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Angela Crickmore

Disclaimer .......................................................................... 4

About this program ............................................................ 5

My story ............................................................................. 6 - 7

Before you start ................................................................. 8

Meal plan .......................................................................... 9 - 21

Cardio ................................................................................ 23

Workout routine ................................................................ 24 - 32

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Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 3

We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any
exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in
the exercises. We are not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no
expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in deter-
mining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program,
there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise
program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these
activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Angela
Crickmore from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of
Angela’s Crickmore negligence.

4 BE GINNERS GUID E F R E E E B OO K Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness


I created this ebook as a response to all the messages I get regarding how did I start and
what did I do. This is a week plan starting point to change your life, to be your better self
and to start the path for healthy habits. 70% of this ebook is focused on a meal plan since
this will be the most important step, remember that no matter how good you are at
exercising if you don’t have a clean diet your efforts will be in vain.

The aim is to stop thinking about this meal plan as a diet and instead see it as your new
day to day eating habit.

The exercises involve strength training to build lean muscle mass and help burn fat.
Don’t be afraid to lift weights I promise you it works and it also avoids excess skin
sagginess. Workouts are scheduled 3 days a week for four weeks.

To see results using this program it is vital to combine them with a clean meal plan.
I’m sure that if you follow this ebook, by the end of the month you will not only notice the
difference on the scale but also in your clothes.

The meal plan is close to what I eat on a daily basis, and the exercises are tailored for
beginners. For more advanced workouts I have other ebooks
I also provide a personalized service, contact for more

“Don’t wish for a good body,

work for it.”

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 5


I have always been naturally slim up until my twenties when my bad eating habits and
an unhealthy lifestyle made the weight on the scale slowly creep up. At my heaviest, I
weighed over 182lbs (82.5kg) and it was then that I knew that I didn’t want to continue
down this path any longer, I was at the point where even walking short distances was a

So with a friend’s help, I started to make changes, to get healthy and to slim down.
Before the decision of getting healthy, my diet was pretty bad, basically consisting of ice
cream, pasta, rice, milk, bread, cereal, potato, fajita, tacos, some fruits, fried food, beer,
cocktails, and caipirinhas.

I switched all that for fish, chicken, turkey, steak, white egg, sweet potato, cottage chee-
se, oats, vegetables, avocado, nuts, and seeds.
You definitely do not need to starve yourself in order to be healthy and slim.

At the begging I was ashamed of going to the gym, I decided to go jogging but I was
so heavy that running wasn’t an option as I was damaging my knees, I was taking long
walks instead. 3 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour I would put on my headphones
and just go to the park. I managed to lose 77lbs (35kg) in 8 months!

I now love bodybuilding and going to the gym, and don’t get me wrong, to have a ripped
and defined body you need to put a lot of work and dedication and it takes time and a
lot of effort but you can lose weight and look amazing just by moving more and eating
the right food.

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Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG IN N ER S G U I DE FREE 7

1 - Go for it!
The decision to get healthy takes about 3 to 4 seconds, but it takes about 2 to 3 weeks to
build a habit. Power through this first phase and build GOOD HABITS.

2 - Doubting that you will be able to do it

This is absolutely normal, thinking that you will never get to the level that your head
envisions, but you need to keep this thought on the back of your head and carry on with
your goals.

3 - Set small but steady goals

Don’t be too harsh on yourself, set goals that are achievable and if you “mess up” don’t
beat yourself up, people do mistakes, learn with them and don’t quit straight away.

3) Conquer Doubt
You can do anything you set your mind to. That is what you just told yourself. This is
where the mind and body connect. Use the workouts to be a catalyst in all areas of your
life: work, relationships, school, etc...I am a firm believer that exercising your body will
give you the stamina and energy to exercise your mind spirit and build better
relationships with those around you.

5) Challenge yourself
Keep challenging yourself whenever you feel too confident with a workout.

“Do something today that your

future self will thank you for.”

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I have created for you a 7 day meal plan (that you will follow for two weeks) to give you a
healthy diet to follow in order for you to start and also help you with your first steps.
This meal plan is based on what I include in my daily diet. These meals are all easy to
make, it is healthy, well balanced and are designed to help you shed fat while building
lean muscle mass.

