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Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ §13.5. Two Dimensional Finite Element Formulation.

„ We have looked at the element equations for:
„ 1-D steady state heat transfer without convection (§13.1&§13.4),

„ with the possibility of convection off of the perimeter (§13.2),

„ with the possibility for convection off one or both of the

boundaries (§13. 2 and §13.4).

„ We now look at heat transfer within a planar body of constant
thickness – a slab of material.
„ §13.2 presents the small differential element that we form the

governing DE around.
„ §13.5 presents the element equation from a variational perspective.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ Note:
„ We include in our 2-D analysis convection off of any of the edges
(boundaries) as well as over the top and bottom surfaces.
„ The top and bottom surface convection creates an additional
stiffness matrix. Similar to how convection off of the perimeter of
the 1-D element created a new stiffness matrix.
„ Your textbook neglects convection off of the top and bottom
surface. Rather the stiffness matrix is just used to get the edge
(boundary) convection terms.
„ When we evaluate the convective stiffness we will see why the
book neglects this topic.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ §13.1 derivation of the basic differential Equation (again).

„ Our element is a thin slab.
„ We consider convection off of the top and bottom of the slab and
the conduction of heat in both the x and y directions.
„ The material can have different thermal conductivities in the x
and y directions. y
qh (off top surface)

b = thickness into page.

Ax ≡ cross sectional area of x face.


S ≡ surface area.
Ay ≡ cross sectional area of y face.
qh (off bottom surface)
MECH 420: Finite Element Applications
Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ Once again we use the energy balance as the means to derive the
governing differential equation…

Ein + QTOT = ΔU + Eout

qx Ax dt + q y Ay dt + Qbdxdydt = c ( ρ bdxdy ) dT + qx + dx Ax dt + q y + dy Ay dt + 2qh dxdydt

qh = h(T − T∞ )
Ax = bdy and Ay = bdx
∂T ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
q y + dy = − K yy − ⎜ K yy ⎟ dy
∂y ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠
∂T ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
qx + dx = − K xx − ⎜ K xx ⎟ dx
∂x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ The governing DE is obtained by dividing through by b.dx.dy.dt:

∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂T 2h Heat conducted off of

⎜ K xx ⎟ + ⎜ K yy ⎟ + Q = cρ + (T − T∞ ) the element top and
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂t b bottom surface ‘S’.

„ Again for a steady state problem the time differentials are zero:

∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ 2h
⎜ K xx ⎟ + ⎜ K yy ⎟+Q = (T − T∞ )
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ b
convective load on the system.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ §13.5 develops the element equations (without surface

convection) using a potential energy (or ‘variational’) approach.
„ We will use a weighted residuals process and build on the results
of Lecture #22 and Lecture #23.
„ The basis of the weighted residual solution is that we
approximate the function T(x,y).
„ We want to recapture heat fluxes:

∂T ∂T
q y = − K yy and qx = − K xx
∂y ∂x

„ We need a linear approximation over the domain of the element.

„ We will use a triangular element to simplify the element equations.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ We will use a three noded element:

„ We will constrain the linear multivariate temperature distribution
with three discrete values of temperature.
„ We can have three coefficients in the polynomial

Lettering scheme Tˆ ( x, y ) = a0 + a1 x + a2 y

⎧ Ti ⎫
⎪ ⎪
Tˆ = ⎡⎣ N i Nj N m ⎤⎦ ⎨ T j ⎬
⎪ ⎪
⎩Tm ⎭

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ This approximation is exactly that used to approximate the

displacements u and v in the CST element.
„ The shape functions are described in §6.2.
Ni = (α i + βi xˆ + γ i yˆ )
Nj =
( α j + β j xˆ + γ j yˆ )
Nm = (α m + β m xˆ + γ m yˆ )
α i = x j ym − y j xm α j = xm yi − ym xi α m = xi y j − yi x j
β i = y j − ym β j = ym − yi β m = yi − y j
S is the area of the
γ i = xm − x j γ j = xi − xm γ m = x j − xi triangular surface

S ≡ Area of the triangular surface

2 S = xi ( y j − ym ) + x j ( ym − yi ) + xm ( yi − y j )

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ The WR discretization method produces the following residual terms:

