Bradley Alford - 1 Tracking Themes

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Tracking Themes TKM

Directions: For each listed theme, find at least THREE strong examples from the novel.
(1/2 point each example)


Education “Now you tell your “I was bored, so I “The most
father not to teach began a letter to ridiculous example I
you any more. It’s Dill. Miss Caroline can think of is that
best to begin reading caught me writing the people who run
with a fresh mind. and told me to tell public education
You tell him I’ll my father to stop promote the stupid
take over from here teaching me. and idle along with
and try to undo the ‘Besides,’ she said. the industrious-”
damage-” (Page 19). ‘We don’t write in (Page 233).
the first grade, we
print” (Page 21).
Bravery/Cowardice “If you shouldn’t be “It was times like “I wanted you to see
defendin’ him, then these when I thought what real courage is,
why you doin’ it?’ my father, who instead of getting
‘For a number of hated guns and had the idea that courage
reasons,” said never been to any is a man with a gun
Atticus. ‘The main wars, was the in his hand. It’s
one is, if I didn’t I bravest man who when you’re licked
couldn’t hold my even lived” (Page before you begin but
head up in town…” 115-116). you begin anyway
(Page 86). and do” (Page 128).
Racial Prejudice “Yes indeed, what “They don’t belong “Tom Robinson was
has this world come anywhere. Colored her daily reminder
to when a Finch folks won’t have of what she did.
goes against her ‘em because they’re What did she do?
raising? I’ll tell half white; white She tempted a
you!’ When she folks won't have ‘em Negro. She was
drew it away, it ‘cause they’re white, and she
trailed a long silver colored, so they’re tempted a Negro.
thread of salva. just in betweens, She did something
‘Your father’s no don’t belong that in our society is
better than the anywhere” (Page unspeakable: she
niggers and trash he 183). kissed a black man”
works for!” (Page (Page 231).
Social Class “There’s some folks “Somewhere, I had “There’s four kinds
Prejudice who don’t eat like received the of folks in the
us,’ she whispered impression that Fine world. There’s the
fiercely, ‘but you Folks were people ordinary kind like us
ain’t called on to who did the best and the neighbors,
contradict ‘em at the they could with the there’s the kind like
table when they sense they had, but the Cunninghams
don’t. That boy’s Aunt Alexandra was out in the woods, the
yo’ comp’ny and if of the opinion, kind like the Ewells
he wants to eat up obliquely expressed, down at the dumb,
the table cloth you that the longer a and the Negroes”
let him, you hear?’ family had been (Page 258).
‘He ain’t company, squatting on one
Cal, he’s just a patch of land the
Cunningham-” finer it was” (Page
(Page 27). 147).
Gender Prejudice “Aunt Alexandra's “We decided that it “There are lots of
vision of my would be best for reasons. For one
deportment involved you to have some thing, Miss Maudie
playing with small feminine influence. can’t serve on a jury
stoves, tea sets, and It won’t be many because she’s a
wearing years, Jean Louise, woman-’ ‘You mean
Add-A-Pearl before you become women in Alabama
necklace…” (Page interested in clothes can’t-?’ I was
92-93). and boys-” (Page indignant” (Page
145). 252).
Loss of Innocence “I reckon they fit all “I was slowly drying “I don’t know, but
right.’ ‘You like up, wondering what they did it. They’ve
words like damn and idiocy I had done it before and
hell now, don’t committed. they did it tonight
you?’ I said I Entailments sammed and they’ll do it
reckoned so” (Page all right enough for again and when they
90). living room talk” do it- seems that
(Page 175). only children weep”
(Page 243).
Answer the following question:
Which theme do think is ​most important​ to the overall meaning of this novel? (1 pt)

I think that the theme of racial prejudice is most important to the overall meaning since a
lot of struggle in the story is due to Atticus defending Tom Robinson. This struggle is
caused by the racial prejudice against Tom and other African Americans in Maycomb
as well as the South during this time in general. This prejudice causes Mayella and
Robert Ewell to be believed over Tom, leading to his conviction and eventual death.

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