The Journey Through The Chakras: Inside The Wheels of Life

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The Journey Through

the Chakras
Inside the Wheels of Life
Intro Contents
The chakras: elusive, abstract, and 3 What is a Chakra?
at the forefront of every trendy Uncover the meaning behind our body’s
energy centers and learn all about
yoga conversation. Kundalini.
However, unless we experience
them firsthand, the chakras seem 4 Meet The Chakras
to be more of an illusion than a Gain a better understanding of each
reality. Until then, we have to take chakra and its’ location within the body.
the word of the yogis who have
walked the kundalini path before us
to understand the power and usage
5 Which of your chakras is out
of balance?
of these esoteric energy centers. Learn how an imbalanced chakra can
effect you and your body.
The term chakra means “wheel” or
“circle” in Sanskrit. In a yogic sense,
it’s more commonly translated
6 Muladhara Chakra
The first of the seven chakras, learn
as “vortex” or “whirlpool.” The about the history behind this chakra and
chakras are also known as psychic- the activation process.
energetic centers or spinning points
of energy connected by subtle
channels (nadis) that carry prana
9 Svadhisthana Chakra
Svadhisthana chakra, or second chakra is
throughout the body. related to the water element.

Start by meeting each of the

chakras then take our “Which of 12 Manipura Chakra
Manipura, or third chakra, resides at the
Your Chakras is Out of Balance?”
solar plexus.
quiz to determine which of your
chakras is in need of activation.
Next, learn about the history
behind the chakras and gather the
15 Anahata Chakra
Anahata, or fourth chakra, is assciated
knowledge you’ll need to better with the heart and chest.
your chakras down the road.
Continue on by reading all about
the various ways you can soothe, 18 Vishuddha Chakra
Our fifth energy center is related to the
activate, and balance each chakra. throat and speech.

Our hope is that you gain a better

understanding of these energy 21 Ajna Chakra
centers and the yogic practices Ajna, or sixth chakra, is responsible for
associated with each, as you our perception.
journey through the chakras.
Sahasrara Chakra
-The beYogi Tribe 24 Begin on the path of enlightenment with
the help of sahasrara.
What is a Chakra?
Chakras are known as the body’s energy connected to a higher brain center.
centers. Though we’re said to possess Chakras in the legs relate to animal instinct
countless chakras, there are seven major and consciousness, while chakras above
chakras vertically spanning the midline of muladhara or first chakra relate to human
the body, from the base of the spine to the consciousness and spiritual evolution.
crown of the head. Each chakra governs
a particular area of the body, element, Symbolism is important for awakening the
emotion, and mental state. When the chakras. Each chakra is represented by a
chakras are open, they allow a free flow color, a yantra (geometrical shape), a beej
of energy that facilitates a balanced and mantra (sacred seed sound), an animal
healthy life. symbol, divine beings, and a lotus flower
with a specific number of petals.
The chakras are associated with particular
deities that represent a different aspect The chakras are subtle manifestations of
within us. They mirror our emotions human consciousness, and their purification
and behaviors and reflect back to the enables kundalini energy to rise upward for
subconscious feelings, habits, and thoughts the ultimate yogic goal of self-realization.
that make-up or foster our growth. Each is

What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is a dormant energy that results in the complete evolution of one’s
resides within each of us. This energy body, mind, and soul. The concept behind
is traditionally represented as a coiled Kundalini comes from the yogic philosophy
serpent; According to many yogic of ancient India. It refers to the intelligence
traditions, Kundalini is said to be curled behind yogic awakening and spiritual
up in the back part of muladhara chakra or process.
first chakra, around the sacrum. When it
uncoils, it rises up a subtle channel within In the Western world, the understanding
the spinal cord and passes through the of kundalini is often associated with the
chakras. practice of expressive or religious practices.
These practices induce an altered state
Once it reaches the seventh chakra or of consciousness, manifesting either
sahasrara, one attains yoga’s ultimate goal physically or mentally.
of spiritual enlightenment. This awakening

Meet the Chakras
Sahasrara chakra is the final point

where the kundalini energy can
manifest. When kundalini reaches
sahasrara, the yogi begins on the path
of enlightenment. Ajna chakra is located in the brain, at the
top of the spinal cord. When awakened,
ajna chakra gives clear perception of
oneself and the outside world.