“Eating clean it’s about staying away from refined,

processed food that have a lot off added chemicals,
salt and sugar.”

What you can eat?

Fresh fruit/ vegetables
Lean protein (chicken, turkey, steak, fish, egg, etc.)
Complex carb (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potato, brown bread, butternut squash, etc.)
Healthy fats (nuts, avocado, coconut oil, oily fish, etc.)

What you can not eat? Buy Organic!

Refined sugar
Try to buy organic food whenever possible.
Packaged/ pre made food
It is worth spending extra money on organic
(contain sugar, salt, chemicals)
- why? Toxins are terrible for you. They are
Soda and juices
found in many mass-produced foods and can
Fast food, takeaway, junk food
mess up your endocrine system and
metabolism, increasing your body fat
percentage. These nasties are also related to
autoimmune diseases, cancer, MS and heart

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG IN EER S G U I D E FR EE EBOOK 9

Cheat day
Make sure you only have one cheat meal per week and not an entire day of
overindulging, unless it’s the “bin day”-, what? yes, you heard me, the bin day is one of
your cheat meals turned into a cheat whole day, where you can eat whatever you want,
no guilt just make sure its once every month.

My top tips to stop craving sweets:

Everyday after my lunch I eat one piece of dark chocolate or one dry fruit like a date or
a fig.
Before going to bed I eat chocolate avocado mousse (recipe included in this Ebook).
I eat healthy popcorns about 3 times a week while watching a movie (recipe included
in this ebook ).
I never skip meals so I normally never feel like I’m starving, as a result, I never eat more
than I need.

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WEEK 1-2


2 whole eggs Omelette with smoked salmon, half avocado and a hand full spinach
(steamed or raw).

Protein Oat: Bowl with 30g oats, 150ml water or almond milk, 1 scoop of Isolate whey
protein, stir it and microwave it for about 2 minutes.

Grilled Chicken with 6 steamed asparagus.

100g Natural Greek yogurt with a handful of blueberries.

(Grilled or fry) on a pan, use a little of coconut oil and 120g Salmon with green beans.
Dressing for the Salmon - one teaspoon of honey or passion fruit.
Dressing for the green beans - extra virgin olive oil.

1 square dark chocolate.

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 11


Protein Oat: Bowl with 30g oats, 150ml water or almond milk, 1 scoop Isolate whey protein,
stir it and microwave it for about 2 minutes.

3 Brazil nuts + 1 date.

Grilled lean Steak with 100g of sweet potato and cherry tomato.

2 pieces of 80% dark chocolate and a hand full of fresh strawberries

Grilled Tuna or canned of tuna with *mixed green leafy salad

1 square dark chocolate.


A handful of Spinach, 1/2 of a green apple, 1/2 of an avocado, 200ml of almond milk - blend

1 Rice cake + 1 teaspoon of peanut or almond butter.

Grilled Turkey with steamed broccoli.

100g of Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and a handful of berries (strawberries or blueberries or

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Grilled any white fish with tender steamed broccoli.


2 Poached eggs on 2 rye slices of bread.

A handful of cashew nuts.

Grilled Chicken with green beans and courgette.

2 slices of halloumi cheese with 1 spoon of hummus.

5 grilled prawns with *mixed green leaf salad.

Dessert before bed

Chocolate avocado mousse.


2 whole scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and mushrooms.

A handful of spinach, a handful of kale, 1/2 of lemon, 1/2 of kiwi, ginger, 150ml of water and
tumeric - blend it.

Lamb or Pork chops with 100g of cooked quinoa and * mixed green leaf salad.

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 13

1 banana with 1 teaspoon of almond butter.

Grilled salmon with asparagus.

*Healthy popcorn.


Protein pancake made with 1/2 banana, 1 whole egg, 1 scoop of whey protein, topped with
1 teaspoon of peanut or almond butter.

5 almonds + 1/2 apple.

Grilled Chicken with pan fry kale (use coconut oil).

1 Kiwi.

2 White boiled egg with 100g grilled sweet potato.

*Healthy Popcorn.


