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Office of the Secretary of Transportation § 29.


(e) A business entity which has been Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR chap-
organized following the exclusion of a ter 1). A person so excluded is debarred.
person which has the same or similar
management, ownership, or principal § 29.935 Debarring official.
employees as the excluded person. (a) Debarring official means an agency
official who is authorized to impose de-
§ 29.910 Agency. barment. A debarring official is ei-
Agency means any United States ex- ther—
ecutive department, military depart- (1) The agency head; or
ment, defense agency, or any other (2) An official designated by the
agency of the executive branch. Other agency head.
agencies of the Federal government are (b) For DOT ‘‘debarring official’’
not considered ‘‘agencies’’ for the pur- means the designated head of a DOT
poses of this part unless they issue reg- operating administration, who may
ulations adopting the governmentwide delegate any of his or her functions
Debarment and Suspension system under this part and authorize succes-
under Executive orders 12549 and 12689. sive delegations.

§ 29.915 Agent or representative. § 29.940 Disqualified.

Agent or representative means any per- Disqualified means that a person is
son who acts on behalf of, or who is au- prohibited from participating in speci-
thorized to commit, a participant in a fied Federal procurement or non-
covered transaction. procurement transactions as required
under a statute, Executive order (other
§ 29.920 Civil judgment. than Executive Orders 12549 and 12689)
or other authority. Examples of dis-
Civil judgment means the disposition qualifications include persons prohib-
of a civil action by any court of com- ited under—
petent jurisdiction, whether by verdict, (a) The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.
decision, settlement, stipulation, other 276(a));
disposition which creates a civil liabil- (b) The equal employment oppor-
ity for the complained of wrongful tunity acts and Executive orders; or
acts, or a final determination of liabil- (c) The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7606),
ity under the Program Fraud Civil Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368) and
Remedies Act of 1988 (31 U.S.C. 3801– Executive Order 11738 (3 CFR, 1973
3812). Comp., p. 799).
§ 29.925 Conviction. § 29.945 Excluded or exclusion.
Conviction means— Excluded or exclusion means—
(a) A judgment or any other deter- (a) That a person or commodity is
mination of guilt of a criminal offense prohibited from being a participant in
by any court of competent jurisdiction, covered transactions, whether the per-
whether entered upon a verdict or plea, son has been suspended; debarred; pro-
including a plea of nolo contendere; or posed for debarment under 48 CFR part
(b) Any other resolution that is the 9, subpart 9.4; voluntarily excluded; or
functional equivalent of a judgment, (b) The act of excluding a person.
including probation before judgment
and deferred prosecution. A disposition § 29.950 Excluded Parties List System
without the participation of the court Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)
is the functional equivalent of a judg- means the list maintained and dissemi-
ment only if it includes an admission nated by the General Services Adminis-
of guilt. tration (GSA) containing the names
and other information about persons
§ 29.930 Debarment. who are ineligible. The EPLS system
Debarment means an action taken by includes the printed version entitled,
a debarring official under subpart H of ‘‘List of Parties Excluded or Disquali-
this part to exclude a person from par- fied from Federal Procurement and
ticipating in covered transactions and Nonprocurement Programs,’’ so long as
transactions covered under the Federal published.


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