Vishuddha chakra is located directly
behind the throat pit in the cervical plexus.
It is related to truthfulness and taking
responsibility for one’s own actions.

Anahata chakra is located at the center of
the chest on the inner wall of the spinal
column. It’s related to the heart center but is
not actually located at the biological heart.

Residing at the solar plexus, manipura
chakra is like the sun of the body.
It radiates prana and gives energy,
dynamism, and achievement.

Svadhisthana chakra’s counterpart in

the mind is the unconscious. It’s the
storehouse of karma, samskaras, and
mental impressions.
The root of all the chakras, muladhara
is the seat of the kundalini energy. Its
awakening is very important to begin
the process toward enlightenment.

4 4
Which of Your Chakras
is Out of Balance?
Check all the boxes that apply and count up each mark. Fill in the total below the chakra with
the matching color, the higher the number the more imblanced the chakra. Learn how to
activate your imbalanced chakra on the pages listed with each chakra description.

How do you feel?

Anxious Flakey Conceited Obsessive

Doubtful Emotional Submissive Skeptical

Controlling Scared Dependent Neglectful

Disliked Depressed Rejected Materialistic

Unsafe Controlling Dramatic Critical

Replusive Moody Mellow Oversensitive

Confused Hopeless Awkward Disconnected

Impersonal Insecure Lazy Stubborn

Jealous Egotistical Lonely Shy

Unimaginitive Cynical Impatient Restless

Selfish Paranoid Weak Indecisive

Arrogant Judgmental Manipulative Aggressive

Timid Vain Patronizing Uninspired

Tired Frustrated Impulsive Irrational

Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara

Chakra Chakra Chakra Chakra Chakra Chakra Chakra
To activate To activate To activate To activate To activate To activate To activate
this chakra, this chakra, this chakra, this chakra, this chakra, this chakra, this chakra,
follow the follow the follow the follow the follow the follow the follow the
yogic practices yogic practices yogic practices yogic practices yogic practices yogic practices yogic practices
found on the found on the found on the found on found on found on found on
Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura the Anahata the Anahata the Anahata the Anahata
Activation Activation Activation Activation Activation Activation Activation
page. page. page. page. page. page. page.
(pg.7-8) (pg.10-11) (pg.13-14) (pg.16-17) (pg.19-20) (pg.22-23) (pg. 25-26)
The first of the seven chakras is establishes survival, stability, and
muladhara: the root chakra, which security. When you align your body
is associated with the earth element. and emotions, you manifest your
In our body, the earth element is ability to live a full life. Your body is
represented as our bones, tissues, and home to your spirit and ike any home,
our connection to the ground. there needs to be a strong foundation.

Meet Ganesha Arriving at the mat

As Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, To ground down and tune into

governs muladhara. the sensations in our body is to
With his elephant acknowledge pain, limitations, and
head, human body, where we feel good. This is similar to
and portly belly, the mala beads in Ganesha’s hands
Ganesha is one of which represent the continuous
the most recognized process of knowledge; we never stop
deities of the learning.
Hindu pantheon.
His job is to clear Like a tall tree with deep roots,
obstacles, grant new growing and expanding a strong
perspectives, and connection to the body and the
guide us to recognize earth is vital. Ganesha’s large head
our strength and wisdom. represents our own capacity for
expanded awareness. To live our best
As the deity of the first chakra, life, we must open our big Ganesha
Ganesha blesses all beginnings and ears and listen to the wisdom within,
asks us to connect to our bodies and build a solid foundation, and tune into
to the earth. For many people, there our full abilities.
is disconnect from our bodies—we
move through daily routine without
conscious attention to our actions.
We swallow a pill to numb pain, eat
quickly or distractedly, and spend
more time in our head than our body.