Protein pancake made with 2 white eggs, 1 scoop of isolate whey ( blend it all and cook it in
coconut oil)
Topping: Almond or cashew butter or berries jam.

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1 Orange + 5 almonds.


Melon or papaya

*Mexican Healthy Fajita


Mixed green leaf salad

A handful of lettuce or mixed greens

washed and torn,
Finely shredded carrots or sliced
cucumbers (optional)
A small handful finely shredded of
basil, mint or another aromatic herb
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons of vinegar or lemon juice
A pinch of salt and freshly ground
black pepper
Grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese,
to garnish (optional).

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 15


Chocolate avocado mousse

1 small avocado (or half a large one)

2 scoop Chocolate Whey Protein
1 tbsp of raw cacao powder

Place all ingredients in a food processor
and blend it until it’s smooth.
Serve it with raw cacao nibs or crushed
nuts sprinkled on top for some
Healthy Fajitas

1tbsp coconut oil

1 small red onion, sliced
500g 10% fat lean beef mince
400g canned tomatoes
400g canned organic no added sugar red
kidney beans drained and rinsed ( low in
Sweet potato tortilla wraps
Sliced avocado
Yogurt cream and fresh coriander

What you need to do

Heat the oil in a large pan.
Add the red onion and cook over a gentle heat
for 5 mins to soften. Remove half the onions
from the pan and set aside.
Add the mince to the pan, increase the heat
and cook it, stir for 5-10 mins until it’s brown.
Add the tomatoes, bring to the boil, reduce the
heat, cover and simmer for 2 mins.
Add the red kidney beans and heat through for
5 mins. Serve it on warmed tortillas with
yogurt, the reserved red onions, sliced
avocado and fresh coriander leaves

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Healthy Popcorn

Place 2 tablespoon of plain natural

popcorn in a glass pyrex or other
microwaveable bowl
Add 2 tablespoon of water
Cover the pyrex with cling film, pierce
the cling film twice with the fork
Microwave on high for a total of about
8 minutes regardless or until all popped

WEEK 2-3
This Second-week let’s try a different approach.
I really like to use different protocols for eating healthy so this 2 weeks we will focus on
eating fat!
Or what I call, The Good Fat Life

What is a Keto diet? I will briefly explain

A keto diet is well known for being a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in
the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet,
low carb diet, low carb high fat, etc.
When you eat something high in carbs, your body will produce glucose and insulin.
Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy so that it
will be chosen over any other energy source.
Insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it around the
Since the glucose is being used as a primary energy, your fats are not needed and are the-
refore stored. Typically on a normal, higher carbohydrate diet, the body will use glucose
as the main form of energy. By lowering the intake of carbs, the body is induced into a
state known as ketosis.
The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic
We don’t do this through starvation of calories but starvation of carbohydrates.

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 17

What do I eat on a KETO diet?

You want to keep your carbohydrates limited, coming mostly from vegetables, nuts, and
dairy. Don’t eat any refined carbohydrates such as wheat (bread, pasta, cereals), starch
(potatoes, beans, legumes) or fruit. The small exceptions to this are avocado, star fruit,
and berries which can be consumed in moderation.

What you can eat? What you can not eat?

Meats – fish, beef, lamb, poultry, eggs Sugar – honey, agave, maple syrup
Leafy Greens – spinach, kale, etc Tubers – potato, yams
Above ground vegetables – broccoli, Fruit – apples, bananas, oranges
cauliflower, etc Grains – wheat, corn, rice, cereal
High Fat Dairy – hard cheeses, high fat
cream, butter, etc
Nuts and seeds – macadamias,
walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc
Avocado and berries – raspberries,
blackberries, and other low glycemic
impact berries
Sweeteners – stevia, erythritol, monk
fruit, and other low-carb sweeteners
Other fats – coconut oil, high-fat salad
dressing, saturated fats, etc

Beginners The Good Fat

Let’s do it together!

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2 whole scramble eggs with bacon, 1 whole grain toast with coconut butter, 200ml Whole raw
milk or coconut milk.

Keto salad with a 200g steak, 30g Nuts.

