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John O’Brien

UWRT 1104


Let me first start by saying that this past semester has been a blast and I cannot believe

that it is already over. It has been so much fun to research my family and odd/weird jobs, which

is something that I never thought I would be able to do. It has also been a pleasure to sit next to

my fellow classmates and listen to their family history to see the ways in which it is similar and

different to mine. It has also been fun to discuss things with our daily writings and hear about the

stories that are told throughout the semester. I really am sad that it is over but am also very happy

that it was a fun semester for me because this is a class that I thought I would hate going to.

The way in which I have changed and grew over the past semester is one that I will not

forget because I have not grown in an English class like this is a very long time. The ways in

which I learned more useful tips and rules was fascinating. At the beginning of the semester I

was very confused as to how to cite things in CMS but by the end of the semester I felt like I was

a professional at citations. At the beginning of the semester I had no clue how to format a

research paper but by the end of the semester I really felt confident about writing a research

paper. At the beginning of the semester I was a poor presenter but by the end of the semester I

felt very confident in my presenting skills. These are gigantic changes for someone of my age

because usually at this point in someone’s life the ways in which they change in a classroom

come in small little pieces, but I feel like I have changed and grown like I never have before. I
am glad to announce that these changes occurred due to the constructive criticism from my peers

as well as from my professor and I was able to use their advice to better myself.

For the first-year writing program there are a list of student learning outcomes that

students are meant to learn. These student learning outcomes include Rhetorical Knowledge,

Critical Reading, Composing Processes, Knowledge of Conventions, and Critical Reflection. I

can proudly say that I have learned and exercised my knowledge of each of the five student

learning outcomes. I have shown my rhetorical knowledge by going into depth about different

genres in class as well as in one of my writing prompts. Genre analysis is a big deal in

understanding Rhetorical Knowledge and its importance to writing. I have shown critical reading

by reading vignettes out of the UNC Charlotte journal book as well as stories from the book

House on Mango Street. We then would discuss what we read in the next class to make sure that

everyone in the class understood the reading and the purpose behind the reading. I have shown

my composing processes by writing all my studios, writing prompts, daily writings, genealogy

paper, and so much more. Through these writings I have shown the way that I think through the

writing process and how I get to the final paper that I turn in. I have shown my knowledge of

conventions by learning how to properly cite a paper or any material that I may have used to gain

my research from. This is very important because you want to make sure that you are giving

credit to people and not plagiarizing. Lastly, I have shown my critical reflection by putting

together my e-Portfolio in which I explain my work over the past semester and reflect and revise

some of my work. As you can tell, I have learned and exercised each of the student learning

outcomes that are given to first year writing students.

This class has taught me things that I will remember and use for a lifetime. The presentation

skills that I have learned from this class is one example of how this class will help me be
successful for a lifetime. The citation processes that I have learned in this class is another

example of something that I will be able to use for a lifetime. Also, the researching techniques is

something that will never be forgotten because research is something that I will have to do a lot

of in my future. This class has taught me many things and all these things will be brought with

me to help me for the rest of my life.

As you can tell, I view this class as a success this semester. I learned a lot, had fun, and

will carry on some of my knowledge to help me throughout my lifetime. There is not much else

that you can ask from a class in college. It has been great while it lasted, and I am glad I got a

chance to take this class to better myself to be more educated a prepared for the real world since

that is where I am headed in a few years. This class was amazing!

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