Ganesha, commonly depicted with

four arms, holds a goad in one hand
to prod humans forward on the path
to enlightenment. Muladhara chakra

The root of all the chakras, muladhara
is located inside the perineum in
males, halfway between the anus
and scrotum. It’s located on the rear
side of the cervix in women. Until
muladhara is purified the mind will
remain tamasic, stuck in attachments
and delusions.

Muladhara relates to the

reproductive, excretory, and urinary
organs. This includes the rectum,
large intestine, bones, teeth, legs,
and spine. Physical dysfunctions can
manifest in the form of sciatica, back
pain, and immune disorders.

Since muladhara is the first of all

chakras, its influences are the base of
our whole being. It gives us a sense
of groundedness and security, as well
as the feelings of safety and stability.

Because muladhara holds all of our

passions, including our agonies and
complexes,its imbalance can make us
feel ungrounded, fearful, and have
low self-esteem.

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Hero pose
Sanskrit: Virasana
Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs folded underneath you in Thunderbolt pose, knees

2. Slide your feet out from under you so that they’re

resting along your outer thighs. The backs of your
feet will be against the floor, and your big toes will
point slightly inward. You can grab the insides of
your calves and rotate them outward to make the
pose feel more spacious.

3. Rest your hands on your knees, palms down.

Reach the crown of your head toward the sky
and melt your shoulders down your back. Find
expansiveness in your chest. Close your eyes and
settle in. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds or up to a few minutes.

Warrior II Pose
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II
Step By Step:
1. Begin standing with your feet together. Step your feet about 3 to 3 ½ feet
apart. Turn your toes slightly inward so that the outer edges of your feet are

2. Turn your right toes out 90

degrees and anchor the outer edge
of your left foot to the floor.

3. Inhale and bring your arms to

shoulder height, hands reaching
away from you.

4. Exhale and bend your right knee

until it’s aligned over your ankle.

5. Gaze past your right hand,

breathing slowly and smoothly.
Stay here for 20 to 30 seconds.
Inhale and straighten your leg, then
change sides.
Svadhisthana chakra, or second Vishnu’s energy works to bring us
chakra, is associated with the water back to a state of equilibrium, so we
element. It represents movement, function from our most radiant self.
flow, sexuality, pleasure, desire, and
creativity. Rakini has two heads to represent
the duality between one’s internal
Svadhisthana asks us to tune into landscape and the external
our flow, into our desire, our sexual environment.
nature, and our desire to create—we
move from the place of inner knowing Rakini represents the inner fluidity
to an awareness of the world around that allows us to move seamlessly
us. with the duality we encounter
everyday. When we learn how to live
Svadhisthana develops at around six in our natural flow, we connect our
to eighteen months of age, the time inner world with the outer world
when a person begins to recognize around us, and we connect with inner
that they are separate from the world joy and happiness.
around them. At this age, children
discover their limbs and their ability Opening the door to desire
to move unassisted.
We need to find a balance between
Svadhisthana is depicted as a six- our inner needs and external
petaled lotus flower. At the base conditions. As we fall off balance,
of the lotus flower is Makara, the Rakini and Vishnu are the awakening
alligator—an animal able to dive into forces that jolt us into action to find
water or sit on the shore. Vishnu, the balance in our lives again.
Lord of Preservation, and Rakini Shakti
the Shakti or Goddess energy of this
chakra, sit above Makara, governing
this chakra.

The seat of Vishnu and Rakini

When the world is out of balance,

Vishnu changes shape and arrives
in the world to bring it back into
balance. During the world ages,
Vishnu is believed to have returned in
many forms including: a fish, a turtle,
a boar, a prince, and Buddha.
Svadhisthana’s counterpart in the
mind is the unconscious. If kundalini,
the dormant energy that’s within
each of us, resides into svadhisthana,
negative samskaras or emotions, can
rise to the surface to be expelled.
Svadhisthana is the key to moving
beyond one’s past!

