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Prepared by: Baher EL Shaikh

ASME Code VIII Div. I Edition 2004, Addenda 2005 Page ( 6 / 41 ) Pressure Vessel Calculation
Nozzle (N1) (8") Sheet (1/2)

Head Data
SA-516 Gr 70 M :- Shell material.
138000 20,000 :- (Sv), Max. allowable stress -(Kpa, (psi))
1.00 :- (E1), efficiency of shell at nozzle.
mm in
14 0.551 :- (tv), wall thick, uncorroded
2.362 0.093 :- (tr), required wall thickness
914.5 36.0 :- (Rsi), inside radius of shell
4.000 0.157 :- (c), corrosion allowance

Nozzle Data:
SA-106 Gr. B M :- Nozzle material.
1.00 :- (E) Nozzle Efficiency.
1.00 :- (F) Correction factor.
12.5% :- (Utp), undertolerance of nozzle pipe.
88.9 3.500 :- (Do), Outside diameter - (mm, (in))
Kpa psig
118000 00 17,100
1 100 (S ) M
:- (Sn), ll bl stress
Max. allowable t
358.73 51.0 : (P), (P=Pi+Ps) Internal Pressure

Nozzle Required Wall Thickness (trn) UG-27 (C)& Appendex 1-1

trn = P*(Do/2)/(Sn*E+0.4*P) =51*(3.5/2)/(17100*1+0.4*51)= 0.005 in 0.13 mm

By adding corrosion all. (AC)= trn+2*c =0.005+(2*0.157) = 0.163 in 4.13 mm
By adding pipe tolerance = AC+UTP*trn =0.163+0.125*0.005 = 0.163 in 4.15 mm
Use Nozzle 8" Sch120 B36.10M (tn) 0.719 in 18.26 mm
Under tolerance(UT) = tn*UTp = 0.719 * 0.125 UT = 0.090 in 2.28 mm
Nozzle corroded thickness (tc) = tn-c-UT = 0.719-0.157-0.09 tc = 0.472 in 11.98 mm
Nozzle Inside corroded Diameter (d) = Do-2*tc = 3.5 - 2*0.472 d = 2.557 in 64.94 mm
Nozzle corroded inside raduis (Ron) = Do/2 = 2.557/2 Ron = 1.75 in 44.45 mm
Nozzle uncorroded inside raduis (Rn) = d/2 = 2.56/2 Rn = 1.28 in 32.47 mm
Vessle corroded thk.(t) = tv-c = 0.551 - 0.157 t= 0.394 in 10.00 mm
Nominal thk. of internal projection of nozzle wall (ti) =tn-2c =0.719-(2*0.157) = ti= 0.404 in 10.26 mm
Extension of nozzle beyond the inside surface of the vessel wall (h) = min. of {(2.5*tv),(2.5*ti)
h = Min.{(2.5*0.551),(2.5*0.404)= h= 1.010 in
fr1 = MIN(Sn/Sv,1) = MIN(17100/20000, 1) fr1 = 0.855
fr2 = MIN(Sn/Sv,1) = MIN(17100/20000, 1) fr2 = 0.855
fr3 = MIN(Sn/Sv,Sp/Sv,1) = MIN(17100/20000, 0/20000,1) fr3 = 0.000
fr4 = MIN(Sp/Sv,1) = MIN(0/20000,1) fr4 = 0.000
ASME Code VIII Div. I Edition 2004, Addenda 2005 Page ( 7 / 41 ) Pressure Vessel Calculation
Nozzle (N1) (8") Sheet (2/2)

Nozzle Neck Thickness (UG-45):

Wall thickness per UG-45(a) tr1=trn+c =0.005+0.157 = 0.163 in 4.13 mm
Wall thickness per UG-45(b) tr2=tr+c =0.093+0.157 = 0.250 in 6.36 mm
Wall thickness per UG-16(b) tr3=0.0625+c =0.0625+0.157 = 0.220 in 5.59 mm
Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(4) tr4=(t std -Utp)+c =0.189+0.157 = 0.346 in 8.80 mm
The greater of tr2 or tr3 tr5 = =Max(0.25,0.22) = 0.250 in 6.36 mm
The lesser of tr4 or tr5 tr6 = =Min(0.346,0.25) = 0.250 in 6.36 mm
Required per UG-45 largest of tr1 or tr6 tr7= =Max(0.163,0.25) = 0.250 in 6.36 mm
tr7≤ tn-Utp*tn =0.25≤0.719-0.09 Ok

Calulating Size of Fillet Weld (Leg41,Leg42) used UW-16&Fig. UW-16:

tmin1= from UW-16(b) 0.750 in 19.05 mm

Between Nozzle and Shell
tmin= Min(tv,tn,tmin1) =MIN(0.551,0.719,0.75) 0.551 in 14.00 mm
Calulation of (tc) UW
tc1 0.250 in 6.35 mm
tc2= 0.7*tmin =0.7*0.551 = 0.386 in 9.80 mm
tc= Min.(tc1,tc2) =Mim.(0.25,0.386) 0.250 in 6.35 mm
By considering equal fillet weld
Leg of outward nozzle weld = 21/2*tc =2^1/2*0.25 0.354 in 8.98 mm
use Leg41 = Leg43 0.472 in 12.00 mm

Between Reinforcing and Shell

tmin= Min(tv,te,tmin1) =MIN(0.551,0,0.75) 0.000 in 0.00 mm

Leg of outward nozzle weld = 21/2*tmin/2 =2^1/2*0/2 0.000 in 0.00 mm

Use Leg42 = 0.000 in 0.00 mm

MDMT for the nozzle :-

1- For W.N. flange B16.5

MDMT W/O impact test {UCS-66(C)} -20 F -29 C

2- For nozzle pipe SA-106 Gr. B, curve B

Min temp. at nominal thk. W/O impact test (UCS-66) 13 F -11 C
Nominal thk. of nozzle (tn) 0.719 in 18.263 mm
Required thk. of nozzle wall (trn) 0.005 in 0.13 mm
Ratno = trn * E / ( tn - c ) 0.01 < 0.35
Reduction in MDMT = (1 - ratio)*100 OF (Fig. UCS-66.1)
-99.07 O F -72.74 C
MDMT at required thk. W/O impact test (UCS-66.1) -86.07 O F -65.53 C
MDMT for the nozzle (assembly) -20 F -29 C

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