the contents of the pollen sacs in B male or female ?
Ans. The contents ( pollen grains ) of the pollen sacs is male.
c) Can you state how the pollen sacs would come out ?
Ans. The pollen sacs are filled with pollen grains. When the pollen sacs get
matured, they rupture throwing out the pollen grains which are then carried to
the Stigma by some kind of agent such as Wind, water, insects etc.
Q4. What are bracts ? State their function.
Ans. When a flower arises in the axil of a leaf like structure is known as
bract. They serve varied functions such as attracting pollinators and
protecting the flower structures.
Q5. Explain the terms Monoadelphous, Polyadelphous, Diadelphous . In
each case name a flower possessing such an androecium.
Monadelphous : The Androecium in which the Stamens are united in one
group by their filaments and only the anthers are free, is known as
Monadelphous. Ex : China Rose.
Diadelphous : The Androecium in which the Filaments are united in two
bundles, is known as Diadelphous. Ex : Pea.
Polyadelphous : The Androecium in which the filaments are united in several
groups, is known as Polyadelphous. Ex : Bombax.

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