Seated close to muladhara, or first

chakra, svadhisthana lies at the base
of the spinal column. It’s a small
bony structure that can be felt at the

This chakra is related to the

reproductive and urinary systems,
the liver, kidney, spleen, sex organs,
and stomach. Its imbalance manifests
in these areas in the form of urinary
problems, gynecological disorders,
and low libido. When svadhisthana is
imbalanced, there may be issues with
morality, guilt, blame, and power.

Svadhisthana is also the source of

our creativity and our ability to
experience pleasure.

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Hare pose
Sanskrit: Shashankasana
Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs folded underneath you in Thunderbolt pose. Begin with
your hands resting on your thighs. Close your eyes.

2. Inhale and reach both hands to the sky, palms facing forward. Exhale and
bow forward, keeping your arms and torso in one line.

3. Bring your forehead and hands to the floor in Child’s pose, with your arms
extended forward yet relaxed. Hold the breath for a moment, then inhale and
lift your head and torso—again reaching your hands toward the sky.

4. Exhale and lower your hands to your knees. Practice two to four more

Churning the Mill

Sanskrit: Chakki Chalanasana
Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs outstretched and your feet wide. Interlace your fingers
and extend your arms at shoulder height in front of you. Exhale and reach
forward, keeping your arms parallel to the floor.

2. Reach around to the right and lean back. Then, reach to the left and forward
making big circles with your hands, as if you were churning butter. Exhale as
you reach forward and inhale as you lean back. Practice five clockwise circles
and five counterclockwise circles.

Victorious breath
Sanskrit: Ujjayi Pranayama
Step By Step:
1. Get comfortable in a meditation posture, eyes closed. Rest your hands on
your lap. Open your mouth wide and exhale, as if you were fogging up a
mirror, slightly constricting your throat.

2. Close your mouth but maintain this breath, breathing through your nose.
Continue for one to five minutes.

Manipura, or third chakra, means The demon demanded that Agni tell
“lustrous gem,” and this chakra is him the location of his fiancé. Agni
truly a jewel. Located at the solar answered the rakshasa, who went and
plexus, the element associated with took his beloved back from the sage.
the third chakra is fire.
The sage cursed Agni so that he would
Manipura can act as the fire in your burn up everything, both pure and
belly that motivates you and propels impure. Horrified by this curse, Agni
you forward. Spending too much time disappeared from the three worlds
in the third chakra can burn you out. of gods, humans, and demons. Where
However spending too little time in it previously there was fire, warmth,
will leave you feeling fearful, weak, joy, and food, now became cold, dark,
lethargic, and inert. dismal, and barren.

When we connect to Manipura, The Lord of Creation, Brahma,

we connect to our inner power to recognized the importance of Agni
incinerate fear, jealousy, and low self- in the three worlds and asked him to
esteem. come out of hiding and bless everyone
with his gift of fire.
A myth of Agni
Unable to lift the curse completely,
Agni, the god of fire, oversees the Brahma instead mollified the curse
third chakra. Red in color, Agni is a by saying that all Agni consumed,
two-headed god, who treats everyone whether pure or impure, would be
as equals. He is found in the homes of purified. Agni agreed to return to
the poor, in the homes of the wealthy, the three worlds, where he provides
among the homeless, and sometimes warmth, heat, and transformation.
running wild.

Once there was a woman engaged to

be married to a rakshasa, or demon.
But a sage saw her, fell in love, and
took her to his home. The demon was
distraught looking for his beloved
and, in search for her, came across

Agni, who is welcomed into every

home, knows everyone’s business.

Once kundalini or the dormant
energy within each of us, has reached
manipura, judgment and personal
prejudices fade away, and the yogi
comes to see things for what they
truly are.

Manipura is located below the

diaphragm and above the navel at
the solar plexus on the inner wall of
the spinal column.

It relates to the kidneys, adrenals,

mid-spine, spleen, and stomach.
With its location at the solar plexus,
manipura is closely tied to the
digestive fire and heat regulation in
the body.