⎡ ∂N T ∂N ∂N T ∂N ⎤ ⎡ 2h ⎤
⎢ K xx ∫ ⋅ dS + K yy ∫ ⋅ dS ⎥ T + ⎢ ∫ N N ⋅ dS ⎥ T =

⎢⎣ S ( e ) ∂x ∂x S(e)
∂y ∂y ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ b S ( e ) ⎥⎦
2h T G G
∫( e ) N Q ⋅ dS + b ∫( e ) N T∞ ⋅ dS − v∫( e ) N ( q ⋅ n ) ⋅ dP


„ We can evaluate each of these residual terms on at a time. We take the

following order:
„ 1. the conductive stiffness matrix,

„ 2. the constant production term, Q,

„ 3. the ambinet load,

„ 4. the boundary heat flux terms,

„ 5. the convective stiffness matrix.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection
[ K ]C
⎡ ∂N T ∂N ∂N T ∂N ⎤
⎢ K xx ∫ ⋅ dS + K yy ∫ ⋅ dS ⎥ T
⎢⎣ S ( e ) ∂x ∂x S(e)
∂y ∂y ⎥⎦

N = ⎡⎣ N i Nj N m ⎤⎦
∂N i β i ∂N i γ i
= and =
∂x 2 S ∂y 2 S

⎡ βi γi ⎤
1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎡ K xx 0 ⎤ ⎡ βi βj βm ⎤
[ K ]C = ⎢ βj γj ⎥⎢
0 K yy ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ γ i γj γ m ⎥⎦
⎢⎣ β m γ m ⎥⎦ ⎣

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ The two boundary terms are “constant loads” experienced over

the volume of the element.

1 ⎢1⎥
∫( e ) ⋅ =
N Q dS QS ⎢⎥

2h 2hT∞ S ⎢ ⎥
∫ ⋅ =
N T∞ dS ⎢ 1⎥
b S(e) 3b

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ The boundary terms is broken down into its three components

(each dealing with the heat flux across one of the three element
− v∫ N ( q ⋅ n ) ⋅ dP = − v∫ N T qn ⋅ dP

P( e ) P( e )

j m i
− v∫ N T qn ⋅ dP = − ∫ N T qnij dP − ∫ N T qn jm dP − ∫ N T qnmi dP
P( e ) i j m

At this point we assume that these boundary heat fluxes are conductive.
This is consistent with an element that is inside an assembly. As in 1-D
heat flow we will assume that the heat flux across the face is constant.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ So, over any edge of the element there is a constant heat flux (a
boundary ‘load’) that must be expressed as an equivalent nodal
load vector:

j m i
− v∫ N qn ⋅ dP = − ∫ N qnij dP − ∫ N qn jm dP − ∫ N T qnmi dP

P( e ) i j m

qnij Lij ⎡⎢ ⎤⎥ qn jm L jm ⎡0⎤ q L ⎡1 ⎤

=− 1⎥ − ⎢1 ⎥ − nij mi ⎢0⎥
2 ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎥ 2 ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣0 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣1 ⎥⎦

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

„ The only term left is the Convective Stiffness Matrix, KH.

⎡ 2h ⎤
⎢ ∫ N N ⋅ dS ⎥ T

⎢⎣ b S ( e ) ⎥⎦

[ K ]H

„ To evaluate the 2D integral we would have to express y in terms

of x and evaluate over the left and right vertices of the triangle.
„ We would have to insert y(x) into the shape function terms.
„ If we had put the same approximate linear temperature field in
terms of natural coordinates the integral could be done using
Guassian quadrature.

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

Lecture 24: 2-D – Heat Transfer with Convection

⎡ 2h +1 +1 T ⎤
K H = ⎢ ∫ ∫ N N J ⋅ dsdt ⎥
⎣ b −1 −1 ⎦
⎧1.0 ( N T N J ) + 1.0 ( N T N J ) ⎫
2h ⎪ s1 ,t1 s2 ,t1 ⎪
= ⎨ ⎬
b ⎪+1.0 ( N N J ) + 1.0 ( N N J ) ⎪
⎩ s2 ,t2 s1 ,t2 ⎭

„ where:

s1 = − s2 = −0.57735
t1 = −t2 = −0.57735

MECH 420: Finite Element Applications

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