200g of chicken thighs or chicken breasts, 100g Grilled Kale and 100g of broccoli with
coconut oil.


Omelet: 4 eggs, 2 rashers of bacon cut into cubes, a handful of fresh spinach (fry the bacon

200g pork chops with 200g green beans, 1 tablespoon of almond butter.

200g of salmon with 200g of asparagus.


2 whole scrambled eggs, 1/2 avocado.

200g of grilled chicken or Duck with 200g mushroom, 1 tablespoon of macadamia or peanut

200g Grilled Tuna with roasted cauliflower topped with parmesan cheese.

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 19


2 whole scrambled eggs with bacon, 1 whole grain toast with coconut butter, 200ml Whole
raw milk or coconut milk.

Keto salad with a 200g steak, 30g Nuts.

200g of chicken thighs or chicken breasts, 100g Grilled Kale and 100g of broccoli with
coconut oil.


Omelet: 4 eggs, 2 rashers of bacon cut into cubes, a handful of fresh spinach (fry the bacon

200g of grilled chicken or Duck with 200g mushroom, 1 tablespoon of macadamia or peanut

200g Grilled Tuna with roasted cauliflower topped with parmesan cheese.


2 whole scrambled eggs, 1/2 avocado.

200g Grilled Chicken or Duck with 200g mushroom, 1 tablespoon macadamia or peanut

200g Grilled Tuna with roasted cauliflower topped with parmesan cheese.
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All day

Keto salad
3 cherry tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
Mix lettuce
½ red onion
Feta cheese in cubes ( about 6)
1/2 Avocado
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
Olive oil

Some of my favorites

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 21


You will be training 3 times a week very basic exercises to get you started.
try to walk for 30-45 minutes on the days that you are not training, don’t jog, just walk
with a moderate/ fast pace, depending on what your stamina is.
This is optional, but it will get results faster.

Before each workout (warm-up)

Before each workout (excluding walking) you will need to warm-up.

The warm-up should gently prepare the body for exercises by gradually increasing the
heart rate and circulation; this will loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the
muscles. Stretching the muscles prepares them for physical activity and prevents

After each workout (streaching)

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility
to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become
tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend
all the way.
Go to my youtube chanel AngelaCrickmore for some stretching workouts

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 23

The warm-up
Rope jumping: 10 sets of 1 minute each (rest in between sets).

What you will need

Medicine ball, chair and a resistance band

Day 1 - lower body workout

Gluteo Bridge: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Lunge: 3 sets each leg (10 repetitions each set).

Squats: 3 sets (25 repetitions each set).

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 25

Gluteo Standing Up Kickback: 3 sets each leg (30 repetitions each set).

Standing Side Leg Rise: 3 sets each leg (20 repetitions each set).

Crunch: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Single Leg Rise Crunch: 3 sets (10 repetitions each set).

26 BE GINNER GUIDE F R E E E B OO K Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness

Day - 2 upper body workout

Triceps Dips on the floor: 3 sets (15 repetitions each set).

Press ups: 3 sets (15 repetitions each set).

Arm Rotation w/ medicine ball: 3 sets (15 repetitions each set).

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Biceps Arm Curls: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Standing Side Oblique: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Russian Twist w/ Medicine Ball: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).


Oblique Side crunches: 3 sets (15 repetitions each set).

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 29

Day 3 - full body workout

Jumping Squats: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Plunk Donkey Kick: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Core Hand to Foot Touch: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Copyright 2018 Angela Crickmore Fitness B EG I N N ER S G U ID E FR EE EBOOK 31

Plank Leg Raise: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Overhead Squat: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Squat Cross Hand: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

Chair Kick Back Leg Raise: 3 sets (20 repetitions each set).

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That’s a wrap!

I hope you liked this beginner free ebook.

If you are looking for an advanced gym or home workout ebook
with a full meal plan and a more tailored workout routine,
targeting your specific needs, please go to my website for more

I also provide personal coaching services, with weekly

meetings, 24-hour support, a full body evaluation, workouts
and a meal plan tailored to your needs and time schedule.
Please email info@angelacrickmore for more information.

You can also follow me on:

Angela Crickmore



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