Imbalances may be in the form of

liver and kidney disorders, diarrhea,
indigestion, and other digestive

Manipura is our source of self and

personal power. When out of whack,
it can manifest as low self-esteem
and distortion in our self-image. It
can also affect our perception of
others in the form of judgment.

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Boat pose

Sanskrit: Paripurna Navasana

Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor in front of you.

2. Hold onto the backs of your thighs, just above your knees. From the ground
(while leaning back) lift your toes

3. Bring your shins parallel to the floor and draw your chest toward the sky to
flatten your low back. Stay here or reach your arms straight ahead. Hold the
pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Exhale and release.

Bellows breath
Sanskrit: Bhastrika pranayama
Step By Step:
1. Get comfortable in a meditation posture, eyes closed. Rest your hands on
your lap.

2. Take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Then
exhale forcefully through your nose, feeling your belly draw in toward your

3. Forcefully inhale through your nose, again feeling your belly expand. The
length of your exhalations and inhalations should match. These breaths should
be exaggerated but rhythmic. Practice nine more rounds, then return to natural

Anahata, or fourth chakra, is also the The world stood still. Nothing died,
heart chakra and regulates our heart, nothing grew. The demons began
lungs, and thymus gland. Our heart is to take over the world and the gods
said to house the Atman, our highest went to the great mother, Shakti, for
self. help.

Anahata is ruled by the air element. Shakti listens to their pleas to awaken
When we feed and nourish our lungs, Shiva from his meditation. She agrees
where we take breath, we open to be born as a human with the sole
ourselves up and are able to live in a purpose to arouse Shiva and set the
fully-functioning state. cycle of life back into motion.

Yet through fear, phobias, and – The bliss of the heart

isms (racism, ageism, sexism, etc.),
we slowly suffocate. If the lungs To bring Shiva back into the world,
do not work to their full capacity, Shakti is reborn as Parvati—the
the chest will cave in—sometimes maiden of the mountain. Parvati is
causing people to physically form a born with a deep love and longing to
hunchback. be united with Shiva.

A healthy heart chakra keeps our Through heartfelt devotion, and by

blood flowing, our lungs working, performing extreme meditations,
and our body healthy. As the heart, Parvati rouses Shiva from his grief and
lungs, and thymus gland keep the brings him back into the world where
body healthy and alive, Shakti is the they marry, make love for thousands
dynamic force behind this existence. of years, and bring the world back to
Shiva leaves the world

There is a story in which Shiva’s

beloved wife, Sati, dies and his heart
breaks. To avoid pain, he goes into
deep meditation. Escaping into his
meditation, Shiva stops performing
his duties as the god of destruction.

There is a continuous cycle always

occurring with a beginning, middle,
and end—but without Shiva
destroying, there can be no beginning.
The kundalini can potentially rise
all the way from the first chakra,
muladhara, up to the top of the head
at the seventh chakra, or sahasrara.
Our spiritual evolution is determined
by how high this kundalini energy
has reached.

According to some lineages, only

when the kundalini has made it to
anahata can one become a true yogi.
Until then, they’re merely a yoga

Anahata relates to the structures

in the chest area: the heart, lungs,
breasts, esophagus, shoulders, ribs,
and diaphragm, as well as the arms,
hands, and circulatory system.

Anahata gives us all the joyful

emotions we naturally associate with
the heart; love, hope, compassion,
confidence, and forgiveness. When
anahata is imbalanced, it appears
in the form of jealousy, anger, hate,
and fear.

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Fish pose

Sanskrit: Matsyasana
Step By Step:
1. Lie on your back and slip your hands underneath your bottom with palms
touching the floor. Keep your feet together and relaxed. Inhale and push your
elbows into the floor to lift your chest toward the sky.

2. Bring your elbows as close together as possible, then gently rest on the
crown of your head. Keep most of your weight on your elbows.

3. Breath slowly and smoothly through your nose. Stay here for 30 seconds to
one minute.

4. To come out of Fish pose, push your elbows into the floor and lift your head
one or two inches. Carefully lower.

Cow Face pose

Sanskrit: Gomukhasana
Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs folded underneath you and
rest your hips to the right. Then, swing your left leg
around so that your left knee stacks over your right

2. Adjust your feet, so they are resting outside of

your thighs with your toes pointed behind you.

