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Key to Geometry’ Lines and Segments By Newton Hawley and Patrick Suppes Revised by George Gearhart and Peter Rasmussen Name Class KEY TO GEOMETRY Book 1: Lines and Segments TABLE OF CONTENTS Drawing Lines . Drawing Lines Through Points Line Segments. ...........+ Triangles a6 Quadirilaterals. Penfagons...... Connecting Points Review. — Points of Intersection... 20.02... The Line Through Two Points. . 5 The Line Determined by Two Points Triangles vee . Vocabulary Quiz. Naming Triangles. Pentagons. . Hexagons. . Accuracy Quiz Rays. : Angles. . ‘Congruent Figures Practice Test . . TO THE STUDENT: These books will help you to discover for yourself many important relationships of geometry. Your tools will be the same as those used by the Greek mathematicians more than 2000 years ago. These Tools are a Compass and a straightedge. In addition, you will need a sharpened pencil The lessons that follow wil help you make drawings from which you may lear the most. The answer books show one way Ihe pages may be completed correctly. It is possible that your work is Corect even though it is different. if your answer differs, reread the instructions to make sure you followed them step by step. if you did, you are probably correct, The oldest records of the study of geometry are Babylonian clay tobiels ond Egyption bark manuscriols Ina? are nearly 8000 years ‘4. Both tne Babyionians ond the Egyptians studied geomety be- couse it helped them Io survey land, mecsure distances, and con- shuct bulaings ond monuments. {On the cover of tis booklet Egyptian surveyors stretch o knotted rope civded inte weve equotunis 0 fay out the corner ofa farmer's {2fg, The surveyors knew thot a rope riongle whose sides were three, four and fve units would be @ right hiongle and would Rracuce right angie. Coverity Howard Coa, Copyright © 1978, 1972 by Helden Day, nc. All rghts raservec 1 Key 0 Fractions. Koy 19 Desinas, Kay (0 Percents, Key to Algebra, Key fo Geometry, Key to Measurement, and ‘ey to Matric Measurement ace racitored trademarks of Key Curiam Pubished by Kay Curiculum Prese, 1150 65th Steet, Emarjulla, CA. 94608 Pritos in te United States of America 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23.22 02 01 00 69 1988 o-19866-71-8 Drawing Lines 1. Draw many lines. i 2. Draw some long lines 3. Put your straightedge along this line. Draw this line as long as you can. deterrents Why can’t you make it longer? _

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