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A. Choose the correct form of “Be going to” or “Will”.

1. Why are you writing in your diary?
I will/I am going to eat at that new restaurant in town on Friday.

2. Have you planned your next holiday?

Yes, we will/we are going to fly to Thailand on Wednesday

3. I can’t hear the radio.

I will/I am going to turn it up for you.

4. Do you prefer the red or black shoes?

I think the red ones will/are going to look nicer with your new dress.

5. I plan to be a teacher.
I will/I am going to apply for a course as soon as I can.

Text for number 1 to 10

Borobudur temple is a very famous Buddhist temple. It is one of the greatest Buddhist
monuments in the world. Built in the 8th and 9th centuries by Syailendra Dynasty, the temple is consist
of teen floors. It symbolize the teen floors of Bodhisattvas ( teen level to achieve perfection ).

Borobudur Temple also can be divided into three levels. Those are Kamadatu, Rupadatu, and
Arupadatu. Kamadatu symbolize the lowest level of human. Here people still tied to the law of karma.
Here we can see Karma Wibangga Reliefs.

The second level is Rupadatu Level or the level of face. It symbolize people that starting to
search for illumination. At this level, we can see Lalitavistara, the relief about Budha. There are also
other reliefs and story at this level.

The last one is Arupadatu level or the level without face. It symbolize the perfection. It is the
circle floors at the temple where we can see many stupas.

B. Answer the following questions according to the text above !

1. What is the type of the text?

2. What is the function of the text ?

3. Write the structures of the text?

4. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

6. When was the Borobudur temple built ?

7. Write the three levels of the Borobudur temple?

8. “. It symbolize people that starting to search for illumination”

What does the underline refer to?

9. What does the Rupadatu level symbolize?

10. Write the identification of the text?

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