3. Reach your right hand behind your back, palm

facing away. Inhale and reach your left hand up.

4. Exhale and bend your arm, clasping your fingers

behind your back. If they don’t quite connect, hold onto both ends of a strap.

Vishuddha, oe fifth chakra, means Everyone has experienced a moment
purity. Better known as the throat of transition—similar to being in a
chakra, this energy center governs fog or at a fork in the road, this can
speech and communication. be a scary, eciting juncture. In these
moments, we can look to Saraswati’s
Located in the throat space, its response to Brahma.
color blue, encourages peaceful
communication. When the throat Saraswati says only through our
chakra is balanced, we communicate knowledge can we create. This
well—both with others and with knowledge is not external but
ourselves. internal.

The goddess of flow, speech, Embrace the goddess

knowledge, and the arts Saraswati is
the deity governing the vishuddha. Saraswati is known as the artists’
goddess. In ancient times, Saraswati
The throat chakra is a bridge was considered to be a great healing
connecting your heart to your brain, river flowing from the heavens to
and it also connects your heart to the earth.
world. Our intentions move from our
heart to our head, where they utter in When someone bathed in the
sound and speech. Saraswati river, he or she would
be healed from all diseases. Over
The Birth of Saraswati time, she became associated
with speech and knowledge.
In the beginning, Brahma, the lord of
creation, sat and wondered how to
turn all chaos into order. From within,
a voice answered, “with knowledge.”

And from Brahma’s mouth came out

Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge,
arts, and creativity playing her lute
and shimmering with gold light. As
she strummed, she taught Brahma the
mantras necessary to create the next

Although vishuddha chakra is given
the least emphasis of all the chakras,
its awakening is the secret of youth
urging physical rejuvenation.

Vishuddha can provide us with the

proper understanding of the duality
of life, higher discrimination, and
healthy detachment.

The realm of vishuddha includes the

throat, thyroid, vocal cords, cervical
spine, mouth, teeth, and gums.

Physical dysfunctions can manifest

as thyroid issues, speech or voice
problems, as well as gum or tooth

When it’s imbalanced, it can inhibit

our personal expression and our
decision-making. We are unable to
connect our mind with our heart.

When vishuddha is balanced,

however, we are able to listen, to
perceive, and to articulate a response
from our heart.

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Sanskrit: Sarvangasana
Step By Step:
1. Lie on your back with your legs together. Place your
arms alongside your body with your palms facing

2. Bend your knees, inhale, and lift your hips,

supporting your lower back with both hands. Reach
your feet toward the sky and relax your toes.

3. Walk your hands down your back and draw your

elbows close together. Breathe slowly and deeply,
holding the pose for 20 seconds to a minute.

4. To come out of the pose, lower your legs overhead

in Plow pose. Place your hands flat on the floor and
slowly roll all the way down.

Lion Pose
Sanskrit: Simhasana
Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs folded underneath, toes untucked.

2. Open your knees wide. Place your hands on the ground in between your
thighs, fingers pointing toward you.

3. Roll your shoulders down your back and lengthen your spine. Close your

4. Take a big inhalation through your nose. Then open your mouth, stick out
your tongue, and exhale with a smooth “ahhhhhh” sound looking upward with
your eyes wide open. Repeat this four more times.

5. Release and rest for a few breaths in Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana).

Ajna, or sixth chakra, is the chakra of Awakening Shiva’s Heart
light and inner sight. We open Anja
when our masculine and feminine Shiva became all thought, and Shakti
energy meld, recognizing ourselves became all heart. Open to the pain
and everything around as coming of separation, Shakti understood
from one source. suffering arose from people’s inability
to connect with divinity and oneness.
In Indian myth, the fusion of
masculinity and femininity is She incarnated into the form of
represented by Ardhanarishvara, an Parvati and spent thousands of years
androgynous form that is half-man meditating to reach union with Shiva.
and half-woman—symbolizing the Through her discipline and inner
union of Shiva and Shakti. tapas, Shakti in the form of Parvati,
awakened Shiva’s heart.
More than an androgynous figure, this
icon represents non-duality: the belief Fusion of heart and mind
that all aspects of the universe come
from a single source. This fusion of heart and mind and
matter and consciousness is the
Marriage of being and knowing opening of the sixth chakra—the
ability to see beyond the physical
Ardhanarishvara is the marrying of object in front of us to the subtle
being and knowing, as well as of energy that makes and connects all
matter and consciousness. We must objects.
melt the heart and mind together to
receive true bliss.

Poet and playwright Kamla K. Kapur

relates the split of Shiva and Shakti to
a command from Brahma, who could
not recognize their vast shimmering
presence. When the two split, the pain
was so unbearable for Shiva that he
turned to meditation to control his
senses of desire and pain.

Meanwhile, Shakti spent her days

suffering, using her energy to
manifest different ways to merge back
with her beloved.
Often called the ‘third eye’, ajna
chakra is the channel through which
a yogi comes to understand the true
nature of his or her existence.

Ajna chakra is located in the brain

at the top of the spinal cord. It
is directly behind the third eye,
in between but just above the

Ajna relates to the brain, the pineal

gland, the eyes, ears, and nose.
Physical dysfunctions can be in the
form of depression, blindness, brain
tumors, deafness, headaches, and

When we move into the ajna

chakra, we gather all of the data
collected from past experiences,
sensory inputs, and future desires
to recognize that time has no
boundaries, limitations, or set order.

When it is awakened, attachment

fades and higher perception
sets in. Dysfunctions of ajna can
cause unfounded fears, delusions,
attachment, and jealousy.

For the full article


Tree Pose
Sanskrit: Vrksasana
Step By Step:
1. Stand with your feet together. Send your tailbone
toward the floor and the crown of your head toward
the sky.

2. Lift your right foot from the floor and place it

along the inside of your left leg, above or below the
knee. Open your right knee to the right.

3. Fix your gaze at one point ahead of you to help

with balance.

4. Inhale and reach your arms out to the sides, then

overhead, joining your palms together. If you feel
steady here, begin to visualize an object—such as a
lotus or the face of Buddha. Fix your mind’s eye on
this image and close your eyes. Keep visualizing this
image to help you balance. If you fall out of Tree
pose, come right back into it.

5. Stay here for 30 seconds to a minute, then change


Honeybee Breathing
Sanskrit: Bhramari pranayama
Step By Step:
1. Get comfortable in a meditation posture, eyes closed. Gently close the flaps
of your ears with your index fingers.

2. Reach your elbows out to the sides, but let your shoulders drip down your
back. Inhale slowly through your nose.

3. Exhale slowly and smoothly making a long humming sound.

4. Silently inhale through your nose, then exhale with a humming sound. Keep
your awareness at ajna chakra. Repeat this three more times.

Sahasrara, or seventh chakra, connects as our thoughts are both creative
us to divine intelligence. Located at and destructive, Shiva appears in
the crown of the head, this energy divergent forms: Mahesvara (the Great
center is associated with thought, Lord), Nataraja (Lord of the Dance),
consciousness, and enlightenment. Rudra (the howler), and Bhairava (his
fearsome form).
When we connect to sahasrara, we
understand our spiritual sovereignty. These different forms are single petals
We are all connected to a cosmic web on the ever-blooming lotus. They
where our thoughts are the basis of help us to understand our true nature
manifestation. as part of a single consciousness.
When we recognize different aspects
Sahasrara, also known as the crown of ourselves, we unite to our single
chakra is the doorway into this cosmic source of ultimate consciousness.
web. Think of this energy center
as a thousand-petaled lotus flower The mind-body-spirit connection
constantly unfolding to reveal the
magic and mysteries of all life. In order to balance the crown chakra,
we must balance all of the chakras.
Shiva and the supreme There must be a foundational
consciousness connection to the emotional, physical,
and mental state of your being, as
In the universe, we have matter and well as your spirit.
consciousness: Shakti and Shiva.
Shakti is the feminine energy of
the cosmos, and she represents
matter. Shiva, the masculine energy,
represents pure consciousness and
governs the crown chakra.

Thought originates at sahasrara. With

thought, “we can create, destroy,
learn, and grow.” Shiva, an all-
pervading essence is the ultimate
form of consciousness that is both the
creator and destroyer.

Like our ever-changing thoughts,

Shiva comes in many forms. Just

Deemed a chakra by some and not
by others, sahasrara is the final point
where the kundalini energy can
manifest. Kundalini’s culmination
here is the beginning of yogic

Sahasrara is located at the top

of the head and corresponds
to the pituitary gland. Physical
dysfunctions can manifest in the
form of muscular, skeletal, or
nervous system issues.

When kundalini reaches sahasrara,

the yogi begins on the path of
enlightenment. This is beyond what
the logical mind can comprehend.

But for the sake of trying to

understand sahasrara, it can be said
that this point relates to spirituality,
intuition, and a connection to the

When fully activated by kundalini,

individual awareness fades away and
the seer, seeing, and seen merge into

For the full article


Supported Headstand pose
Sanskrit: Salamba Sirsasana

Step By Step:

1. Begin kneeling with your legs folded underneath, toes

curled under.

2. Clasp your upper arms just above your elbows. Place

your forearms on the floor in front of you. Keep your
elbows exactly where they are but release your hands.
Interlace your fingers.

3. Place the top of your head on the floor so that your

hands are cradling the back of your head. Lift your hips
and then walk your feet toward your head. Once your hips
are over your shoulders, bring your knees into your chest,
one at a time. Slowly straighten your legs. Keep your feet
together and relaxed.

4. Fix your gaze on the floor about a foot in front of you.

Stay here for 10 to 20 seconds, and then lower carefully—
one leg at a time.

Lotus pose
Sanskrit: Padmasana

Step By Step:
1. Sit with your legs straight.

2. Use your hands to carefully place your right foot on top of your left thigh.
Then place the sole of the foot next to the pubic bone and facing the sky.

3. Bend your left leg and place your left foot on top of your right thigh. Then
place the sole of the foot also next to the pubic bone and facing the sky.

4. Rest your hands on your knees in jnana mudra, or psychic gesture of

knowledge, with palms down and thumbs and index fingers touching. Stay
here for as long as it is comfortable.

Meet the Authors
Kimi Marin teaches yoga to help others
find clarity in their mind, body, and
spirit. She guides students through their
practice by riding the waves of breath,
continually aligning breath and body into
a rhythmic flow of consciousness. Kimi has
a master’s degree in literature, and loves
to combine the power of stories with
yoga. She often weaves the myths and
stories about various poses into the class.
Her transformative Yogic Lore workshops
are a fun combination of stories, asana,
meditation, and mantra. Kimi was
featured in Origin Magazine’s Inspire
Series, was the featured ambassador for
Ahnu Footwear June 2013, and her writing
has been published on several blog sites.
Learn more at

Julie Bernier teaches women the art of

self-care so that they feel their healthiest
and happiest in their own unique bodies.
This holistic approach to individualized
wellness is rooted in the ancient Indian
knowledge of ayurveda. Julie is a
registered ayurvedic practitioner by the
Association of Ayurvedic Professionals
of North America (AAPNA), a Certified
Massage Therapist, and a classical hatha
yoga teacher. She studied each of these
modalities in the US and straight from
the source in India. Connect with Julie at, on Instagram, or on

• Radha, Swami Sivananda. Kundalini Yoga. Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass
Publishers, 2004.
• Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: The Classic Guide to the Chakra System. Woodbury,
MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1987 and 1999. Print.
• Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha. Bihar, India: Yoga
Publications Trust, 2008.
• Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. Kundalini Tantra. Bihar, India: Yoga Publications Trust,

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